#' Scale and/or center data, including survey designs
#' \code{gscale} standardizes variables by dividing them by 2 standard
#' deviations and mean-centering them by default. It contains options for
#' handling binary variables separately. \code{gscale()} is a fork of
#' \code{rescale} from the \code{arm} package---the key feature
#' difference is that \code{gscale()} will perform the same functions for
#' variables in \code{\link[survey]{svydesign}} objects. \code{gscale()} is
#' also more user-friendly in that it is more flexible in how it accepts input.
#' @param data A data frame or survey design. Only needed if you would like to
#' rescale multiple variables at once. If \code{x = NULL}, all columns will
#' be rescaled. Otherwise, \code{x} should be a vector of variable names. If
#' \code{x} is a numeric vector, this argument is ignored.
#' @param vars If `data` is a data.frame or similar, you can scale only
#' select columns by providing a vector column names to this argument.
#' @param binary.inputs Options for binary variables. Default is \code{center};
#' \code{0/1} keeps original scale; \code{-0.5/0.5} rescales 0 as -0.5 and 1
#' as 0.5; \code{center} subtracts the mean; and \code{full} subtracts the
#' mean and divides by 2 sd.
#' @param binary.factors Coerce two-level factors to numeric and apply scaling
#' functions to them? Default is FALSE.
#' @param By how many standard deviations should the variables be divided
#' by? Default for `gscale` is 2, like \code{arm}'s \code{rescale}.
#' 1 is the more typical standardization scheme.
#' @param center.only A logical value indicating whether you would like to mean
#' -center the values, but not scale them.
#' @param scale.only A logical value indicating whether you would like to scale
#' the values, but not mean-center them.
#' @param weights A vector of weights equal in length to \code{x}. If iterating
#' over a data frame, the weights will need to be equal in length to all the
#' columns to avoid errors. You may need to remove missing values before using
#' the weights.
#' @param apply.weighted.contrasts Factor variables cannot be scaled, but you
#' can set the contrasts such that the intercept in a regression model will
#' reflect the true mean (assuming all other variables are centered). If set
#' to TRUE, the argument will apply weighted effects coding to all factors.
#' This is similar to the R default effects coding, but weights according to
#' how many observations are at each level. An adapted version of
#' `contr.wec()` from the `wec` package is used to do this. See
#' that package's documentation and/or Grotenhuis et al. (2016) for more
#' info.
#' @param messages Print messages when variables are not processed due to
#' being non-numeric or all missing? Default is FALSE.
#' @param x Deprecated. Pass numeric vectors to `data`. Pass vectors of column
#' names to `vars`.
#' @details
#' This function is adapted from the `rescale` function of
#' the `arm` package. It is named \code{gscale()} after the
#' popularizer of this scaling method, Andrew \strong{G}elman. By default, it
#' works just like \code{rescale}. But it contains many additional options and
#' can also accept multiple types of input without breaking a sweat.
#' Only numeric variables are altered when in a data.frame or survey design.
#' Character variables, factors, etc. are skipped.
#' For those dealing with survey data, if you provide a \code{}
#' object you can rest assured that the mean-centering and scaling is performed
#' with help from the [`svymean()`][survey::svymean] and
#' [`svyvar()`][survey::svyvar] functions, respectively. It was among the
#' primary motivations for creating this function. \code{gscale()} will not
#' center or scale the weights variables defined in the survey design unless
#' the user specifically requests them in the \code{x =} argument.
#' @family standardization
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{j_summ}} is a replacement for the \code{summary} function for
#' regression models. On request, it will center and/or standardize variables
#' before printing its output.
#' @author Jacob Long \email{}
#' @references
#' Gelman, A. (2008). Scaling regression inputs by dividing by two standard
#' deviations. \emph{Statistics in Medicine}, \emph{27}, 2865–2873.
