
Defines functions predict_lfmm effect_size glm_test lfmm_test lfmm_lasso lfmm_ridge

Documented in effect_size glm_test lfmm_lasso lfmm_ridge lfmm_test predict_lfmm

##' LFMM least-squares estimates with ridge penalty
##' This function computes regularized least squares estimates 
##' for latent factor mixed models using a ridge penalty.
##' The algorithm minimizes the following penalized least-squares criterion
##' \deqn{ L(U, V, B) = \frac{1}{2} ||Y - U V^{T} - X B^T||_{F}^2 
##' + \frac{\lambda}{2} ||B||^{2}_{2} ,}
##' where Y is a response data matrix, X contains all explanatory variables, 
##' U denotes the score matrix, V is the loading matrix, B is the (direct) effect 
##' size matrix, and lambda is a regularization parameter.
##' @param Y a response variable matrix with n rows and p columns. 
##' Each column corresponds to a distinct response variable (e.g., SNP genotype, 
##' gene expression level, beta-normalized methylation profile, etc).
##' Response variables must be encoded as numeric.
##' @param X an explanatory variable matrix with n rows and d columns. 
##' Each column corresponds to a distinct explanatory variable (eg. phenotype, exposure, outcome).
##' Explanatory variables must be encoded as numeric variables.
##' @param K an integer for the number of latent factors in the regression model.
##' @param lambda a numeric value for the regularization parameter.
##' @param algorithm exact (analytical) algorithm or numerical algorithm.
##' The exact algorithm is based on the global minimum of the loss function and
##' computation is very fast. The numerical algorithm converges toward a local
##' minimum of the loss function. The exact method should preferred. The numerical method is 
##' for very large n.
##' @param it.max an integer value for the number of iterations for the
##' numerical algorithm.
##' @param relative.err.min a numeric value for a relative convergence error. Test
##' whether the numerical algorithm converges or not (numerical algorithm only).
##' @return an object of class \code{lfmm} with the following attributes:
##'  - U the latent variable score matrix with dimensions n x K,
##'  - V the latent variable axis matrix with dimensions p x K,
##'  - B the effect size matrix with dimensions p x d.
##' @details The response variable matrix Y and the explanatory variable are centered.
##' @export
##' @author Kevin Caye, Basile Jumentier, Olivier Francois
##' @references Caye, K., B. Jumentier, J. Lepeule, and O. François, 2019  LFMM 2: fast and accurate inference of gene-environment associations in genome-widestudies. Mol. Biol. Evol. 36: 852–860.https://doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msz008
##' @examples
##' library(lfmm)
##' ## a GWAS example with Y = SNPs and X = phenotype
##' data(example.data)
##' Y <- example.data$genotype[, 1:10000]
##' X <- example.data$phenotype
##' ## Fit an LFMM with K = 6 factors
##' mod.lfmm <- lfmm_ridge(Y = Y, 
##'                        X = X, 
##'                        K = 6)
##' ## Perform association testing using the fitted model:
##' pv <- lfmm_test(Y = Y, 
##'                 X = X, 
##'                 lfmm = mod.lfmm, 
##'                 calibrate = "gif")
##' ## Manhattan plot with causal loci shown
##' pvalues <- pv$calibrated.pvalue
##' plot(-log10(pvalues), pch = 19, 
##'      cex = .2, col = "grey", xlab = "SNP")
##' points(example.data$causal.set[1:5], 
##'       -log10(pvalues)[example.data$causal.set[1:5]], 
##'        type = "h", col = "blue")
##' ## An EWAS example with Y = methylation data and X = exposure
##' Y <- skin.exposure$beta.value
##' X <- as.numeric(skin.exposure$exposure)
##' ## Fit an LFMM with 2 latent factors
##' mod.lfmm <- lfmm_ridge(Y = Y,
##'                        X = X, 
##'                        K = 2)
##' ## Perform association testing using the fitted model:
##' pv <- lfmm_test(Y = Y, 
##'                 X = X,
##'                 lfmm = mod.lfmm, 
##'                 calibrate = "gif")
##' ## Manhattan plot with true associations shown
##' pvalues <- pv$calibrated.pvalue
##' plot(-log10(pvalues), 
##'      pch = 19, 
##'      cex = .3,
##'      xlab = "Probe",
##'      col = "grey")
##' causal.set <- seq(11, 1496, by = 80)
##' points(causal.set, 
##'       -log10(pvalues)[causal.set], 
##'        col = "blue")
lfmm_ridge <- function(Y, X, K, lambda = 1e-5, algorithm = "analytical",
                       it.max = 100, relative.err.min = 1e-6) {

