
Defines functions plot.owrsp points.owrsp lines.owrsp print.summary.owrsp summary.owrsp print.owrsp as.data.frame.owrsp kitplot plot.wrsp points.wrsp lines.wrsp print.summary.wrsp summary.wrsp print.wrsp as.data.frame.wrsp

Documented in as.data.frame.owrsp as.data.frame.wrsp kitplot lines.owrsp lines.wrsp plot.owrsp plot.wrsp points.owrsp points.wrsp print.owrsp print.summary.owrsp print.summary.wrsp print.wrsp summary.owrsp summary.wrsp

#' @title Generic methods for objects with class \code{'wrsp'}.
#' @description
#' An object with class 'wrsp' is a list containing the
#' response information, and the
#' mechanical, hydraulic, and material properties used to
#' generate the response for a sealed well.
#' @details
#' The response information is a
#' matrix with frequency, complex response
#' [\eqn{\omega}, \eqn{Z_\alpha (\omega)}]
#' where the units of \eqn{\omega} will be as they were input.
#' The amplitude of \eqn{Z}
#' is in meters per strain, 
#' and the phase is in radians.
#' @name wrsp-methods
#' @aliases wrsp
#' @rdname wrsp-methods
#' @docType methods
#' @seealso 
#' \code{\link{well_response}}
#' \code{\link{kitagawa-package}}
#' @author A. J. Barbour <andy.barbour@@gmail.com>
#' @param x 'wrsp' object
#' @param object 'wrsp' object
#' @param n numeric; the number of \code{head} and \code{tail} to print
#' @param series character; the series to plot (amplitude or phase)
#' @param pch point character, as in \code{\link{par}}
#' @param xlims limits for x-axis (applies to both amp and phs frames)
#' @param ylims optional list of limits for y-axis (i.e., \code{list(amp=c(..),phs=c(...))})
#' @param logamp logical; should the amplitude be in log10 units
#' @param ... optional arguments
#' @examples
#' W <- well_response(1:10, T.=1, S.=1, Vw.=1, Rs.=1, Ku.=1, B.=1)
#' str(W)
#' print(W)
#' print(summary(W))
#' #
#' # Plot the response
#' plot(rnorm(10), xlim=c(-1,11), ylim=c(-2,2))
#' lines(W)
#' lines(W, "phs", col="red")
#' points(W)
#' points(W, "phs")
#' #
#' Wdf <- as.data.frame(W)
#' plot(Mod(wellresp) ~ omega, Wdf) # amplitude
#' plot(Arg(wellresp) ~ omega, Wdf) # phase
#' #
#' # or use the builtin method plot.wrsp
#' plot(W)
#' # change limits:
#' plot(W, xlims=c(-1,1), ylims=list(amp=c(5,8), phs=185*c(-1,1)))

#' @rdname wrsp-methods
#' @aliases as.data.frame.wrsp
#' @export
as.data.frame.wrsp <- function(x, ...){
  WR <- x[["Response"]]
  df <- as.data.frame(WR)
#' @rdname wrsp-methods
#' @aliases data.frame.wrsp
#' @export
data.frame.wrsp <- as.data.frame.wrsp

#' @rdname wrsp-methods
#' @aliases print.wrsp
#' @export
print.wrsp <- function(x, n=3, ...){
  message("Sealed well response:")
  WR <- as.data.frame(x)
  print(head(WR, n))
  print(tail(WR, n))

#' @rdname wrsp-methods
#' @aliases summary.wrsp
#' @export
summary.wrsp <- function(object, ...){
  WR <- object[["Response"]]
  toret <- summary.default(WR)
  class(toret) <- "summary.wrsp"

#' @rdname wrsp-methods
#' @aliases print.summary.wrsp
#' @export
print.summary.wrsp <- function(x, ...){
  message("Sealed well response summary:")

#' @rdname wrsp-methods
#' @aliases lines.wrsp
#' @export
lines.wrsp <- function(x, series=c("amp","phs"), ...){
  series <- match.arg(series)
  WR <- x[["Response"]]
  x <- WR[,1]
  y <- WR[,2]
  y <- switch(series, amp=Mod(y), phs=Arg(y))
  graphics::lines(x, y, ...)

#' @rdname wrsp-methods
#' @aliases points.wrsp
#' @export
points.wrsp <- function(x, series=c("amp","phs"), pch="+", ...){
  series <- match.arg(series)
  WR <- x[["Response"]]
  x <- WR[,1]
  y <- WR[,2]
  y <- switch(series, amp=Mod(y), phs=Arg(y))
  graphics::points(x, y, pch=pch, ...)

