
Defines functions qx2mx mx2qx exyzt .qxyznt .qxnt qxyzt pxyztold pxyzt probs2lifetable exyt qxyt pxyt exn qxtold qxt mxt Tx Lxt .forceOfMortality pxtold pxt dxt

Documented in dxt exn exyt exyzt Lxt mx2qx mxt probs2lifetable pxt pxyt pxyzt qx2mx qxt qxyt qxyzt Tx

#   Copyright (c) 2018 Giorgio A. Spedicato, Christophe Dutang
#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with this program; if not, write to the
#   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#   59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
###         demographic functions

#number of deaths between age x and x+t
dxt <- function(object, x, t, decrement) {
  out <- numeric(1)
  if (!(class(object) %in% c("lifetable","actuarialtable","mdt")))
    stop("Error! Only lifetable, actuarialtable or mdt classes are accepted")
  if (missing(x))
    stop("Error! Missing x")
  if (missing(t))
    t = 1
  omega = getOmega(object) #prima object+1
  if (is(object,"mdt")) {
    #call specific function for MDT class
    if (!missing(decrement))
      out <-
          object = object, x = x, time = t, decrement = decrement
      out <- .dxt.mdt(object = object, x = x, time = t)
  } else {
    #		if(missing(x)) stop("Error! Missing x")
    #		if(missing(t)) t=1
    #		omega=getOmega(object) #prima object+1
    #check if fractional
    if ((t %% 1) == 0) {
      lx = object@lx[which(object@x == x)]
      if ((x + t) > omega)
        out = lx
        #before >=
        out = lx - object@lx[which(object@x == t + x)]
    } else {
      fracPart <- (t %% 1)
      intPart <- t - fracPart
      out <-
        dxt(object = object, x = x, t = intPart) + fracPart * dxt(object = object, x =
                                                                    x + intPart, t = 1)

#survival probability between age x and x+t
pxt <- function(object, x, t, fractional = "linear", decrement)
  if (!(class(object) %in% c("lifetable","actuarialtable","mdt")))
    stop("Error! Only lifetable, actuarialtable or mdt classes are accepted")
  fractional <- testfractionnalarg(fractional)
    stopifnot(class(decrement) %in% c("numeric", "character"))
    #convert to character string
    if (is.numeric(decrement)) 
    stopifnot(decrement %in% names(object@table))
  #class(object) %in% c("lifetable","actuarialtable") 
  if (missing(x))
    stop("Missing x")
  if (any(x < 0, t < 0))
    stop("Check x or t domain")
  if (missing(t))
    t = 1 #default 1
  if(length(x) <= 0)
    stop("x is of length zero")
  if(length(t) <= 0)
    stop("t is of length zero")
  n <- max(length(t), length(x))
  if(length(t) != length(x))
    if(length(t) > 1 && length(x) > 1)
      warnings("t and x arguments have been recycled to match the maximum length of x and t")
    t <- rep(t, length.out=n)
    x <- rep(x, length.out=n)
  #adjustment when age x is not an integer 
  floorx <- floor(x) #compute floor(x)
  eps_x <- x - floorx #compute epsilon x
  u <- t+eps_x #add epsilon x to time t
  flooru <- floor(u) #compute floor(u)
  eps_u <- u - flooru #compute epsilon t
  #local lifetable data closed at maximum age
  omega <- getOmega(object)
  if (is(object,"mdt"))
      myx <- object@table$x
      mylx <- c(object@table$lx, 0)
      decrement.cols <- which(names(object@table) == decrement)
      #check decrement table does not have missing/zero values
      l0 <- object@table[1, decrement.cols]
      #if yes use older function
      if(any(object@table[1, -1] == 0) || any(is.na(object@table[1, -1])))
        getqxt <- function(i)
          .qxt.mdt(object = object, x = x[i], t = t[i], decrement = decrement)
        return(1 - sapply(1:n, getqxt))
      #otherwise compute lx from full decrement table containing nb of deaths
      myx <- object@table$x
      mydx <- object@table[, decrement.cols]
      mylx <- c(l0-cumsum(mydx), 0)
  }else #lifetable or actuarialtable
    myx <- object@x
    mylx <- c(object@lx, 0)
  names(mylx) <- paste0("x", c(myx, omega+1))
  #get l_floor(x) and consecutive
  l_floorx <- mylx[paste0("x", floorx)]
  l_floorxp1 <- mylx[paste0("x", floorx+1)]
  #get l_floor(x+t) and consecutive
  l_floorxu <- mylx[paste0("x", floorx+flooru)]
  l_floorxup1 <- mylx[paste0("x", floorx+flooru+1)]
  #compute one-year survival probabilites 
  flooru_p_floorx <- l_floorxu / l_floorx 
  floorup1_p_floorx <- l_floorxup1 / l_floorx
  one_p_floorxu <- l_floorxup1 / l_floorxu
  one_p_floorx <- l_floorxp1 / l_floorx 
  #may contains NA if x or x+t is above omega => set to 0
  flooru_p_floorx[is.na(flooru_p_floorx)] <- 0 
  floorup1_p_floorx[is.na(floorup1_p_floorx)] <- 0 
  one_p_floorxu[is.na(one_p_floorxu)] <- 0
  one_p_floorx[is.na(one_p_floorx)] <- 0
  #adjustment when t is not integer
  if (fractional == "linear") {
    u_p_floorx <- flooru_p_floorx * (1 - eps_u*(1-one_p_floorxu))
      #equivalent to eps_u * floorup1_p_floorx + (1 - eps_u) * flooru_p_floorx
  } else if (fractional == "constant force") {
    u_p_floorx <- flooru_p_floorx * one_p_floorxu^eps_u
  } else if (fractional == "hyperbolic") {
    u_p_floorx <- flooru_p_floorx * one_p_floorxu / (1 - (1-eps_u)*(1-one_p_floorxu))
  #adjustment when age x is not an integer (otherwise equal 1)
  if (fractional == "linear") {
    eps_x_p_floorx <-  1 - eps_x * (1-one_p_floorx)
  } else if (fractional == "constant force") {
    eps_x_p_floorx <- one_p_floorx^eps_x 
  } else if (fractional == "hyperbolic") {
    eps_x_p_floorx <- one_p_floorx / (1 - (1-eps_x)*(1-one_p_floorx))
  as.numeric(u_p_floorx / eps_x_p_floorx)

