
Defines functions makeSearchIcon clearSearchFeatures removeSearchFeatures addSearchFeatures searchFeaturesOptions removeSearchUSCensusBureau addSearchUSCensusBureau addReverseSearchGoogle removeSearchGoogle addSearchGoogle addReverseSearchOSM clearSearchOSM removeSearchOSM searchOSMText addSearchOSM searchOptions leafletSearchDependencies

Documented in addReverseSearchGoogle addReverseSearchOSM addSearchFeatures addSearchGoogle addSearchOSM addSearchUSCensusBureau clearSearchFeatures clearSearchOSM removeSearchFeatures removeSearchGoogle removeSearchOSM removeSearchUSCensusBureau searchFeaturesOptions searchOptions searchOSMText

leafletSearchDependencies <- function() {
    html_dep_prod("fuse_js", "7.0.0"),
    html_dep_prod("lfx-search", "4.0.0", has_style = TRUE, has_binding = TRUE)

#' Options for search control.
#' @param url url for search by ajax request, ex: `search.php?q=\{s\}`. Can be function that returns string for dynamic parameter setting.
#' @param sourceData function that fill _recordsCache, passed searching text by first param and callback in second.
#' @param jsonpParam jsonp param name for search by jsonp service, ex: "callback".
#' @param propertyLoc field for remapping location, using array: ["latname","lonname"] for select double fields(ex. ["lat","lon"] ) support dotted format: "prop.subprop.title".
#' @param propertyName property in marker.options(or feature.properties for vector layer) trough filter elements in layer,.
#' @param formatData callback for reformat all data from source to indexed data object.
#' @param filterData callback for filtering data from text searched, params: textSearch, allRecords.
#' @param moveToLocation whether to move to the found location.
#' @param zoom zoom to this level when moving to location
#' @param buildTip function that return row tip html node(or html string), receive text tooltip in first param.
#' @param container container id to insert Search Control.
#' @param minLength minimal text length for autocomplete.
#' @param initial search elements only by initial text.
#' @param casesensitive search elements in case sensitive text.
#' @param autoType complete input with first suggested result and select this filled-in text..
#' @param delayType delay while typing for show tooltip.
#' @param tooltipLimit limit max results to show in tooltip. -1 for no limit..
#' @param tipAutoSubmit auto map panTo when click on tooltip.
#' @param firstTipSubmit auto select first result con enter click.
#' @param autoResize autoresize on input change.
#' @param collapsed collapse search control at startup.
#' @param autoCollapse collapse search control after submit(on button or on tips if enabled tipAutoSubmit).
#' @param autoCollapseTime delay for autoclosing alert and collapse after blur.
#' @param textErr 'Location not error message.
#' @param textCancel title in cancel button.
#' @param textPlaceholder placeholder value.
#' @param position "topleft".
#' @param hideMarkerOnCollapse remove circle and marker on search control collapsed.
#' @param marker Let's you set the icon. Can be an icon made by \code{\link[leaflet]{makeIcon}} or \code{\link[leaflet]{makeAwesomeIcon}}
#' @rdname search-options
#' @export
searchOptions <- function(
    url = NULL,
    sourceData = NULL,
    jsonpParam = NULL,
    propertyLoc = NULL,
    propertyName = NULL,
    formatData = NULL,
    filterData = NULL,
    moveToLocation = TRUE,
    zoom = 17,
    buildTip = NULL,
    container = "",
    minLength = 1,
    initial = TRUE,
    casesensitive = FALSE,
    autoType = TRUE,
    delayType = 400,
    tooltipLimit = -1,
    tipAutoSubmit = TRUE,
    firstTipSubmit = FALSE,
    autoResize = TRUE,
    collapsed = TRUE,
    autoCollapse = FALSE,
    autoCollapseTime = 1200,
    textErr = "Location Not Found",
    textCancel = "Cancel",
    textPlaceholder = "Search...",
    position = "topleft",
    hideMarkerOnCollapse = FALSE,
    marker = list(
      icon = NULL,
      animate = TRUE,
      circle = list(
        radius = 10,
        weight = 3,
        color = "#e03",
        stroke = TRUE,
        fill = FALSE
    )) {
    url = url,
    sourceData = sourceData,
    jsonpParam = jsonpParam,
    propertyLoc = propertyLoc,
    propertyName = propertyName,
    formatData = formatData,
    filterData = filterData,
    moveToLocation = moveToLocation,
    zoom = zoom,
    buildTip = buildTip,
    container = container,
    minLength = minLength,
    initial = initial,
    casesensitive = casesensitive,
    autoType = autoType,
    delayType = delayType,
    tooltipLimit = tooltipLimit,
    tipAutoSubmit = tipAutoSubmit,
    firstTipSubmit = firstTipSubmit,
    autoResize = autoResize,
    collapsed = collapsed,
    autoCollapse = autoCollapse,
    autoCollapseTime = autoCollapseTime,
    textErr = textErr,
    textCancel = textCancel,
    textPlaceholder = textPlaceholder,
    position = position,
    hideMarkerOnCollapse = hideMarkerOnCollapse,
    marker = marker

