
Defines functions keras_model_from_json keras_model_to_json keras_load_weights keras_save_weights keras_load keras_save keras_predict_proba keras_predict_classes keras_predict keras_fit keras_compile Sequential

Documented in keras_compile keras_fit keras_load keras_load_weights keras_model_from_json keras_model_to_json keras_predict keras_predict_classes keras_predict_proba keras_save keras_save_weights Sequential

#' Initialize sequential model
#' Use this function to construct an empty model to which
#' layers will be added, or pass a list of layers directly
#' to the function. The first layer passed to a Sequential
#' model should have a defined input shape.
#' @param ...     keras model layers to construct the
#'                model from
#' @example inst/examples/layers.R
#' @template boilerplate
#' @export
#' @family model functions
#' @family layers
Sequential <- function(...) {

  layers <- list(...)

  modules$keras.models$Sequential(layers = layers)

#' Compile a keras model
#' Models must be compiled before being fit or used for prediction.
#' This function changes to input model object itself, and does not produce
#' a return value.
#' @param model               a keras model object, for example created with [Sequential()]
#' @param optimizer           name of optimizer) or optimizer object. See
#'                            [Optimizers].
#' @param loss                name of a loss function. See Details for
#'                            possible choices.
#' @param metrics             vector of metric names to be evaluated by the
#'                            model during training and testing. See Details
#'                            for possible options. See [EarlyStopping()] for using these in callbacks.
#' @param sample_weight_mode  if you need to do timestep-wise sample
#'                            weighting (2D weights), set this to `temporal`.
#'                            `None` defaults to sample-wise weights (1D).
#' @section Loss functions:
#' Possible losses are:
#' * `mean_squared_error`
#' * `mean_absolute_error`
#' * `mean_absolute_percentage_error`
#' * `mean_squared_logarithmic_error`
#' * `squared_hinge`
#' * `hinge`
#' * `categorical_crossentropy`
#' * `sparse_categorical_crossentropy`
#' * `binary_crossentropy`
#' * `kullback_leibler_divergence`
#' * `poisson`
#' * `cosine_proximity`.
#' @section Metrics:
#' Possible metrics are:
#' * `binary_accuracy`
#' * `categorical_accuracy`
#' * `sparse_categorical_accuracy`
#' * `top_k_categorical_accuracy`
#' @example inst/examples/layers.R
#' @template boilerplate
#' @export
#' @family model functions
keras_compile <- function(model, optimizer, loss, metrics = NULL,
                          sample_weight_mode = NULL) {

  if (length(metrics) == 1 && !is.list(metrics))
    metrics <- list(metrics)

  model$compile(optimizer = optimizer, loss = loss, metrics = metrics,
                sample_weight_mode = sample_weight_mode)


#' Fit a keras model
#' Learn the weight and bias values for am model given training data.
#' Model must be compiled first. The model is modified in place.
#' @param model             a keras model object, for example created with [Sequential()]
#' @param x                 numeric matrix of input data
#' @param y                 a numeric matrix or numeric vector containing labels.
#' @param batch_size        integer. Number of samples per gradient update.
#' @param epochs            integer, the number of epochs to train the model.
#' @param verbose           0 for no logging to stdout, 1 for progress bar
#'                          logging, 2 for one log line per epoch.
#' @param callbacks         list of callbacks to apply during training.
#'                          See [EarlyStopping()] or [TensorBoard()] for examples.
#' @param validation_split  numeric (`0 < x < 1`). Fraction of the data to
#'                          use as held-out validation data.
#' @param validation_data   `list(x_val, y_val)` or `list(x_val, y_val,
#'                          val_sample_weights)` to be used as held-out
#'                          validation data. Will override
#'                          `validation_split`.
#' @param shuffle           boolean or string (for `batch`). Whether to
#'                          shuffle the samples at each epoch. `batch` is
#'                          a special option for dealing with the
#'                          limitations of HDF5 data; it shuffles
#'                          in batch-sized chunks.
#' @param class_weight      dictionary mapping classes to a weight value,
#'                          used for scaling the loss function (during
#'                          training only).
#' @param sample_weight     numeric array of weights for the training samples
#' @param initial_epoch     epoch at which to start training
#' @example inst/examples/layers.R
#' @template boilerplate
#' @export
#' @family model functions
#' @seealso [keras_compile()]
keras_fit <- function(model, x, y, batch_size = 32,
                      epochs = 10, verbose = 1,
                      callbacks = NULL, validation_split = 0.0,
                      validation_data = NULL,
                      shuffle = TRUE, class_weight = NULL,
                      sample_weight = NULL,
                      initial_epoch = 0) {

  if (!is.array(x))
    stop("The input to 'x' must be an array/matrix object.")

