
Defines functions PenOpt

Documented in PenOpt

#' @importFrom glmnet cv.glmnet
#' @importFrom glmnet glmnet
#' @importFrom graphics abline
#' @importFrom cvTools cvFolds
#' @importFrom caret RMSE
#' @title Solve the internal minimization problem
#' @description This internal function of the l1-spectral clustering algorithm solves the l1-minimization problem and recover the community indicators of the clusters.
#' @seealso \code{\link{l1_spectralclustering}}, \code{\link{l1_spectral}}, \code{\link{l1spectral}}.
#' @param U The eigenvector matrix.
#' @param n The number of nodes of the connected component to cluster.
#' @param elements The representative elements of the connected component to cluster.
#' @param iteration The cluster we aim at recovering.
#' @param pen The penalty (to be chosen among "lasso" and "thresholdedLS").
#' @param k The number of clusters.
#' @return \code{v} The community indicator of cluster \code{iteration}.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Camille Champion, Magali Champion
#' @examples
#'  ###################################
#'  # Solving the minimization problem
#'  ###################################
#'  # 1st: create data
#'  Data <- CreateDataSet(k=3, n=20, p=list(p_inside=0.1,p_outside=0.1))
#'  # 2nd: find the structure, the opt number of clusters and the representative elements
#'  Structure <- FindStructure(Data$A_hat)
#'  Clusters <- FindNbrClusters(A = Data$A_hat, structure = Structure)
#'  Elements <- FindElement(A = Data$A_hat, structure = Structure, clusters = Clusters)
#'  Structure_tmp <- Structure$groups[[1]] # the first component
#'  A_tmp <- Data$A_hat[Structure$groups[[1]],Structure$groups[[1]]]
#'  n <- ncol(A_tmp)
#'  k <- Clusters$nbr_clusters$Component1 # number of clusters to create
#'  Elements_tmp <- Elements$indices$Component1 # the elements of the first component
#'  # 3rd: perform svd
#'  svd <- eigen(A_tmp)
#'  eigenvalues <- sort(svd$values,index.return=TRUE)
#'  eigenvectors <- svd$vectors[,eigenvalues$ix]
#'  # 4th: solve the minimization problem
#'  i <- 1 # the cluster we aim at recovering
#'  U <- t(eigenvectors[,1:(n-k+i-1)])
#'  v <- PenOpt(U, n, elements = Elements_tmp, iteration = i, pen = "lasso", k) # for lasso
#'  # the same with the least-squared threshold
#'  \donttest{v <- PenOpt(U, n, elements = Elements_tmp, iteration = i, pen = "thresholdedLS", k)}

PenOpt <- function(U, n, elements, iteration, pen, k){
  # solve the l1-min problem using Lasso or thresholded least-squares penalization
  w <- U[,elements[iteration]]
  W <- matrix(U[,-elements[iteration]],ncol=(ncol(U)-1),nrow=nrow(U))

  if (sum(w)==0 || length(w)==1){
    print("There is only one node in this cluster.")
    # w is constant - no more nodes in the cluster
    v <- rep(0,n)
    v[elements[iteration]] <- 1
  } else if (length(which(w!=0))==1){
    sol <- glmnet(W,-w,lambda=0,lower.limits=0)
    sol <- sol$beta
    solution <- as.matrix(sol)

    solution[solution<0.5] <- 0

      v <- c( 1 ,solution[elements[iteration]:length(solution)])
    } else{
      v <- c(solution[1:(elements[iteration]-1)], 1 ,solution[elements[iteration]:length(solution)])

  } else {
    if (pen == "lasso"){
      lassosol <- cv.glmnet(W,-w)

      cvtop<- min(lassosol$cvm)+5*(max(lassosol$cvm)-min(lassosol$cvm))/100

      error <- min(lassosol$cvm[lassosol$cvm>cvtop])
      lambda_opt <- lassosol$lambda[which(lassosol$cvm==error)]

      sol <- glmnet(W,-w,lambda=lambda_opt)
      sol <- sol$beta
      solution <- as.matrix(sol)

      I <- which(solution!=0)
      if (length(I)>1){
        sol2 <- glmnet(W[,I],-w,lambda=0)
        sol2 <- sol2$beta
        sol2 <- as.matrix(sol2)
        solution[I] <- sol2
    } else {
      # thresholded least-squares penalty
      # cross validation test
      if (nrow(W)>3){
        if (nrow(W)>=50){
          K <- 5
        } else {
          K <- nrow(W)
        groups <- cvFolds(nrow(W),K=K)

        sol2 <- glmnet(W,-w,lambda=0)
        sol2 <- sol2$beta

        T <- seq(from=0, to=1,0.01)

        FoldCV <- function(g,t){
          Train <- which(groups$which!=g)
          Test <- which(groups$which==g)
          sol <- glmnet(W[Train,],-w[Train],lambda=0)
          sol <- sol$beta
          sol <- as.matrix(sol)

          sol2 <- sol
          sol2[which(sol<t)] <- 0

          if (mean(-w[Test])!=0){
            error <- RMSE(W[Test,]%*%sol2,-w[Test])
          } else {
            error <- 1

        T_CV <- function(j){
          t <- T[j]
          error_CV <- lapply(X=1:K, FUN=FoldCV,t=t)
          error_CV <- mean(do.call(rbind, error_CV)[,1])

        Error_CV <- lapply(X=1:length(T),FUN=T_CV)
        Error_CV <- do.call(rbind, Error_CV)[,1]

        lambda_opt <- T[which.min(Error_CV)]

        if (lambda_opt==1){
          Diff <- diff(Error_CV)
          I <- which.max(abs(Diff/Diff[1])<0.1) + 1
          lambda_opt <- T[I]
        sol2 <- glmnet(W,-w,lambda=0)
        sol2 <- sol2$beta
        sol2 <- as.matrix(sol2)
        sol2[which(sol2<lambda_opt)] <- 0
        solution <- sol2

      } else {
        sol <- glmnet(W,-w,lambda=0)
        sol <- sol$beta
        sol <- as.matrix(sol)
        sol[which(sol<0.5)] <- 0
        solution <- sol
      v <- c( 1 ,solution[elements[iteration]:length(solution)])
    } else if (elements[iteration]==n){
      v <- c(solution[1:(elements[iteration]-1)], 1)
    } else {
      v <- c(solution[1:(elements[iteration]-1)], 1 ,solution[elements[iteration]:length(solution)])
  v[v<0] <- 0

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l1spectral documentation built on Jan. 27, 2022, 1:07 a.m.