
Defines functions jip_MonteCarlo

Documented in jip_MonteCarlo

#' Approximate inclusion probabilities by Monte Carlo simulation
#' Approximate first and second-order inclusion probabilities by means of
#' Monte Carlo simulation.
#' Estimates are obtained as proportion of the number of occurrences of each unit or
#' couple of units over the total number of replications. One unit is added to both
#' numerator and  denominator to assure strict positivity of estimates (Fattorini, 2006).
#' @param x size measure or first-order inclusion probabilities, a vector or single-column data.frame
#' @param n sample size (for fixed-size designs), or expected sample size (for Poisson sampling)
#' @param replications numeric value, number of independent Monte Carlo replications
#' @param design sampling procedure to be used for sample selection.
#'        Either a string indicating the name of the sampling design or a function;
#'        see section "Details" for more information.
#' @param units indices of units for which probabilities have to be estimated.
#'        Optional, if missing, estimates are produced for the whole population
#' @param seed a valid seed value for reproducibility
#' @param as_data_frame logical, should output be in a data.frame form? if FALSE,
#' a matrix is returned
#' @param design_pars only used when a function is passed to argument \code{design},
#'        named list of parameters to pass to the sampling design function.
#' @param write_on_file logical, should output be written on a text file?
#' @param filename string indicating the name of the file to create on disk,
#' must include the \code{.txt} extension; only applies if \code{write_on_file = TRUE}.
#' @param path string indicating the path to the directory where the output file
#' should be created; only applies if \code{write_on_file = TRUE}.
#' @param by optional; integer scalar indicating every how many replications a partial output
#' should be saved
#' @param progress_bar logical, indicating whether a progress bar is desired
#' @details
#' Argument \code{design} accepts either a string indicating the sampling design
#' to use to draw samples or a function.
#' Accepted designs are "brewer", "tille", "maxEntropy", "poisson",
#' "sampford", "systematic", "randomSystematic".
#' The user may also pass a function as argument; such function should take as input
#' the parameters passed to argument \code{design_pars} and return either a logical
#' vector or a vector of 0s and 1s,  where \code{TRUE} or \code{1} indicate sampled
#' units and \code{FALSE} or \code{0} indicate non-sample units.
#' The length of such vector must be equal to the length of \code{x}
#' if \code{units} is not specified, otherwise it must have the same length of \code{units}.
#' When \code{write_on_file = TRUE}, specifying a value for aurgument \code{by}
#' will produce intermediate files with approximate inclusion probabilities every
#' \code{by} number of replications. E.g., if \code{replications=1e06} and \code{by=5e05},
#' two output files will be created: one with estimates at \code{5e05}
#' and one at \code{1e06} replications.
#' This option is particularly useful to assess convergence of the estimates.
#' @return A matrix of estimated inclusion probabilities if \code{as_data_frame=FALSE},
#' otherwise a data.frame with three columns: the first two indicate the ids of the
#' the couple of units, while the third one contains the joint-inclusion probability
#' values. Please, note that when \code{as_data_frame=TRUE}, first-order
#' inclusion probabilities are not returned.
#' @references
#' Fattorini, L. 2006.
#' Applying the Horvitz-Thompson criterion in complex designs: A computer-intensive
#' perspective for estimating inclusion probabilities.
#' Biometrika 93 (2), 269–278
#' @examples
#' ### Generate population data ---
#' N <- 20; n<-5
#' set.seed(0)
#' x <- rgamma(N, scale=10, shape=5)
#' y <- abs( 2*x + 3.7*sqrt(x) * rnorm(N) )
#' pik  <- n * x/sum(x)
#' ### Approximate joint-inclusion probabilities
#' pikl <- jip_MonteCarlo(x=pik, n = n, replications = 100, design = "brewer")
#' pikl <- jip_MonteCarlo(x=pik, n = n, replications = 100, design = "tille")
#' pikl <- jip_MonteCarlo(x=pik, n = n, replications = 100, design = "maxEntropy")
#' pikl <- jip_MonteCarlo(x=pik, n = n, replications = 100, design = "randomSystematic")
#' pikl <- jip_MonteCarlo(x=pik, n = n, replications = 100, design = "systematic")
#' pikl <- jip_MonteCarlo(x=pik, n = n, replications = 100, design = "sampford")
#' pikl <- jip_MonteCarlo(x=pik, n = n, replications = 100, design = "poisson")
#' #Use an external function to draw samples
#' pikl <- jip_MonteCarlo(x=pik, n=n, replications=100,
#'                        design = sampling::UPmidzuno, design_pars = list(pik=pik))
#' #Write output on file after 50 and 100 replications
#' pikl <- jip_MonteCarlo(x=pik, n = n, replications = 100, design = "brewer",
#'                        write_on_file = TRUE, filename="test.txt", path=tempdir(), by = 50 )
#' @export
#' @importFrom sampling inclusionprobabilities srswor UPrandomsystematic UPpoisson

jip_MonteCarlo <- function(x, n, replications = 1e06,
                           seed = NULL,
                           as_data_frame = FALSE,
                           write_on_file = FALSE,
                           by = NULL,
                           progress_bar = TRUE

