
Defines functions closed.testing p.correct pzmax

Documented in closed.testing p.correct

pzmax <- function(alpha, S) {
  ## P(Zmax > z) Family wise error rate, Zmax = max |Z_i|
  if (!requireNamespace("mets",quietly=TRUE))
    stop("'mets' package required")
  k <- nrow(S)
  zz <- qnorm(1-alpha/2)
  unlist(lapply(zz, function(z)
    1 - mets::pmvn(lower=rep(-z, k),
                   upper=rep(z, k),

##' @export
p.correct <- function(object, method, alpha=0.05, ...) {
  if (!inherits(object, "estimate"))
    stop("Expected an 'estimate' object")
  dots <- list(...)
  null <- object$compare$null
  if (!("null" %in% names(dots)) && !is.null(null))
    dots$null <- null
  object <- do.call(estimate, c(list(object), dots))
  est <- parameter(object)[, c(1,5), drop=FALSE]
  padj <- pzmax(est[,2], vcov(object))
  res <- cbind(est, padj)
  colnames(res)[3] <- paste0("Adj.",colnames(res)[2])
  f <- function(a) pzmax(a, vcov(object)) - alpha
  adj <- uniroot(f, lower=0, upper=alpha)$root
  attributes(res)["adjusted.significance.level"] <- adj

##' Closed testing procedure
##' Closed testing procedure
##' @aliases closed.testing p.correct
##' @param object estimate object
##' @param idx Index of parameters to adjust for multiple testing
##' @param null Null hypothesis value
##' @param return.all If TRUE details on all intersection hypotheses are returned
##' @param ... Additional arguments
##' @export
##' @examples
##' m <- lvm()
##' regression(m, c(y1,y2,y3,y4,y5,y6,y7)~x) <- c(0,0.25,0,0.25,0.25,0,0)
##' regression(m, to=endogenous(m), from="u") <- 1
##' variance(m,endogenous(m)) <- 1
##' set.seed(2)
##' d <- sim(m,200)
##' l1 <- lm(y1~x,d)
##' l2 <- lm(y2~x,d)
##' l3 <- lm(y3~x,d)
##' l4 <- lm(y4~x,d)
##' l5 <- lm(y5~x,d)
##' l6 <- lm(y6~x,d)
##' l7 <- lm(y7~x,d)
##' (a <- merge(l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7,subset=2))
##' if (requireNamespace("mets",quietly=TRUE)) {
##'    p.correct(a)
##' }
##' as.vector(closed.testing(a))
closed.testing <- function(object, idx=seq_along(coef(object)),
                            null, return.all=FALSE, ...) {
  if (missing(null)) {
    null <- object$compare$null
    if (is.null(null))
      null <- rep(0, length(idx))
  if (length(idx)>15) stop("Too many tests. Consider some other adjustment method")
  B <- diag(nrow=length(idx))
  e <- estimate(object, keep=idx)
  combs <- pvals <- c()
  for (i in seq_along(idx)) {
    co <- combn(length(idx),i)
    pp <- numeric(ncol(co))
    for (j in seq_along(pp)) {
      pp[j] <- compare(e, contrast=B[co[, j], , drop=FALSE],
                       null=null[co[, j]], ...)$p.value
    combs <- c(combs, list(co))
    pvals <- c(pvals, list(pp))
  pmax <- c()
  for (k in seq_along(idx)) {
    pk <- c()
    for (i in seq_along(idx)) {
      cols <- apply(combs[[i]], 2, function(x) k%in%x)
      pk <- c(pk,pvals[[i]][which(cols)])
    pmax <- c(pmax,max(pk))
  if (return.all)

  res <- cbind(parameter(e)[, c(1,5)], pmax)
  colnames(res)[3] <- paste0("Adj.", colnames(res)[2])

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