The joineR
package implements methods for analyzing data from longitudinal
studies in which the response from each subject consists of a time-sequence of
repeated measurements and a possibly censored time-to-event outcome. The
modelling framework for the repeated measurements is the linear model with
random effects and/or correlated error structure. The model for the
time-to-event outcome is a Cox proportional hazards model with log-Gaussian
frailty. Stochastic dependence is captured by allowing the Gaussian random
effects of the linear model to be correlated with the frailty term of the Cox
proportional hazards model.
A typical protocol for a repeated measurement study specifies a set of information to be recorded on each subject immediately before or after randomization, and one or more outcome measures recorded at each of a set of pre-specified follow-up times. With a slight abuse of terminology, we refer to the initial information as a set of baseline covariates. These can include any subject-specific time-constant information, for example measured or categorical characteristics of a subject, or their treatment allocation in a randomised trial.
A natural way to store the information on baseline covariates is as an $n$ by $p + 1$ array or data-frame, in which $n$ is the number of subjects, $p$ the number of baseline covariates, and an additional column contains a unique subject identifier. It is then natural to store the follow-up measurements of each outcome variable as an $n$ by $m + 1$ data-frame where $m$ is the number of follow-up times and the additional column contains the subject-identifier with which we can link outcomes to baseline covariates. For completeness, we note that the follow-up times will often be unequally spaced, and should be stored as a vector of length $m$ to avoid any ambiguity. This defines a balanced data-format, the term referring to the common set of information intended to be obtained from each subject.
In observational studies, and in designed studies with non-hospitalized human subjects, it is difficult or impossible to insist on a common set of follow-up times. In such cases, the usual way to store the data is as an array or data-frame with a separate row for each follow-up measurement and associated follow-up time on each subject, together with the subject identifier and any other covariate information, repeated redundantly over multiple follow-up times on the same subject. This defines the unbalanced data-format, so-called because it allows the number and timing of follow-up measurements to vary arbitrarily between patients.
In practice, the unbalanced data-format is also widely used to store data from
a balanced study-design, despite its in-built redundancy. Conversely, the
balanced format can be used to store data from an unbalanced design, by defining
the time-vector to be the complete set of distinct follow-up times and using
's to denote missing follow-up measurements. In practice, unless the data-set
derives from a balanced design with no missing values, the choice between the
two formats reflects a compromise between storing redundant information in the
unbalanced format and generating a possibly large number of NA
's in the
balanced format.
The package includes four data-sets: heart.valve
, liver
, mental
, and
. Descriptions of each follow.
data-setThis data-set is derived from a study of heart function after surgery to implant a new heart valve, and is loaded (after installing the package) with the command:
library(joineR) data(heart.valve)
The data refer to 256 patients and are stored in the unbalanced format, which
is convenient here because measurement times were unique to each subject. The
data are stored as a single R
object, heart.valve
, which is a data-frame of
dimension r nrow(heart.valve)
by r ncol(heart.valve)
. The average number of
repeated measurements per subject is therefore r nrow(heart.valve)/length(unique(heart.valve$id))
As with any unbalanced data-set, values of time-constant variables are repeated over all rows that
refer to the same subject. The dimensionality of the dataset can be confirmed by
a call to the dim()
function, whilst the names of the 25 variables can be
listed by a call to the names()
dim(heart.valve) names(heart.valve)
To extract the subject-specific values of one or more baseline covariates from a
data-set in the unbalanced format, we use the function UniqueVariables
. The
three arguments to this function are: the name of the data-frame; a vector of
column names or numbers of the data-frame that identify the required baseline
covariates; the column name or number of the data-frame that identifies the
subject. For example, to select the baseline covariates emergenc
, age
from the data-frame heart.valve
and assign these to a new R
object, we
use the command:
heart.valve.cov <- UniqueVariables( heart.valve, c("emergenc", "age", "sex"), id.col = "num")
The resulting data-frame heart.valve.cov
has four columns, corresponding to
the subject identifier and the three extracted baseline covariates; hence for
heart.valve.cov[11:15, ]
To extract all of the baseline covariates, it is easier to identify the required columns by number, hence:
heart.valve.cov <- UniqueVariables( heart.valve, c(2, 3, 5, 6, 12:25), id.col = "num") dim(heart.valve.cov)
Notice that the dimension of heart.valve.cov
is r nrow(heart.valve.cov)
number of subjects) by r ncol(heart.valve.cov)
(one more than the number of
covariates). An analysis of these data is reported in Lim et al. (2008).
dataThis data-set is taken from Andersen et al. (1993). It concerns the measurement of liver function in cirrhosis patients treated either with standard or novel therapy.
