
Defines functions cache_clear cache_exists cache_read cache_write

Documented in cache_clear cache_exists cache_read cache_write

#' Cache Save and Load (Write and Read)
#' This function lets the user save and load a cache of any R object to
#' improve timings and UX.
#' @family Cache
#' @param data Object
#' @param base Character vector. Unique name for your cache file. You can pass
#' a character vector with multiple elements that will be concatenated.
#' All cache files with start with \code{lares_cache_*} automatically to
#' quickly detect these cache files.
#' @param cache_dir Character. Where do you want to save you cache files?
#' By default they'll be stored on \code{tempdir()} but you can change it
#' using this parameter or setting a global option called \code{"LARES_CACHE_DIR"}.
#' @param quiet Boolean. Keep quiet? If not, message will be shown.
#' @param ask Boolean. If cache exists, when reading: (interactive) ask the user
#' if the cache should be used to proceed or ignored; when writing, (interactive)
#' ask the user if the cache should be overwritten. Note that you can only ask for
#' one cache file at a time because vectors are concatenated.
#' @param ... Additional parameters.
#' @return \code{cache_write}. No return value, called for side effects.
#' @examples
#' x <- list(a = 1, b = 2:4)
#' base <- c(as.character(Sys.Date()), "A", "B")
#' cache_write(x, base)
#' cache_read(base, ask = FALSE)
#' cache_exists("lares_cache_2021-06-01.A.B.C")
#' cache_clear()
#' @export
cache_write <- function(data,
                        base = "temp",
                        cache_dir = getOption("LARES_CACHE_DIR"),
                        ask = FALSE,
                        quiet = FALSE,
                        ...) {
  if (is.null(cache_dir)) {
    cache_dir <- tempdir()
  base <- paste(base, collapse = ".")
  if (left(base, 12) != "lares_cache_") base <- paste0("lares_cache_", base)
  if (right(base, 4) == ".RDS") base <- gsub("\\.RDS", "", base)
  file <- sprintf("%s/%s.RDS", cache_dir, base)
  if (nchar(file) >= 252) {
    stop("Your file name can't contain more than 250 characters.")
  if (dir.exists(cache_dir)) {
    if (cache_exists(file) && ask) {
      message("> Cache found: ", base)
      answer <- readline("Press ENTER to rewrite cache or type [i] to ignore: ")
    } else {
      answer <- "use"
    if (answer != "i") {
      saveRDS(data, file = file)
      if (!quiet) message("> Cache saved succesfully: ", base)
    } else {
      if (!quiet) message("> Skipped cache for: ", base)
  } else {
    stop("Not a valid directory: ", cache_dir)

#' @rdname cache_write
#' @return \code{cache_read}. R object. Data from cache file or NULL if no cache found.
#' @export
cache_read <- function(base,
                       cache_dir = getOption("LARES_CACHE_DIR"),
                       ask = FALSE,
                       quiet = FALSE,
                       ...) {
  base <- paste(base, collapse = ".")
  if (left(base, 12) != "lares_cache_") base <- paste0("lares_cache_", base)
  if (right(base, 4) == ".RDS") base <- gsub("\\.RDS", "", base)
  exists <- cache_exists(base, cache_dir)
  if (exists) {
    file <- attr(exists, "filename")
    base <- attr(exists, "base")
    if (ask == TRUE) {
      message("> Cache found: ", base)
      answer <- readline("Press ENTER to use cache or type [i] to ignore: ")
    } else {
      answer <- "use"
    if (answer != "i") {
      data <- readRDS(file)
      if (!quiet) message("> Cache loaded succesfully: ", base)
  } else {
    if (!quiet) {
      if (!is.function(file)) {
        message("No cache found for: ", file) 
      } else message("No cache file found for ", base)

#' @rdname cache_write
#' @return \code{cache_exists}. Boolean. Result of \code{base} existence.
#' @export
cache_exists <- function(base = NULL, cache_dir = getOption("LARES_CACHE_DIR"), ...) {
  if (is.null(cache_dir)) {
    cache_dir <- tempdir()
  if (!is.null(base)) {
    base <- paste(base, collapse = ".")
    if (left(base, 12) != "lares_cache_") base <- paste0("lares_cache_", base)
    if (right(base, 4) == ".RDS") base <- gsub("\\.RDS", "", base)
    filename <- sprintf("%s/%s.RDS", cache_dir, base)
  } else {
    files_dir <- list.files(cache_dir)
    base <- files_dir[startsWith(files_dir, "lares_cache_")]
    filename <- sprintf("%s/%s", cache_dir, base)
  exists <- any(file.exists(filename))
  attr(exists, "filename") <- filename
  attr(exists, "base") <- base
  attr(exists, "cache_dir") <- cache_dir

#' @rdname cache_write
#' @return \code{cache_clear}. Invisible vector containing cache file names removed.
#' @export
cache_clear <- function(cache_dir = getOption("LARES_CACHE_DIR"), quiet = FALSE, ...) {
  if (is.null(cache_dir)) cache_dir <- tempdir()
  files <- list.files(cache_dir)
  caches <- files[startsWith(files, "lares_cache_")]
  if (length(caches) > 0) {
    invisible(file.remove(sprintf("%s/%s", cache_dir, caches)))
  if (!quiet) {
    if (length(caches) > 0) {
      message(paste("Removed", length(caches), "cache files succesfully!"))
    } else {
      message("No cache files available to be removed.")

Try the lares package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

lares documentation built on Nov. 5, 2023, 1:09 a.m.