
"landem" <- function(t,t2,side,iuse,asf,alpha,phi,ztrun,pe=NULL){
    h <- 0.05
    zninf <- -8
    tol <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
    stdv <- sqrt(diff(c(0,t2)))           # These are subroutine "sd"
    sdproc <- sqrt(t2)                    # These are subroutine "sd"
    alph <- alphas(iuse,asf,alpha,phi,side,t,pe)
    za <- zb <- ya <- yb <- nints <- rep(0,length(t))
    pd <- alph$pd
    pe <- alph$pe
    if (pd[1]==0){
      zb[1] <- -zninf
      if (zb[1] > ztrun){
        zb[1] <- ztrun
        pd[1] <- side*(1-pnorm(zb[1]))
        pe[1] <- pd[1]
        if (length(t) > 1) pd[2] <- pe[2]-pe[1]
      yb[1] <- zb[1]*stdv[1]
    else if (pd[1] < 1){
      zb[1] <- qnorm(1-pd[1]/side)
      if (zb[1] > ztrun){
        zb[1] <- ztrun
        pd[1] <- side*(1-pnorm(zb[1]))
        pe[1] <- pd[1]
        if (length(t) > 1) pd[2] <- pe[2]-pe[1]
      yb[1] <- zb[1]*stdv[1]
    if (side==1){
      za[1] <- zninf
      ya[1] <- za[1]*stdv[1]
    else if (side != 1){
      za[1] <- -zb[1]
      ya[1] <- -yb[1]
    nints[1] <- ceiling((yb[1]-ya[1])/(h*stdv[1]))
    if (length(t) >= 2){
      grid <- seq(ya[1],yb[1],length=nints[1]+1) # These are "first"
      last <- dnorm(grid,mean=0,sd=stdv[1])      # These are "first"
      for (i in 2:length(t)){
        if ({pd[i] < 0}|{pd[i] > 1}){
          warning("Possible error in spending function.  May be due to truncation.")
          pd[i] <- min(1,pd[i])
          pd[i] <- max(0,pd[i])
        if (pd[i] < tol){
          zb[i] <- -zninf
          if (zb[i] > ztrun){
            zb[i] <- ztrun
            pd[i] <- side*qp(zb[i]*sdproc[i],last,nints[i-1],ya[i-1],yb[i-1],stdv[i])
            pe[i] <- pd[i]+pe[i-1]
            if (i < length(t)) pd[i+1] <- pe[i+1]-pe[i]
          yb[i] <- zb[i]*sdproc[i]
        else if (pd[i]==1) zb[i] <- yb[i] <- 0
        else if ({pd[i] >= tol}&{pd[i] < 1}){
          yb[i] <- bsearch(last,nints,i,pd[i]/side,stdv[i],ya,yb)
          zb[i] <- yb[i]/sdproc[i]
          if (zb[i] > ztrun){
            zb[i] <- ztrun
            pd[i] <- side*qp(zb[i]*sdproc[i],last,nints[i-1],ya[i-1],yb[i-1],stdv[i])
            pe[i] <- pd[i]+pe[i-1]
            if (i < length(t)){
              pd[i+1] <- pe[i+1]-pe[i]
          yb[i] <- zb[i]*sdproc[i]
        if (side==1){
          ya[i] <- zninf*sdproc[i]
          za[i] <- zninf
        else if (side==2){
          ya[i] <- -yb[i]
          za[i] <- -zb[i]
        nints[i] <- ceiling((yb[i]-ya[i])/(h*stdv[i]))
        if (i < length(t)){
          hlast <- (yb[i-1]-ya[i-1])/nints[i-1]                 # These are "other"
          x <- seq(ya[i],yb[i],length=nints[i]+1)               # These are "other"
          last <- fcab(last,nints[i-1],ya[i-1],hlast,x,stdv[i]) # These are "other"
    za[za<7.9995*(-1)] <- -Inf
    zb[zb>7.9995] <- Inf
    ans <- list(lower.bounds=za,upper.bounds=zb,exit.pr=pe,diff.pr=pd,spend=alph$spend)

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ldbounds documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:53 p.m.