  ## init
  m <- ridgeLFMM(K = K, lambda = lambda)
  m$algorithm <- algorithm[1]
  dat <- LfmmDat(Y = scale(Y, scale = FALSE), X = scale(X, scale = FALSE))

  ## run
  m <- lfmm_fit(m, dat, it.max = it.max, relative.err.min = relative.err.min)

  ## return

##'  LFMM least-squares estimates with lasso penalty (Sparse LFMM)
##' This function computes regularized least squares estimates 
##' for latent factor mixed models using a lasso penalty. 
##' The algorithm minimizes the following penalized least-squares criterion
##' @param Y a response variable matrix with n rows and p columns. 
##' Each column is a response variable (e.g., SNP genotype, 
##' gene expression level, beta-normalized methylation profile, etc).
##' Response variables must be encoded as numeric.
##' @param X an explanatory variable matrix with n rows and d columns. 
##' Each column corresponds to a distinct explanatory variable (eg. phenotype, exposure, outcome).
##' Explanatory variables must be encoded as numeric.
##' @param K an integer for the number of latent factors in the regression model.
##' @param nozero.prop a numeric value for the expected proportion of non-zero effect sizes.
##' @param mu.num a numeric value for the number of 'mu' values (advance parameter).
##' @param mu.min.ratio (advance parameter) A fraction of `mu.max`, the data derived entry value 
##' (i.e. the smallest value for which all coefficients are zero).
##' @param mu (advance parameter) Smallest value of `mu`. Null value by default. 
##' @param it.max an integer value for the number of iterations of the algorithm.
##' @param relative.err.epsilon a numeric value for a relative convergence error. Determine 
##' whether the algorithm converges or not.
##' @return an object of class \code{lfmm} with the following attributes: 
##'  - U the latent variable score matrix with dimensions n x K,
##'  - V the latent variable axes matrix with dimensions p x K,
##'  - B the effect size matrix with dimensions p x d.
##' @details The response variable matrix Y and the explanatory variable are centered.
##' @export
##' @author Kevin Caye, Basile Jumentier, Olivier Francois
##' @references B. Jumentier, Caye, K., J. Lepeule, and O. François, 2019 Sparse latent factor regression models for genome-wide and epigenome-wide association studies (in prep)
##' @examples
##' library(lfmm)
##' ## An EWAS example with Y = methylation data 
##' ## and X = exposure
##' ## Simulate the data 
##' dat <- lfmm_sampler(n = 100, 
##'                     p = 1000,
##'                     K = 3,
##'                     outlier.prop = 0.02,
##'                     cs = 0.1,
##'                     sigma = 0.2,
##'                     B.sd = 5,
##'                     B.mean = 0,
##'                     U.sd = 1.0,
##'                     V.sd = 1.0)
##' Y <- scale(dat$Y)
##' X <- scale(dat$X)
##' ## Fit an LFMM with 2 latent factors
##' mod.lfmm <- lfmm_lasso(Y = Y,
##'                        X = X, 
##'                        K = 3,
##'                        nozero.prop = 0.02)
##' ## Manhattan plot of sparse effect sizes
##' effect <- mod.lfmm$B
##' causal <- dat$outlier
##' plot(effect, 
##'      pch = 19, 
##'      cex = .3,
##'      xlab = "Probe",
##'      col = "grey")
##' points(causal, 
##'        effect[causal], 
##'        col = "blue")
lfmm_lasso <- function(Y, X, K, 
                       nozero.prop = 0.01,
                       mu.num = 100,
                       mu.min.ratio = 0.01,
                       mu = NULL,
                       it.max = 100, 
                       relative.err.epsilon = 1e-6) {
  ## init
  m <- lassoLFMM(K = K,
                 nozero.prop = nozero.prop,
                 lambda.num = mu.num,
                 lambda.min.ratio = mu.min.ratio,
                 lambda = mu)
  dat <- LfmmDat(Y = scale(Y, scale = FALSE), X = scale(X, scale = FALSE))