The data-set is included with the package as a single R
object, which can be
accessed as follows:
data(liver) dim(liver) names(liver)
This data-set is stored in the balanced format. It contains longitudinal follow-up information on each subject, a solitary baseline covariate representing the respective therapy arm, and time-to-event information (time and censoring indicator) for each subject.
Subsets of the data can be accessed in the usual way. For example,
liver[liver$id %in% 29:30, ]
shows that subject 29 provided only one measurement, at time $t = 0$, and was
lost-to-follow up at time $t = 0.1013699$ years (cens = 0
), whilst subject 30
provided two measurements, at times $t = 0$ and $t = 0.09863014$ years, and died
at time $t = 0.1068493$ years (cens = 1
data-setThis data-set relates to a study in which 150 patients suffering from chronic mental illness were randomised amongst three different drug treatments: placebo and two active drugs. A questionnaire instrument was used to assess each patient's mental state at weeks 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 post-randomization. The data can be loaded with the command:
Only sixty-eight of the 150 subjects provided a complete sequence of measurements at weeks 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8. The remainder left the study prematurely for a variety of reasons, some of which were thought to be related to their mental state. Hence, dropout is potentially informative. The data from the first five subjects can be accessed in the usual way:
mental[1:5, ]
The data are stored in the balanced format, with 150 rows (one per subject) and 11 columns comprising a subject identifier, the measured values from the questionnaire at each if the six scheduled follow-up times, the treatment allocation, the number of non-missing measured values, an imputed dropout time and a censoring indicator, coded as 1 for subjects who dropped out for reasons thought to be related to their mental health state, and as 0 otherwise. Note the distinction made here between potentially informative dropout and censoring, the latter being assumed to be uninformative. Hence, the command
shows that 21 of the 82 dropouts did so for reasons unrelated to their mental health.
data-setThis data-set is derived from the SANAD (Standard and New Antiepileptic Drugs) study, described in Marson et al. (2007). SANAD was a randomised control trial to compare standard (CBZ) and new (LTG) anti-epileptic drugs with respect to their effects on long-term clinical outcomes. The data are stored in the unbalanced format. The data for each subject consist of repeated measurements of calibrated dose, several baseline covariates and the time to withdrawal from the drug to which they were randomised. The first three rows, all of which relate to the same subject, can be accessed as follows:
data(epileptic) epileptic[1:3, ]
Two functions are provided to convert objects from one format to the other. The following code demonstrates the conversion of the `mental} data-set from the balanced to the unbalanced format, including a mnemonic re-naming of the column that now contains all of the repeated measurements:
mental.unbalanced <- to.unbalanced(mental, id.col = 1, times = c(0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8), Y.col = 2:7, other.col = 8:11) names(mental.unbalanced) names(mental.unbalanced)[3] <- "Y"
The following code converts the new object back to the balanced format:
mental.balanced <- to.balanced(mental.unbalanced, id.col = 1, time.col = 2, Y.col = 3, other.col = 4:7) dim(mental.balanced) names(mental.balanced)
Note the automatic renaming of the repeated measures according to their
measurement times, also that this function does not check whether storing the
object in the balanced format is sensible. For example, conversion of the
data to the balanced format leads to the creation of a large array,
most of whose values are missing:
epileptic.balanced <- to.balanced(epileptic, id.col = 1, time.col = 3, Y.col = 2, other.col = 4:12) dim(epileptic.balanced) sum(
Once a data-set is in the balanced format (if it is unbalanced then
can be applied) then the mean, variance and correlation matrix of
the responses can be extracted using summarybal
. An example is given below
using the mental data-set:
summarybal(mental, Y.col = 2:7, times = c(0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8), na.rm = TRUE)
objectA jointdata
object is a list consisting of up to three data-frames, which
collectively contain repeated measurement data, time-to-event data and baseline
covariate data. The repeated measurement data must be stored in the unbalanced
format. The time-to-event and baseline covariate data must each be stored in the
balanced format, i.e. with one line per subject. Each data-frame must include a
column containing the subject id, and all three subject id columns must match.
