
Defines functions is.estimable

Documented in is.estimable

#' Verify estimability of function
#' Verify that a function you have written for [getfe()] is indeed
#' estimable.
#' When writing custom estimable functions for [getfe()], the
#' function `is.estimable` can be used to test it for estimability.
#' `is.estimable()` solves the sparse residual system with the Kaczmarz
#' method, using two different initial values. Then `ef()` is applied to
#' the two solutions. If the value of `ef()` differs by more than
#' `1e-5` in any coordinate, `FALSE` is returned, otherwise
#' `TRUE` is returned.  If `keepdiff=TRUE`, the vector of differences
#' is attached as an attribute `'diff'` to the returned logical value.  If
#' you have problems with estimability, it is a fair guess that those entries
#' with a difference in absolute values smaller than, say, `1e-5` are
#' estimable, whereas the others are not.
#' @param ef function.  The function to be verified.
#' @param fe list of factors.
#' @param R numeric.  Vector of residuals, if `NULL`, a random one is
#' created.
#' @param nowarn logical. Set to `TRUE` if `is.estimable` should not
#' throw a warning for non-estimable functions.
#' @param keepdiff logical. Return differences between two different runs of
#' the Kaczmarz method.
#' @param threshold numeric. Threshold for determining estimability.
#' @return Returns a logical.
#' @seealso [getfe()]
#' @examples
#' oldopts <- options("lfe.threads")
#' options(lfe.threads = 2)
#' ## create individual and firm
#' id <- factor(sample(5000, 50000, replace = TRUE))
#' firm <- factor(sample(3000, 50000, replace = TRUE))
#' ## create some estimable functions. It's faster to
#' ## use numerical indices in ef rather than strings, and the input v
#' ## to ef has no names, we have to add them when requested
#' ef <- function(v, addnames) {
#'   w <- c(v[6] - v[5], v[7000] + v[5], v[7000] - v[6000])
#'   if (addnames) names(w) <- c("id6-id5", "f2k+id5", "f2k-f1k")
#'   w
#' }
#' is.estimable(ef, list(id = id, firm = firm))
#' ## Then make an error; in the last coordinate, sum two firms
#' ef <- function(v, addnames) {
#'   w <- c(v[6] - v[5], v[7000] + v[5], v[7000] + v[6000])
#'   if (addnames) names(w) <- c("id6-id5", "f2k+id5", "f2k-f1k")
#'   w
#' }
#' is.estimable(ef, list(id = id, firm = firm), keepdiff = TRUE)
#' options(oldopts)
#' @export is.estimable
is.estimable <- function(ef, fe, R = NULL, nowarn = FALSE, keepdiff = FALSE, threshold = 500 * getOption("lfe.eps")) {
  if (!is.function(ef)) stop("ef must be a function")
  N <- sum(unlist(lapply(fe, function(f) {
    x <- attr(f, "x", exact = TRUE)
    if (is.matrix(x)) nlevels(f) * ncol(x) else nlevels(f)

  if (is.null(R)) {
    # make a suitable residual

    nr <- length(fe[[1]])
    vec <- unlist(lapply(fe, function(f) {
      x <- attr(f, "x", exact = TRUE)
      if (is.matrix(x)) {
        return(unlist(apply(x, 2, function(cl) cl * runif(nlevels(f))[f])))
      r <- runif(nlevels(f))[f]
      if (is.null(x)) r else unlist(r * x)
    dim(vec) <- c(nr, length(vec) / nr)
    R <- rowSums(vec)
  v1 <- ef(kaczmarz(fe, R, init = runif(N)), TRUE)
  v2 <- ef(kaczmarz(fe, R, init = runif(N)), TRUE)
  df <- max(abs(v1 - v2))
  if (df > threshold) {
    bad <- which.max(abs(v1 - v2))
    badname <- names(bad)
    if (!nowarn) {
        "non-estimable function, largest error ",
        format(df, digits = 1), " in coordinate ", bad, ' ("', badname, '")'
    return(structure(FALSE, diff = if (!keepdiff) NULL else v1 - v2))
  structure(TRUE, diff = if (!keepdiff) NULL else v1 - v2)

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lfe documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:39 a.m.