
Defines functions get_circumscribingcircle_calc get_circumscribingcircle

Documented in get_circumscribingcircle

#' get_circumscribingcircle
#' @description Diameter of the circumscribing circle around patches
#' @param landscape SpatRaster or matrix (with x, y, id columns)
#' @param directions The number of directions in which patches should be
#' connected: 4 (rook's case) or 8 (queen's case).
#' @param level Either 'patch' or 'class' for the corresponding level.
#' @details
#' The diameter of the smallest circumscribing circle around a patch in the landscape
#' is based on the maximum distance between the corners of each cell. This ensures that all
#' cells of the patch are included in the patch.
#' Because the metric is based on distances or areas please make sure your data
#' is valid using \code{\link{check_landscape}}.
#' @references
#' Based on C++ code from Project Nayuki (https://www.nayuki.io/page/smallest-enclosing-circle).
#' @examples
#' landscape <- terra::rast(landscapemetrics::landscape)
#' # get circle around each patch
#' get_circumscribingcircle(landscape)
#' # get circle around whole class
#' get_circumscribingcircle(landscape, level = "class")
#' @export
get_circumscribingcircle <- function(landscape, directions = 8, level = "patch") {

    landscape <- landscape_as_list(landscape)

    result <- lapply(X = landscape,
                     FUN = get_circumscribingcircle_calc,
                     directions = directions,
                     level = level)

    layer <- rep(seq_along(result),
                 vapply(result, nrow, FUN.VALUE = integer(1)))

    result <- do.call(rbind, result)

    result <- tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)



get_circumscribingcircle_calc <- function(landscape, level, directions) {

    # check level argument
    if (length(level) != 1 || !level %in% c("patch", "class")) {

        stop("The 'level' argument must be either 'patch' or 'class'.",
             call. = FALSE)

    if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "SpatRaster")) {
        stop("Please provide a 'SpatRaster', 'stars'-object, or a list with 'SpatRaster'.",
             call. = FALSE)

    # get resolution
    resolution <- terra::res(landscape)

    # check if resolution is identical
    if (!isTRUE(all.equal(resolution[1], resolution[2]))) {

        stop("The area of the circumscribing circle is currently only implemented for equal resolutions.",
             call. = FALSE)

    # get extent
    extent <- terra::ext(landscape)

    # convert to matrix
    landscape <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)

    # circle for each patch
    if (level == "patch") {

        # what classes are present
        classes <- get_unique_values_int(landscape, verbose = FALSE)

        # loop all classes
        circle <- do.call(rbind, lapply(classes, function(patches_class) {

            # get patches
            landscape_labeled <- get_patches_int(landscape, class = patches_class,
                                                 directions = directions)[[1]]

            # get circle
            cbind(class = as.integer(patches_class), rcpp_get_circle(landscape_labeled,
                                                                     resolution_xy = resolution[1]))

        # resulting tibble
        circle <- tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("patch", nrow(circle)),
                                 class = as.integer(circle$class),
                                 id = as.integer(seq_len(nrow(circle))),
                                 value = circle$circle_diameter,
                                 center_x = circle$circle_center_x,
                                 center_y = circle$circle_center_y))

    # class level (no labeling)
    else if (level == "class") {

        # get circle around classes
        circle_class <- rcpp_get_circle(landscape, resolution_xy = resolution[1])

        # resulting tibble
        circle <- tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("class", nrow(circle_class)),
                                 class = as.integer(circle_class$patch_id),
                                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(circle_class)),
                                 value = circle_class$circle_diameter,
                                 center_x = circle_class$circle_center_x,
                                 center_y = circle_class$circle_center_y))

    # shift the coordinates to the original coordinate system
    circle$center_x = circle$center_x + extent[1]
    circle$center_y = circle$center_y + extent[3]


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landscapemetrics documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 7:42 a.m.