
Defines functions is.DispersalModel

Documented in is.DispersalModel

methods::setOldClass(c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))

#' DispersalModel Class
#' The class \code{DispersalModel} is an S4 Class supplying organism-specific information about dispersal stages (with axial
#' sigmas), FS & HS branch points, and the dispersal stage at which sampling occurs.It is used with the
#' \code{\link{simulate_kindist_custom}} function to enable the simulation of uniquely defined breeding & dispersal cycles.
#' The original simulation functions in this package (\code{simulate_kindist_simple()} & \code{simulate_kindist_composite}) were
#' designed for an organism with a specific (& relatively simple) breeding & dispersal cycle. 'simple' corresponded to a single
#' dispersal event across a lifespan, equivalency of all dispersal phases (FS, HS, PO) and no lifetime overlaps. 'composite'
#' corresponded to many insect dispersal situations, where breeding & oviposition are the key 'phase-defining' events (i.e.,
#' they lead to the initial gamete dispersal of half siblings & full siblings from each other), where field sampling typically
#' occurs via ovitraps
#' More general dispersal scenarios (e.g in mammals) require the ability to uniquely specify a variety of distinct breeding
#' ecologies & sampling schemes: the \code{DispersalModel} class paired with the \code{\link{simulate_kindist_custom}}
#' function achieves this by defining a breeding cycle with an arbitrary number of dispersal phases (the \code{dispersal_vector}
#' slot, accessed by the \code{\link{dispersal_vector}} method).
#' The breeding structure of a species may also impact at which stage
#' FS and HS phase branches occur. In \emph{Ae. aegypti}, males mate with multiple females in a (single) breeding season, and a female
#' typically carried the egg of only one male. In this context the FS (full-sibling) phase would be set to correspond to the female's
#' oviposition dispersal, while the HS (half-sibling) phase would be set to correspond to the male's breeding dispersal (as its gametes
#' will then be dispersed by multiple females across their gravid & ovipositional phases). However, in e.g. some species of the marsupial
#' \emph{Antechinus}, the FS branch point would be more appropriately associated with juveniles at the time that they leave the mother's
#' pouch. The \code{\link{fs}} and \code{\link{hs}} slots & accessor functions enable the assignment of these phase branches to any
#' defined life phase. Similarly, the \code{\link{sampling_stage}} slot & method allow the sampling point to be set to correspond to any
#' phase of the defined breeding cycle.
#' The next parameter stored in this object is the breeding cycle number \code{cycle}, accessed by the \code{\link{breeding_cycle}} method.
#' This parameter enables the treatment of species that undergo multiple breeding cycles in one lifetime. This is defined as a length two
#' vector describing the number of breeding cycles undergone by the final descendant of branch 1 and branch 2 of the dispersal pedigree before
#' their sampling (or after branching in the case of PO). (where branch one is the 'senior' and branch two the 'junior' member of the pedigree) (so uncle is branch one, nephew branch
#' two, grandmother branch one, granddaughter branch two, etc.). For each member of the resulting kin pair, the cycle number represents the
#' number of complete breeding cycles each individual has undergone before the sampling point, where the time between birth and first
#' reproduction is coded as '0', that between first and second reproduction '1', etc. This enables an application of the simulation
#' functions defined here to deal with populations with some amount of overlap between generations.
#' Note that this 'breeding cycle' approach is only applicable in situations where there is an approximate equivalence between the dispersal which
#' occurs in the first 'juvenile' breeding cycle and that which occurs between later breeding cycles. This parameter is implemented here, but it
#' will often be more productive to implement it instead as a parameter of the \code{\link{simulate_kindist_custom}} function (the cycle parameter
#' there if set overrides whatever was defined within this object)
#' The final parameter stored in this object is the breeding stage, \code{breeding_stage}. This describes the stage at which the
#' descendant individuals are generated (as opposed to \code{fs} & \code{hs}, which describe the point at which they are dispersed
#' from the parent)
#' @slot dispersal_vector numeric. Named vector of custom breeding cycle stages and their corresponding axial dispersal values
#' @slot stages character.  Ordered vector of all dispersal stages across the breeding cycle of the modeled species
#' @slot fs character.  breeding cycle stage at which first substantial FS-phased dispersal occurs
#' @slot hs character. breeding cycle stage at which first substantial HS-phased dispersal occurs
#' @slot sampling_stage character. stage in the breeding cycle at which samples are to be collected for kin identification.
#' @slot cycle non-negative integer. Breeding cycle numbers of dispersed kin to be modeled.  Represents
#' the number of complete breeding cycles each individual has undergone before the sampling point, where the time between
#' birth and first reproduction is coded as '0', that between first and second reproduction '1', etc. (default 0)
#' @slot breeding_stage (character) - stage in the cycle at which breeding occurs. Must correspond to a previously described cycle
#' stage name. By default, equated with the .HS stage. This stage corresponds to the \strong{generation} of next-generation individuals;
#' the .FS & .HS stages correspond to their separation. Needed for situations where individuals are sampled before they separate from the parent.
#' Modify if the modeled .HS gamete dispersal event does not correspond to the initial breeding event.
#' @slot visible_stage (character) - stage in the cycle at the \strong{beginning} of which individuals are visible to the study for
#' sampling rather than their parents (i.e. the beginning point of \code{cycle 0}). By default, equated with the \code{fs} stage. This parameter
#' determines how many dispersal stages individuals have gone through before they are sampled - if \code{.sampling_stage} occurs just
#' \strong{after} \code{.visible_stage}, the sampled individuals will have dispersed through only a small amount of the breeding cycle. if
#' \code{.sampling_stage} occurs just \strong{before} \code{.visible_stage}, the sampled individuals will have dispersed throughout most
#' of the breeding cycle before being sampled. If \code{.cycle} is set to \code{-1}, dispersal stages between breeding & visibility
#' can be accessed.
#' @return returns object of class \code{DispersalModel}
#' @export
#' @family kdclasses
DispersalModel <- setClass("DispersalModel",
                           slots = list(
                             dispersal_vector = "numeric", stages = "character",
                             fs = "character", hs = "character", sampling_stage = "character",
                             cycle = "numeric", breeding_stage = "character", visible_stage = "character"