#survival probability between age x and x+t
pxtold <- function(object, x, t, fractional = "linear", decrement)
  out <- NULL
  if (!(class(object) %in% c("lifetable","actuarialtable","mdt")))
    stop("Error! Only lifetable, actuarialtable or mdt classes are accepted")
  fractional <- testfractionnalarg(fractional)
  if (is(object,"mdt")) {
    #specific function for multiple decrements
    out <-
        missing(decrement), 1 - .qxt.mdt(object = object,x = x,t = t),
        1 - .qxt.mdt(object = object,x = x,t = t,decrement = decrement)
  #class(object) %in% c("lifetable","actuarialtable") 
  if (missing(x))
    stop("Missing x")
  if (any(x < 0, t < 0))
    stop("Check x or t domain")
  if (missing(t))
    t = 1 #default 1
  omega = getOmega(object)
  #if the starting age is fractional apply probability laws
  if ((x - floor(x)) > 0) {
    integerAge = floor(x)
    excess = x - floor(x)
    texcess_p_floorx <- pxtold(object = object, x = integerAge, 
      fractional=fractional, t = excess + t, decrement = decrement)
    excess_p_floorx <- pxtold(object = object, x = integerAge, 
      fractional=fractional, t = excess, decrement = decrement
    out = texcess_p_floorx / excess_p_floorx
  #Rosa Corrales Patch
 # if ((object@lx[omega] > 0) &&
  #    (x + t) == (omega + 1)) {
  #  out <- 1 / object@lx[which(object@x == x)]
  #} else {
    #before x+t>=omega
    if ((x + t) >= omega + 1)

