
Defines functions sim_uni_lcsm

Documented in sim_uni_lcsm

#' Simulate data from univariate latent change score model parameter estimates
#' @description This function simulate data from univariate latent change score model parameter estimates using \link[lavaan]{simulateData}.
#' @param timepoints See \link[lcsm]{specify_uni_lcsm}
#' @param var See \link[lcsm]{specify_uni_lcsm}
#' @param model See \link[lcsm]{specify_uni_lcsm}
#' @param change_letter See \link[lcsm]{specify_uni_lcsm}
#' @param sample.nobs Numeric, number of cases to be simulated, see \link[lcsm]{specify_uni_lcsm}
#' @param na_pct Numeric, percentage of random missing values in the simulated dataset (0 to 1)
#' @param model_param List, specifying parameter estimates for the LCSM that has been specified in the argument 'model'
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\strong{\code{gamma_lx1}}}: Mean of latent true scores x (Intercept),
#' \item{\strong{\code{sigma2_lx1}}}: Variance of latent true scores x,
#' \item{\strong{\code{sigma2_ux}}}: Variance of observed scores x,
#' \item{\strong{\code{alpha_g2}}}: Mean of change factor (g2),
#' \item{\strong{\code{alpha_g3}}}: Mean of change factor (g3),
#' \item{\strong{\code{sigma2_g2}}}: Variance of constant change factor (g2).
#' \item{\strong{\code{sigma2_g3}}}: Variance of constant change factor (g3),
#' \item{\strong{\code{sigma_g2lx1}}}: Covariance of constant change factor (g2) with the initial true score x (lx1),
#' \item{\strong{\code{sigma_g3lx1}}}: Covariance of constant change factor (g3) with the initial true score x (lx1),
#' \item{\strong{\code{sigma_g2g3}}}: Covariance of change factors (g2 and g2),
#' \item{\strong{\code{phi_x}}}: Autoregression of change scores x.
#' }
#' @param seed Set seed for data simulation, see \link[lavaan]{simulateData}
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed on to \link[lavaan]{simulateData}
#' @param return_lavaan_syntax Logical, if TRUE return the lavaan syntax used for simulating data. To make it look beautiful use the function \link[base]{cat}.
#' @return tibble
#' @export
#' @examples # Simulate data from univariate LCSM parameters 
#' sim_uni_lcsm(timepoints = 10, 
#'              model = list(alpha_constant = TRUE, beta = FALSE, phi = TRUE), 
#'              model_param = list(gamma_lx1 = 21, 
#'                                 sigma2_lx1 = 1.5,
#'                                 sigma2_ux = .2, 
#'                                 alpha_g2 = -.93,
#'                                 sigma2_g2 = .1,
#'                                 sigma_g2lx1 = .2,
#'                                 phi_x = .2),
#'              return_lavaan_syntax = FALSE, 
#'              sample.nobs = 1000,
#'              na_pct = .3)
sim_uni_lcsm <- function(timepoints, model, model_param = NULL, var = "x", change_letter = "g", sample.nobs = 500, na_pct = 0, seed = NULL, ..., return_lavaan_syntax = FALSE){
  # 1. Create lavaan syntax  ----
  # String including labels for parameters
  model <- specify_uni_lcsm(timepoints = timepoints,
                                    var = var,
                                    model = model,
                                    change_letter = change_letter)
  # 2. Extract all labels from lavaan syntax using lavaan::lavaanify() ----
  labels <- lavaan::lavaanify(model) %>% 
    tibble::as_tibble() %>%
    dplyr::mutate(label = dplyr::na_if(label, ""),
                  label = base::factor(label)) %>% 
    dplyr::filter(is.na(label) == FALSE) %>% 
    dplyr::distinct(label) %>% 
  # 3. Enter values for all labels/estimates in lavaan syntax using base::readline() ----
  if (base::is.null(model_param) == TRUE){
    base::message("Please enter the following parameter estimates for the data simulation:")
    # Create empty list
    estimates <- list()
    for (label_i in labels) {
      value <- base::readline(base::paste0("Enter value for ", label_i, ": "))
      estimates[label_i] <- base::as.numeric(value)
  } else if (base::is.null(model_param) == FALSE){
    base::message("Parameter estimates for the data simulation are taken from the argument 'model_param'.")
    # If argument model_param is specified, use this to simulate data
    # Create vector indicating which labels have been specified in model_param
    check_labels <- labels %in% base::names(model_param)
    # Test if all labels have been specified
    if (base::all(check_labels) == TRUE){
      base::message("All parameter estimates for the LCSM have been specified in the argument 'model_param'.")
