
Defines functions lmult doTest vcov.LinStatExpCov .LinStatExpCov2d .LinStatExpCov1d LinStatExpCov

Documented in doTest LinStatExpCov lmult

# R Header

###    Copyright (C) 2017-2023 Torsten Hothorn
###    This file is part of the 'libcoin' R add-on package.
###    'libcoin' is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
###    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
###    the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
###    'libcoin' is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
###    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
###    GNU General Public License for more details.
###    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
###    along with 'libcoin'.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
###    Edit 'libcoin.w' and run 'nuweb -r libcoin.w'

# LinStatExpCov

LinStatExpCov <-
function(X, Y, ix = NULL, iy = NULL, weights = integer(0),
         subset = integer(0), block = integer(0), checkNAs = TRUE,
         varonly = FALSE, nresample = 0, standardise = FALSE,
         tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
    if (missing(X) && !is.null(ix) && is.null(iy)) {
        X <- ix
        ix <- NULL

    if (missing(X)) X <- integer(0)

    ## <FIXME> for the time being only!!! </FIXME>
##    if (length(subset) > 0) subset <- sort(subset)

    if (is.null(ix) && is.null(iy))
        .LinStatExpCov1d(X = X, Y = Y,
                         weights = weights, subset = subset,
                         block = block, checkNAs = checkNAs,
                         varonly = varonly, nresample = nresample,
                         standardise = standardise, tol = tol)
    else if (!is.null(ix) && !is.null(iy))
        .LinStatExpCov2d(X = X, Y = Y, ix = ix, iy = iy,
                         weights = weights, subset = subset,
                         block = block, checkNAs = checkNAs,
                         varonly = varonly, nresample = nresample,
                         standardise = standardise, tol = tol)
        stop("incorrect call to ", sQuote("LinStatExpCov()"))

# LinStatExpCov1d

.LinStatExpCov1d <-
function(X, Y, weights = integer(0), subset = integer(0), block = integer(0),
         checkNAs = TRUE, varonly = FALSE, nresample = 0, standardise = FALSE,
         tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
    if (NROW(X) != NROW(Y))
        stop("dimensions of X and Y don't match")
    N <- NROW(X)

    if (is.integer(X)) {
        if (is.null(attr(X, "levels")) || checkNAs) {
            rg <- range(X)
            if (anyNA(rg))
                stop("no missing values allowed in X")
            stopifnot(rg[1] > 0) # no missing values allowed here!
            if (is.null(attr(X, "levels")))
                attr(X, "levels") <- seq_len(rg[2])

    if (is.factor(X) && checkNAs)

    # Check weights, subset, block
    if (is.null(weights)) weights <- integer(0)

    if (length(weights) > 0) {
        if (!((N == length(weights)) && all(weights >= 0)))
            stop("incorrect weights")
        if (checkNAs) stopifnot(!anyNA(weights))

    if (is.null(subset)) subset <- integer(0)

    if (length(subset) > 0 && checkNAs) {
        rs <- range(subset)
        if (anyNA(rs)) stop("no missing values allowed in subset")
        if (!((rs[2] <= N) && (rs[1] >= 1L)))
            stop("incorrect subset")

    if (is.null(block)) block <- integer(0)

    if (length(block) > 0) {
        if (!((N == length(block)) && is.factor(block)))
            stop("incorrect block")
        if (checkNAs) stopifnot(!anyNA(block))

    if (checkNAs) {
        # Handle Missing Values
        ms <- !complete.cases(X, Y)
        if (all(ms))
            stop("all observations are missing")
        if (any(ms)) {
            if (length(subset) > 0) {
                if (all(subset %in% which(ms)))
                    stop("all observations are missing")
                subset <- subset[!(subset %in% which(ms))]
            } else {
                subset <- seq_len(N)[-which(ms)]

    ret <- .Call(R_ExpectationCovarianceStatistic, X, Y, weights, subset,
                 block, as.integer(varonly), as.double(tol))
    ret$varonly <- as.logical(ret$varonly)
    ret$Xfactor <- as.logical(ret$Xfactor)
    if (nresample > 0) {
        ret$PermutedLinearStatistic <-
            .Call(R_PermutedLinearStatistic, X, Y, weights, subset,
                  block, as.double(nresample))
        if (standardise)
            ret$StandardisedPermutedLinearStatistic <-
                .Call(R_StandardisePermutedLinearStatistic, ret)
    class(ret) <- c("LinStatExpCov1d", "LinStatExpCov")

