
Defines functions htmlify katex_render .onLoad example_math katex_mathml katex_html

Documented in example_math katex_html katex_mathml

#' Tex math rendering in R
#' Converts tex-style math expressions to html and mathml for use in manual pages or
#' markdown documents.
#' The conversion is done in R using V8 ("server-side"), hence the resulting fragment can
#' be inserted into an HTML document without the need for a JavaScript library like MathJax.
#' Only the [katex.css](https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/katex@0.16.9/dist/katex.min.css)
#' style file is required in the final html document.
#' Use [math_to_rd] for embedding math into R documentation (`.rd`) pages.
#' Refer to the upstream [katex support table](https://katex.org/docs/support_table.html) for
#' the full list of supported tex functions that can be rendered to html using katex.
#' By default, [katex_html] returns a mix of HTML for visual rendering and includes
#' MathML for accessibility. To only get html, pass `output="html"` in the extra options,
#' see also the [katex documentation](https://katex.org/docs/options.html).
#' @export
#' @name katex
#' @rdname katex
#' @family katex
#' @param tex input string with tex math expression.
#' @param preview open an HTML preview page showing the snipped in the browser
#' @param displayMode render math in centered 2D layout, similar to `$$` in tex.
#' Set to `FALSE` to render (non-centered) inline layout for use in text.
#' For pdf output, this corresponds to the `\deqn{}` and `\eqn{}` macros, see
#' [WRE 2.6: Mathematics](https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/R-exts.html#Mathematics)
#' @param ... additional html rendering options passed to
#' [katex.render](https://katex.org/docs/options.html)
#' @param include_css adds the katex css file to the output.
#' This is only required once per html webpage. Set to `FALSE` if you include css
#' files into the your html head some other way.
#' @returns a string with a html/mathml fragment
#' @examples # Basic examples
#' html <- katex_html(example_math())
#' mathml <- katex_mathml(example_math())
#' # Example from katex.org homepage:
#' macros <- list("\\f" = "#1f(#2)")
#' math <- "\\f\\relax{x} = \\int_{-\\infty}^\\infty \\f\\hat\\xi\\,e^{2 \\pi i \\xi x} \\,d\\xi"
#' html <- katex_html(math,  macros = macros)
#' mathml <- katex_mathml(math,  macros = macros)
katex_html <- function(tex, displayMode = TRUE, ..., include_css = FALSE, preview = interactive()) {
  html <- katex_render(tex, displayMode = displayMode, ...)
    tmp <- tempfile(fileext = '.html')
    writeLines(htmlify(html), tmp, useBytes = TRUE)
    viewer <- getOption('viewer', utils::browseURL)
    html <- paste('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/katex@0.16.9/dist/katex.min.css" data-external="1">', html, sep = '\n')
  structure(html, class = c('html', 'character'))

#' @export
#' @rdname katex
katex_mathml <- function(tex, displayMode = TRUE, ...) {
  katex_render(tex = tex, displayMode = displayMode, output = 'mathml', ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname katex
example_math <- function(){
  return("f(x)= {\\frac{1}{\\sigma\\sqrt{2\\pi}}}e^{- {\\frac {1}{2}} (\\frac {x-\\mu}{\\sigma})^2}")

#' @importFrom V8 v8
.onLoad <- function(lib, pkg){
  assign("ctx", V8::v8("window"), environment(.onLoad))
  ctx$source(system.file("js/katex-0.16.9.min.js", package = pkg, mustWork = TRUE))
  ctx$source(system.file("js/cheerio-0.22.min.js", package = pkg, mustWork = TRUE))
  ctx$source(system.file("js/bindings.js", package = pkg, mustWork = TRUE))
  if(identical(.Platform$OS.type, 'windows') && getRversion() < '4.1.2'){
    ctx$source(system.file("js/he.min.js", package = pkg, mustWork = TRUE))
    ctx$eval('function escape_utf8(rd){return he.encode(rd, {allowUnsafeSymbols: true})}')

katex_render <- function(tex, displayMode, ...) {
  options <- list(...)
  options$displayMode <- displayMode
  html <- ctx$call('katex.renderToString', tex, options)
  Encoding(html) = 'UTF-8'

htmlify <- function(snippet){
  sub('{{math}}', snippet, template, fixed = TRUE)

template <- '<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/katex@0.16.9/dist/katex.min.css" data-external="1">

Try the katex package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

katex documentation built on Sept. 29, 2024, 5:06 p.m.