
Defines functions lv_dbscan lof

Documented in lof lv_dbscan

#' lv_dbscan
#' Implementation of the DBSCAN algorithm using largeVis datastructures.
#' @param edges An `edgematrix` object. Alternatively, a \code{largeVis} object,
#' in which case \code{edges} and \code{neighbors} will be taken from the \code{edges} and \code{knns} parameters, respectively.
#' @param neighbors An adjacency matrix of the type produced by \code{\link{randomProjectionTreeSearch}}
#' @param eps See \code{\link[dbscan]{dbscan}}.
#' @param minPts See \code{\link[dbscan]{dbscan}}.
#' @param verbose Vebosity level.
#' @details The DBSCAN algorithm attempts to find clusters of a minimum density given by \code{eps}. This
#' implementation leverages the nearest neighbor data assembled by largeVis.
#' @return A \code{\link[dbscan]{dbscan}} object.
#' @export
#' @references Martin Ester, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Jorg Sander, Xiaowei Xu (1996). Evangelos Simoudis, Jiawei Han, Usama M. Fayyad, eds. A density-based algorithm for discovering clusters in large spatial databases with noise. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD-96). AAAI Press. pp. 226-231. ISBN 1-57735-004-9.
lv_dbscan <- function(edges,
									 eps = Inf,
									 minPts = nrow(neighbors - 1),
									 verbose = getOption("verbose", TRUE)) {
	if (inherits(edges, "edgematrix")) {
		edges <- t(toMatrix(edges))
	} else if (inherits(edges, "largeVis")) {
		if (missing(neighbors)) neighbors <- edges$knns
		edges <- t(toMatrix(edges$edges))
	} else {
		stop("edges must be either an edgematrix or a largeVis object")
	if (!is.null(neighbors)) {
		neighbors[is.na(neighbors)] <- -1
		if (ncol(neighbors) != ncol(edges)) neighbors <- t(neighbors)
	if (is.null(edges) || is.null(neighbors)) stop("Both edges and neighbors must be specified (or use a largeVis object)")

	clusters <- dbscan_cpp(edges, neighbors, as.double(eps), as.integer(minPts), as.logical(verbose))

	structure(list(cluster = clusters, eps = eps, minPts = minPts, call = sys.call()),
						class = c("dbscan_fast", "dbscan"))

#' @title Local Outlier Factor Score
#' @description Calculate the Local Outlier Factor (LOF) score for each data point given knowledge
#' of k-Nearest Neighbors.
#' @param edges An `edgematrix` of the type produced by \code{\link{buildEdgeMatrix}}.
#' @references Based on code in the \code{\link[dbscan]{dbscan}} package.
#' @return A vector of LOF values for each data point.
#' @export
lof <- function(edges) {
	if (inherits(edges, "edgematrix")) edges <- t(toMatrix(edges))
	id <- apply(edges,MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) which(x != 0))
	dist <- apply(edges, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) x[x != 0])
	for (i in 1:ncol(id)) {
		ord <- order(dist[,i])
		id[,i] <- id[,i][ord]
		dist[,i] <- dist[,i][ord]
	K <- nrow(id)
	N <- ncol(id)
	dist <- t(dist)
	id <- t(id)

	lrd <- rep(0, N)

	for (i in 1:N) {
		merged <- cbind(dist[id[i,], K], dist[i, ])
		lrd[i] <- 1/(sum(apply(merged, 1, max))/K)

	ret <- rep(0, N)
	for (i in 1:N) ret[i] <- sum(lrd[id[i,]])/K / lrd[i]

	ret[is.nan(ret)] <- NA


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largeVis documentation built on Feb. 17, 2018, 1:01 a.m.