Man pages for ldlasso
LD LASSO Regression for SNP Association Study

block.boundsCreates a vector of haplotype block boundary basepair...
block.coodVector of Haplotype Block Boundaries an indicator matrix for haplotype block boundaries,...
block.objGenABEL Object with Genotype and Phenotype Data
chi2Creates a vector of chi-squared values from the allelic test...
get.cpUses bootstrap sampling over a vector of LD LASSO constraint...
get.s1Finds an estimate for s1 based on an estimate of the expected...
heatmapPlots the heat map for the LD LASSO solution space
ld_lassoThe main function of the LD LASSO method
ld_lasso_methodThe LD LASSO function
ldlasso.objLD LASSO Object created by the function ld_lasso_method
ldlasso-packageLD LASSO for Case Control Genetic Association Study
p0tos1Finds the LASSO parameter s1 that corresponds to desired...
plot_betaPlot the LD LASSO solution by physical position.
plot_ldlassoDiagnostic plot for an ldlasso object
r2.cut.fnFind the r-squared cutoff
trace.plotCreates a trace plot for the LD LASSO
ldlasso documentation built on May 30, 2017, 3:05 a.m.