
Defines functions cv rmse1

rmse1 <- function(fit, data, response=NULL, ...) {
    yhat <- predict(fit, newdata = data, ...)
    if (is.null(response)) response <- endogenous(fit)
    y <- data[, response]
    c(RMSE = mean(as.matrix(y - yhat)^2)^.5)

cv <- function(modelList, data, K=5, rep=1, perf, seed=NULL, shared=NULL, ...) {
    if (is.vector(data)) data <- cbind(data)
    if (missing(perf)) perf <- rmse1
    if (!is.list(modelList)) modelList <- list(modelList)
    nam <- names(modelList)
    if (is.null(nam)) nam <- paste0("model", seq_along(modelList))
    args0 <- list(...)
    args <- args0
    if (!is.null(shared)) {
        sharedres <- shared(data,...)
        args <- c(args, sharedres)
    ## Models run on full data:
    if (is.function(modelList[[1]])) {
        fit0 <- lapply(modelList, function(f) do.call(f,c(list(data),args)))
    } else {
        fit0 <- modelList
    ## In-sample predictive performance:
    perf0 <- lapply(fit0, function(fit) do.call(perf,c(list(fit,data=data),args)))
    namPerf <- names(perf0[[1]])
    names(fit0) <- names(perf0) <- nam
    n <- NROW(data)
    M <- length(perf0)      # Number of models
    P <- length(perf0[[1]]) # Number of performance measures
    if (!is.null(seed)) {
        if (!exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE))
        R.seed <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)
        RNGstate <- structure(seed, kind = as.list(RNGkind()))
        on.exit(assign(".Random.seed", R.seed, envir = .GlobalEnv))
    if (K==0) {
        rep <- 1
        K <- 1
        folds <- list(csplit(seq(n)))
    } else {
        folds <- foldr(n,K,rep)
    arg <- expand.grid(R=seq(rep),K=seq(K)) #,M=seq_along(modelList))
    dim <- c(rep,K,M,P)
    PerfArr <- array(0,dim)
    dimnames(PerfArr) <- list(NULL,NULL,nam,namPerf)

    pb <- progressr::progressor(along=seq(nrow(arg)))
    ff <- function(i) {
        R <- arg[i,1]
        k <- arg[i,2]
        fold <- folds[[R]]
        dtest <- data[fold[[k]],,drop=FALSE]
        dtrain <- data[unlist(fold[-k]),,drop=FALSE]
        args <- args0
        if (!is.null(shared)) {
            sharedres <- shared(dtrain,...)
            args <- c(args, sharedres)
        if (is.function(modelList[[1]])) {
            fits <- lapply(modelList, function(f) do.call(f,c(list(dtrain),args)))
        } else {
            fits <- lapply(modelList, function(m) do.call(update,c(list(m,data=dtrain),args)))
        perfs <- lapply(fits, function(fit) do.call(perf,c(list(fit,data=dtest),args)))
    val <- future_mapply(ff, seq(nrow(arg)), SIMPLIFY=FALSE, future.seed=TRUE)
    for (i in seq(nrow(arg))) {
        R <- arg[i, 1]
        k <- arg[i, 2]
        PerfArr[R, k, ,] <- val[[i]]

    cc <- apply(PerfArr, 3:4, function(x) mean(x))
    if (length(nam)==nrow(cc)) rownames(cc) <- nam

                   coef = cc,
                   rep=rep, folds=K,

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