
Defines functions auto_clear_lazyarray lazyarray

Documented in auto_clear_lazyarray lazyarray

#' @title Create or load 'lazyarray' instance
#' @description If path is missing, create a new array. If path exists and 
#' meta file is complete, load existing file, otherwise create new meta file
#' and import from existing data.
#' @author Zhengjia Wang
#' @seealso \code{\link{create_lazyarray}}, \code{\link{load_lazyarray}}
#' @param path path to a local drive where array data is stored
#' @param file_names partition names without prefix nor extension; see details
#' @param storage_format data type, choices are \code{"double"}, 
#' \code{"integer"}, \code{"character"}, and \code{"complex"}; see details
#' @param dim integer vector, dimension of array, see \code{\link{dim}}
#' @param dimnames list of vectors, names of each dimension, see \code{\link{dimnames}}
#' @param multipart whether to split array into multiple partitions, default is true
#' @param prefix character prefix of array partition
#' @param multipart_mode 1, or 2, mode of partition, see \code{\link{create_lazyarray}}
#' @param compress_level 0 to 100, level of compression. 0 means
#' no compression, 100 means maximum compression. For persistent data,
#' it's recommended to set 100. Default is 50.
#' @param meta_name header file name, default is \code{"lazyarray.meta"}
#' @param read_only whether created array is read-only
#' @param quiet whether to suppress messages, default is false
#' @param ... ignored
#' @details There are three cases and \code{lazyarray} behaves differently 
#' under each cases. Case 1: if \code{path} is missing, then the function calls 
#' \code{\link{create_lazyarray}} to create a blank array instance. Case 2: 
#' if \code{path} exists and it contains \code{meta_name}, then load existing
#' instance with given read/write access. In this case, parameters other than
#' \code{read_only}, \code{path}, \code{meta_name} will be ignored. Case 3: if 
#' \code{meta_name} is missing and \code{path} is missing, then \code{lazyarray}
#' will try to create arrays from existing data files. 
#' If \code{lazyarray} enters case 3, then \code{file_names} will be used to 
#' locate partition files. Under multi-part mode (\code{multipart=TRUE}), 
#' \code{file_names} is default to 1, 2, ..., \code{dim[length(dim)]}. These
#' correspond to \code{'1.fst'}, \code{'2.fst'}, etc. under \code{path} folder.
#' You may specify your own \code{file_names} if irregular names are used. 
#' and file format for each partition will be \code{<prefix><file_name>.fst}.
#' For example, a file name \code{file_names=c('A', 'B')} and 
#' \code{prefix="file-"} means the first partition will be stored as 
#' \code{"file-A.fst"}, and \code{"file-B.fst"}. It's fine if some files are
#' missing, the corresponding partition will be filled with \code{NA} when
#' trying to obtain values from those partition. However, length of 
#' \code{file_names} must equals to the last dimension when 
#' \code{multipart=TRUE}. If \code{multipart=FALSE}, \code{file_names} should 
#' have length 1 and the corresponding file is the data file.
#' It's worth note to import from existing partition files generated by 
#' other packages such as \code{'fst'}, the partition files must be homogeneous,
#' meaning the stored data length, dimension, and storage type must be the same.
#' Because \code{'fstcore'} package stores data in data frame internally, 
#' the column name must be 'V1', 'V2', etc. for non-complex elements or 
#' 'V1R', 'V1I', ... for complex numbers (real and imaginary data are stored
#' in different columns).