    } else if (base::all(check_labels) == FALSE){
      missing_labels <- labels[base::which(!check_labels)]
      missing_labels_01 <- paste("- ", missing_labels)
      missing_labels_02 <- stringr::str_c(missing_labels_01, sep = "", collapse = "\n")
      base::warning(paste0("The following parameters are specified in the LCSM but no parameter estimates have been entered in 'model_param':\n", missing_labels_02), call. = FALSE)
    estimates <- model_param
  # 4. Replace all labels in lavaan syntax with values entered above ----
  model_estimates <- model
  for (estimate_i in seq_along(estimates)) {
    model_estimates <- stringr::str_replace_all(model_estimates, names(estimates[estimate_i]), as.character(estimates[estimate_i])) 
  # 5. Simulate data using lavaan::simulateData() ----
  sim_data_model <- lavaan::simulateData(model = model_estimates, 
                                         model.type = "sem", 
                                         meanstructure = 'default', 
                                         int.ov.free = TRUE, 
                                         int.lv.free = FALSE, 
                                         conditional.x = TRUE,
                                         fixed.x = FALSE, 
                                         orthogonal = FALSE, 
                                         std.lv = TRUE, 
                                         auto.fix.first = FALSE, 
                                         auto.fix.single = FALSE, 
                                         auto.var = TRUE, 
                                         auto.cov.lv.x = TRUE, 
                                         auto.cov.y = TRUE, 
                                         sample.nobs = sample.nobs, 
                                         ov.var = NULL, 
                                         group.label = paste("G", 1:ngroups, sep = ""), 
                                         skewness = 0, 
                                         kurtosis = 0, 
                                         seed = seed,
                                         empirical = FALSE, 
                                         return.type = "data.frame",
                                         return.fit = FALSE,
                                         debug = FALSE, 
                                         standardized = FALSE,
  # 6. Restructure data ----
  # Add id variable
  sim_data_model_ids <- sim_data_model %>% 
    dplyr::as_tibble() %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(id = 1:sample.nobs) %>% 
    dplyr::select(id, dplyr::everything()) 
  # Add missing values
  var_names <- names(sim_data_model_ids)[-1]
  sim_data_model_ids_nas <- sim_data_model_ids %>%
    tidyr::gather(vars, value, -id) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(vars = base::factor(vars, levels = var_names)) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(random_num = runif(nrow(.)),   
                  value = base::ifelse(vars %in% var_names & random_num <= na_pct, NA, value)) %>%
    dplyr::select(-random_num) %>%
    tidyr::spread(vars, value) 
  # 7. Return data ----
  if (return_lavaan_syntax == FALSE){
    # Return simulated data
  } else if (return_lavaan_syntax == TRUE){


#' Simulate data from bivariate latent change score model parameter estimates
#' @description This function simulate data from bivariate latent change score model parameter estimates using \link[lavaan]{simulateData}.
#' @param timepoints See \link[lcsm]{specify_bi_lcsm}
#' @param model_x See \link[lcsm]{specify_bi_lcsm}
#' @param model_x_param List, specifying parameter estimates for the LCSM that has been specified in the argument '\code{model_x}':
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\strong{\code{gamma_lx1}}}: Mean of latent true scores x (Intercept),
#' \item{\strong{\code{sigma2_lx1}}}: Variance of latent true scores x,
#' \item{\strong{\code{sigma2_ux}}}: Variance of observed scores x,
#' \item{\strong{\code{alpha_g2}}}: Mean of change factor (g2),
#' \item{\strong{\code{alpha_g3}}}: Mean of change factor (g3),
#' \item{\strong{\code{sigma2_g2}}}: Variance of change factor (g2).
#' \item{\strong{\code{sigma2_g3}}}: Variance of change factor (g3),
#' \item{\strong{\code{sigma_g2lx1}}}: Covariance of change factor (g2) with the initial true score x (lx1),
#' \item{\strong{\code{sigma_g3lx1}}}: Covariance of change factor (g3) with the initial true score x (lx1),
#' \item{\strong{\code{sigma_g2g3}}}: Covariance of change factors (g2 and g2),
#' \item{\strong{\code{phi_x}}}: Autoregression of change scores x.