#' Add a OSM search control to the map.
#' @param map a map widget object
#' @param options Search Options
#' @return modified map
#' @rdname search-geocoding
#' @export
addSearchOSM <- function(map,
                         options = searchOptions(autoCollapse = TRUE, minLength = 2)) {
  map$dependencies <- c(map$dependencies, leafletSearchDependencies())

  result <- makeSearchIcon(map, options)
  map <- result$map
  options$marker$icon <- result$icon


#' Add a OSM search control to the map.
#' @param map a map widget object
#' @param text The search text
#' @return modified map
#' @rdname search-geocoding
#' @export
searchOSMText <- function(map, text = "") {
  map$dependencies <- c(map$dependencies, leafletSearchDependencies())

#' Removes the OSM search control from the map.
#' @return modified map
#' @rdname search-geocoding
#' @export
removeSearchOSM <- function(map) {
  map$dependencies <- c(map$dependencies, leafletSearchDependencies())

#' Clears the search marker
#' @return modified map
#' @rdname search-geocoding
#' @export
clearSearchOSM <- function(map) {

#' @param showSearchLocation Boolean. If TRUE displays a Marker on the searched location's coordinates.
#' @param showBounds Boolean. If TRUE show the bounding box of the found feature.
#' @param showFeature Boolean. If TRUE show the found feature.
#'   Depending upon the feature found this can be a marker, a line or a polygon.
#' @param fitBounds Boolean. If TRUE set maps bounds to queried and found location.
#'   For this to be effective one of \code{showSearchLocation}, \code{showBounds}, \code{showFeature} shoule also be TRUE.
#' @param displayText Boolean. If TRUE show a text box with found location's name on the map.
#' @param group String. An optional group to hold all the searched locations and their results.
#' @param marker Let's you set the icon. Can be an icon made by \code{\link[leaflet]{makeIcon}} or \code{\link[leaflet]{makeAwesomeIcon}}
#' @param showFeatureOptions A list of styling options for the found feature
#' @param showBoundsOptions A list of styling options for the bounds of the found feature
#' @param showHighlightOptions A list of styling options for the hover effect of a found feature
#' @return modified map
#' @rdname search-geocoding
#' @export
addReverseSearchOSM <- function(
    showSearchLocation = TRUE,
    showBounds = FALSE,
    showFeature = TRUE,
    fitBounds = TRUE,
    displayText = TRUE,
    group = NULL,
    marker = list(
      icon = NULL
    showFeatureOptions = list(
      weight = 2,
      color = "red",
      dashArray = "5,10",
      fillOpacity = 0.2,
      opacity = 0.5
    showBoundsOptions = list(
      weight = 2,
      color = "#444444",
      dashArray = "5,10",
      fillOpacity = 0.2,
      opacity = 0.5
    showHighlightOptions = list(
      opacity = 0.8,
      fillOpacity = 0.5,
      weight = 5
    )) {
  map$dependencies <- c(map$dependencies, leafletSearchDependencies())
  if (displayText == TRUE) {
    map <- map %>%
      addControl("Click anywhere on the map to reverse geocode",
        position = "topright", layerId = "reverseSearchOSM"

  result <- makeSearchIcon(map, list("marker" = marker))
  map <- result$map
  marker$icon <- result$icon

      showSearchLocation = showSearchLocation,
      fitBounds = fitBounds,
      showBounds = showBounds,
      showFeature = showFeature,
      marker = marker,
      showFeatureOptions = showFeatureOptions,
      showBoundsOptions = showBoundsOptions,
      showHighlightOptions = showHighlightOptions

#' Add a Google search control to the map.
#' @param apikey String. API Key for Google GeoCoding Service.
#' @return modified map
#' @rdname search-geocoding
#' @examples
#' leaflet() %>%
#'   addProviderTiles(providers$Esri.WorldStreetMap) %>%
#'   addResetMapButton() %>%
#'   addSearchGoogle()
#' ## for more examples see
#' # browseURL(system.file("examples/search.R", package = "leaflet.extras"))
#' @export
addSearchGoogle <- function(
    apikey = Sys.getenv("GOOGLE_MAP_GEOCODING_KEY"),
    options = searchOptions(autoCollapse = TRUE, minLength = 2)) {
  url <- "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=3"
  if (is.null(apikey) || apikey == "") {
    warning("Google Geocoding works best with an apikey")
  } else {
    url <- paste0(url, "&key=", apikey)
  map$dependencies <- c(map$dependencies, leafletSearchDependencies())
  ) %>%
    htmlwidgets::appendContent(htmltools::tags$script(src = url))

