#' Class for regularized model using general purpose optimization interface
#' @slot penalty penalty used (e.g., "lasso")
#' @slot parameters data.frame with all parameter estimates
#' @slot fits data.frame with all fit results
#' @slot parameterLabels character vector with names of all parameters
#' @slot weights vector with weights given to each of the parameters in the penalty
#' @slot regularized character vector with names of regularized parameters
#' @slot internalOptimization list of elements used internally
#' @slot inputArguments list with elements passed by the user to the general
#' purpose optimizer
#' @export
setClass(Class = "gpRegularized",
representation = representation(
penalty = "character",
parameterLabels = "character",
weights = "numeric",
regularized = "character",
#' show
#' @param object object of class gpRegularized
#' @return No return value, just prints estimates
#' @export
setMethod("show", "gpRegularized", function (object) {
#modelName <-deparse(substitute(object)) # get the name of the object
cat(paste0("#### Model of class gpRegularized with ",object@penalty, " penalty ####\n\n"))
cat("regularized parameters: ")
cat(paste0(object@regularized, collapse = ", "))
cat(paste0("- Use coef(object) to get the parameter estimates of the model. With coef(object, lambda = x, delta = y) parameters estimates at the values x and y for lambda and delta can be extracted.\n\n"))
cat(paste0("- Use plot(object) to plot the parameter estimates of the model.\n\n"))
cat(paste0("- Information criteria can be computed with AIC(object) or BIC(object).\n\n"))
#' summary
#' @param object object of class gpRegularized
#' @param ... not used
#' @return No return value, just prints estimates
#' @export
setMethod("summary", "gpRegularized", function (object, ...) {
modelName <-deparse(substitute(object)) # get the name of the object
cat(paste0("#### Model of class gpRegularized with ",object@inputArguments$penalty, " penalty ####\n\n"))
cat("regularized parameters: ")
cat(paste0(object@regularized, collapse = ", "))
cat(paste0("- Use coef(", modelName,
") to get the parameter estimates of the model. With coef(",
modelName, "lambda = x, delta = y) parameters estimates at the values x and y for lambda and delta can be extracted.\n\n"))
cat(paste0("- Use plot(", modelName,
") to plot the parameter estimates of the model.\n\n"))
cat(paste0("- Information criteria can be computed with AIC(", modelName,
") or BIC(", modelName,
#' coef
#' Returns the parameter estimates of a gpRegularized
#' @param object object of class gpRegularized
#' @param ... criterion can be one of: "AIC", "BIC". If set to NULL, all parameters will be returned
#' @return parameter estimates
#' @export
setMethod("coef", "gpRegularized", function (object, ...) {
dotdotdot <- list(...)
if("criterion" %in% names(dotdotdot)){
criterion <- dotdotdot$criterion
criterion <- NULL
tuningParameters <- object@parameters[, !colnames(object@parameters) %in% object@parameterLabels,drop=FALSE]
estimates <- as.matrix(object@parameters[,object@parameterLabels,drop=FALSE])
if(!is.null(criterion) && criterion %in% c("AIC", "BIC")){
if(length(unique(object@fits$nonZeroParameters)) == 1)
stop("Selection by criterion currently only supported for sparsity inducing penalties. Either none of your parameters was zeroed or the penalty used does not induce sparsity.")
if(criterion == "AIC"){
AICs <- AIC(object)
bestAIC <- which(AICs$AIC == min(AICs$AIC))[1]
coefs <- new("lessSEMCoef")
coefs@tuningParameters <- tuningParameters[bestAIC,,drop = FALSE]
coefs@estimates <- estimates[bestAIC,,drop = FALSE]
coefs@transformations <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0)
if(criterion == "BIC"){
BICs <- BIC(object)
bestBIC <- which(BICs$BIC == min(BICs$BIC))[1]
coefs <- new("lessSEMCoef")
coefs@tuningParameters <- tuningParameters[bestBIC,,drop = FALSE]
coefs@estimates <- estimates[bestBIC,,drop = FALSE]
coefs@transformations <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0)
coefs <- new("lessSEMCoef")
coefs@tuningParameters <- tuningParameters
coefs@estimates <- estimates
coefs@transformations <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0)
#' AIC
#' returns the AIC
#' @param object object of class gpRegularized
#' @param ... not used
#' @param k multiplier for number of parameters
#' @return data frame with fit values, appended with AIC
#' @export
setMethod("AIC", "gpRegularized", function (object, ..., k = 2) {
if(!object@penalty %in% c("lasso", "adaptiveLasso", "cappedL1", "mcp", "scad"))
stop("AIC not supported for this penalty.")
fits <- object@fits
fits$AIC <- fits$m2LL + k*fits$nonZeroParameters
#' BIC
#' returns the BIC
#' @param object object of class gpRegularized
#' @param ... not used
#' @return data frame with fit values, appended with BIC
#' @export
setMethod("BIC", "gpRegularized", function (object, ...) {
N <- nrow(lavaan::lavInspect(object@inputArguments$lavaanModel, "data"))
fits <- object@fits
if(!object@penalty %in% c("lasso", "adaptiveLasso", "cappedL1", "mcp", "scad"))
stop("BIC not supported for this penalty.")
fits <- object@fits
fits$BIC <- fits$m2LL + log(N)*fits$nonZeroParameters
#' plots the regularized and unregularized parameters for all levels of lambda
#' @param x object of class gpRegularized
#' @param y not used
#' @param ... use regularizedOnly=FALSE to plot all parameters
#' @return either an object of ggplot2 or of plotly
#' @export
c(x = "gpRegularized", y = "missing"),
function (x, y, ...)
if("regularizedOnly" %in% names(list(...))){
regularizedOnly <- list(...)$regularizedOnly
regularizedOnly <- TRUE
parameters <- x@parameters
tuningParameters <- x@parameters[,!colnames(x@parameters)%in%x@parameterLabels,drop=FALSE]
tuningParameters <- tuningParameters[,apply(tuningParameters,2,function(x) length(unique(x)) > 1),drop=FALSE]
nTuning <- ncol(tuningParameters)
if(nTuning > 2)
stop("Plotting currently only supported for up to 2 tuning parameters")
if(nTuning == 2 & !("plotly" %in% rownames(utils::installed.packages())))
stop("Plotting more than one tuning parameter requires the package plotly")
parameters <- cbind(
parameters[,x@regularized, drop = FALSE]
parametersLong <- tidyr::pivot_longer(data = parameters, cols = x@regularized)
parameters <- cbind(
parametersLong <- tidyr::pivot_longer(data = parameters, cols = x@parameterLabels)
if(nTuning == 1){
ggplot2::ggplot(data = parametersLong,
mapping = ggplot2::aes(
x = .data[[colnames(tuningParameters)]],
y = .data[["value"]],
group = .data[["name"]])) +
ggplot2::geom_line(colour = "#008080")+
ggplot2::ggtitle("Regularized Parameters")
parametersLong$name <- paste0(parametersLong$name,
parametersLong$tp1 <- unlist(parametersLong[,colnames(tuningParameters)[1]])
parametersLong$tp2 <- unlist(parametersLong[,colnames(tuningParameters)[2]])
plt <- plotly::layout(
x = ~tp1, y = ~tp2, z = ~value,
type = 'scatter3d',
mode = 'lines',
opacity = 1,
color = ~name,
split = ~tp2,
line = list(width = 6,
reverscale = FALSE)
scene = list(xaxis = list(title = colnames(tuningParameters)[1]),
yaxis = list(title = colnames(tuningParameters)[2]))
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