#' }
#' @param model_y See \link[lcsm]{specify_bi_lcsm}
#' @param model_y_param List, specifying parameter estimates for the LCSM that has been specified in the argument '\code{model_y}':
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\strong{\code{gamma_ly1}}}: Mean of latent true scores y (Intercept),
#' \item{\strong{\code{sigma2_ly1}}}: Variance of latent true scores y,
#' \item{\strong{\code{sigma2_uy}}}: Variance of observed scores y,
#' \item{\strong{\code{alpha_j2}}}: Mean of change factor (j2),
#' \item{\strong{\code{alpha_j3}}}: Mean of change factor (j3),
#' \item{\strong{\code{sigma2_j2}}}: Variance of change factor (j2).
#' \item{\strong{\code{sigma2_j3}}}: Variance of change factor (j3),
#' \item{\strong{\code{sigma_j2ly1}}}: Covariance of change factor (j2) with the initial true score x (ly1),
#' \item{\strong{\code{sigma_j3ly1}}}: Covariance of change factor (j3) with the initial true score x (ly1),
#' \item{\strong{\code{sigma_j2j3}}}: Covariance of change factors (j2 and j2),
#' \item{\strong{\code{phi_y}}}: Autoregression of change scores y.
#' }
#' @param coupling See \link[lcsm]{specify_bi_lcsm}
#' @param coupling_param List, specifying parameter estimates coupling parameters that have been specified in the argument '\code{coupling}':
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\strong{\code{sigma_su}}}: Covariance of residuals x and y,
#' \item{\strong{\code{sigma_ly1lx1}}}: Covariance of intercepts x and y,
#' \item{\strong{\code{sigma_g2ly1}}}: Covariance of change factor x (g2) with the initial true score y (ly1),
#' \item{\strong{\code{sigma_g3ly1}}}: Covariance of change factor x (g3) with the initial true score y (ly1),
#' \item{\strong{\code{sigma_j2lx1}}}: Covariance of change factor y (j2) with the initial true score x (lx1),
#' \item{\strong{\code{sigma_j3lx1}}}: Covariance of change factor y (j3) with the initial true score x (lx1),
#' \item{\strong{\code{sigma_j2g2}}}: Covariance of change factors y (j2) and x (g2),
#' \item{\strong{\code{sigma_j2g3}}}: Covariance of change factors y (j2) and x (g3),
#' \item{\strong{\code{sigma_j3g2}}}: Covariance of change factors y (j3) and x (g2),,
#' \item{\strong{\code{delta_con_xy}}}: Change score x (t) determined by true score y (t),
#' \item{\strong{\code{delta_con_yx}}}: Change score y (t) determined by true score x (t),
#' \item{\strong{\code{delta_lag_xy}}}: Change score x (t) determined by true score y (t-1),
#' \item{\strong{\code{delta_lag_yx}}}: Change score y (t) determined by true score x (t-1),
#' \item{\strong{\code{xi_con_xy}}}: Change score x (t) determined by change score y (t),
#' \item{\strong{\code{xi_con_yx}}}: Change score y (t) determined by change score x (t),
#' \item{\strong{\code{xi_lag_xy}}}: Change score x (t) determined by change score y (t-1),
#' \item{\strong{\code{xi_lag_yx}}}: Change score y (t) determined by change score x (t-1)
#' }
#' @param sample.nobs Numeric, number of cases to be simulated, see \link[lcsm]{specify_uni_lcsm}
#' @param na_x_pct Numeric, percentage of random missing values in the simulated dataset (0 to 1)
#' @param na_y_pct Numeric, percentage of random missing values in the simulated dataset (0 to 1)
#' @param seed Set seed for data simulation, see \link[lavaan]{simulateData}
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed on to \link[lavaan]{simulateData}
#' @param var_x See \link[lcsm]{specify_bi_lcsm}
#' @param var_y See \link[lcsm]{specify_bi_lcsm}
#' @param change_letter_x See \link[lcsm]{specify_bi_lcsm}
#' @param change_letter_y See \link[lcsm]{specify_bi_lcsm}
#' @param return_lavaan_syntax Logical, if TRUE return the lavaan syntax used for simulating data. To make it look beautiful use the function \link[base]{cat}.
#' @return tibble
#' @export
#' @references Ghisletta, P., & McArdle, J. J. (2012). Latent Curve Models and Latent Change Score Models Estimated in R. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 19(4), 651–682. \doi{10.1080/10705511.2012.713275}.
#' Grimm, K. J., Ram, N., & Estabrook, R. (2017). Growth Modeling—Structural Equation and Multilevel Modeling Approaches. New York: The Guilford Press.