The UniqueVariables
function provides a convenient way to extract the
time-to-event and base line covariate data from an unbalanced data-frame, as in
the following example.
liver.long <- liver[, 1:3] liver.surv <- UniqueVariables(liver, var.col = c("survival", "cens"), id.col = "id") liver.baseline <- UniqueVariables(liver, var.col = 4, id.col = "id") liver.jd <- jointdata(longitudinal = liver.long, survival = liver.surv, baseline = liver.baseline, id.col = "id", time.col = "time")
As a second example, we create a jointdata
object from the single data-frame
as follows:
heart.surv <- UniqueVariables(heart.valve, var.col = c("fuyrs", "status"), id.col = "num") heart.long <- heart.valve[, c(1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)] heart.jd <- jointdata(longitudinal = heart.long, survival = heart.surv, id.col = "num", time.col = "time")
A summary of a jointdata
object can be obtained using the summary
For example:
A jointdata
object can also be constructed from any specified subset of
subjects. For example,
take <- heart.jd$survival$num[heart.jd$survival$status == 0] heart.jd.cens <- subset(heart.jd, take)
selects only those subjects whose survival status is zero, i.e. their event-time is right-censored.
The sample
function can also be used to select a random sample of subjects
from a jointdata
object, for example:
set.seed(94561) heart.jd.sample <- sample.jointdata(heart.jd, size = 10)
takes the data from a random sample of 10 out of the 150 subjects and assigns
the result to a jointdata
object named heart.jd.sample
objectThe default operation of the generic plot
function applied to a jointdata
object is a plot of longitudinal profiles of the repeated measurements. If the
object contains more than one longitudinal variable, each is presented in a
separate panel. For example, the command plot(heart.jd)
produces the following figure:
A useful device for the joint exploratory analysis of longitudinal and
time-to-event data is to compare longitudinal profiles amongst sub-sets of
subjects selected according to their associated time-to-event, or specified
ranges thereof, possibly in combination with other selection criteria such as
treatment allocation or other baseline covariates. This can be done by applying
the plot
function to subsets of the data. For example,
the figure below shows the longitudinal variable gradient
in the
heart data set as a pair of plots, with the two sub-sets of subjects chosen
according to whether their time-to-event outcome was or was not censored. The
figure is generated by the commands:
par(mfrow = c(1, 2)) plot(heart.jd.cens, Y.col = 4, main = "gradient: censored") take <- heart.jd$survival$num[heart.jd$survival$status == 1] heart.jd.uncens <- subset(heart.jd, take) plot(heart.jd.uncens, Y.col = 4, main = "gradient: failed")
Plots can be modified in the usual way by specifying graphical parameters
through the par
function, or by adding points
and/or lines
an existing plot.
Another useful exploratory device is a plot that considers the longitudinal trajectory of each subject prior to departure from the study, for whatever reason, with the time-scale for each subject shifted so that their last observed longitudinal measurement is taken as time zero. This can help to reveal patterns of longitudinal measurements, e.g. an atypically increasing or decreasing trajectories, that may be related to drop-out.
The function jointplot
produces a plot of this kind. As an example, we
consider the heart dataset, using the log of the left ventricular mass index as
the longitudinal variable of interest. The column containing the censoring
indicator in the survival component of the jointdata
object must be
specified. The default for the jointplot
function is to split the profiles
according to the censoring indicator.
jointplot(heart.jd, Y.col = "log.lvmi", Cens.col = "status", lag = 5, col1 = "black", col2 = "gray", ylab = "log(lvmi)")
Further arguments can be used to label and colour the plot to suit the user, as well as options to add a (smoothed) mean profile.
An important component of any joint model is the covariance structure of the
longitudinal measurements. For balanced longitudinal data, the simplest way to
explore the covariance structure is to fit a provisional model for the mean
response profiles by ordinary least squares and apply the var
function to
the matrix of residuals. Note, however, that any mis-specification of the
assumed model for the mean response profiles will lead to biased estimates of
the residual covariance structure, hence at this stage over-fitting is
preferable to under-fitting. For example, in a randomised trial of two or more
treatments with a common set of follow-up times for all subjects, we would
recommend fitting a saturated treatments-by-times model for the mean response
profiles, as in the following example.
y <- as.matrix(mental[, 2:7]) # converts mental from list format to numeric matrix format means <- matrix(0, 3, 6) for (trt in 1:3) { ysub <- y[mental$treat == trt, ] means[trt,] <- apply(ysub, 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE) } residuals <- matrix(0, 150, 6) for (i in 1:150) { residuals[i,] <- y[i,] - means[mental$treat[i], ] } V <- cov(residuals, use = "pairwise") R <- cor(residuals, use = "pairwise") round(cbind(diag(V), R), 3)
Note that the variances show no strong relationship with time, and that the correlations decrease with increasing distance from the diagonal.
