# Function calls
charToFact = function(x, decreasing=FALSE, addNA=TRUE, nThread=getOption("kit.nThread")) .Call(CcharToFactR, x, decreasing, nThread, NA, parent.frame(), addNA)
clearData = function(x, verbose=FALSE) .Call("CclearMappingObjectR", x, verbose)
count = function(x, value) .Call(CcountR, x, value)
countNA = function(x) .Call(CcountNAR, x)
countOccur = function(x) .Call(CcountOccurR, x)
fduplicated = function(x, fromLast = FALSE) .Call(CdupR, x, FALSE, fromLast)
fpos = function(needle, haystack, all=TRUE, overlap=TRUE) .Call(CfposR, needle, haystack, all, overlap)
funique = function(x, fromLast = FALSE) .Call(CdupR, x, TRUE, fromLast)
iif = function(test, yes, no, na=NULL, tprom=FALSE, nThread=getOption("kit.nThread")) .Call(CiifR, test, yes, no, na, tprom, nThread)
nif = function(..., default=NULL) .Call(CnifR, default, parent.frame(), as.list(substitute(...())))
nswitch = function(x, ..., default=NULL, nThread=getOption("kit.nThread"), checkEnc = TRUE) .Call(CnswitchR, x, default, nThread, checkEnc, list(...))
pall = function(..., na.rm=FALSE) .Call(CpallR, na.rm, if (...length() == 1L && is.list(..1)) ..1 else list(...))
pallNA = function(...) { x = if (...length() == 1L && is.list(..1)) unclass(..1) else list(...); .Call(CpcountNAR, x) == length(x) }
pallv = function(..., value) { x = if (...length() == 1L && is.list(..1)) unclass(..1) else list(...); pcount(..., value = value) == length(x) }
pany = function(..., na.rm=FALSE) .Call(CpanyR, na.rm, if (...length() == 1L && is.list(..1)) ..1 else list(...))
panyNA = function(...) as.logical(pcountNA(...))
panyv = function(..., value) as.logical(pcount(..., value = value))
pcountNA = function(...) .Call(CpcountNAR, if (...length() == 1L && is.list(..1)) ..1 else list(...))
pfirst = function(...) .Call(CpfirstR, FALSE, if (...length() == 1L && is.list(..1)) ..1 else list(...))
plast = function(...) .Call(CpfirstR, TRUE, if (...length() == 1L && is.list(..1)) ..1 else list(...))
pmean = function(..., na.rm=FALSE) .Call(CpmeanR, na.rm, if (...length() == 1L && is.list(..1)) ..1 else list(...))
pprod = function(..., na.rm=FALSE) .Call(CpprodR, na.rm, if (...length() == 1L && is.list(..1)) ..1 else list(...))
psum = function(..., na.rm=FALSE) .Call(CpsumR, na.rm, if (...length() == 1L && is.list(..1)) ..1 else list(...))
setlevels = function(x, old = levels(x), new, skip_absent=FALSE) invisible(.Call(CsetlevelsR, x, old, new, skip_absent))
topn = function(vec, n=6L, decreasing=TRUE, hasna=TRUE,index=TRUE) if(index) .Call(CtopnR, vec, n, decreasing, hasna, parent.frame()) else vec[.Call(CtopnR, vec, n, decreasing, hasna, parent.frame())]
uniqLen = function(x) .Call(CdupLenR, x)
vswitch = function(x, values, outputs, default=NULL, nThread=getOption("kit.nThread"), checkEnc = TRUE) .Call(CvswitchR, x, values, outputs, default, nThread, checkEnc)
.onUnload = function(libpath) library.dynam.unload("kit", libpath) #nocov
.onAttach = function(libname, pkgname) { #nocov
omp = if(.Call(CompEnabledR)) "enabled" else "disabled" #nocov
nth = getOption("kit.nThread") #nocov
thd = if (nth > 1L) " threads)" else " thread)" #nocov
packageStartupMessage(paste0("Attaching kit 0.0.18 (OPENMP ",omp," using ",nth,thd)) #nocov
} #nocov
.onLoad = function(libname, pkgname) { #nocov
if (!("kit.nThread" %in% names(options()))) { #nocov
options("kit.nThread"=1L) #nocov
} #nocov
} #nocov
pcount = function(..., value) {
if([1])) {
.Call(CpcountNAR, if (...length() == 1L && is.list(..1)) ..1 else list(...))
} else {
.Call(CpcountR, value, if (...length() == 1L && is.list(..1)) ..1 else list(...))
psort = function(x, decreasing = FALSE, na.last = NA, nThread=getOption("kit.nThread"), c.locale = TRUE) {
if (typeof(x) == "character") {
return(.Call(CcpsortR, x, decreasing, nThread, na.last,parent.frame(), FALSE, c.locale))
warning("Function 'psort' was only implemented for character vectors. Defaulting to base::sort.")
sort(x, decreasing = decreasing, na.last = na.last,method = if(c.locale) "radix" else "quick")
shareData = function(data, map_name, verbose=FALSE) {
conn = rawConnection(raw(0L), "w")
serialize(data, conn)
seek(conn, 0L)
if (grepl('SunOS',['sysname'])) map_name = paste0("/",map_name)
x = .Call(
"CcreateMappingObjectR", map_name, paste0(map_name,"_key"),
rawConnectionValue(conn), verbose
getData = function(map_name, verbose=FALSE) {
if (grepl('SunOS',['sysname'])) map_name = paste0("/",map_name)
output = .Call("CgetMappingObjectR", map_name, paste0(map_name,"_key"), verbose)
conn = rawConnection(output,"r")
obj = unserialize(conn)
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