available_data: Get Available 'lexicon' Data

Description Usage Arguments Value Examples

View source: R/available_data.R


See available lexicon data a data.frame.





A regex to search for within the data columns.


Other arguments passed to grep.


Returns a data.frame



Example output

1                              cliches
2                         common_names
3       constraining_loughran_mcdonald
4                     emojis_sentiment
5                     freq_first_names
6                      freq_last_names
7                       function_words
8                      grady_augmented
9                          hash_emojis
10              hash_emojis_identifier
11                      hash_emoticons
12                      hash_grady_pos
13                 hash_internet_slang
14                         hash_lemmas
15                   hash_nrc_emotions
16               hash_sentiment_emojis
17                hash_sentiment_huliu
18              hash_sentiment_jockers
19       hash_sentiment_jockers_rinker
20    hash_sentiment_loughran_mcdonald
21                  hash_sentiment_nrc
22            hash_sentiment_senticnet
23            hash_sentiment_sentiword
24              hash_sentiment_slangsd
25         hash_sentiment_socal_google
26               hash_valence_shifters
27                    key_contractions
28 key_corporate_social_responsibility
29                           key_grade
30                          key_rating
31              key_regressive_imagery
32               key_sentiment_jockers
33             modal_loughran_mcdonald
34                        nrc_emotions
35                     pos_action_verb
36              pos_df_irregular_nouns
37                     pos_df_pronouns
38                   pos_interjections
39                     pos_preposition
40                   profanity_alvarez
41                   profanity_arr_bad
42                    profanity_banned
43                    profanity_racist
44                 profanity_zac_anger
45                            sw_dolch
46                          sw_fry_100
47                         sw_fry_1000
48                          sw_fry_200
49                           sw_fry_25
50                          sw_jockers
51           sw_loughran_mcdonald_long
52          sw_loughran_mcdonald_short
53                           sw_lucene
54                           sw_mallet
55                           sw_python
1                                                                              Common Cliches
2                                                                          First Names (U.S.)
3                                                        Loughran-McDonald Constraining Words
4                                                                        Emoji Sentiment Data
5                                                                   Frequent U.S. First Names
6                                                                    Frequent U.S. Last Names
7                                                                              Function Words
8               Augmented List of Grady Ward's English Words and Mark Kantrowitz's Names List
9                                                              Emoji Description Lookup Table
10                                                              Emoji Identifier Lookup Table
11                                                                                  Emoticons
12                                                          Grady Ward's Moby Parts of Speech
13                                          List of Internet Slang and Corresponding Meanings
14                                                                         Lemmatization List
15                                                                          NRC Emotion Table
16                                                      Emoji Sentiment Polarity Lookup Table
17                                                               Hu Liu Polarity Lookup Table
18                                                           Jockers Sentiment Polarity Table
19                                            Combined Jockers & Rinker Polarity Lookup Table
20                                                           Loughran-McDonald Polarity Table
21                                                               NRC Sentiment Polarity Table
22                                                         Augmented SenticNet Polarity Table
23                                                         Augmented Sentiword Polarity Table
24                                                           SlangSD Sentiment Polarity Table
25                                                               SO-CAL Google Polarity Table
26                                                                           Valence Shifters
27                                                                    Contraction Conversions
28 Nadra Pencle and Irina M<U+0103>l<U+0103>escu's Corporate Social Responsibility Dictionary
29                                                                            Grades Data Set
30                                                                           Ratings Data Set
31                                   Colin Martindale's English Regressive Imagery Dictionary
32                                                                 Jockers Sentiment Data Set
33                                                               Loughran-McDonald Modal List
34                                                                               NRC Emotions
35                                                                           Action Word List
36                                                             Irregular Nouns Word Dataframe
37                                                                                   Pronouns