########### Generics ##############

#' Access dispersal vector of \code{\link{DispersalModel}} object.
#' @param x object of class \code{DispersalModel}
#' @return \code{numeric vector} named vector of custom lifestages & associated dispersal sigmas.
#' @export
setGeneric("dispersal_vector", function(x) standardGeneric("dispersal_vector"))

#' Access breeding cycle stages of \code{\link{DispersalModel}} object.
#' @param x object of class \code{DispersalModel}
#' @return \code{character} ordered vector of custom lifestages contained in the object
#' @export
setGeneric("stages", function(x) standardGeneric("stages"))

#' Access FS phase split point of \code{\link{DispersalModel}} object.
#' @param x object of class \code{DispersalModel}
#' @return \code{character} FS phase split
#' @export
setGeneric("fs", function(x) standardGeneric("fs"))

#' Access HS phase split point of \code{\link{DispersalModel}} object.
#' @param x object of class \code{DispersalModel}
#' @return \code{character} HS phase split
#' @export
setGeneric("hs", function(x) standardGeneric("hs"))

#' Access sampling stage of \code{\link{DispersalModel}} or \code{\link{KinPairSimulation}} object.
#' @param x object of class \code{DispersalModel} or \code{KinPairSimulation}
#' @return \code{character} sampling stage
#' @export
setGeneric("sampling_stage", function(x) standardGeneric("sampling_stage"))