  if((x + t) > omega){ # x + t is between last lx > 0 and 0

    z <- t %% 1 #the fraction of year
    #linearly interpolates if fractional age
    pl <-
      object@lx[which(object@x == floor(t + x))] / object@lx[which(object@x ==
                                                                     x)] # Kevin Owens: fix on this line, moving it out of the linear if statement so it can be used in other assumptions
    if (fractional == "linear") {
      ph <- 0
      out <- z * ph + (1 - z) * pl
    } else if (fractional == "constant force") {
      out <- pl * pxtold(object = object, x = (x + floor(t)),t = 1, fractional=fractional) ^ z # fix on this line
    } else if (fractional == "hyperbolic") {
      out <-
        pl * pxtold(object = object, x = (x + floor(t)),t = 1, fractional=fractional) / (1 - (1 - z) * qxtold(
          object = object, x = (x + floor(t)),t = 1
        )) # Kevin Owens: fix on this line
  else # x + t is less that or equal to omega
    #fractional ages
    if ((t %% 1) == 0)
      out <-
        object@lx[which(object@x == t + x)] / object@lx[which(object@x == x)]
    }else {
      z <- t %% 1 #the fraction of year
      #linearly interpolates if fractional age
      pl <-
        object@lx[which(object@x == floor(t + x))] / object@lx[which(object@x ==
                                                                       x)] # Kevin Owens: fix on this line, moving it out of the linear if statement so it can be used in other assumptions
      if (fractional == "linear") {
        ph <-
          object@lx[which(object@x == ceiling(t + x))] / object@lx[which(object@x ==
        out <- z * ph + (1 - z) * pl
      } else if (fractional == "constant force") {
        out <- pl * pxtold(object = object, x = (x + floor(t)),t = 1, fractional=fractional) ^ z # fix on this line
      } else if (fractional == "hyperbolic") {
        out <-
          pl * pxtold(object = object, x = (x + floor(t)),t = 1, fractional=fractional) / (1 - (1 - z) * qxtold(
            object = object, x = (x + floor(t)),t = 1, fractional=fractional
          )) # Kevin Owens: fix on this line

  #  }

.forceOfMortality <- function(object,x)
	if(!is(object, "lifetable")) stop("Error! Need lifetable or actuarialtable objects")
	if(missing(x)) stop("Missing x")
	#force of mortality
	out<-log(pxt(object=object, x=x, t=1))

#' @rdname other-demographic-functions
#' @param t duration of the calculation
#' @param fxt correction constant, default 0.5
#' @aliases Lxt
#' @examples 
#' data(soaLt)
#' soa08Act=with(soaLt, new("actuarialtable",interest=0.06,
#' x=x,lx=Ix,name="SOA2008"))
#' Lxt(soa08Act, 67,10)
#' @export
Lxt <- function(object, x,t=1,fxt=0.5)


	if(!is(object, "lifetable")) stop("Error! Need lifetable or actuarialtable objects")
	if(missing(x)) stop("Missing x")
	if(any(x<0,t<0)) stop("Check x or t domain")

	ages=seq(from=x, to=x+t-1, by=1)
	for(i in 1:length(ages)) lifes[i]=object@lx[which(object@x==ages[i])]
	deaths=sapply(ages, dxt,object=object,t=1)

#' @rdname other-demographic-functions
#' @aliases Tx
#' @title Various demographic functions
#' @param object a \code{lifetable} or \code{actuarialtable} object
#' @param x age of the subject
#' @details \code{Tx} il the sum of years lived since age \code{x} by the population of the life table, it is the sum of \code{Lx}. The function is provided as is, 
#' without any warranty regarding the accuracy of calculations. Use at own risk.
#' @return A numeric value
#' @references 	Actuarial Mathematics (Second Edition), 1997, by Bowers, N.L., Gerber, H.U., Hickman, J.C., Jones, D.A. and Nesbitt, C.J.
#' @author Giorgio Alfredo Spedicato.
#' @examples 
#' #assumes SOA example life table to be load
#' data(soaLt)
#' soa08Act=with(soaLt, new("actuarialtable",interest=0.06,x=x,lx=Ix,name="SOA2008"))
#' Tx(soa08Act, 67)
#' @export
Tx <- function(object,x)
	if(!is(object, "lifetable")) 
	  stop("Error! Need lifetable or actuarialtable objects")
	if(missing(x)) stop("Missing x")
	toSum<-sapply(lives, Lxt,object=object, t=1)

#' @title Central mortality rate
#' @description This function returns the central mortality rate demographic function.
#' @param object a \code{lifetable} or \code{actuarialtable} object
#' @param x subject's age
#' @param t period on which the rate is evaluated
#' @return A numeric value representing the central mortality rate between age \eqn{x} and \eqn{x+t}.
#' @references Actuarial Mathematics (Second Edition), 1997, by Bowers, N.L., Gerber, H.U., Hickman, J.C., Jones, D.A. and Nesbitt, C.J.
#' @examples 
#' #assumes SOA example life table to be load
#' data(soaLt)
#' soa08Act=with(soaLt, new("actuarialtable",interest=0.06,x=x,lx=Ix,name="SOA2008"))
#' #compare mx and qx 
#' mxt(soa08Act, 60,10)
#' qxt(soa08Act, 60,10)
#' @export
mxt <- function(object,x,t)
	if(missing(t)) t<-1 #default 1
	if(!is(object, "lifetable")) 
	  stop("Error! Need lifetable or actuarialtable objects")
	if(missing(x)) stop("Missing x")
	if(any(x<0,t<0)) stop("Check x or t domain")