For unbalanced longitudinal data, direct calculation of a covariance matrix is unwieldy at best, and impossible if follow-up times are completely irregular. In these circumstances, an alternative exploratory device is the variogram. This makes use of the theoretical result that for any two random variables, $A$ and $B$ say, with common expectation,
$${\rm E}\left[\frac{1}{2}(A-B)^2\right] = {\rm Var}(A)+{\rm Var}(B) - 2 {\rm Cov}(A,B).$$
In the present context, let $R_{ij}$ denote the residual associated with the $j$th measurement on the $i$th subject, and $t_{ij}$ the corresponding measurement time. If we are willing to assume that the $R_{ij}$ have a common variance $\sigma^2$ and that the correlation between any two residuals on the same subject depends only on the time-separation between them, so that ${\rm Corr}(R_{ij},R_{ik}) = \rho(u_{ijk})$, where $u_{ijk}=|t_{ij} - t_{ik}|$, it follows that
$${\rm E}\left[\frac{1}{2}(R_{ij} - R_{ik})^2\right] = \sigma^2{1 - \rho(u_{ijk})}.$$
A scatterplot of the $u_{ijk}$ against $v_{ijk} = \frac{1}{2}(R_{ij} -
R_{ik})^2$ is called a variogram cloud, whilst a smoothed version,
obtained by averaging the $v_{ijk}$ within pre-specified intervals of $u_{ijk}$,
is called the sample variogram. The function variogram
the variogram cloud. This function has an associated method for the plot
function that can display the variogram cloud, the sample variogram or both, as
vgm <- variogram(indv = mental.unbalanced[, 1], time = mental.unbalanced[, 2], Y = mental.unbalanced[, 3]) vgm$sigma2
The figure below shows the result of the following three calls to the
function. Note that whilst the default for plotting a variogram object is
to show both the cloud and the sample variogram, the sample variogram is almost
always the more useful as a pointer to the underlying correlation structure of
the data.
par(mfrow = c(1, 3)) plot(vgm$svar[, 1], vgm$svar[, 2], pch = 19, cex = 0.5, xlab = "u", ylab = "V(u)") plot(vgm, points = FALSE, ylim = c(0, 200)) plot(vgm)
The package includes functions for fitting two different classes of model using maximum likelihood estimation. The first is an extended version of the random effects model proposed by Wulfsohn and Tsiatis (1997). See Henderson et al. (2000). The second is the transformation model described by Diggle et al. (2008).
In the extended Wulfsohn and Tsiatis model, both the subject-specific mean response for the repeated measurements and the subject-specific hazard for the time-to-event outcome depend on latent random effect vectors. Hence, if $\lambda_i(t)$ denotes the hazard for subject $i$ and $Y_{ij}$ the $j$-th repeated measurement on subject $i$, the model specifies latent vectors $U_i$ and $V_i$ to follow zero-mean multivariate normal distributions, realized independently for different subjects. Conditional on $U_i$ and $V_i$, the repeated measurements sub-model is
$$Y_{ij} = x_{ij} \beta + a_{ij}^\top U_i + Z_{ij},$$
and the hazard sub-model is
$$\lambda_i(t) = \lambda_0(t) \exp(w_{ij} \alpha + b_{ij}^\top V_i).$$
In the above, the $x_{ij}$, $w_{ij}$, $a_{ij}$ and $b_{ij}$ are vectors of explanatory variables that may be time-constant or time-varying, and the $Z_{ij}$ are mutually independent, $Z_{ij} \sim {\rm N}(0, \tau^2)$. In principle, this is a very flexible model. In practice, the computational cost of evaluating the likelihood restricts routine implementation of the model to low-dimensional $U_i$ and $V_i$. Wulfsohn and Tsiatis (1997) considered the special case in which the repeated measurements follow the so-called random intercept and slope model with $a_{ij}^\top = (1, t_{ij})$, whilst the random effects for the repeated measurement and time-to-event sub-models are proportional, hence $b_{ij}^\top V_i = \phi a_{ij}^\top U_i$.
The function provided in the joineR
package for fitting Wulfsohn-Tsiatis
models is joint
, which allows the user to choose from three models for the
joint random effects: random intercept; random intercept and slope; quadratic
random effects.