#' @examples 
#' path <- tempfile()
#' # ---------------- case 1: Create new array ------------------
#' arr <- lazyarray(path, storage_format = 'double', dim = c(2,3,4), 
#'                  meta_name = 'lazyarray.meta')
#' arr[] <- 1:24
#' # Subset and get the first partition
#' arr[,,1]
#' # Partition file path (total 4 partitions)
#' arr$get_partition_fpath()
#' # Removing array doesn't clear the data
#' rm(arr); gc()
#' # ---------------- Case 2: Load from existing directory ----------------
#' ## Important!!! Run case 1 first
#' # Load from existing path, no need to specify other params
#' arr <- lazyarray(path, meta_name = 'lazyarray.meta', read_only = TRUE)
#' arr[,,1]
#' # ---------------- Case 3: Import from existing data ----------------
#' ## Important!!! Run case 1 first
#' # path exists, but meta is missing, all other params are required
#' # Notice the partition count increased from 4 to 5, and storage type converts
#' # from double to character
#' arr <- lazyarray(path = path, meta_name = 'lazyarray-character.meta', 
#'                  file_names = c(1,2,3,4,'additional'), 
#'                  storage_format = 'character', dim = c(2,3,5), 
#'                  quiet = TRUE, read_only = FALSE)
#' # partition names
#' arr$get_partition_fpath(1:4, full_path = FALSE)
#' arr$get_partition_fpath(5, full_path = FALSE)
#' # The first dimension still exist and valid
#' arr[,,1]
#' # The additional partition is all NA
#' arr[,,5]
#' # Set data to 5th partition
#' arr[,,5] <- rep(0, 6)
#' # -------- Advanced usage: create fst data and import manually --------
#' # Clear existing files
#' path <- tempfile()
#' unlink(path, recursive = TRUE)
#' dir.create(path, recursive = TRUE)
#' # Create array of dimension 2x3x4, but 3rd partition is missing
#' # without using lazyarray package 
#' # Column names must be V1 or V1R, V1I (complex)
#' fst::write_fst(data.frame(V1 = 1:6), path = file.path(path, 'part-1.fst'))
#' fst::write_fst(data.frame(V1 = 7:12), path = file.path(path, 'part-B.fst'))
#' fst::write_fst(data.frame(V1 = 19:24), path = file.path(path, 'part-d.fst'))
#' # Import via lazyarray
#' arr <- lazyarray(path, meta_name = 'test-int.meta',
#'                  storage_format = 'integer',
#'                  dim = c(2,3,4), prefix = 'part-', 
#'                  file_names = c('1', 'B', 'C', 'd'), 
#'                  quiet = TRUE)
#' arr[]
#' # Complex case
#' fst::write_fst(data.frame(V1R = 1:6, V1I = 1:6), 
#'                path = file.path(path, 'cplx-1.fst'))
#' fst::write_fst(data.frame(V1R = 7:12, V1I = 100:105), 
#'                path = file.path(path, 'cplx-2.fst'))
#' fst::write_fst(data.frame(V1R = 19:24, V1I = rep(0,6)), 
#'                path = file.path(path, 'cplx-4.fst'))
#' arr <- lazyarray(path, meta_name = 'test-cplx.meta',
#'                  storage_format = 'complex',
#'                  dim = c(2,3,4), prefix = 'cplx-', 
#'                  file_names = 1:4, quiet = TRUE)
#' arr[]
#' @export
lazyarray <- function(
  path, storage_format, dim, dimnames = NULL, 
  multipart = TRUE, prefix = "",
  multipart_mode = 1, compress_level = 50L,
  file_names = list('', seq_len(dim[[length(dim)]]))[[multipart + 1]],
  meta_name = 'lazyarray.meta', 
  read_only = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, ...
  if(file.exists(path) && !dir.exists(path)){
    stop('lazyarray path must be a directory path, but a file was found.')
    # not exists, create a new one
    arr <- create_lazyarray(
      path = path, storage_format = storage_format, dim = dim,
      dimnames = dimnames,  compress_level = compress_level, prefix = prefix,
      multipart = multipart, multipart_mode = multipart_mode, 
      file_names = file_names, meta_name = meta_name)
      arr <- load_lazyarray(path = path, read_only = TRUE, 
                            meta_name = meta_name)
  # path exists, locate meta_name
  if(file.exists(file.path(path, meta_name))){
    arr <- load_lazyarray(path = path, read_only = read_only, 
                          meta_name = meta_name)
    message('meta file not found, create one with existing files')
  # library(raveio)
  # ts <- lapply(1:20, function(ii){
  #   Tensor$new(
  #     data = 1:9000, c(30,300,1),
  #     dimnames = list(A = 1:30, B = 1:300, C = ii),
  #     varnames = c('A', 'B', 'C'), use_index = 2, temporary = FALSE)
  # })
  # file_names <- sapply(ts, '[[', 'swap_file')
  # path <- stringr::str_split(file_names[[1]], '/file|\\.fst', simplify = TRUE)[,1]
  # file_names <- stringr::str_split(file_names, '/file|\\.fst', simplify = TRUE)[,2]
  # prefix <- 'file'
  # join_tensors(ts, temporary = FALSE)
  # Otherwise meta_name does not exist
    if(length(file_names) != dim[[length(dim)]]){
      stop('path exists, but cannot find meta file. Please specify file_names\n',
           '  See ', sQuote('?lazyarray'), ' for more details')
    path <- normalizePath(path)
    fs <- file.path(path, sprintf('%s%s.fst', prefix, file_names))
    fe <- file.exists(fs)
      fs <- fs[fe]
      ds <- sapply(fs, function(f){
        # f=ts[[1]]$swap_file
          meta <- cpp_fst_meta_orig(normalizePath(f))
          if(inherits(meta, 'fst_error')){ stop(meta) }
        }, error = function(e){
          stop('Cannot open array file(s). \n  ', f)
        c(meta$nrOfCols, meta$nrOfRows)
      }, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
      ds <- unique(t(ds))
      if(length(ds) != 2){
        stop('All existing files must be homogeneous')
      mp_dim <- dim[-length(dim)]
      len1 <- prod(mp_dim)
      len2 <- ds[[1]] * ds[[2]]
      if(storage_format == 'complex'){
        len1 <- len1 * 2
      if(len1 != len2){
        stop('Dimension provided does not match with existing files')
      if(multipart_mode == 1){
        last_d <- ds[[1]]
        if(storage_format != 'complex'){ last_d <- last_d * 2 }
        if(last_d != 2){
          stop('Multipart mode=1, partition dimension should be ', 
               paste(mp_dim, collapse = 'x'), 
               'x1, but invalid dimension found.')