#' @rdname wrsp-methods
#' @aliases plot.wrsp
#' @export
plot.wrsp <- function(x, 
                      ylims=list(amp=NULL, phs=185*c(-1,1)), logamp=TRUE, ...){
  WR <- x[["Response"]]
  au <- x[["Response.units"]]
  fu <- x[["Omega"]][["Units"]]
  mdl <- x[["Model"]][["Model"]]
  # enforce freq units in Hz
  fc <- switch(fu, rad_per_sec=2*pi, Hz=1)
  frq <- log10(WR[,1] / fc)
  amp <- Mod(WR[,2])
  if (logamp){
    amp <- log10(amp)
    au <- paste("log10",au)
  phs <- Arg(WR[,2])*180/pi
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
      mgp=c(2.5, 0.5, 0), las=1)
  layout(matrix(c(1,2), ncol=1), heights=c(0.5,0.5))
  # amplitude
  alims <- ylims[["amp"]]
  if (is.null(alims)) alims <- range(pretty(amp))
       yaxs="i", ylab=sprintf("[%s]",au),
       xaxs="i", xaxt="n", xlab=""
  lines(frq, amp, type="l", lwd=1.5, ...)
  mtext(sprintf("Sealed well-response (%s)",mdl), font=2, line=1.0, cex=1.0)
  mtext("(a) Amplitude", adj=0.015, font=4, line=0.1, cex=0.8)
  # phase shift
       yaxs="i", yaxt="n", ylab="[degrees]",
       xaxs="i", xaxt="n", xlab=""
  abline(h=c(-1,-0.5,0,0.5,1)*180, col="grey80", lty=2)
  lines(frq, phs, type="l", lwd=1.5, ...)
  lbls <- ats <- seq(-180,180,by=30)
  lbls[seq_along(lbls)%%2==0] <- ""
  axis(2, at=ats, labels=lbls)
  mtext("(b) Phase", adj=0.015, font=4, line=0.1, cex=0.8)
  mtext("Frequency [Hz]", side=1, line=2)

#' @details \code{\link{kitplot}} was previously a standalone function, but
#' is now simply a reference to \code{\link{plot.wrsp}}.
#' @rdname wrsp-methods
#' @export
#' @family PlotUtilities
kitplot <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("kitplot")
#' @rdname wrsp-methods
#' @aliases kitplot.wrsp
#' @export
kitplot.wrsp <- plot.wrsp

#' @title Generic methods for objects with class \code{'owrsp'}.
#' @description
#' An object with class 'owrsp' is a list containing the
#' response information, and the
#' mechanical, hydraulic, and material properties used to
#' generate the response for an open well.
#' @details
#' The response information is a
#' matrix with frequency, complex response
#' [\eqn{\omega}, \eqn{Z_\alpha (\omega)}]
#' where the units of \eqn{\omega} will be as they were input.
#' The amplitude of \eqn{Z}
#' is in meters per strain, 
#' and the phase is in radians.
#' @name owrsp-methods
#' @aliases owrsp
#' @rdname owrsp-methods
#' @docType methods
#' @seealso 
#' \code{\link{open_well_response}}
#' \code{\link{kitagawa-package}}
#' @author A. J. Barbour <andy.barbour@@gmail.com>
#' @param x 'owrsp' object
#' @param object 'owrsp' object
#' @param n numeric; the number of \code{head} and \code{tail} to print
#' @param series character; the series to plot (amplitude or phase)
#' @param pch point character, as in \code{\link{par}}
#' @param xlims limits for x-axis (applies to both amp and phs frames)
#' @param ylims optional list of limits for y-axis (i.e., \code{list(amp=c(..),phs=c(...))})
#' @param logamp logical; should the amplitude be in log10 units
#' @param ... optional arguments
#' @examples
#' S. <- 1e-5  	# Storativity [nondimensional]
#' T. <- 1e-4		# Transmissivity [m**2 / s]
#' frq <- 1/(1:200)
#' # Defaults to the Rojstaczer formulation
#' W <- open_well_response(frq, T. = T., S. = S., Rs. = 0.12, freq.units="Hz")
#' # (warning message about missing 'z')
#' W <- open_well_response(frq, T. = T., S. = S., Rs. = 0.12, freq.units="Hz", z=1)
#' str(W)
#' print(W)
#' print(summary(W))
# #
# # Plot the response
#' plot(rnorm(10), xlim=c(-1,11), ylim=c(-2,2))
#' lines(W)
#' lines(W, "phs", col="red")
#' points(W)
#' points(W, "phs")
#' #
#' Wdf <- as.data.frame(W)
#' plot(Mod(wellresp) ~ omega, Wdf) # amplitude
#' plot(Arg(wellresp) ~ omega, Wdf) # phase
# #
# # or use the builtin method
#' plot(W)
#' # change limits:
#' plot(W, xlims=c(-4,0), ylims=list(amp=c(-7,-3), phs=185*c(-1,1)))