#' Kievit, R. A., Brandmaier, A. M., Ziegler, G., van Harmelen, A.-L., de Mooij, S. M. M., Moutoussis, M., … Dolan, R. J. (2018). Developmental cognitive neuroscience using latent change score models: A tutorial and applications. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 33, 99–117. \doi{10.1016/j.dcn.2017.11.007}.
#' McArdle, J. J. (2009). Latent variable modeling of differences and changes with longitudinal data. Annual Review of Psychology, 60(1), 577–605. \doi{10.1146/annurev.psych.60.110707.163612}.
#' Yves Rosseel (2012). lavaan: An R Package for Structural Equation Modeling. Journal of Statistical Software, 48(2), 1-36.
#' \doi{10.18637/jss.v048.i02}.
#' @examples # Simulate data from bivariate LCSM parameters 
#' sim_bi_lcsm(timepoints = 12, 
#'             na_x_pct = .05,
#'             na_y_pct = .1,
#'             model_x = list(alpha_constant = TRUE, beta = TRUE, phi = FALSE),
#'             model_x_param = list(gamma_lx1 = 21,
#'                                  sigma2_lx1 = .5,
#'                                  sigma2_ux = .2,
#'                                  alpha_g2 = -.4,
#'                                  sigma2_g2 = .4,
#'                                  sigma_g2lx1 = .2,
#'                                  beta_x = -.1),
#'             model_y = list(alpha_constant = TRUE, beta = TRUE, phi = TRUE),
#'             model_y_param = list(gamma_ly1 = 5,
#'                                  sigma2_ly1 = .2,
#'                                  sigma2_uy = .2,
#'                                  alpha_j2 = -.2,
#'                                  sigma2_j2 = .1,
#'                                  sigma_j2ly1 = .02,
#'                                  beta_y = -.2,
#'                                  phi_y = .1),
#'             coupling = list(delta_lag_xy = TRUE, 
#'                             xi_lag_yx = TRUE),
#'             coupling_param =list(sigma_su = .01,
#'                                  sigma_ly1lx1 = .2,
#'                                  sigma_g2ly1 = .1,
#'                                  sigma_j2lx1 = .1,
#'                                  sigma_j2g2 = .01,
#'                                  delta_lag_xy = .13,
#'                                  xi_lag_yx = .4),
#'             return_lavaan_syntax = FALSE)
sim_bi_lcsm <- function(timepoints, 
                        model_x, model_x_param = NULL, 
                        model_y, model_y_param = NULL, 
                        coupling, coupling_param = NULL,
                        sample.nobs = 500, na_x_pct = 0, na_y_pct = 0, seed = NULL,
                        var_x = "x", var_y = "y", change_letter_x = "g", change_letter_y = "j", 
                        return_lavaan_syntax = FALSE
  # 1. Create lavaan syntax  ----
  # String including labels for parameters
  model <- specify_bi_lcsm(timepoints = timepoints,
                           var_x = var_x,
                           model_x = model_x,
                           var_y = var_y,
                           model_y = model_y,
                           coupling = coupling,
                           change_letter_x = change_letter_x,
                           change_letter_y = change_letter_y)
  # 2. Extract all labels from lavaan syntax using lavaan::lavaanify() ----
  labels <- lavaan::lavaanify(model) %>% 
    tibble::as_tibble() %>%
    dplyr::mutate(label = dplyr::na_if(label, ""),
                  label = base::factor(label)) %>% 
    dplyr::filter(is.na(label) == FALSE) %>% 
    dplyr::distinct(label) %>% 
  # 3. Enter values for all labels/estimates in lavaan syntax using base::readline() ----
  # Only if all _param arguemtnts are NULL ask for values using base::readline()
  if (base::is.null(model_x_param) == TRUE & base::is.null(model_y_param) == TRUE & base::is.null(coupling_param) == TRUE){
    base::message("Please enter the following parameter estimates for the data simulation:")
    # Create empty list
    estimates <- list()
    for (label_i in labels) {
      value <- base::readline(base::paste0("Enter value for ", label_i, ": "))
      estimates[label_i] <- base::as.numeric(value)
    # If at least one _param argument has values dont ask for other values
    # THis could be improved to be spcific for each model an coupling parameters maybe
  } else if (base::is.null(model_x_param) == FALSE | base::is.null(model_y_param) == FALSE | base::is.null(coupling_param) == FALSE){
    base::message("Parameter estimates for the data simulation are taken from the argument 'model_param'.")