#' Removes the Google search control from the map.
#' @return modified map
#' @rdname search-geocoding
#' @export
removeSearchGoogle <- function(map) {
  map$dependencies <- c(map$dependencies, leafletSearchDependencies())

#' @return modified map
#' @rdname search-geocoding
#' @export
addReverseSearchGoogle <- function(
    apikey = Sys.getenv("GOOGLE_MAP_GEOCODING_KEY"),
    showSearchLocation = TRUE,
    showBounds = FALSE,
    showFeature = TRUE,
    fitBounds = TRUE,
    displayText = TRUE,
    group = NULL) {
  map$dependencies <- c(map$dependencies, leafletSearchDependencies())
  url <- "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=3"
  if (is.null(apikey) || apikey == "") {
    warning("Google Geocoding works best with an apikey")
  } else {
    url <- paste0(url, "&key=", apikey)
  if (displayText == TRUE) {
    map <- map %>%
      addControl("Click anywhere on the map to reverse geocode",
        position = "topright", layerId = "reverseSearchGoogle"
      showSearchLocation = showSearchLocation,
      fitBounds = fitBounds,
      showBounds = showBounds,
      showFeature = showFeature
  ) %>%
    htmlwidgets::appendContent(htmltools::tags$script(src = url))

#' Add a US Census Bureau search control to the map.
#' @return modified map
#' @rdname search-geocoding
#' @export
addSearchUSCensusBureau <- function(
    options = searchOptions(autoCollapse = TRUE, minLength = 20)) {
  map$dependencies <- c(map$dependencies, leafletSearchDependencies())

#' Removes the US Census Bureau search control from the map.
#' @return modified map
#' @rdname search-geocoding
#' @export
removeSearchUSCensusBureau <- function(map) {
  map$dependencies <- c(map$dependencies, leafletSearchDependencies())

#' Customized searchOptions for Feature Search
#' @param openPopup whether to open the popup associated with the feature when the feature is searched for
#' @param ... Other options to pass to \code{\link{searchOptions}()} function.
#' @rdname search-options
#' @export
searchFeaturesOptions <- function(
    propertyName = "label",
    initial = FALSE,
    openPopup = FALSE,
    ...) {
    openPopup = openPopup,
      propertyName = propertyName,
      initial = initial,

#' Add a feature search control to the map.
#' @param map a map widget object
#' @param targetGroups A vector of group names of groups whose features need to be searched.
#' @param options Search Options
#' @return modified map
#' @rdname search-features
#' @export
addSearchFeatures <- function(
    options = searchFeaturesOptions()) {
  map$dependencies <- c(map$dependencies, leafletSearchDependencies())

  result <- makeSearchIcon(map, options)
  map <- result$map
  options$marker$icon <- result$icon


#' Removes the feature search control from the map.
#' @param clearFeatures Boolean. If TRUE the features that this control searches will be removed too.
#' @return modified map
#' @rdname search-features
#' @export
removeSearchFeatures <- function(map, clearFeatures = FALSE) {
  map$dependencies <- c(map$dependencies, leafletSearchDependencies())

#' Clears the search marker
#' @return modified map
#' @rdname search-features
#' @export
clearSearchFeatures <- function(map) {
    map, NULL, "clearSearchFeatures"

makeSearchIcon <- function(map, options) {
  icon <- options$marker$icon
  icon <- if (is.null(icon) || all(is.na(icon)) || isFALSE(icon)) NULL else icon

  if (!is.null(icon)) {
    if (isTRUE(icon)) {
    } else {
      if (inherits(icon, "leaflet_awesome_icon")) {
        map <- addAwesomeMarkersDependencies(map, icon$library)
        icon$awesomemarker <- TRUE
      } else {
        icon$iconUrl <- b64EncodePackedIcons(packStrings(icon$iconUrl))
        icon$iconRetinaUrl <- b64EncodePackedIcons(packStrings(icon$iconRetinaUrl))
        icon$shadowUrl <- b64EncodePackedIcons(packStrings(icon$shadowUrl))
        icon$shadowRetinaUrl <- b64EncodePackedIcons(packStrings(icon$shadowRetinaUrl))
        if (length(icon$iconSize) == 2 && is.numeric(icon$iconSize[[1]]) && is.numeric(icon$iconSize[[2]])) {
          icon$iconSize <- list(icon$iconSize)
      icon <- leaflet::filterNULL(icon)

  return(list(map = map, icon = icon))

Try the leaflet.extras package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

leaflet.extras documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:54 p.m.