
### ~/PapersBooksReportsReviewsTheses/PapersSelbst/FestschriftWS70/kader/R/
###  bias_var_mse.R
### Functions for computing the convolution of a kernel K with a pertaining fn,
### the estimators of bias, scaled variance and  mse for "Kernel adjusted
### density estimation" of Srihera & Stute (2011) and for "Rank Transformations
### in Kernel Density Estimation" of Eichner & Stute (2013).
### R 3.4.2, 13./14./17.2./21./22./23.8./28.9./4.10.2017 (6./7./10.2.2015 /
###  21./24./26./28./31.10./2./4./9.11./5.12.2016)

#' Convolution of Kernel Function K with fn
#' Vectorized evaluation of the convolution of the kernel function K with fn.
#' Vectorized (in u) evaluation of - a more explicit representation of - the
#' integrand \eqn{K(u) * f_n(\ldots - h^2/\sigma * u)} which is used in the
#' computation of the bias estimator before eq. (2.3) in Srihera & Stute (2011).
#' Also used for the analogous computation of the respective bias estimator
#' in the paragraph after eq. (6) in Eichner & Stute (2013).
#' @param u Numeric vector.
#' @param K Kernel function with vectorized in- & output.
#' @param xixj Numeric matrix.
#' @param h Numeric scalar.
#' @param sig Numeric scalar.
#' @return A vector of \eqn{(K * f_n)(u)} evaluated at the values in
#'         \code{u}.
#' @note An alternative implementation could be
#'       \code{K(u) * sapply(h/sig * u, function(v) mean(K(xixj - v))) / h}
#' @examples
#' require(stats)
#' set.seed(2017);   n <- 100;   Xdata <- rnorm(n)
#' x0 <- 1;          sig <- 1;   h <- n^(-1/5)
#' Ai <- (x0 - Xdata)/h
#' Bj <- mean(Xdata) - Xdata   # in case of non-robust method
#' AiBj <- outer(Ai, Bj/sig, "+")
#' ugrid <- seq(-10, 10, by = 1)
#' kader:::kfn_vectorized(u = ugrid, K = dnorm, xixj = AiBj, h = h, sig = sig)
kfn_vectorized <- function(u, K, xixj, h, sig) {
  XU <- outer(xixj, h/sig * u, "-")
  K(u) * colMeans(K(XU), dims = 2) / h

#' Estimators of Bias and Scaled Variance
#' ``Workhorse'' function for vectorized (in \eqn{\sigma}) computation of both
#' the bias estimator and the scaled variance estimator of eq. (2.3) in Srihera
#' & Stute (2011), and for the analogous computation of the bias and scaled
#' variance estimator for the rank transformation method in the paragraph
#' after eq. (6) in Eichner & Stute (2013).
#' Pre-computed \eqn{f_n(x_0)} is expected for efficiency reasons (and is
#' currently prepared in function \code{adaptive_fnhat}).
#' @param sigma Numeric vector \eqn{(\sigma_1, \ldots, \sigma_s)} with
#'              \eqn{s \ge 1}.
#' @param Ai Numeric vector expecting \eqn{(x_0 - X_1, \ldots, x_0 - X_n) / h},
#'           where (usually) \eqn{x_0} is the point at which the density is to
#'           be estimated for the data \eqn{X_1, \ldots, X_n} with
#'           \eqn{h = n^{-1/5}}.
#' @param Bj Numeric vector expecting \eqn{(-J(1/n), \ldots, -J(n/n))} in case
#'           of the rank transformation method, but \eqn{(\hat{\theta} - X_1,
#'           \ldots, \hat{\theta} - X_n)} in case of the non-robust
#'           Srihera-Stute-method. (Note that this the same as argument
#'           \code{Bj} of \code{\link{adaptive_fnhat}}!)
#' @param h Numeric scalar, where (usually) \eqn{h = n^{-1/5}}.
#' @param K Kernel function with vectorized in- & output.
#' @param fnx \eqn{f_n(x_0) =} \code{mean(K(Ai))/h}, where here typically
#'            \eqn{h = n^{-1/5}}.
#' @param ticker Logical; determines if a 'ticker' documents the iteration
#'               progress through \code{sigma}. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @return A list with components \code{BiasHat} and \code{VarHat.scaled}, both
#'         numeric vectors of same length as \code{sigma}.
#' @references Srihera & Stute (2011) and Eichner & Stute (2013): see
#'             \link{kader}.
#' @examples
#' require(stats)
#' set.seed(2017);     n <- 100;     Xdata <- sort(rnorm(n))
#' x0 <- 1;      Sigma <- seq(0.01, 10, length = 21)
#' h <- n^(-1/5)
#' Ai <- (x0 - Xdata)/h
#' fnx0 <- mean(dnorm(Ai)) / h   # Parzen-Rosenblatt estimator at x0.
#'  # non-robust method:
#' Bj <- mean(Xdata) - Xdata
#' # # rank transformation-based method (requires sorted data):
#' # Bj <- -J_admissible(1:n / n)   # rank trafo
#' kader:::bias_AND_scaledvar(sigma = Sigma, Ai = Ai, Bj = Bj, h = h,
#'   K = dnorm, fnx = fnx0, ticker = TRUE)
bias_AND_scaledvar <- function(sigma, Ai, Bj, h, K, fnx, ticker = FALSE) {
  nr <- length(Ai)
  nc <- length(Bj)
  Ai.times.nc <- rep(Ai, times = nc)