# LinStatExpCov2d

.LinStatExpCov2d <-
function(X = numeric(0), Y, ix, iy, weights = integer(0), subset = integer(0),
         block = integer(0), checkNAs = TRUE, varonly = FALSE, nresample = 0,
         standardise = FALSE, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
    IF <- function(x) is.integer(x) || is.factor(x)

    if (!((length(ix) == length(iy)) && IF(ix) && IF(iy)))
        stop("incorrect ix and/or iy")
    N <- length(ix)

    # Check ix
    if (is.null(attr(ix, "levels"))) {
        rg <- range(ix)
        if (anyNA(rg))
            stop("no missing values allowed in ix")
        stopifnot(rg[1] >= 0)
        attr(ix, "levels") <- seq_len(rg[2])
    } else {
        ## lev can be data.frame (see inum::inum)
        lev <- attr(ix, "levels")
        if (!is.vector(lev)) lev <- seq_len(NROW(lev))
        attr(ix, "levels") <- lev
        if (checkNAs) stopifnot(!anyNA(ix))

    # Check iy
    if (is.null(attr(iy, "levels"))) {
        rg <- range(iy)
        if (anyNA(rg))
            stop("no missing values allowed in iy")
        stopifnot(rg[1] >= 0)
        attr(iy, "levels") <- seq_len(rg[2])
    } else {
        ## lev can be data.frame (see inum::inum)
        lev <- attr(iy, "levels")
        if (!is.vector(lev)) lev <- seq_len(NROW(lev))
        attr(iy, "levels") <- lev
        if (checkNAs) stopifnot(!anyNA(iy))

    if (length(X) > 0) {
        if (!(NROW(X) == (length(attr(ix, "levels")) + 1) &&
            stop("incorrect X")

    if (!(NROW(Y) == (length(attr(iy, "levels")) + 1) &&
        stop("incorrect Y")

    # Check weights, subset, block
    if (is.null(weights)) weights <- integer(0)

    if (length(weights) > 0) {
        if (!((N == length(weights)) && all(weights >= 0)))
            stop("incorrect weights")
        if (checkNAs) stopifnot(!anyNA(weights))

    if (is.null(subset)) subset <- integer(0)

    if (length(subset) > 0 && checkNAs) {
        rs <- range(subset)
        if (anyNA(rs)) stop("no missing values allowed in subset")
        if (!((rs[2] <= N) && (rs[1] >= 1L)))
            stop("incorrect subset")

    if (is.null(block)) block <- integer(0)

    if (length(block) > 0) {
        if (!((N == length(block)) && is.factor(block)))
            stop("incorrect block")
        if (checkNAs) stopifnot(!anyNA(block))

    ret <- .Call(R_ExpectationCovarianceStatistic_2d, X, ix, Y, iy,
                 weights, subset, block, as.integer(varonly), as.double(tol))
    ret$varonly <- as.logical(ret$varonly)
    ret$Xfactor <- as.logical(ret$Xfactor)
    if (nresample > 0) {
        ret$PermutedLinearStatistic <-
            .Call(R_PermutedLinearStatistic_2d, X, ix, Y, iy, block, nresample, ret$Table)
        if (standardise)
            ret$StandardisedPermutedLinearStatistic <-
                .Call(R_StandardisePermutedLinearStatistic, ret)
    class(ret) <- c("LinStatExpCov2d", "LinStatExpCov")

# vcov LinStatExpCov

vcov.LinStatExpCov <-
function(object, ...)
    if (object$varonly)
        stop("cannot extract covariance matrix")
    drop(.Call(R_unpack_sym, object$Covariance, NULL, 0L))