#' @rdname owrsp-methods
#' @aliases as.data.frame.owrsp
#' @export
as.data.frame.owrsp <- function(x, ...){
  WR <- x[["Response"]]
  df <- as.data.frame(WR)
#' @rdname owrsp-methods
#' @aliases data.frame.owrsp
#' @export
data.frame.owrsp <- as.data.frame.owrsp

#' @rdname owrsp-methods
#' @aliases print.owrsp
#' @export
print.owrsp <- function(x, n=3, ...){
  message("Open well response:")
  WR <- as.data.frame(x)
  print(head(WR, n))
  print(tail(WR, n))

#' @rdname owrsp-methods
#' @aliases summary.owrsp
#' @export
summary.owrsp <- function(object, ...){
  WR <- object[["Response"]]
  toret <- summary.default(WR)
  class(toret) <- "summary.owrsp"

#' @rdname owrsp-methods
#' @aliases print.summary.owrsp
#' @export
print.summary.owrsp <- function(x, ...){
  message("Open well response summary:")

#' @rdname owrsp-methods
#' @aliases lines.owrsp
#' @export
lines.owrsp <- function(x, series=c("amp","phs"), ...){
  series <- match.arg(series)
  WR <- x[["Response"]]
  x <- WR[,1]
  y <- WR[,2]
  y <- switch(series, amp=Mod(y), phs=Arg(y))
  graphics::lines(x, y, ...)

#' @rdname owrsp-methods
#' @aliases points.owrsp
#' @export
points.owrsp <- function(x, series=c("amp","phs"), pch="+", ...){
  series <- match.arg(series)
  WR <- x[["Response"]]
  x <- WR[,1]
  y <- WR[,2]
  y <- switch(series, amp=Mod(y), phs=Arg(y))
  graphics::points(x, y, pch=pch, ...)

#' @rdname owrsp-methods
#' @aliases plot.owrsp
#' @export
plot.owrsp <- function(x, 
                      ylims=list(amp=NULL, phs=185*c(-1,1)), logamp=TRUE, ...){
  WR <- x[["Response"]]
  au <- x[["Response.units"]]
  fu <- x[["Omega"]][["Units"]]
  mdl <- x[["Model"]][["Model"]]
  # enforce freq units in Hz
  fc <- switch(fu, rad_per_sec=2*pi, Hz=1)
  frq <- log10(WR[,1] / fc)
  amp <- Mod(WR[,2])
  if (logamp){
    amp <- log10(amp)
    au <- paste("log10",au)
  phs <- Arg(WR[,2])*180/pi
  origpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
      mgp=c(2.5, 0.5, 0), las=1)
  layout(matrix(c(1,2), ncol=1), heights=c(0.5,0.5))
  # amplitude
  alims <- ylims[["amp"]]
  if (is.null(alims)) alims <- range(pretty(amp))
       yaxs="i", ylab=sprintf("[%s]",au), 
       xaxs="i", xaxt="n", xlab=""
  lines(frq, amp, type="l", lwd=1.5, ...)
  mtext(sprintf("Open well-response (%s)",mdl), font=2, line=1.0, cex=1.0)
  mtext("(a) Amplitude", adj=0.015, font=4, line=0.1, cex=0.8)
  # phase shift
       yaxs="i", yaxt="n", ylab="[degrees]",
       xaxs="i", xaxt="n", xlab=""
  abline(h=c(-1,-0.5,0,0.5,1)*180, col="grey80", lty=2)
  lines(frq, phs, type="l", lwd=1.5, ...)
  lbls <- ats <- seq(-180,180,by=30)
  lbls[seq_along(lbls)%%2==0] <- ""
  axis(2, at=ats, labels=lbls)
  mtext("(b) Phase", adj=0.015, font=4, line=0.1, cex=0.8)
  mtext("Frequency [Hz]", side=1, line=2)

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kitagawa documentation built on July 2, 2020, 1:47 a.m.