#' @rdname sampling_stage
#' @param x object of class \code{DispersalModel} or \code{KinPairSimulation}
#' @param value \code{character} new sampling stage to assign model
#' @return returns a modified object of class \code{DispersalModel}
#' @export
setGeneric("sampling_stage<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("sampling_stage<-"))

#' Access breeding cycle at sampling of \code{\link{DispersalModel}} object.
#' @param x object of class \code{DispersalModel} or \code{KinPairData}
#' @return \code{integer(s) >= -1} Breeding cycle numbers of modeled dispersed kin. Represents the number of complete
#' breeding cycles each indivdiual has undergone before the sampling point, where the time between birth and first
#' reproduction is coded as \code{0}, that between first and second reproduction \code{1}, etc.
#' @export
setGeneric("breeding_cycle", function(x) standardGeneric("breeding_cycle"))

#' Access life stage at which breeding occurs of \code{\link{DispersalModel}} object
#' @param x object of class \code{DispersalModel}
#' @return \code{character} life stage at which breeding occurs for modeled dispersed kin.
#' @export
setGeneric("breeding_stage", function(x) standardGeneric("breeding_stage"))

#' Access life stage at which individual is first visible to sampling (i.e. from which breeding cycles are calculated)
#' @param x object of class \code{DispersalModel} or \code{}
#' @return \code{character} stage in life cycle at which an individual is assumed to be sampled by default rather than its parent
#' (anchors the breeding cycle system)
#' @export
setGeneric("visible_stage", function(x) standardGeneric("visible_stage"))

############ Methods ##############

#' @describeIn dispersal_vector
#' @param DispersalModel object of class \code{DispersalModel}
#' @param x object of class \code{DispersalModel}
#' @export
setMethod("dispersal_vector", "DispersalModel", function(x) x@dispersal_vector)

#' @describeIn stages
#' @param DispersalModel object of class \code{DispersalModel}
#' @param x object of class \code{DispersalModel}
#' @export
setMethod("stages", "DispersalModel", function(x) x@stages)

#' @describeIn fs
#' @param DispersalModel object of class \code{DispersalModel}
#' @param x object of class \code{DispersalModel}
#' @export
setMethod("fs", "DispersalModel", function(x) x@fs)

#' @describeIn hs
#' @param DispersalModel object of class \code{DispersalModel}
#' @param x object of class \code{DispersalModel}
#' @export
setMethod("hs", "DispersalModel", function(x) x@hs)

#' @describeIn sampling_stage
#' @param DispersalModel object of class \code{DispersalModel}
#' @param x object of class \code{DispersalModel}
#' @export
setMethod("sampling_stage", "DispersalModel", function(x) x@sampling_stage)

#' @rdname sampling_stage
#' @param DispersalModel object of class \code{DispersalModel}
#' @export
setMethod("sampling_stage<-", "DispersalModel", function(x, value) {
  if (!value %in% x@stages) stop("New stage is not present in model!")
  x@sampling_stage <- value

#' @describeIn breeding_cycle
#' @param DispersalModel object of class \code{DispersalModel}
#' @param x object of class \code{DispersalModel}
#' @export
setMethod("breeding_cycle", "DispersalModel", function(x) x@cycle)

#' @describeIn breeding_stage
#' @param DispersalModel object of class \code{DispersalModel}
#' @param x object of class \code{DispersalModel}
#' @export
setMethod("breeding_stage", "DispersalModel", function(x) x@breeding_stage)

#' @describeIn visible_stage
#' @param DispersalModel object of class \code{DispersalModel}
#' @export
setMethod("visible_stage", "DispersalModel", function(x) x@visible_stage)

#' @describeIn DispersalModel print method
#' @param DispersalModel an object of class \code{DispersalModel}
#' @param object an object of class \code{DispersalModel}
#' @return No return value. Called for side effects
#' @export
  function(object) {
    cat("stage:\t\t", paste(object@stages, collapse = "\t"), "\n")
    cat("dispersal:\t", paste(object@dispersal_vector, collapse = "\t"), "\n\n")
    cat("FS branch:\t", object@fs, "\n")
    cat("HS branch:\t", object@hs, "\n")
    cat("sampling stage:\t", object@sampling_stage, "\n")
    cat("cycle:\t\t", object@cycle, "\n")