38                                                                              Interjections
39                                                                          Preposition Words
40                                               Alejandro U. Alvarez's List of Profane Words
41                                          Stackoverflow user2592414's List of Profane Words
42                                                 bannedwordlist.com's List of Profane Words
43                                                        Titus Wormer's List of Racist Words
44                                                          Zac Anger's List of Profane Words
45                                                     Leveled Dolch List of 220 Common Words
46                                                 Fry's 100 Most Commonly Used English Words
47                                                Fry's 1000 Most Commonly Used English Words
48                                                 Fry's 200 Most Commonly Used English Words
49                                                  Fry's 25 Most Commonly Used English Words
50                                     Matthew Jocker's Expanded Topic Modeling Stopword List
51                                                       Loughran-McDonald Long Stopword List
52                                                      Loughran-McDonald Short Stopword List
53                                                                       Lucene Stopword List
54                                                                       MALLET Stopword List
55                                                                       Python Stopword List
9                       hash_emojis
10           hash_emojis_identifier
11                   hash_emoticons
12                   hash_grady_pos
13              hash_internet_slang
14                      hash_lemmas
15                hash_nrc_emotions
16            hash_sentiment_emojis
17             hash_sentiment_huliu
18           hash_sentiment_jockers
19    hash_sentiment_jockers_rinker
20 hash_sentiment_loughran_mcdonald
21               hash_sentiment_nrc
22         hash_sentiment_senticnet
23         hash_sentiment_sentiword
24           hash_sentiment_slangsd
25      hash_sentiment_socal_google
26            hash_valence_shifters
9                     Emoji Description Lookup Table
10                     Emoji Identifier Lookup Table
11                                         Emoticons
12                 Grady Ward's Moby Parts of Speech
13 List of Internet Slang and Corresponding Meanings
14                                Lemmatization List
15                                 NRC Emotion Table
16             Emoji Sentiment Polarity Lookup Table
17                      Hu Liu Polarity Lookup Table
18                  Jockers Sentiment Polarity Table
19   Combined Jockers & Rinker Polarity Lookup Table
20                  Loughran-McDonald Polarity Table
21                      NRC Sentiment Polarity Table
22                Augmented SenticNet Polarity Table
23                Augmented Sentiword Polarity Table
24                  SlangSD Sentiment Polarity Table
25                      SO-CAL Google Polarity Table
26                                  Valence Shifters
16            hash_sentiment_emojis
17             hash_sentiment_huliu
18           hash_sentiment_jockers
19    hash_sentiment_jockers_rinker
20 hash_sentiment_loughran_mcdonald
21               hash_sentiment_nrc
22         hash_sentiment_senticnet
23         hash_sentiment_sentiword
24           hash_sentiment_slangsd
25      hash_sentiment_socal_google
16           Emoji Sentiment Polarity Lookup Table
17                    Hu Liu Polarity Lookup Table
18                Jockers Sentiment Polarity Table
19 Combined Jockers & Rinker Polarity Lookup Table
20                Loughran-McDonald Polarity Table
21                    NRC Sentiment Polarity Table
22              Augmented SenticNet Polarity Table
23              Augmented Sentiword Polarity Table
24                SlangSD Sentiment Polarity Table
25                    SO-CAL Google Polarity Table
        Data          Description
55 sw_python Python Stopword List
                  Data                                       Description
40   profanity_alvarez      Alejandro U. Alvarez's List of Profane Words
41   profanity_arr_bad Stackoverflow user2592414's List of Profane Words
42    profanity_banned        bannedwordlist.com's List of Profane Words
43    profanity_racist               Titus Wormer's List of Racist Words
44 profanity_zac_anger                 Zac Anger's List of Profane Words
8         grady_augmented
31 key_regressive_imagery
46             sw_fry_100
47            sw_fry_1000
48             sw_fry_200
49              sw_fry_25
8  Augmented List of Grady Ward's English Words and Mark Kantrowitz's Names List
31                      Colin Martindale's English Regressive Imagery Dictionary
46                                    Fry's 100 Most Commonly Used English Words
47                                   Fry's 1000 Most Commonly Used English Words
48                                    Fry's 200 Most Commonly Used English Words
49                                     Fry's 25 Most Commonly Used English Words
50                 sw_jockers
51  sw_loughran_mcdonald_long
52 sw_loughran_mcdonald_short
53                  sw_lucene
54                  sw_mallet
55                  sw_python
50 Matthew Jocker's Expanded Topic Modeling Stopword List
51                   Loughran-McDonald Long Stopword List
52                  Loughran-McDonald Short Stopword List
53                                   Lucene Stopword List
54                                   MALLET Stopword List
55                                   Python Stopword List

lexicon documentation built on May 2, 2019, 1:42 p.m.