
#### KAPS for change point detection
#### 	Soo-Heng EO and HyungJun CHO
#### 	Korea University, Seoul, South Korea.
#### 	Last updated Dec 10, 2013
kaps.fit <- function(formula, data, K, mindat, minors) {
	## pre-processing step
	n <- nrow(data) # total number of observations concerning with time 
	rownames(data) <- 1:n

    if(n == 0L) stop("0 (non-NA) cases.")
	if(!is.data.frame(data)) data <- as.data.frame(data)

	## Set the object of result
    result <- new("kaps")
	result@formula <- formula
	##### Model Fitting
	X <- model.part(formula, data = data, rhs = 1, drop = FALSE)
	f <- update(formula, . ~ subgroups)

	## treat pre-determined split points
	if(is.null(attr(minors@pre.pt,"names"))) { 
		pt.set <- lapply(X, function(x) sort(unique(x)) )
	} else{
		pre.name <- colnames(X) != attr(minors@pre.pt, "names")
		pt.set <- lapply(X[,pre.name, drop = FALSE], function(x) sort(unique(x)) )
		pt.set <- c(pt.set, minors@pre.pt)
		X <- X[,attr(pt.set, "names"), drop = FALSE]

	## treat pre-determined ranges
	scope <- minors@scope
	if(!is.null(attr(scope, "names"))) {
		scope.vars <- which(names(pt.set) == attr(scope, "names"))
		pt.set.name <- names(pt.set)
	result@X <- 0
	pt.set <- lapply(pt.set, function(x,upper, lower) x[x <= upper & x >= lower], upper = minors@upper.limit, lower = minors@lower.limit)
	v <- K-1

	# 1. group.sel() goes to FORTRAN 90 routine
	# 2. gorup.sel() with loop goes to FORTRAN 90 routine 

	for(i in 1: length(pt.set)){
		if(!is.null(attr(scope, "names"))){
			if(i %in% scope.vars){
				rngs <- scope[[pt.set.name[i]]]  
				pt.set[[i]] <- pt.set[[i]][ pt.set[[i]] >= rngs[1] & pt.set[[i]] <= rngs[2] ]

		ord <- order(X[,i])
		data <- data[ord,]
		X <- X[ord, , drop = FALSE]
		test.where <- group.sel(x.vec = X[,i], 
			pt = pt.set[[i]], 
			K = K, 
			mindat = mindat, 
			data = data, 
			f = f, 
			minors = minors)
		x.test <- test.where$test
		##### Result
		if(x.test[1,test.where$index] >= result@X) {
			index <- test.where$index
			result@X <- x.test[1,index] # pairwise test statistic X
			#result@WH <- (x.test[1,index] / v)^(1/3)
			#result@t <- (result@WH - (1- (2 / (9*v)))) / sqrt(2 / (9 * v))
			#result@pvalue <-  x.test[2,index] # pairwise p-value
			result@pair <- x.test[3,index] # pair for selected
			result@groupID <- test.where$where
			result@split.pt <- sapply(unique(result@groupID), function(x,y,where) max(y[where == x]), y = X[,i], where = result@groupID) 
			result@split.pt <- result@split.pt[-length(result@split.pt)]
			result@split.var <- colnames(X[,i,drop =FALSE])
			result@data <- data

	### results
	result@groups <- K
	attr(result@groups,"names") <- paste("G=", K, sep="")
	result@mindat <- mindat
	result@Options <- minors

# Fit KAPS with Permutation test by test estimates approach
# This algorithm select best subgroups by permutation test
# in which the data is randomly divided into 
# learning and validation set
kaps.perm <- function(fit, newdata, permute = TRUE){
	#if(!inherits(fit, "kaps")) stop("This function requires the object of kaps class as a main object.")
		dat.perm = fit@data
		dat.perm$subgroups <- factor(fit@groupID)
	} else{
		if(!is.data.frame(newdata)) newdata <- as.data.frame(newdata)
		dat.perm <-	predict(fit, newdata)
		dat.perm$subgroups <- factor(dat.perm$Group)
	res.perm = matrix(1, nrow = 1, ncol = 2)
	if(length(levels(dat.perm$subgroups)) == 1){
	} else{
		Ku = fit@groups
		Kul <- length(Ku)

		formula = fit@formula
		minors = fit@Options
		formula1 = update(formula, ~ subgroups)
		formula1 <- as.formula(formula1)

