
#' @importFrom sf read_sf st_layers
#' @importFrom tibble tibble

#' Class SFSQLConnection (and methods)
#' SFSQLConnection objects are created by passing [SFSQL()] as first
#' argument to [DBI::dbConnect()].
#' They are a superclass of the [DBIConnection-class] class.
#' The "Usage" section lists the class methods overridden by \pkg{lazysf}.
#' @seealso
#' The corresponding generic functions
#' [DBI::dbSendQuery()], [DBI::dbDisconnect()],
#' [DBI::dbReadTable()],
#' [DBI::dbExistsTable()], [DBI::dbListTables()].
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
         contains = "DBIConnection",
         slots = list(
           DSN = "character",
           readonly = "logical")

## do we need?
# The corresponding generic functions
# [DBI::dbSendQuery()], [DBI::dbGetQuery()],
# [DBI::dbSendStatement()], [DBI::dbExecute()],
# [DBI::dbExistsTable()], [DBI::dbListTables()], [DBI::dbListFields()],
# [DBI::dbRemoveTable()], and [DBI::sqlData()].

#' @rdname SFSQLConnection-class
#' @export
setMethod("show", "SFSQLConnection", function(object) {
  tables <- DBI::dbListTables(object)
  dsn <- object@DSN
  if (grepl("pass", dsn, ignore.case = TRUE) || grepl("user", dsn, ignore.case = TRUE)) {

    dsn <- paste0(strsplit(dsn, "\\s")[[1L]][1L], "...")
  cat("   DSN: ", dsn, "\n", sep = "")
  cat("tables: ", paste(tables, collapse = ", "), "\n", sep = "")

#' @rdname SFSQLConnection-class
#' @export
setMethod("dbSendQuery", "SFSQLConnection",
          function(conn, statement, ...) {
            ## quiet and fake layer because we aren't using layer  = (it's in the query)
            args <- list(...)
            args$dsn <- conn@DSN
            args$layer <- "<unused fake layer>"
            args$query <- statement           ## user can't do this (warn?)
            args$quiet <- TRUE; args$as_tibble <- TRUE ## hardcoded
           layer_data <- do.call(sf::st_read, args)
           if (getOption("lazysf.query.debug")) {
             message(sprintf("-------------\nlazysf debug ....\nSQL:\n%s\nnrows read:\n%i",
                             statement), nrow(layer_data))
           if (inherits(layer_data, "try-error")) {
             if (length(gregexpr("SELECT", statement, ignore.case = TRUE)[[1]]) > 1) {
               stop(sprintf("executing SQL failed: \n%s\n\nperhaps driver in use does not support sub-queries?",
             } else {
               stop("executing SQL failed")
                layer_data = layer_data)


#' @rdname SFSQLConnection-class
#' @export
setMethod("dbReadTable", c(conn = "SFSQLConnection", name = "character"),
          function(conn, name, ...){
            x <- dbSendQuery(conn, sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s", name))

#' @rdname SFSQLConnection-class
#' @export
setMethod("dbListTables", c(conn = "SFSQLConnection"),
          function(conn, ...){
            layers <- sf::st_layers(conn@DSN, ...)

#' @rdname SFSQLConnection-class
#' @export
setMethod("dbExistsTable", c(conn = "SFSQLConnection"),
          function(conn, name, ...){
            name %in% dbListTables(conn, ...)

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lazysf documentation built on Nov. 14, 2020, 9:07 a.m.