    ### Check input ------------------------------------------------------------

    if( !is.function(design) ){
        design <- match.arg(design, c('brewer',

    ## x
    if( is.data.frame(x) ){
        if( ncol(x) > 1 ){
            stop("Argument x is not a vector!")
        }else x = unlist(x)
    }else if( is.matrix(x) ){
        if( ncol(x) > 1 ){
            stop("Argument x is not a vector!")
        }else x = x[, 1]
    }else if( is.list(x) ){
        if (length(x) > 1){
            stop("Argument x is not a vector")
    }else x = unlist(x)

    if( any(is.na(x) | is.nan(x)) ){
        stop("Argument x has some missing values")

    ## units
    if( missing(units) ){
        units <- seq_along(x)
    }else if( is.null(units) ){
        units <- seq_along(x)
    }else if( length(units) < 2 ){
        stop("Not a valid units vector, it should include at least two unit ids")
    }else if( !is.numeric(units) ){
        stop("units is not a numeric vector")
    }else if( any( units>length(x) ) ){
        units <- units[ units<=length(x) ]
        message("The vector units contains values that do not point to any value of x, ",
                "dropping the values:",
                if( length( du <- units[ units>length(x) ] ) < 26 ) du else du[1:25]

    if( !is.numeric(n) ){
        stop("n must be a numeric value")
    }else n <- ceiling(n)

    # seed, check if it's numeric
    if( !is.null(seed) & (!is.numeric(seed) | length(seed)>1) ){
        stop("The seed provided is not valid. Please, provide a numeric seed")

    ## replications
    if( !is.numeric(replications) |  replications < 2 | length(replications)>1 ){
        stop("Not a valid replications number, it should be a scalar greater than 1")
    } else if(replications < 1000){
        message("The number of Monte Carlo replications is too small, estimates may be unreliable!")
    }else replications <- ceiling(replications)

    ## filename
    if( write_on_file ){
        if( missing(filename) ) filename <- NULL
        if( !is.character(filename) ) stop("filename should be a string!")

        if( missing(path) ) path <- getwd()
        if( is.null(path) ) path <- getwd()
        if( !is.character(path) ) stop("path should be a string!")

        if( !dir.exists(path) ){
            dc <- dir.create(path, showWarnings = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
            if( !dc ) stop("There is no folder corresponding to the specified path ",
                           "and the creation of a new directory failed, please provide a path to an existing directory!")

        if( is.null(by) ) by <- replications
        if( !is.numeric(by) ) stop("Argument 'by' should be a positive integer scalar")
        if( by > replications) by <- replications

        #tell function save_output if only one file must be created
        status <- ifelse( isTRUE( all.equal(by, replications) ), 0L, 1L)

        # print path on screen
        message("Output will be written in the directory: ", path, "/")


    ### Initialisation ----
    pik <- sampling::inclusionprobabilities(x,n)
    k <- length(units)
    if( identical(design, "systematic") ){
        counts <- matrix(0,k,k)
    }else counts <- matrix(1,k,k)

    if( identical(progress_bar, TRUE) ) pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = replications, style = 3) # Progress bar

    if( is.character(design)){
        ### Preliminary computations (for some sampling methods) ---
        pre <- switch(EXPR=design,
                      'default' = NULL,
                      'brewer' = excludeSSU(pik),
                      'sampford' = excludeSSU(pik),
                      'tille' = pre_tille(pik=pik),
                      'maxEntropy' = pre_CPS(pik=pik)

        #parameters for sampling function
        pars <- switch(EXPR=design,
                       'brewer' = pre,
                       'tille' = pre,
                       'maxEntropy' = list(pik=pik, N=length(pik), q=pre),
                       'randomSystematic' = list(pik=pik),
                       'sampford' = pre,
                       'poisson' = list(pik=pik),
                       'systematic' = list(pik=pik)
        # sampling function
        smplFUN <- switch(EXPR=design,
                          'brewer' = brewer,
                          'tille' = tille,
                          'maxEntropy' = maxEntropy,
                          'randomSystematic' = sampling::UPrandomsystematic,
                          'sampford' = sampford,
                          'poisson' = sampling::UPpoisson,
                          'systematic' = sampling::UPsystematic
    }else if( is.function(design) ){
        smplFUN <- design
        pars    <- design_pars
        design  <- "myFUN"
    }else stop("Argument design is not well-specified: it should be either a string representing ",
               "one of the available sampling designs or an object of class function!")

    ### Monte Carlo simulation ----
    if( write_on_file ){
        for(r in 1:replications){
            if( identical(progress_bar, TRUE) ) setTxtProgressBar(pb, r)

            s <- do.call(smplFUN,pars) ### vector of 0 and 1
            counts <- counts + outer(s[units],s[units], "*")
            if( (r %% by) == 0){
                save_output(iteration   = r,
                            design_name = design,
                            counts      = counts,
                            units       = units,
                            filename    = filename,
                            path        = path,
                            status      = status,
                            as_data_frame = as_data_frame)


        for(r in 1:replications){
            if( identical(progress_bar, TRUE) ) setTxtProgressBar(pb, r)

            s <- do.call(smplFUN,pars) ### vector of 0 and 1
            counts <- counts + outer(s[units],s[units], "*")
    if( identical(progress_bar, TRUE) ) close(pb)
    ### ----

    ### Return estimates ----
    M <- ifelse( identical(design, "systematic"), replications, replications+1)
    jips <- counts/M
    colnames(jips) <- rownames(jips) <- as.character(units)

    # change class, from matrix to data frame
    if(as_data_frame) jips <- jipMtoDF(jips, id=units)

    ### Output


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jipApprox documentation built on Aug. 26, 2023, 9:06 a.m.