#death probability
qxt <- function(object, x, t, fractional="linear", decrement)
	if(!(class(object) %in% c("lifetable","actuarialtable","mdt"))) 
	  stop("Error! Only lifetable, actuarialtable or mdt classes are accepted")
	  stop("Missing x")
	  stop("Check x or t domain")
	  t<-1 #default 1
	#complement of pxt
	out <- 1 - pxt(object=object, x=x, t=t, fractional=fractional, decrement=decrement)

qxtold <- function(object, x, t, fractional="linear", decrement)
  if(!(class(object) %in% c("lifetable","actuarialtable","mdt"))) 
    stop("Error! Only lifetable, actuarialtable or mdt classes are accepted")
    stop("Missing x")
    stop("Check x or t domain")
    t<-1 #default 1
  #complement of pxt
  out <- 1-pxtold(object=object, x=x, t=t, fractional=fractional, decrement=decrement)

#' Expected residual life.
#' @param object A lifetable/actuarialtable object.
#' @param x Attained age
#' @param n Time until which the expected life should be calculated. Assumed omega - x whether missing.
#' @param type Either \code{"Tx"}, \code{"complete"} or \code{"continuous"} for continuous future lifetime, 
#' \code{"Kx"} or \code{"curtate"} for curtate furture lifetime (can be abbreviated).
#' @return A numeric value representing the expected life span.
#' @author Giorgio Alfredo Spedicato
#' @references 	Actuarial Mathematics (Second Edition), 1997, by Bowers, N.L., Gerber, H.U., Hickman, J.C., 
#' Jones, D.A. and Nesbitt, C.J.
#' @seealso \code{\linkS4class{lifetable}}
#' @examples
#' #loads and show
#' data(soa08Act)
#' exn(object=soa08Act, x=0)
#' exn(object=soa08Act, x=0,type="complete")
#' @export
exn <- function(object,x,n,type="curtate") {
	if(!is(object, "lifetable")) stop("Error! Need lifetable or actuarialtable objects")
	if(missing(x)) x=0
	if(missing(n)) n=getOmega(object)-x +1 #to avoid errors
	if(n==0) return(0)
	type <- testtypelifearg(type)
	for(i in 1:n) probs[i]=pxt(object,x,i)
	} else {
		out=Lxt(object=object, x=x,t=n)/lx

##################two life ###########

pxyt <- function(objectx, objecty,x,y,t, status="joint")
	if(!is(objectx, "lifetable")) stop("Error! Objectx needs be lifetable or actuarialtable objects")
	if(!is(objecty, "lifetable")) stop("Error! Objectx needs be lifetable or actuarialtable objects")
	if(missing(x)) stop("Missing x")
	if(missing(y)) stop("Missing y")
	if(missing(t)) t=1 #default 1
	if(any(x<0,y<0,t<0)) stop("Check x, y and t domain")
	#joint survival status
  status <- teststatusarg(status)

	pxy=pxt(objectx, x,t)*pxt(objecty,y,t)
	if(status=="joint") out=pxy else out=pxt(objectx, x,t)+pxt(objecty,y,t)-pxy 

qxyt <- function(objectx, objecty,x,y,t, status="joint")
	if(!is(objectx, "lifetable")) stop("Error! Objectx needs be lifetable or actuarialtable objects")
	if(!is(objecty, "lifetable")) stop("Error! Objectx needs be lifetable or actuarialtable objects")
	if(missing(x)) stop("Missing x")
	if(missing(y)) stop("Missing y")
	if(missing(t)) t=1 #default 1
	if(any(x<0,y<0,t<0)) stop("Check x, y and t domain")
	out=1-pxyt(objectx=objectx, objecty=objecty,x=x,y=y,t=t, status=status)

#to check

exyt<-function(objectx, objecty,x,y,t,status="joint")
	if(!is(objectx, "lifetable")) stop("Error! Objectx needs be lifetable or actuarialtable objects")
	if(!is(objecty, "lifetable")) stop("Error! Objectx needs be lifetable or actuarialtable objects")
	if(missing(x)) stop("Missing x")
	if(missing(y)) stop("Missing y")
	maxTime=max(getOmega(objectx)-x, getOmega(objecty)-y)  #maximum number of years people can live togeter
	if(missing(t)) t=maxTime
	if(any(x<0,y<0,t<0)) stop("Check x, y and t domain")
	toSum=min(t,maxTime) #max number of years to sum
	#out=1-pxyt(objectx=objectx, objecty=objecty,x=x,y=y,t=t, status=status)
	for(i in 1:length(times)) probs[i]=pxyt(objectx=objectx, objecty=objecty,x=x,y=y,t=times[i], status=status)

