
# Copyright 2021 Trevor L Davis <trevor.l.davis@gmail.com>

lfile <- system.file("extdata", "example.ledger", package = "ledger")
hfile <- system.file("extdata", "example.hledger", package = "ledger")
bfile <- system.file("extdata", "example.beancount", package = "ledger")
lefile <- system.file("extdata", "empty.ledger", package = "ledger")
hefile <- system.file("extdata", "empty.hledger", package = "ledger")
befile <- system.file("extdata", "empty.beancount", package = "ledger")
df_file <- data.frame(file = c(lfile, hfile, bfile, bfile, bfile),
                      efile = c(lefile, hefile, befile, befile, befile),
                      toolchain = c("ledger", "hledger", "beancount", "bean-report_ledger", "bean-report_hledger"),
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

context("Various assertions work as expected")
test_that(".assert_toolchain works as expected", {
    expect_error(.assert_toolchain("does-not-exist"), "does-not-exist binaries not found on path")
test_that("default_toolchain works as expected", {
    expect_error(ledger::register("test.docx"), "Couldn't find an acceptable toolchain for docx")
test_that("register works as expected", {
    expect_error(ledger::register("test.docx", toolchain = "docx"), "docx binaries not found on path")
    if (.is_toolchain_supported("ledger"))
        expect_error(ledger::register("test.docx", toolchain = "ledger"), "ledger had an import error")
test_that("default_toolchain works as expected", {
    if (.is_toolchain_supported("ledger"))
        expect_equal(default_toolchain("test.ledger"), "ledger")
    if (.is_toolchain_supported("hledger"))
        expect_equal(default_toolchain("test.hledger"), "hledger")
    if (.is_toolchain_supported("beancount"))
        expect_equal(default_toolchain("test.beancount"), "beancount")

skip_toolchain <- function(file, toolchain) {
    if (!.is_toolchain_supported(toolchain)) {
        expect_error(ledger::register(file, toolchain = toolchain))
        skip(paste(toolchain, "binaries not found"))
    if (toolchain == "bean-report_hledger") skip_on_appveyor()

for (ii in seq_len(nrow(df_file))) {
    toolchain <- df_file$toolchain[ii]
    file <- df_file$file[ii]
    empty_file <- df_file$efile[ii]
    context(paste(file, toolchain, "works as expected"))
    register_ <- function(...) ledger::register(..., toolchain = toolchain)
    net_worth_ <- function(...) ledger::net_worth(..., toolchain = toolchain)

    test_that(paste("register works as expected on", basename(file), "using", toolchain), {
        skip_toolchain(file, toolchain)

        df <- register_(file)
        expect_equal(sum(dplyr::filter(df, account == "Expenses:Taxes:Federal")$amount), 3 * 82.55)

        mark <- unique(dplyr::filter(df, description == "Federal Income Tax Withholding")$mark)
        expect_equal(mark, "*")
        mark <- dplyr::filter(df, date == "2018-01-05", description == "Deposit to Checking Account",
                              account == "Assets:JT-Checking")$mark
        expect_equal(mark, "!")

        investment <- dplyr::filter(df, account == "Assets:JT-Brokerage")
        expect_equal(investment$amount, 4)

        if (require("rio")) {
            df2 <- rio::import(file, toolchain = toolchain)
            df2 <- tibble::as_tibble(df2)
            ftax_sum <- sum(dplyr::filter(df2, account == "Expenses:Taxes:Federal")$amount)
            expect_equal(ftax_sum, 3 * 82.55)
            expect_equal(df, df2)

        if (toolchain %in% c("hledger", "bean-report_hledger")) {
            expect_equal(investment$historical_cost, 1000)
            expect_equal(investment$market_value, 2000)
            df <- register_(file, flags = "tag:restaurant")
            expect_equal(dplyr::filter(df, account == "Expenses:Food:Restaurant")$amount, 20.07)
        } else {
            expect_error(register_(file, flags = "tag:restaurant"))
            expect_error(register_(file, flags = "tag:Link=grocery"))
        if (toolchain %in% c("ledger", "bean-report_ledger")) {

    test_that(paste("net_worth works as expected on", basename(file), "using", toolchain), {
        skip_toolchain(file, toolchain)

        if (!.is_toolchain_supported(toolchain)) {
            skip(paste(toolchain, "not supported"))
        df <- net_worth_(file)
        expect_equal(df$net_worth, 8125.39)
        expect_equal(net_worth_(file, include = ".*", exclude = c("^Equity", "^Income", "^Expenses"))$net_worth, 8125.39)
        expect_equal(net_worth_(file, c("2016-01-01", "2017-01-01", "2018-01-01"))$net_worth,
                     c(5000, 4361.39, 6743.39))

    test_that(paste("register works as expected on", basename(file), "using", toolchain), {
        skip_toolchain(file, toolchain)

        if (! toolchain %in% c("ledger", "bean-report_ledger")) {
            df <- register_(empty_file)
            expect_equal(nrow(df), 0)
        } else {

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ledger documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:21 a.m.