
Defines functions qdirichlet qinteger qfactor

Documented in qdirichlet qfactor qinteger

# Copyright 2024 Robert Carnell

#' Quantile Transformations
#' A collection of functions that transform the margins of a Latin hypercube
#' sample in multiple ways
#' \code{qdirichlet} is not an exact quantile function since the quantile of a
#' multivariate distribution is not unique.  \code{qdirichlet} is also not the
#' independent quantiles of the marginal distributions since
#' those quantiles do not sum to one.  \code{qdirichlet} is the quantile of the
#' underlying gamma functions, normalized.  This is the same procedure that
#' is used to generate random deviates from the Dirichlet distribution therefore
#' it will produce transformed Latin hypercube samples with the intended distribution.
#' \code{q_factor} divides the [0,1] interval into \code{nlevel(fact)} equal sections
#' and assigns values in those sections to the factor level.
#' @rdname quanttrans
#' @param p a vector of LHS samples on (0,1)
#' @param fact a factor or categorical variable.  Ordered and un-ordered variables are allowed.
#' @param a a minimum integer
#' @param b a maximum integer
#' @param X multiple columns of an LHS sample on (0,1)
#' @param alpha Dirichlet distribution parameters.  All \code{alpha >= 1} The marginal
#' mean probability of the Dirichlet distribution is given by \code{alpha[i] / sum(alpha)}
#' @return the transformed column or columns
#' @export
#' @examples
#' X <- randomLHS(20, 7)
#' Y <- as.data.frame(X)
#' Y[,1] <- qnorm(X[,1], 2, 0.5)
#' Y[,2] <- qfactor(X[,2], factor(LETTERS[c(1,3,5,7,8)]))
#' Y[,3] <- qinteger(X[,3], 5, 17)
#' Y[,4:6] <- qdirichlet(X[,4:6], c(2,3,4))
#' Y[,7] <- qfactor(X[,7], ordered(LETTERS[c(1,3,5,7,8)]))
qfactor <- function(p, fact)
  if (!is.factor(fact)) {
    stop("fact must be a factor or ordered")
  if (!is.numeric(p) | any(p < 0) | any(p > 1)) {
    stop("p must be a numeric between 0 and 1")

  nlev <- nlevels(fact)

  cut(p, breaks = (0:nlev) / nlev, labels = levels(fact),
      ordered_result = is.ordered(fact))

#' @rdname quanttrans
#' @export
qinteger <- function(p, a, b)
  if (!is.numeric(p) | any(p < 0) | any(p > 1)) {
    stop("p must be a numeric between 0 and 1")
  if (!is.integer(a) | !is.integer(b)) {
    if (any(as.integer(a) != a) | any(as.integer(b) != b)) {
      stop("a and b must be integers or numerics that do not require coersion to integers")
  if (b < a) {
    stop("b must be greater than a")

  floor(p*(b - a + 1)) + a

#' @rdname quanttrans
#' @importFrom stats qgamma
#' @export
qdirichlet <- function(X, alpha)
  lena <- length(alpha)
  if (!is.matrix(X) & !is.data.frame(X)) {
    stop("X must be a matrix for qdirichlet")
  sims <- dim(X)[1]
  if (dim(X)[2] != lena) {
    stop("the number of columns of X must be equal to the length of alpha in qdirichlet")
  if(any(is.na(alpha)) || any(is.na(X))) {
    stop("NA values not allowed in qdirichlet")

  Y <- matrix(0, nrow=sims, ncol=lena)
  ind <- which(alpha != 0)
  for(i in ind)
    Y[,i] <- stats::qgamma(X[,i], alpha[i], 1)
  Y <- Y / rowSums(Y)

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lhs documentation built on July 1, 2024, 1:06 a.m.