    # If argument model_param is specified, use this to simulate data
    # Combine all model parameters
    model_param <- c(model_x_param, model_y_param, coupling_param)
    # Create vector indicating which labels have been specified in model_param
    check_labels <- labels %in% base::names(model_param)
    # Test if all labels have been specified
    if (base::all(check_labels) == TRUE){
      base::message("All parameter estimates for the LCSM have been specified in the argument 'model_param'.")
    } else if (base::all(check_labels) == FALSE){
      missing_labels <- labels[base::which(!check_labels)]
      missing_labels_01 <- paste("- ", missing_labels)
      missing_labels_02 <- stringr::str_c(missing_labels_01, sep = "", collapse = "\n")
      base::warning(paste0("The following parameters are specified in the LCSM but no parameter estimates have been entered in 'model_param':\n", missing_labels_02), call. = FALSE)
    estimates <- model_param
  # 4. Replace all labels in lavaan syntax with values entered above ----
  # Create new object with lavaan model, this still has labels and not values
  model_estimates <- model
  # Loop through all estimates and replacve with values that have been specified
  for (estimate_i in seq_along(estimates)) {
    model_estimates <- stringr::str_replace_all(model_estimates, names(estimates[estimate_i]), as.character(estimates[estimate_i])) 
  # 5. Simulate data using lavaan::simulateData() ----
  sim_data_model <- lavaan::simulateData(model = model_estimates, 
                                         model.type = "sem", 
                                         meanstructure = 'default', 
                                         int.ov.free = TRUE, 
                                         int.lv.free = FALSE, 
                                         conditional.x = TRUE,
                                         fixed.x = FALSE, 
                                         orthogonal = FALSE, 
                                         std.lv = TRUE, 
                                         auto.fix.first = FALSE, 
                                         auto.fix.single = FALSE, 
                                         auto.var = TRUE, 
                                         auto.cov.lv.x = TRUE, 
                                         auto.cov.y = TRUE, 
                                         sample.nobs = sample.nobs, 
                                         ov.var = NULL, 
                                         group.label = paste("G", 1:ngroups, sep = ""), 
                                         skewness = 0, 
                                         kurtosis = 0, 
                                         seed = seed,
                                         empirical = FALSE, 
                                         return.type = "data.frame",
                                         return.fit = FALSE,
                                         debug = FALSE, 
                                         standardized = FALSE,
  # 6. Restructure data ----
  # Add id variable
  sim_data_model_ids <- sim_data_model %>% 
    dplyr::as_tibble() %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(id = 1:sample.nobs) %>% 
    dplyr::select(id, dplyr::everything()) 
  # Add missing values
  # # Get list with variable names for each constrct
  var_names_x <- names(sim_data_model_ids)[2:(timepoints + 1)]
  var_names_y <- names(sim_data_model_ids)[(timepoints + 2):length(names(sim_data_model_ids))]
  # Select data for each construct
  # Introduce NAs seperately for each construcht
  # X
  sim_data_x_model_ids <- sim_data_model_ids %>%
    dplyr::select(id, dplyr::all_of(var_names_x))
  sim_data_x_model_ids_nas <- sim_data_x_model_ids %>%
    tidyr::gather(vars, value, -id) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(vars = base::factor(vars, levels = var_names_x)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(random_num = runif(nrow(.)),
                  value = base::ifelse(vars %in% var_names_x & random_num <= na_x_pct, NA, value)) %>%
    dplyr::select(-random_num) %>%
    tidyr::spread(vars, value)
  # Y
  sim_data_y_model_ids <- sim_data_model_ids %>%
    dplyr::select(id, dplyr::all_of(var_names_y))
  sim_data_y_model_ids_nas <- sim_data_y_model_ids %>%
    tidyr::gather(vars, value, -id) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(vars = base::factor(vars, levels = var_names_y)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(random_num = runif(nrow(.)),
                  value = base::ifelse(vars %in% var_names_y & random_num <= na_y_pct, NA, value)) %>%
    dplyr::select(-random_num) %>%
    tidyr::spread(vars, value)
  # Join x and y data
  sim_data_xy_model_ids_nas <- sim_data_x_model_ids_nas %>%
    dplyr::left_join(sim_data_y_model_ids_nas, by = "id")
  # 7. Return data----
  if (return_lavaan_syntax == FALSE){
    # Return simulated data
  } else if (return_lavaan_syntax == TRUE){



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