  if (length(callbacks) == 1 && !is.list(callbacks))
    callbacks <- list(callbacks)

  if (!is.array(y) & !is.vector(y))
    stop("The input to 'y' must an array/vector or matrix object.")

  if (is.null(dim(y)))
    y <- matrix(y, ncol = 1)

  model$fit(x = x, y = y, batch_size = int32(batch_size),
            epochs = int32(epochs), verbose = int32(verbose),
            callbacks = callbacks, validation_split = validation_split,
            validation_data = validation_data, shuffle = shuffle,
            class_weight = class_weight, sample_weight = sample_weight,
            initial_epoch = int32(initial_epoch))


#' Predict values from a keras model
#' Once compiled and trained, this function returns the predictions
#' from a keras model. The function [keras_predict] returns raw
#' predictions, [keras_predict_classes] gives class predictions, and
#' [keras_predict_proba] gives class probabilities.
#' @param model             a keras model object, for example created with [Sequential()]
#' @param x                 input data
#' @param batch_size        integer. Number of samples per gradient update.
#' @param verbose           0 for no logging to stdout, 1 for progress bar
#'                          logging, 2 for one log line per epoch.
#' @example inst/examples/predict.R
#' @template boilerplate
#' @name Predict

#' @rdname Predict
#' @export
#' @family model functions
keras_predict <- function(model, x, batch_size = 32, verbose = 1) {

  if (!is.array(x))
    stop("The input to 'x' must be an array/matrix object.")

  res <- model$predict(x = x, batch_size = int32(batch_size),
                       verbose = int32(verbose))


#' @rdname Predict
#' @export
keras_predict_classes <- function(model, x, batch_size = 32, verbose = 1) {

  if (!is.array(x))
    stop("The input to 'x' must be an array/matrix object.")

  res <- model$predict_classes(x = x, batch_size = int32(batch_size),
                       verbose = int32(verbose))


#' @rdname Predict
#' @export
keras_predict_proba <- function(model, x, batch_size = 32, verbose = 1) {

  if (!is.array(x))
    stop("The input to 'x' must be an array/matrix object.")

  res <- model$predict_proba(x = x, batch_size = int32(batch_size),
                       verbose = int32(verbose))


#' Load and save keras models
#' These functions provide methods for loading and saving a keras
#' model. As python objects, R functions such as [readRDS] will
#' not work correctly. We have [keras_save] and [keras_load]
#' to save and load the entire object, [keras_save_weights] and
#' [keras_load_weights] to store only the weights, and
#' [keras_model_to_json] and [keras_model_from_json]
#' to store only the model architecture. It is also possible to use
#' the get_weights and set_weights methods to manually extract and
#' set weights from R objects (returned weights can be saved as an
#' R data file).
#' @param model  keras model object to save; or, for [keras_load_weights]
#'               the the model in which to load the weights
#' @param path   local path to save or load the data from
#' @example inst/examples/load_save.R
#' @template boilerplate
#' @name LoadSave
#' @family model functions

#' @rdname LoadSave
#' @export
keras_save <- function(model, path = "model.h5") {

#' @rdname LoadSave
#' @export
keras_load <- function(path = "model.h5") {

#' @rdname LoadSave
#' @export
keras_save_weights <- function(model, path = "model.h5") {

#' @rdname LoadSave
#' @export
keras_load_weights <- function(model, path = "model.h5") {

#' @rdname LoadSave
#' @export
keras_model_to_json <- function(model, path = "model.json") {
  json <- model$to_json()
  writeLines(json, con = path)

#' @rdname LoadSave
#' @export
keras_model_from_json <- function(path = "model.json") {
  model <- readLines(path)

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kerasR documentation built on Aug. 17, 2022, 5:06 p.m.