
#' @include AllClasses.R

# MeanDate ======================================================================
  Class = "MeanDate",
  method = function(object) {
    # Get data
    dates <- object@dates
    m <- nrow(weights)
    p <- ncol(object)

    cnd <- list(
      arkhe::validate(arkhe::assert_length(dates, p))

    # Return cnd, if any
    arkhe::check_class(object, cnd)

# EventDate ====================================================================
  Class = "EventDate",
  method = function(object) {
    # Get data
    data <- object@data
    dates <- object@dates
    model <- object@model
    keep <- object@keep

    cnd <- list(
      arkhe::validate(arkhe::assert_length(dates, nrow(data)))

    # Return cnd, if any
    arkhe::check_class(object, cnd)

# AoristicSum ==================================================================
  Class = "AoristicSum",
  method = function(object) {
    # Get data
    weights <- object@weights
    groups <- object@groups
    breaks <- object@breaks
    p <- object@p

    i <- nrow(p)
    j <- nrow(object)
    k <- length(unique(groups))

    cnd <- list(
      arkhe::validate(arkhe::assert_length(weights, i)),
      arkhe::validate(arkhe::assert_length(groups, i)),
      arkhe::validate(arkhe::assert_length(breaks, j + 1)),
      arkhe::validate(arkhe::assert_dimensions(p, c(i, j, k)))

    # Return cnd, if any
    arkhe::check_class(object, cnd)

# RateOfChange =================================================================
  Class = "RateOfChange",
  method = function(object) {
    # Get data
    replicates <- object@replicates
    groups <- object@groups

    i <- nrow(object)
    j <- ncol(object)
    k <- dim(groups)[[3]]

    cnd <- list(
      arkhe::validate(arkhe::assert_scalar(replicates, "integer")),
      arkhe::validate(arkhe::assert_length(groups, k))

    # Return cnd, if any
    arkhe::check_class(object, cnd)

# CountApportion ===============================================================
  Class = "CountApportion",
  method = function(object) {
    # Get data
    p <- object@p
    method <- object@method
    from <- object@from
    to <- object@to
    step <- object@step

    cnd <- list(
      arkhe::validate(arkhe::assert_scalar(from, "numeric")),
      arkhe::validate(arkhe::assert_scalar(to, "numeric")),
      arkhe::validate(arkhe::assert_scalar(method, "character")),
      arkhe::validate(arkhe::assert_dimensions(p, dim(object)))

    # Return cnd, if any
    arkhe::check_class(object, cnd)

# IncrementTest ================================================================
  Class = "IncrementTest",
  method = function(object) {
    # Get data
    statistic <- object@statistic
    parameter <- object@parameter
    p_value <- object@p_value

    j <- ncol(object)

    cnd <- list(
      arkhe::validate(arkhe::assert_length(statistic, j)),
      arkhe::validate(arkhe::assert_scalar(parameter, "integer")),
      arkhe::validate(arkhe::assert_length(p_value, j))

    # Return cnd, if any
    arkhe::check_class(object, cnd)

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kairos documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:47 a.m.