  ## run
  m <- lfmm_fit(m, dat, it.max = it.max, relative.err.epsilon = relative.err.epsilon)

  ## return

##' Statistical tests with latent factor mixed models (linear models)
##' This function returns significance values for the association between each column of the 
##' response matrix, Y, and the explanatory variables, X, including correction for unobserved confounders 
##' (latent factors). The test is based on an LFMM fitted with a ridge or lasso penalty (linear model).
##' @param Y a response variable matrix with n rows and p columns. 
##' Each column is a response variable (numeric).
##' @param X an explanatory variable matrix with n rows and d columns. 
##' Each column corresponds to an explanatory variable (numeric).
##' @param lfmm an object of class \code{lfmm} returned by the \link{lfmm_lasso} 
##' or \link{lfmm_ridge} function
##' @param calibrate a character string, "gif" or "median+MAD". If the "gif" option is set (default), 
##' significance values are calibrated by using the genomic control method. Genomic control 
##' uses a robust estimate of the variance of z-scores called "genomic inflation factor". 
##' If the "median+MAD" option is set, the pvalues are calibrated by computing the median and MAD of the zscores. If \code{NULL}, the 
##' pvalues are not calibrated.
##' @return a list with the following attributes:
##'  - B the effect size matrix with dimensions p x d.
##'  - score a p x d matrix which contains z-scores for each explanatory variable (columns of X),
##'  - pvalue a p x d matrix which contains p-values for each explanatory variable,
##'  - calibrated.pvalue a p x d matrix which contains calibrated p-values for each explanatory variable,
##'  - gif a numeric value for the genomic inflation factor.
##' @details The response variable matrix Y and the explanatory variable are centered.
##' @seealso \link{glm_test}
##' @export
##' @author Kevin Caye, Basile Jumentier, Olivier Francois
##' @examples
##' library(lfmm)
##' ## a GWAS example with Y = SNPs and X = phenotype
##' data(example.data)
##' Y <- example.data$genotype[, 1:10000]
##' X <- example.data$phenotype
##' ## Fit an LFMM with K = 6 factors
##' mod.lfmm <- lfmm_ridge(Y = Y, 
##'                        X = X, 
##'                        K = 6)
##' ## Perform association testing using the fitted model:
##' pv <- lfmm_test(Y = Y, 
##'                 X = X, 
##'                 lfmm = mod.lfmm, 
##'                 calibrate = "gif")
##' ## Manhattan plot with causal loci shown
##' pvalues <- pv$calibrated.pvalue
##' plot(-log10(pvalues), pch = 19, 
##'      cex = .2, col = "grey", xlab = "SNP")
##' points(example.data$causal.set[1:5], 
##'       -log10(pvalues)[example.data$causal.set[1:5]], 
##'        type = "h", col = "blue")
##' ## An EWAS example with Y = methylation data and X = exposure
##' data("skin.exposure")
##' Y <- scale(skin.exposure$beta.value)
##' X <- scale(as.numeric(skin.exposure$exposure))
##' ## Fit an LFMM with 2 latent factors
##' mod.lfmm <- lfmm_ridge(Y = Y,
##'                        X = X, 
##'                        K = 2)
##' ## Perform association testing using the fitted model:
##' pv <- lfmm_test(Y = Y, 
##'                 X = X,
##'                 lfmm = mod.lfmm, 
##'                 calibrate = "gif")
##' ## Manhattan plot with true associations shown
##' pvalues <- pv$calibrated.pvalue
##' plot(-log10(pvalues), 
##'      pch = 19, 
##'      cex = .3,
##'      xlab = "Probe",
##'      col = "grey")
##' causal.set <- seq(11, 1496, by = 80)
##' points(causal.set, 
##'       -log10(pvalues)[causal.set], 
##'        col = "blue")
lfmm_test <- function(Y, X, lfmm, calibrate = "gif") {

