
dematrify <- function (comm, filename, sep = ",", thresh = 0) 
    tmp <- which(comm > thresh, arr.ind = TRUE)
    samples <- row.names(tmp)
    species <- names(comm)[tmp[, 2]]
    abund <- comm[tmp]
    ord <- order(tmp[, 1], tmp[, 2])
    result <- data.frame(samples[ord], species[ord], abund[ord])
    names(result) <- c("sample", "species", "abundance")
    attr(result,'call') <- match.call()
    attr(result,'comm') <- deparse(substitute(comm))
    attr(result,'thresh') <- thresh
    if (missing(filename)) {
    } else {
        write.table(file = filename, result, sep = sep, quote = FALSE, 
            row.names = FALSE)

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labdsv documentation built on April 10, 2023, 5:08 p.m.