#' @describeIn DispersalModel initialization method
#' @param DispersalModel an object of class DispersalModel
#' @param .Object object to be constructed into DispersalModel class
#' @param stages character.  Ordered vector of all dispersal stages across the breeding cycle of the modeled species
#' @param dispersal_vector numeric. Named vector of custom breeding cycle stages and their corresponding axial dispersal values
#' @param fs character.  breeding cycle stage at which first substantial FS-phased dispersal occurs
#' @param hs character. breeding cycle stage at which first substantial HS-phased dispersal occurs
#' @param sampling_stage character. stage in the breeding cycle at which samples are to be collected for kin identification.
#' @param cycle non-negative integer. Breeding cycle numbers of dispersed kin to be modeled.  Represents
#' the number of complete breeding cycles each simulated individual has undergone before the sampling point, where the time between
#' birth and first reproduction is coded as '0', that between first and second reproduction '1', etc. (default 0)
#' @param breeding_stage (character) - stage in the cycle at which breeding occurs. Must correspond to a previously described cycle
#' stage name. By default, equated with the .HS stage. This stage corresponds to the \strong{generation} of next-generation individuals;
#' the .FS & .HS stages correspond to their separation. Needed for situations where individuals are sampled before they separate from the parent.
#' Modify if the modeled .HS gamete dispersal event does not correspond to the initial breeding event.
#' @param visible_stage (character) - stage in the cycle at the \strong{beginning} of which individuals are visible to the study for
#' sampling rather than their parents (i.e. the beginning point of \code{cycle 0}). By default, equated with the \code{fs} stage. This parameter
#' determines how many dispersal stages individuals have gone through before they are sampled - if \code{.sampling_stage} occurs just
#' \strong{after} \code{.visible_stage}, the sampled individuals will have dispersed through only a small amount of the breeding cycle. if
#' \code{.sampling_stage} occurs just \strong{before} \code{.visible_stage}, the sampled individuals will have dispersed throughout most
#' of the breeding cycle before being sampled. If \code{.cycle} is set to \code{-1}, dispersal stages between breeding & visibility
#' can be accessed.
#' @return returns an object of class \code{DispersalModel}
#' @export
  "initialize", "DispersalModel",
    stages = NULL,
    dispersal_vector = NULL,
    fs = NULL,
    hs = NULL,
    sampling_stage = NULL,
    cycle = NULL,
    breeding_stage = NULL,
    visible_stage = NULL
  ) {
    if (! is.null(stages)) .Object@stages <- stages else .Object@stages <- NULL
    if (! is.null(dispersal_vector)) .Object@dispersal_vector <- dispersal_vector else .Object@dispersal_vector <- NULL
    if (! is.null(fs)) .Object@fs <- fs else .Object@fs <- NULL
    if (! is.null(hs)) .Object@hs <- hs else .Object@hs <- NULL
    if (! is.null(sampling_stage)) .Object@sampling_stage <- sampling_stage else .Object@sampling_stage <- NULL
    if (! is.null(cycle)) .Object@cycle <- cycle else .Object@cycle <- NULL
    if (! is.null(breeding_stage)) .Object@breeding_stage <- breeding_stage else .Object@breeding_stage <- NULL
    if (! is.null(visible_stage)) .Object@visible_stage <- visible_stage else .Object@visible_stage <- NULL

#' Check if object is of class \code{DispersalModel}
#' @param x object to be checked
#' @return returns TRUE if of class \code{DispersalModel}, FALSE if not
#' @export
is.DispersalModel <- function(x) {
  "DispersalModel" %in% is(x)

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kindisperse documentation built on July 28, 2021, 5:09 p.m.