  BV <- sapply(seq_along(sigma),
    function(j) {
      if(ticker) {  # Iteration "ticker".
        if(j == 1L) {
          message("sigma:1", appendLF = FALSE)
         } else message(",", j, appendLF = FALSE)

      sig <- sigma[j]
      Y <- rep(Bj/sig, each = nr)   # Equivalent to AiBj <-
      AiBj <- Ai.times.nc + Y       # outer(Ai, Bj/sig, "+"),
      dim(AiBj) <- c(nr, nc)        # but approx. twice as fast.

      KInt <- try(stats::integrate(f = kfn_vectorized,  # Integral
            lower = -Inf, upper = Inf,                  # in bias
            K = K, xixj = AiBj, h = h, sig = sig),      # estimator.
            silent = TRUE)

      proto.biashat <- if(!inherits(KInt, "try-error"))
        KInt$value else
        { cat("\n");  print(KInt); NA }

      AiBj <- K(sig / h * AiBj)                      # Quantities whose
      varhat <- stats::var(.rowMeans(AiBj, nr, nc) + # sample var. is the
                           .colMeans(AiBj, nr, nc))  # var. estimator.
                     # Z_i on p. 431 in ES2013 or before (2.3) in SS2011.

      c(B = proto.biashat, V = varhat)
    });   if(ticker) message(".", appendLF = FALSE)

  list(BiasHat = unname(BV["B",]) - fnx,
       VarHat.scaled = sigma*sigma / (nr * h*h*h*h) * unname(BV["V",]))

#' MSE Estimator
#' Vectorized (in \eqn{\sigma}) function of the MSE estimator in eq. (2.3) of
#' Srihera & Stute (2011), and of the analogous estimator in the paragraph after
#' eq. (6) in Eichner & Stute (2013).
#' @inheritParams bias_AND_scaledvar
#' @return A vector with corresponding MSE values for the values in
#'         \code{sigma}.
#' @seealso For details see \code{\link{bias_AND_scaledvar}}.
#' @examples
#' require(stats)
#' set.seed(2017);     n <- 100;     Xdata <- sort(rnorm(n))
#' x0 <- 1;      Sigma <- seq(0.01, 10, length = 11)
#' h <- n^(-1/5)
#' Ai <- (x0 - Xdata)/h
#' fnx0 <- mean(dnorm(Ai)) / h   # Parzen-Rosenblatt estimator at x0.
#'  # non-robust method:
#' theta.X <- mean(Xdata) - Xdata
#' kader:::mse_hat(sigma = Sigma, Ai = Ai, Bj = theta.X,
#'   h = h, K = dnorm, fnx = fnx0, ticker = TRUE)
#'  # rank transformation-based method (requires sorted data):
#' negJ <- -J_admissible(1:n / n)   # rank trafo
#' kader:::mse_hat(sigma = Sigma, Ai = Ai, Bj = negJ,
#'   h = h, K = dnorm, fnx = fnx0, ticker = TRUE)
mse_hat <- function(sigma, Ai, Bj, h, K, fnx, ticker = FALSE) {
  BV <- bias_AND_scaledvar(sigma = sigma, Ai = Ai, Bj = Bj, h = h, K = K,
                           fnx = fnx, ticker = ticker)
  BV$BiasHat * BV$BiasHat + BV$VarHat.scaled

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