The first argument to joint
is a jointdata
object that provides the data to
be analysed. The following two arguments specify the longitudinal and survival
sub-models, making use of the regular R formula
syntax, including
incorporating a Surv
object as the response in the survival sub-model for
compatibility with the R
function coxph
from the survival
package. The
next argument model()
allows the user to choose one of the three candidate
random effects models, and defaults to the random intercept and slope case.
Setting model = "int"
and model = "quad"
will fit a random intercept only
and random quadratic joint model respectively.
The functions to fit a joint random effects model have options to fit the repeated measurement sub-model and the hazard sub-model separately.
The syntax for joint
is best seen via examples. We will fit the joint random
effect model to the mental
data-set with the sub-models:
\begin{eqnarray} \mbox{longitudinal sub-model: } & Y_{ij} = X_{i1}^\top \beta_1 + U_{0i} + Z_{ij} \ \mbox{hazard sub-model: } & h_i(t) = h_0(t) \exp{{ X_{i2}^\top \beta_2 + \gamma U_{0i} }} \ \end{eqnarray}
To do this, we first create a jointdata
object for these data, using the unbalanced form of the data defined earlier.
mental.long <- mental.unbalanced[, 1:3] mental.surv <- UniqueVariables(mental.unbalanced, 6:7, id.col = 1) mental.baseline <- UniqueVariables(mental.unbalanced, 4, id.col = 1) mental.jd <- jointdata(mental.long, mental.surv, mental.baseline, id.col = "id", time.col = "time")
The following command then fits the model. Note that in the function call, the
Y ~ 1
and Surv(surv.time, cens.ind) ~ treat
refer to the names of
columns in the relevant data-frames.
model.jointrandom <- joint(mental.jd, Y ~ 1 + time + treat, Surv(surv.time, cens.ind) ~ treat, model = "int") names(model.jointrandom)
There is a summary
method for a model fitted using joint
. This produces a
summarized version of the model fit, omitting some of the information contained
within the fitted object itself.
Supplying the additional argument variance = FALSE
to the summary()
results in the standard deviations rather than variances being displayed for the
random effect(s) and measurement error terms.
The function jointSE
gives standard errors and confidence intervals for the
parameters that define the mean response profiles in a random effects joint
model. The calculation of standard errors for the random effect parameters is
not yet implemented. Approximate standard errors can be obtained by a parametric
bootstrap, i.e. by re-estimating the model parameters from simulated
realizations of the fitted model.
The first two arguments to jointSE
are the result of a call to joint
, in
which the associated jointdata
object is automatically stored as part of the
fit, and an option to specify the number of bootstrap samples taken. The
remaining arguments are included for completeness and mirror the last four
arguments of joint
itself as well as a further option to control the level of
output printed to the R
terminal. With a realistically large number of
bootstrap samples, this function can be slow! The output given is for 100
bootstrap samples, the confidence limits default to zero unless at least 100
bootstrap samples are taken. <- jointSE(model.jointrandom, n.boot = 100)
As mentioned previously, the argument model
in the function joint
can be
altered to fit a joint random effects model with a random intercept and slope,
i.e. the Wulfsohn-Tsiatis model, or a random quadratic for the repeated
measurements sub-model. Choosing the former leads to the following specification
for the sub-models:
\begin{eqnarray} \mbox{longitudinal sub-model: } & Y_{ij} = X_{i1}^\top \beta_1 + U_{0i} + U_{1i}t_{ij} + Z_{ij} \ \mbox{hazard sub-model: } & h_i(t) = h_0(t) \exp{{ X_{i2}^\top \beta_2 + \gamma\left(U_{0i} + U_{1i}t\right) }} \ \end{eqnarray}
Similarly, setting `model = "quad"} leads to a joint random effects model of the form:
\begin{eqnarray} \mbox{longitudinal sub-model: } & Y_{ij} = X_{i1}^\top \beta_1 + U_{0i} + U_{1i}t_{ij} + U_{2i}{t_{ij}}^2 + Z_{ij} \ \mbox{hazard sub-model: }& h_i(t) = h_0(t) \exp{{ X_{i2}^\top \beta_2 + \gamma\left(U_{0i} + U_{1i}t + U_{2i}t^2\right) }} \ \end{eqnarray}
The argument sepassoc
can be set to TRUE
for each of these model choices,
allowing a different latent association parameter for each random effect in the
survival sub-model, e.g. for the random intercept and slope model
\begin{eqnarray} \mbox{longitudinal sub-model: } & Y_{ij} = X_{i1}^\top \beta_1 + U_{0i} + U_{1i}t_{ij} + Z_{ij} \ \mbox{hazard sub-model: }& h_i(t) = h_0(t) \exp{{ X_{i2}^\top \beta_2 + \gamma_0 U_{0i} + \gamma_1 U_{1i}t }} \ \end{eqnarray}
The default in joineR
is that sepassoc = FALSE
, in which case a model with
proportional association is used.