#' \url{}
#' Grotenhuis, M. te, Pelzer, B., Eisinga, R., Nieuwenhuis, R.,
#' Schmidt-Catran, A., & Konig, R. (2017). When size matters: Advantages of
#' weighted effect coding in observational studies. *International Journal of
#' Public Health*, *62*, 163–167. (
#' open access)
#' @examples
#' x <- rnorm(10, 2, 1)
#' x2 <- rbinom(10, 1, .5)
#' # Basic use
#' gscale(x)
#' # Normal standardization
#' gscale(x, = 1)
#' # Scale only
#' gscale(x, scale.only = TRUE)
#' # Center only
#' gscale(x, center.only = TRUE)
#' # Binary inputs
#' gscale(x2, binary.inputs = "0/1")
#' gscale(x2, binary.inputs = "full") # treats it like a continous var
#' gscale(x2, binary.inputs = "-0.5/0.5") # keep scale, center at zero
#' gscale(x2, binary.inputs = "center") # mean center it
#' # Data frame as input
#' # loops through each numeric column
#' gscale(data = mtcars, binary.inputs = "-0.5/0.5")
#' # Specified vars in data frame
#' gscale(mtcars, vars = c("hp", "wt", "vs"), binary.inputs = "center")
#' # Weighted inputs
#' wts <- runif(10, 0, 1)
#' gscale(x, weights = wts)
#' # If using a weights column of data frame, give its name
#' mtcars$weights <- runif(32, 0, 1)
#' gscale(mtcars, weights = weights) # will skip over mtcars$weights
#' # If using a weights column of data frame, can still select variables
#' gscale(mtcars, vars = c("hp", "wt", "vs"), weights = weights)
#' # Survey designs
#' if (requireNamespace("survey")) {
#' library(survey)
#' data(api)
#' ## Create survey design object
#' dstrat <- svydesign(id = ~1, strata = ~stype, weights = ~pw,
#' data = apistrat, fpc=~fpc)
#' # Creating test binary variable
#' dstrat$variables$binary <- rbinom(200, 1, 0.5)
#' gscale(data = dstrat, binary.inputs = "-0.5/0.5")
#' gscale(data = dstrat, vars = c("api00","meals","binary"),
#' binary.inputs = "-0.5/0.5")
#' }
#' @export
gscale <- function(data = NULL, vars = NULL, binary.inputs = "center",
binary.factors = FALSE, = 2,
center.only = FALSE, scale.only = FALSE, weights = NULL,
apply.weighted.contrasts =
getOption("jtools-weighted.contrasts", FALSE),
x = NULL, messages = FALSE) {
if (binary.inputs %nin% c("center","full","0/1","-0.5/0.5")) {
stop("binary.inputs must be one of \"center\", \"full\", \"0/1\",",
"or \"-0.5/0.5\"")
if (!is.null(x)) {
if (is.numeric(x)) {
data <- x
warning("The x argument is deprecated. Pass all data, even numeric ",
"vectors, to the data argument. Converted x to data...")
} else {
vars <- x
warning("The x argument is deprecated. Pass column names to the ",
"vars argument.")
if ( {
# Store temporary copy
d <- data
survey <- FALSE
design <- NULL
} else if (any(class(data) %in% c("survey.design2", ""))) {
# Store design and data frame
design <- data
d <- design$variables
survey <- TRUE
} else if (!inherits(data, "data.frame") && !is.numeric(data)) {
stop("data argument must be either a numeric vector or data frame ",
"(or related class). If you think the data type provided should ",
"be compatible, contact the developer of this package.")
} else {
survey <- FALSE
# Deal with weights
if (!is.null(weights) && ( || survey == TRUE)) {
# If it's the weight column, skip
wname <- as.character(substitute(weights))
wname2 <- weights
if (length(wname) == 1 && wname %in% names(d)) {
weights <- d[[wname]]
} else if (length(wname2) == 1 && wname2 %in% names(d)) {
weights <- d[[wname2]]
# If it's a vector, just do the thing
if (is.numeric(data)) {
return(scaler(x = data, binary.inputs = binary.inputs, =, center.only = center.only,
scale.only = scale.only, weights = weights,
binary.factors = binary.factors, messages = TRUE))
} else {
if (is.null(vars)) {
vars <- names(d)
} else if (any(vars %nin% names(d))) {
stop(vars[which(vars %nin% names(d))[1]],
" is not a column name in the supplied data.")
for (name in vars) {
d[[name]] <- scaler(x = d[[name]], binary.inputs = binary.inputs, =,
center.only = center.only, scale.only = scale.only,
weights = weights, binary.factors = binary.factors,
survey = survey, design = design, name = name,
messages = messages,
apply.weighted.contrasts = apply.weighted.contrasts)
if (survey == FALSE) {
} else {
data$variables <- d
#### Helper function #########################################################
#' @importFrom stats contrasts<-
scaler <- function(x, binary.inputs, = 2, center.only = FALSE,
scale.only = FALSE, weights = NULL, binary.factors = NULL,
survey = FALSE, design = NULL, name = NULL, messages,
apply.weighted.contrasts = FALSE) {
# Filter out missing observations
x.obs <- x[!]