# doTest

### note: lower = FALSE => p-value; lower = TRUE => 1 - p-value
doTest <-
function(object, teststat = c("maximum", "quadratic", "scalar"),
         alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"), pvalue = TRUE,
         lower = FALSE, log = FALSE, PermutedStatistics = FALSE,
         minbucket = 10L, ordered = TRUE, maxselect = object$Xfactor,
         pargs = GenzBretz())
    teststat <- match.arg(teststat, choices = c("maximum", "quadratic", "scalar"))
    if (!any(teststat == c("maximum", "quadratic", "scalar")))
        stop("incorrect teststat")
    alternative <- alternative[1]
    if (!any(alternative == c("two.sided", "less", "greater")))
        stop("incorrect alternative")

    if (maxselect)

    if (teststat == "quadratic" || maxselect) {
        if (alternative != "two.sided")
            stop("incorrect alternative")

    test <- which(c("maximum", "quadratic", "scalar") == teststat)
    if (test == 3) {
        if (length(object$LinearStatistic) != 1)
            stop("scalar test statistic not applicable")
        test <- 1L # scalar is maximum internally
    alt <- which(c("two.sided", "less", "greater") == alternative)

    if (!pvalue && (NCOL(object$PermutedLinearStatistic) > 0))
        object$PermutedLinearStatistic <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = 0, ncol = 0)

    if (!maxselect) {
        if (teststat == "quadratic") {
            ret <- .Call(R_QuadraticTest, object, as.integer(pvalue), as.integer(lower),
                         as.integer(log), as.integer(PermutedStatistics))
        } else {
            ret <- .Call(R_MaximumTest, object, as.integer(alt), as.integer(pvalue),
                         as.integer(lower), as.integer(log), as.integer(PermutedStatistics),
                         as.integer(pargs$maxpts), as.double(pargs$releps),
            if (teststat == "scalar") {
                var <- if (object$varonly) object$Variance else object$Covariance
                ret$TestStatistic <- object$LinearStatistic - object$Expectation
                ret$TestStatistic <-
                    if (var > object$tol) ret$TestStatistic / sqrt(var) else NaN
    } else {
        ret <- .Call(R_MaximallySelectedTest, object, as.integer(ordered), as.integer(test),
                     as.integer(minbucket), as.integer(lower), as.integer(log))
    if (!PermutedStatistics) ret$PermutedStatistics <- NULL

# Contrasts

lmult <-
function(x, object)
    if (is.vector(x)) x <- matrix(x, nrow = 1)
    P <- object$dimension[1]
    stopifnot(ncol(x) == P)
    Q <- object$dimension[2]
    ret <- object
    xLS <- x %*% matrix(object$LinearStatistic, nrow = P)
    xExp <- x %*% matrix(object$Expectation, nrow = P)
    xExpX <- x %*% matrix(object$ExpectationX, nrow = P)
    if (Q == 1) {
        xCov <- tcrossprod(x %*% vcov(object), x)
    } else {
        zmat <- matrix(0, nrow = P * Q, ncol = nrow(x))
        mat <- rbind(t(x), zmat)
        mat <- mat[rep.int(seq_len(nrow(mat)), Q - 1),, drop = FALSE]
        mat <- rbind(mat, t(x))
        mat <- matrix(mat, ncol = Q * nrow(x))
        mat <- t(mat)
        xCov <- tcrossprod(mat %*% vcov(object), mat)
    if (!is.matrix(xCov)) xCov <- matrix(xCov)
    if (length(object$PermutedLinearStatistic) > 0) {
        xPS <- apply(object$PermutedLinearStatistic, 2, function(y)
                     as.vector(x %*% matrix(y, nrow = P)))
        if (!is.matrix(xPS)) xPS <- matrix(xPS, nrow = 1)
        ret$PermutedLinearStatistic <- xPS
    ret$LinearStatistic <- as.vector(xLS)
    ret$Expectation <- as.vector(xExp)
    ret$ExpectationX <- as.vector(xExpX)
    ret$Covariance <- as.vector(xCov[lower.tri(xCov, diag = TRUE)])
    ret$Variance <- diag(xCov)
    ret$dimension <- c(NROW(x), Q)
    ret$Xfactor <- FALSE
    if (length(object$StandardisedPermutedLinearStatistic) > 0)
        ret$StandardisedPermutedLinearStatistic <-
            .Call(R_StandardisePermutedLinearStatistic, ret)

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libcoin documentation built on Sept. 27, 2023, 5:08 p.m.