We now consider an example with separate association using the liver
data will
now be considered. We first fit the Wulfsohn-Tsiatis model to the liver
The sub-models considered are those used in Henderson et al. (2002) to analyse these data.
model.jointrandom.liver <- joint( liver.jd, prothrombin ~ treatment * time + I(time == 0) * treatment, Surv(survival, cens) ~ treatment, = 1000)
A similar model, but allowing separate association, can be fitted by including
within the function call the argument sepassoc = TRUE
model.jointrandom.liver.sep <- joint( liver.jd, prothrombin ~ treatment * time + I(time == 0) * treatment, Surv(survival, cens) ~ treatment, sepassoc = TRUE)
The likelihoods for these models can now be compared using
model.jointrandom.liver.sep$loglik$jointlhood - model.jointrandom.liver$loglik$jointlhood
Allowing separate association increases the log-likelihood by 3.36 on one degree
of freedom. The parameter estimates for each of these models can be accessed via
the summary
command as shown previously.
Our final example uses a subset of the original heart.valve
data set that
considers only the response variable grad
(gradient). The number of
subjects in this data set is reduced, because some patients only provided
measurements on lvmi
(left ventricular mass index) and ef
heart.grad <- heart.valve[!$grad), ] heart.grad.long <- heart.grad[, c(1, 4, 7)] heart.grad.surv <- UniqueVariables(heart.grad, var.col = c("fuyrs", "status"), id.col = "num") heart.grad.base <- UniqueVariables(heart.grad, var.col = 2:3, id.col = "num") heart.grad.jd <- jointdata(longitudinal = heart.grad.long, survival = heart.grad.surv, baseline = heart.grad.base, id.col = "num", time.col = "time")
We then use the function joint
with argument model = "int"
to fit a random
intercept model to these data and summaries the result.
model.jointrandom.heart <- joint(heart.grad.jd, grad ~ age + sex, Surv(fuyrs, status) ~ age + sex, model = "int") summary(model.jointrandom.heart)
The joineR
package was funded by the UK Medical Research Council (MRC) under a
grant with Principal Investigator (PI) Prof. Paula Williamson; Co-Investigators
(Co-Is) Prof. Peter J. Diggle and Prof. Robin Henderson; and Research Associates
Dr Ruwanthi Kolamunnage-Dona, Dr Peter Philipson, and Dr Ines Sousa (Grant
numbers G0400615). Updates to it were made under a separate MRC grant with PI Dr
Ruwanthi Kolamunnage-Dona, Co-Is Dr Peter Philipson and Dr Andrea Jorgensen, and
Research Associate Dr Graeme L. Hickey (Grant number MR/M013227/1).
Andersen PK, Borgan O, Gill RD, Kieding N. Statistical Models Based on Counting Processes, 1993; New York: Springer.
Diggle PJ, Sousa I, Chetwynd AG. Joint modelling of repeated measurements and time-to-event outcomes: the fourth Armitage lecture. Statistics in Medicine, 2008; 27: 2981-2998.
Marson AG, Al-Kharusi AM, Alwaidh M, Appleton R, Baker GA, Chadwick GW, et al. The SANAD study of effectiveness of carbamazepine, gabapentin, lamotrigine, oxcarbazepine, or topiromate for treatment of partial epilepsy: an unblinded randomised controlled trial. Lancet, 2007; 369: 1000-1015.
Henderson R, Diggle PJ, Dobson A. Joint modelling of longitudinal measurements and event time data. Biostatistics, 2000; 1: 465-480
Henderson R, Diggle PJ, Dobson A. Identification and efficacy of longitudinal markers for survival. Biostatistics, 2002; 3: 33-50.
Lim E, Ali A, Theodorou P, Sousa I, Ashrafian H, Chamageorgakis AD, et al. A longitudinal study of the profile and predictors of left ventricular mass regression after stentless aortic valve replacement. Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 2008; 85: 2026-2029.
Wulfsohn MS, Tsiatis AA. A joint model for survival and longitudinal data measured with error. Biometrics, 1997; 53: 330-339.
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