		# Set storages
		perm.over.pval = perm.pair.stat = perm.pair.pval = c()
		res.perm = matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = 2)
		#res.perm <- as.data.frame(res.perm)
		#colnames(res.perm) <- c("overall.stat", "overall.pval", "pair.stat", "pair.pval")
		#colnames(res.perm) <- c( "perm_overall_pval", "perm_min_pair_pval")
		# GOD by permutation test with asymptotic distribution
		# require(coin)
		# cat("Now, permutation kaps is working. Please, wait a minute.^^\n")
		# 1. overall permuatation test statistic
			tmp <- surv_test(formula = formula1, data = dat.perm, distribution = approximate(B = minors@N.perm))
			# Naive approach
			#tmp <- clinfun::permlogrank(formula1, dat.perm)
			#perm.over.stat <- statistic(tmp)
			perm.over.pval <- switch(minors@correct,
								Bf = pvalue(tmp) * Kul * (Kul-1) * 0.5,
								Adj.Bf = pvalue(tmp) * Kul,
								None = pvalue(tmp)
			perm.over.pval <- ifelse(perm.over.pval > 1, 1, perm.over.pval)
			#perm.over.pval <- pvalue(tmp) * Ku * (Ku-1) * 0.5
			#names(perm.over.stat) <- "overall_statistic"
			#surv_test(formula = Surv(Y,cens) ~ Group, data = dat.perm, distribution = exact())
		} else{
			tmp <- survdiff(formula = formula, data = dat.perm, rho = minors@rho)
			perm.over.pval <- 1 - pchisq(tmp$chisq, df = Ku - 1)
			perm.over.pval <- switch(minors@correct,
								Bf = perm.over.pval * Kul * (Kul-1) * 0.5,
								Adj.Bf = perm.over.pval * Kul,
								None = perm.over.pval
			perm.over.pval <- ifelse(perm.over.pval > 1, 1, perm.over.pval)

		# 2. pairwise permutation test statistic
		#pair = combn(Ku, 2)
		pair = combnat(Ku, 2)
		if(minors@shortcut) pair <- pair[, !duplicated(pair[1,]), drop = FALSE]

		for(i in 1:ncol(pair)){
			dat.perm.tmp = dat.perm[dat.perm$subgroups %in% pair[,i],]
			#if(length(levels(dat.perm.tmp$Group)) <= 1) {
			#	perm.pair.stat <- c(perm.pair.stat, 100)
			#	perm.pair.pval <- c(perm.pair.pval, 0)
			#} else if(nrow(dat.perm.tmp) == 0){
			#	perm.pair.stat <- c(perm.pair.stat, 100)
			#	perm.pair.pval <- c(perm.pair.pval, 0)
			#} else if(all(table(dat.perm.tmp$Group) >= fit@mindat)){
			#	perm.pair.stat <- c(perm.pair.stat, 100)
			#	perm.pair.pval <- c(perm.pair.pval, 0)
			#}	else {
			#	tmp <- surv_test(formula = formula1, data = dat.perm.tmp, distribution = approximate(B = minors@N.perm))
			#	perm.pair.stat <- c(perm.pair.stat, statistic(tmp))
			#	perm.pair.pval <- c(perm.pair.pval, pvalue(tmp))
				tmp <- try(surv_test(formula = formula1, data = dat.perm.tmp, distribution = approximate(B = minors@N.perm)), silent = TRUE)

				if(class(tmp) != "try-error"){
					perm.pair.stat <- c(perm.pair.stat, statistic(tmp))
					pair.pval <- switch(minors@correct,
								Bf = pvalue(tmp) * Kul * (Kul-1) * 0.5,
								Adj.Bf = pvalue(tmp) * Kul,
								None = pvalue(tmp)
					perm.pair.pval <- c(perm.pair.pval, pair.pval)
			} else{
				tmp <- try(survdiff(formula = formula1, data = dat.perm.tmp, rho = minors@rho), silent = TRUE)

				if(class(tmp) != "try-error"){
					perm.pair.stat <- c(perm.pair.stat, tmp$chisq)
					pair.pval <- 1 - pchisq(tmp$chisq, 1)
					pair.pval <- switch(minors@correct,
								Bf = pair.pval * Kul * (Kul-1) * 0.5,
								Adj.Bf = pair.pval * Kul,
								None = pair.pval
					perm.pair.pval <- c(perm.pair.pval, pair.pval)
		perm.pair.pval <- ifelse(perm.pair.pval > 1, 1, perm.pair.pval)
		#names(perm.pair.stat) <- apply(pair, 2, function(x) paste(x, collapse = "&"))

		# results
		min.ind = which.min(perm.pair.stat)

		#res.perm[1,1] <- perm.over.stat
		res.perm[1,1] <- perm.over.pval
		#res.perm[1,3] <- perm.pair.stat[min.ind]
		res.perm[1,2] <- ifelse(length(min.ind) == 0, 1.00, perm.pair.pval[min.ind])
# END @ Nov 12, 2013

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