  ## init
  dat <- LfmmDat(Y = scale(Y, scale = FALSE), X = scale(X, scale = FALSE)) ## WARNING : scale here !!

  ## hp
  X <- cbind(dat$X, lfmm$U)
  d <- ncol(dat$X)
  if (class(lfmm) == "ridgeLFMM") {
    lfmm.la <- lfmm$lambda } else {
    lfmm.la <- 0.0   
  hp <- hypothesis_testing_lm(dat, X, lfmm.la)
  hp$score <- hp$score[,1:d, drop = FALSE]
  hp$pvalue <- hp$pvalue[,1:d, drop = FALSE]
  hp$B <- hp$B[ ,1:d, drop = FALSE]

  ## calibrate
  if (is.null(calibrate)) {
    NULL ## nothing
  } else if (calibrate == "median+MAD") {
    hp$mad <- apply(hp$score, 2, stats::mad)
    hp$median <- apply(hp$score, 2, stats::median)
    hp$calibrated.score <- sweep(hp$score, 2, hp$median, FUN = "-")
    hp$calibrated.score <- sweep(hp$score, 2, hp$mad, FUN = "/")
    hp$calibrated.pvalue <- compute_pvalue_from_zscore(hp$calibrated.score)
  } else if (calibrate == "gif") {
    hp$gif <- compute_gif(hp$score)
    hp$calibrated.score2 <- sweep(hp$score ^ 2, 2, hp$gif, FUN = "/")
    hp$calibrated.pvalue <- compute_pvalue_from_zscore2(hp$calibrated.score2, df = 1)


##' GLM tests with latent factor mixed models
##' This function returns significance values for the association between each column of the 
##' response matrix, Y, and the explanatory variables, X, including correction for unobserved confounders 
##' (latent factors). The test is based on an LFMM fitted with a ridge or lasso penalty and a generalized linear 
##' model.
##' @param Y a response variable matrix with n rows and p columns. 
##' Each column is a response variable (numeric).
##' @param X an explanatory variable matrix with n rows and d columns. 
##' Each column corresponds to an explanatory variable (numeric).
##' @param lfmm.obj an object of class \code{lfmm} returned by the \link{lfmm_lasso} 
##' or \link{lfmm_ridge} function
##' @param calibrate a character string, "gif". If the "gif" option is set (default), 
##' significance values are calibrated by using the genomic control method. Genomic control 
##' uses a robust estimate of the variance of z-scores called "genomic inflation factor". 
##' @param family a description of the error distribution and link function to be used 
##' in the model. For glm this can be a character string naming a family function, 
##' a family function or the result of a call to a family function.
##' @return a list with the following attributes:
##'  - B the effect size matrix with dimensions p x d.
##'  - score a p x d matrix which contains z-scores for each explanatory variable (columns of X),
##'  - pvalue a p x d matrix which contains p-values for each explanatory variable,
##'  - calibrated.pvalue a p x d matrix which contains calibrated p-values for each explanatory variable,
##'  - gif a numeric value for the genomic inflation factor.
##' @details The response variable matrix Y and the explanatory variable are centered.
##' @seealso \link{lfmm_test}
##' @export
##' @importFrom stats binomial
##' @author Kevin Caye, Basile Jumentier, Olivier Francois
##' @examples
##' library(lfmm)
##' ## An EWAS example with Y = methylation data 
##' ## and X = "exposure" 
##' ## Simulate the data
##' dat <- lfmm_sampler(n = 100, 
##'                     p = 500,
##'                     K = 3,
##'                     outlier.prop = 0.01,
##'                     cs = 0.1,
##'                     sigma = 0.2,
##'                     B.sd = 5,
##'                     B.mean = 0,
##'                     U.sd = 1.0,
##'                     V.sd = 1.0)
##' Y <- pnorm(dat$Y)
##' X <- dat$X
##' ## Fit an LFMM with 2 latent factors
##' mod.lfmm <- lfmm_ridge(Y = Y,
##'                        X = X, 
##'                        K = 3)
##' ## Perform association testing using the fitted model:
##' pv <- glm_test(Y = pnorm(Y), 
##'                 X = X,
##'                 lfmm.obj = mod.lfmm, 
##'                 family = binomial(link = "probit"),
##'                 calibrate = "gif")
##' ## Manhattan plot with true associations shown
##' causal <- dat$outlier
##' pvalues <- pv$calibrated.pvalue
##' plot(-log10(pvalues), 
##'      pch = 19, 
##'      cex = .3,
##'      xlab = "Probe",
##'      col = "grey")
##' points(causal, 
##'       -log10(pvalues)[causal], 
##'        col = "blue")
glm_test <- function(Y, X, lfmm.obj, calibrate = "gif",family = binomial(link = "logit")) {
  ## init
  dat <- LfmmDat(Y = Y, X = scale(X, scale = FALSE)) ## WARNING : scale here !!
  d <- ncol(dat$X)
  p <- ncol(dat$Y)
  ## tests based on GLMs
  p.value <- NULL
  z.score <- NULL
  effect.size <- NULL
  for (j in 1:p){
    mod.glm <- stats::glm(dat$Y[,j] ~ ., 
                   data = data.frame(dat$X, lfmm.obj$U),
                   family = family)
    p.value <- rbind(p.value, summary(mod.glm)$coeff[2:(d+1),4])
    z.score <- rbind(z.score, summary(mod.glm)$coeff[2:(d+1),3]) 
    effect.size <-  rbind(effect.size, summary(mod.glm)$coeff[2:(d+1),1]) 
  hp <- NULL
  hp$score <- z.score
  hp$pvalue <- p.value
  hp$B <- effect.size
  ## calibrate
  if (is.null(calibrate)) {
    NULL ## nothing
  } else {
    hp$gif <- compute_gif(hp$score)
    hp$calibrated.score2 <- sweep(hp$score ^ 2, 2, hp$gif, FUN = "/")
    hp$calibrated.pvalue <- compute_pvalue_from_zscore2(hp$calibrated.score2, df = 1)