        part_dimension <- c(mp_dim, 1)
      } else {
        part_dimension <- mp_dim
    } else {
      # no file exists, new data?
      if( multipart_mode == 1 ){
        part_dimension <- dim
        part_dimension[length(dim)] <- 1
      } else if(multipart_mode == 2){
        part_dimension <- dim[-length(dim)]
  } else {
    if(length(file_names) == 0){
      file_names <- ''
    if(length(file_names) != 1){
      stop('path exists, but cannot find meta file. Please specify file_names\n',
           '  See ', sQuote('?lazyarray'), ' for more details')
    path <- normalizePath(path)
    f <- file.path(path, sprintf('%s%s.fst', prefix, file_names))
    meta <- tryCatch({
      meta <- cpp_fst_meta_orig(f)
      if(inherits(meta, 'fst_error')){
    }, error = function(e){
      stop('Cannot open array file(s). \n  ', f)
    last_dim <- meta$nrOfCols
    prev_dim <- meta$nrOfRows
    if(last_dim != dim[length(dim)] || (last_dim * prev_dim != prod(dim))){
        'Array dimension not match, expected last dimension to be %d and total length %d, but last dim(%d) and length(%d) is given',
        last_dim, prev_dim * last_dim, dim[[length(dim)]], prod(dim)
    part_dimension <- dim
  # make a meta file
  meta <- list(
    lazyarray_version = 0,
    file_format = 'fst',
    storage_format = storage_format,
    dim = dim,
    dimnames = dimnames,
    partitioned = multipart,
    prefix = prefix,
    part_dimension = part_dimension,
    postfix = '.fst',
    compress_level = compress_level,
    file_names = file_names
  meta_path <- file.path(path, meta_name)
  save_yaml(meta, meta_path)
  ClassLazyArray$new(path = path, read_only = read_only, meta_name = meta_name)

#' Automatically remove array data 
#' @author Zhengjia Wang
#' @description Remove the files containing array data once no
#' 'lazyarray' instance is using the folder. Require
#' installation of \code{dipsaus} package (at least version 0.0.8).
#' @param x 'lazyarray' instance
#' @param onexit passed to \code{\link{reg.finalizer}}
#' @details \code{auto_clear_lazyarray} attempts to remove the entire folder
#' containing array data. However, if some files are not created by the
#' array, only partition data and meta file will be removed, all the 
#' artifacts will remain and warning will be displayed. One exception is
#' if all files left in the array directory are \code{*.meta} files, 
#' all these meta files will be removed along with the folder.
#' @examples 
#' path <- tempfile()
#' arr_dbl <- lazyarray(path, storage_format = 'double',
#'                      dim = 2:4, meta_name = 'meta-dbl.meta')
#' arr_dbl[] <- 1:24
#' auto_clear_lazyarray(arr_dbl)
#' arr_chr <- lazyarray(path, storage_format = 'character',
#'                      dim = 2:4, meta_name = 'meta-chr.meta',
#'                      quiet = TRUE)
#' auto_clear_lazyarray(arr_chr)
#' # remove either one, the directory still exists
#' rm(arr_dbl); invisible(gc(verbose = FALSE))
#' arr_chr[1,1,1]
#' # Remove the other one, and path will be removed
#' rm(arr_chr); invisible(gc(verbose = FALSE))
#' dir.exists(path)
#' arr_check <- lazyarray(path, storage_format = 'character',
#'                        dim = 2:4, meta_name = 'meta-chr',
#'                        quiet = TRUE)
#' # data is removed, so there should be no data (NAs)
#' arr_check[]
#' @export
auto_clear_lazyarray <- function(x, onexit = FALSE){
  if(requireNamespace('dipsaus', quietly = TRUE)){
    path <- dirname(x$storage_path)
    path <- normalizePath(path)
    dipsaus::shared_finalizer(x, key = path, function(e){
      e$remove_data(force = TRUE)
    }, onexit = onexit)
  rm(x, onexit)

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lazyarray documentation built on July 18, 2020, 9:06 a.m.