# Deal with all-missing data
if (all( {
if (!is.null(name)) {
if (messages) {message("All observations of ", name, " were missing.")}
} else {
if (messages) {message("All observations were missing.")}
# Kick back non-numeric inputs
if (!is.numeric(x) && !is.factor(x)) {
if (!is.null(name)) {
if (messages) {message(name, " is not numeric and was not scaled.")}
} else {
if (messages) {message("Non-numeric variable was not scaled.")}
} else if ("factor" %in% class(x.obs)) {
# Dealing with two-level factors
if (nlevels(x.obs) == 2 && binary.factors == TRUE) {
x <- as.numeric(x) - 1
x.obs <- as.numeric(x.obs) - 1
} else {
if (apply.weighted.contrasts == FALSE) {
if (!is.null(name)) {
if (messages) {message(name, " is not numeric and was not scaled.")}
} else {
if (messages) {message("Non-numeric variable was not scaled.")}
} else {
contrasts(x) <- contr.weighted(x = x, weights = weights)
# If no weights, then make a vector of 1s
if (is.null(weights)) {
weights <- rep(1, times = length(x.obs))
} else {
weights <- weights[!] # dealing with missingness in x
# Create objects storing mean and sd
if (survey == FALSE) {
the_mean <- weighted.mean(x.obs, weights, na.rm = TRUE)
the_sd <- *, weights)
} else {
design$variables[[name]] <- x # Replaces 2-level factors with numeric dummy
the_mean <- survey::svymean(as.formula(paste("~", name, sep = "")),
design = design, na.rm = TRUE)[1]
the_sd <- * svysd(as.formula(paste("~", name, sep = "")),
design = design, na.rm = TRUE)
# for binary cases
if (length(unique(x.obs)) == 2) {
if (binary.inputs == "0/1") {
# Scale to 0/1
x.obs <- (x.obs - min(x.obs)) / (max(x.obs) - min(x.obs))
x[!] <- x.obs
} else if (binary.inputs == "-0.5/0.5") {
# Keep scale, but center at 0 (not mean center!)
x[!] <- x.obs - 0.5
} else if (binary.inputs == "center") {
# Actually mean center
x[!] <- x.obs - the_mean
} else if (binary.inputs == "full") {
# Do nothing, let function proceed to code for non-binary vectors
if (center.only == FALSE && scale.only == FALSE) {
x.obs <- (x.obs - the_mean) / the_sd
} else if (center.only == TRUE && scale.only == FALSE) {
x.obs <- x.obs - the_mean
} else if (center.only == FALSE && scale.only == TRUE) {
x.obs <- x.obs / the_sd
} else if (center.only == TRUE && scale.only == TRUE) {
stop("You cannot set both center.only and scale.only to TRUE.")
x[!] <- x.obs
#### standardize #############################################################
#' @title Standardize vectors, data frames, and survey designs
#' @description This function is a wrapper around [gscale()] that is configured
#' to do a conventional standardization of continuous variables,
#' mean-centering and dividing by one standard deviation.
#' @inheritParams gscale
#' @return A transformed version of the `data` argument.
#' @details Some more information can be found in the documentation for
#' [gscale()]
#' @family standardization
#' @examples
#' # Standardize just the "qsec" variable in mtcars
#' standardize(mtcars, vars = "qsec")
#' @rdname standardize
#' @export
standardize <- function(data = NULL, vars = NULL, binary.inputs = "center",
binary.factors = FALSE, weights = NULL) {
gscale(data = data, vars = vars, binary.inputs = binary.inputs,
binary.factors = binary.factors, = 1,
center.only = FALSE, scale.only = FALSE, weights = weights,
x = NULL)
#### center ##################################################################
#' @title Mean-center vectors, data frames, and survey designs
#' @description This function is a wrapper around [gscale()] that is configured
#' to mean-center variables without affecting the scaling of those variables.
#' @inheritParams gscale
#' @return A transformed version of the `data` argument.
#' @details Some more information can be found in the documentation for
#' [gscale()]
#' @family standardization
#' @examples
#' # Standardize just the "qsec" variable in mtcars
#' standardize(mtcars, vars = "qsec")
#' @rdname center
#' @export
center <- function(data = NULL, vars = NULL, binary.inputs = "center",
binary.factors = FALSE, weights = NULL) {
gscale(data = data, vars = vars, binary.inputs = binary.inputs,
binary.factors = binary.factors, = 1,
center.only = TRUE, scale.only = FALSE, weights = weights,
x = NULL)
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