##' Direct effect sizes estimated from latent factor models
##' This function returns 'direct' effect sizes for the regression of X (of dimension 1) on the matrix Y,
##' as usually computed in genome-wide association studies.
##' @param Y a response variable matrix with n rows and p columns. 
##' Each column is a response variable (numeric).
##' @param X an explanatory variable with n rows and d = 1 column (numeric). 
##' @param lfmm.object an object of class \code{lfmm} returned by the \link{lfmm_lasso} 
##' or \link{lfmm_ridge} function.
##' @return a vector of length p containing all effect sizes for the regression 
##' of X on the matrix Y 
##' @details The response variable matrix Y and the explanatory variable are centered.
##' @export
##' @author Kevin Caye, Basile Jumentier, Olivier Francois
##' @examples
##' library(lfmm)
##' ## Simulation of 1000 genotypes for 100 individuals (y)
##' u <- matrix(rnorm(300, sd = 1), nrow = 100, ncol = 3) 
##' v <- matrix(rnorm(3000, sd = 3), nrow = 3, ncol = 1000)
##' w <- u %*% v
##' y <- matrix(rbinom(100000, size = 2, 
##'                   prob = 1/(1 + exp(-0.3*(w
##'                   + rnorm(100000, sd = 2))))),
##'                   nrow = 100,
##'                   ncol = 1000)
##' #PCA of genotypes, 3 main axes of variation (K = 2) 
##' plot(prcomp(y))
##' ## Simulation of 1000 phenotypes (x)
##' ## Only the last 10 genotypes have significant effect sizes (b)
##' b <- matrix(c(rep(0, 990), rep(6000, 10)))
##' x <- y%*%b + rnorm(100, sd = 100)
##' ## Compute effect sizes using lfmm_ridge
##' ## Note that centering is important (scale = F).
##' mod.lfmm <- lfmm_ridge(Y = y, 
##'                   X = x,
##'                   K = 2)
##' ## Compute direct effect sizes using lfmm_ridge estimates
##' b.estimates <- effect_size(y, x, mod.lfmm)
##' ## plot the last 30 effect sizes (true values are 0 and 6000)
##' plot(b.estimates[971:1000])
##' abline(0, 0)
##' abline(6000, 0, col = 2)
##' ## Prediction of phenotypes
##' candidates <- 991:1000 #set of causal loci 
##' x.pred <- scale(y[,candidates], scale = FALSE) %*% matrix(b.estimates[candidates])
##' ## Check predictions
##' plot(x - mean(x), x.pred, 
##'      pch = 19, col = "grey", 
##'      xlab = "Observed phenotypes (centered)", 
##'      ylab = "Predicted from PRS")
##'      abline(0,1)
##'      abline(lm(x.pred ~ scale(x, scale = FALSE)), col = 2)
effect_size <- function(Y, X, lfmm.object){
  if (ncol(X) > 1) stop("Indirect effect sizes are computed for 
                        a single variable (d=1).")
  Y = scale(Y, scale = FALSE)
  X = scale(X, scale = FALSE)
  reg.lm <- function(i){
    datafr <- data.frame(Y[,i], lfmm.object$U)
    stats::lm(X ~ ., data = datafr)$coefficients[2]
  p <- ncol(Y)
  effect.sizes <- sapply(1:p, FUN = reg.lm)

