
Defines functions VEplot

Documented in VEplot

# An extension of plot.cox.zph function to plot VE curve and other transformations
# by Youyi Fong and Dennis Chao
# 2015/2/20

VEplot <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("VEplot")
VEplot.cox.zph = function (object, resid = TRUE, se = TRUE, df = 4, nsmo = 40, var, ylab="VE", xlab="Time", xaxt="s", cex.axis=1, ...) {
    myplot.cox.zph (object=object, resid=resid, se = se, df = df, nsmo = nsmo, var = var, 
    coef.transform=function(x) 1-exp(x), # this is the only parameter provided in VEplot.cox.zph
    ylab=ylab, xlab=xlab, xaxt=xaxt, cex.axis=cex.axis, ...)        

myplot.cox.zph=function (object, resid = TRUE, se = TRUE, df = 4, nsmo = 40, var, 
    # parameters not part of plot.cox.zph
    coef.transform=NULL, # a function to transform the coefficients
    ylab=NULL, xlab="Time", xaxt="s", cex.axis=1,
    xx <- object$x
    yy <- object$y
    d <- nrow(yy)
    df <- max(df)
    nvar <- ncol(yy)
    pred.x <- seq(from = min(xx), to = max(xx), length = nsmo)
    temp <- c(pred.x, xx)
    lmat <- splines::ns(temp, df = df, intercept = TRUE)
    pmat <- lmat[1:nsmo, ]
    xmat <- lmat[-(1:nsmo), ]
    qmat <- qr(xmat)
    if (qmat$rank < df) 
        stop("Spline fit is singular, try a smaller degrees of freedom")
    if (se) {
        bk <- backsolve(qmat$qr[1:df, 1:df], diag(df))
        xtx <- bk %*% t(bk)
        seval <- d * ((pmat %*% xtx) * pmat) %*% rep(1, df)
    if (is.null(ylab)) {
        ylab <- paste("Beta(t) for", dimnames(yy)[[2]])
    } else {
        if (length(ylab)==1) ylab=rep(ylab, ncol(yy))
    if (missing(var)) 
        var <- 1:nvar
    else {
        if (is.character(var)) 
            var <- match(var, dimnames(yy)[[2]])
        if (any(is.na(var)) || max(var) > nvar || min(var) < 
            stop("Invalid variable requested")
    if (object$transform == "log") {
        xx <- exp(xx)
        pred.x <- exp(pred.x)
    else if (object$transform != "identity") {
        xtime <- as.numeric(dimnames(yy)[[1]])
        indx <- !duplicated(xx)
        apr1 <- approx(xx[indx], xtime[indx], seq(min(xx), max(xx), 
            length = 17)[2 * (1:8)])
        temp <- signif(apr1$y, 2)
        apr2 <- approx(xtime[indx], xx[indx], temp)
        xaxisval <- apr2$y
        xaxislab <- rep("", 8)
        for (i in 1:8) xaxislab[i] <- format(temp[i])
    for (i in var) {
        y <- yy[, i]
        yhat <- pmat %*% qr.coef(qmat, y)
        if (resid) 
            yr <- range(yhat, y)
        else yr <- range(yhat)
        if (se) {
            temp <- 2 * sqrt(object$var[i, i] * seval)
            yup <- yhat + temp
            ylow <- yhat - temp
            yr <- range(yr, yup, ylow)
        # added code
        if (!is.null(coef.transform)) {
            if (se) {
            if (resid) 
                yr <- range(yhat, y)
            else yr <- range(yhat)
            if (se) {
                yr <- range(yr, yup, ylow)
        if (object$transform == "identity") 
            plot(range(xx), yr, type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab[i], xaxt=xaxt, cex.axis=cex.axis,
        else if (object$transform == "log") 
            plot(range(xx), yr, type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab[i], xaxt=xaxt, cex.axis=cex.axis, 
                log = "object", ...)
        else {
            plot(range(xx), yr, type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab[i], axes = FALSE, ...)
            if (xaxt!="n") {
                axis(1, xaxisval, xaxislab, cex.axis=cex.axis, ...)
        if (resid) 
            points(xx, y)
        lines(pred.x, yhat)
        if (se) {
            lines(pred.x, yup, lty = 2)
            lines(pred.x, ylow, lty = 2)

# plot VE curve as function of a covariate from a fitted glm logistic regression model
# get CI by delta method on log(R1/R2), then transform
# X1 is nxp matrix where trt is 1, vacc. Should match coef
# X2 is nxp matrix where trt is 0, plac
# x is the covariate
# ... plotting arguments
VEplot.glm=function (object, X1, X2, x, ...) {
    V=getFixedEf(fit, ret.robcov=T)
    CIs=rbind(log(est)-1.96*sd., log(est)+1.96*sd.)
    plot(x,ve, type="l", ...)    

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