##' Predict polygenic scores from latent factor models
##' This function computes polygenic risk scores from the estimates of latent factor models. 
##' It uses the indirect' effect sizes for the regression of X (a single phenotype) on the matrix Y,
##' for predicting phenotypic values for new genotype data.
##' @param Y a response variable matrix with n rows and p columns, typically containing genotypes. 
##' Each column is a response variable (numeric).
##' @param X an explanatory variable with n rows and d = 1 column (numeric) representing a phenotype 
##' with zero mean across the sample. 
##' @param lfmm.object an object of class \code{lfmm} returned by the \link{lfmm_lasso} 
##' or \link{lfmm_ridge} function, computed for X and Y.
##' @param fdr.level a numeric value for the FDR level in the lfmm test used to define
##' candidate variables for predicting new phenotypes.
##' @param newdata a matrix with n rows and p' columns, and similar to Y, on which 
##' predictions of X will be based. If NULL, Y is used as new data. 
##' @return a list with the following attributes:
##' - prediction: a vector of length n containing the predicted values for X. If newdata 
##' = NULL, the fitted values are returned.
##' - candidates: a vector of candidate columns of Y on which the predictions are built.
##' @details The response variable matrix Y and the explanatory variable are centered.
##' @export
##' @author Kevin Caye, Basile Jumentier, Olivier Francois
##' @examples
##' library(lfmm)
##' ## Simulation of 1000 genotypes for 100 individuals (y)
##' u <- matrix(rnorm(300, sd = 1), nrow = 100, ncol = 3) 
##' v <- matrix(rnorm(3000, sd = 3), nrow = 3, ncol = 1000)
##' w <- u %*% v
##' y <- matrix(rbinom(100000, size = 2, 
##'                   prob = 1/(1 + exp(-0.3 * (w 
##'                   + rnorm(100000, sd = 2))))),
##'                   nrow = 100,
##'                   ncol = 1000)
##' #PCA of genotypes, 2 main axes of variation (K = 2) 
##' plot(prcomp(y))
##' ## Simulation of 1000 phenotypes (x)
##' ## Only the last 10 genotypes have significant effect sizes (b)
##' b <- matrix(c(rep(0, 990), rep(6000, 10)))
##' x <- y%*%b + rnorm(100, sd = 100)
##' ## Compute effect sizes using lfmm_ridge
##' mod <- lfmm_ridge(Y = y, 
##'                   X = x,
##'                   K = 2)
##' x.pred <- predict_lfmm(Y = y, 
##'                        X = x,
##'                        fdr.level = 0.25, 
##'                        mod)
##' x.pred$candidates
##' ##Compare simulated and predicted/fitted phenotypes
##' plot(x - mean(x), x.pred$pred, 
##'      pch = 19, col = "grey", 
##'      xlab = "Observed phenotypes (centered)", 
##'      ylab = "Predicted from PRS")
##' abline(0,1)
##' abline(lm(x.pred$pred ~ scale(x, scale = FALSE)), col = 2)
predict_lfmm <- function(Y, X, lfmm.object, fdr.level = 0.1, newdata = NULL){
  Y = scale(Y, scale = FALSE)
  X = scale(X, scale = FALSE)
  b.values <- effect_size(Y, X, lfmm.object) 
  pvalues <- lfmm_test(Y, X, lfmm.object, calibrate = "gif")$calibrated.pvalue
  pvalues[is.na(pvalues)] <- 1
  p = length(pvalues)
  w = which(sort(pvalues) < fdr.level * (1:p)/p)
  candidates = order(pvalues)[w]
  if (is.null(newdata)) {newdata <- Y}
  x.pred <- newdata[,candidates] %*% matrix(b.values[candidates])
  return( list(prediction = x.pred, candidates = candidates) )

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