probs2lifetable <- function(probs, radix=10000, type="px", name="ungiven")
	if(any(probs>1) | any(probs<0)) stop("Error: probabilities must lie between 0 an 1")
	if(!(type %in% c("px","qx"))) stop("Error: type must be either px or qx")
	if(type=="px" & probs[length(probs)]!=0) probs[length(probs)+1]=0;
	if(type=="qx" & probs[length(probs)]!=1) probs[length(probs)+1]=1;
	for(i in 2:length(probs))
		if(type=="px") lx[i]=lx[i-1]*probs[i-1] else lx[i]=lx[i-1]*(1-probs[i-1])
	out=new("lifetable",x=seq(0,length(probs)-1), lx=lx, name=name)

#multiple life new function
pxyzt <- function(tablesList, x, t, status="joint", 
                      fractional=rep("linear",length(tablesList)), ...)
  #fractional list can be either missing or a string length of character one
    temp <- fractional;
    fractional <- rep(temp, length.out =length(tablesList))
  fractional <- sapply(fractional, testfractionnalarg)
  status <- teststatusarg(status)
  #initial checkings
  if (missing(x))
    stop("Missing x")
  if (!is.numeric(x))
    stop("non numeric x")
  if (missing(t))
    t = 1 #default 1
  #convert argument to matrix
  numTables <- length(tablesList)
  if(is.vector(x) && is.vector(t))
    if(length(x) != numTables)
      stop("Error! Initial ages vector length does not match with number of lives")
    if(length(t) == 1)
      t <- rep(t, length.out=length(x))
    if(length(t) != numTables)
      stop("Error! Initial time vector length does not match with number of lives")
    valx <- t(as.matrix(x))
    valt <- t(as.matrix(t))
  }else if(is.matrix(x) && is.vector(t))
    if(NCOL(x) != numTables)
      stop("Error! Initial ages matrix does not have as much column as number of lives")
    if(length(t) == 1)
      t <- rep(t, length.out=NCOL(x))
    if(length(t) != numTables)
      stop("Error! Initial time vector length does not match with number of lives")
    valx <- as.matrix(x)
    valt <- matrix(t, nrow=NROW(valx), ncol=numTables, byrow=TRUE)
  }else if(is.vector(x) && is.matrix(t))
    if(length(x) != numTables)
      stop("Error! Initial ages vector length does not match with number of lives")
    if(NCOL(t) != numTables)
      stop("Error! Initial time matrix does not have as much column as number of lives")
    valt <- as.matrix(t)
    valx <- matrix(x, nrow=NROW(valt), ncol=numTables, byrow=TRUE)
    if(NCOL(x) != numTables)
      stop("Error! Initial ages matrix does not have as much column as number of lives")
    if(NCOL(t) != numTables)
      stop("Error! Initial time matrix does not have as much column as number of lives")
    if(NROW(x) != NROW(t))
      warnings("t and x arguments have been recycled to match the maximum row number of x and t")
    n <- max(NROW(x), NROW(t))
    id2select <- rep(1:NROW(x), length.out=n)
    valx <- x[id2select, ]
    id2select <- rep(1:NROW(t), length.out=n)
    valt <- t[id2select, ]
  allpxt <- sapply(1:numTables, function(i)
                   pxt(tablesList[[i]], valx[,i], valt[,i], fractional = fractional[i], ...)
  #the survival probability is the cumproduct of the single survival probabilities
  if(status == "joint")
      out <- prod(allpxt)
      out <- apply(allpxt, 1, prod)
  }else{ #last survivor status
    allqxt <- 1-allpxt 
      out <- 1-prod(allqxt)
      out <- 1-apply(allqxt, 1, prod)

#multiple life new function
pxyztold <- function(tablesList,x,t, status="joint",fractional=rep("linear",length(tablesList)),...)
	#fractional list can be either missing or a string length of character one
	if(length(fractional)==1) {temp<-fractional;fractional=rep(temp,length(tablesList))}
	fractional <- sapply(fractional, testfractionnalarg)
	status <- teststatusarg(status)
	#initial checkings
	if(length(x)!=numTables) stop("Error! Initial ages vector length does not match with number of lives")
	for(i in 1:numTables) {
		if(!(class(tablesList[[i]]) %in% c("lifetable", "actuarialtable"))) stop("Error! A list of lifetable objects is required")
	#the survival probability is the cumproduct of the single survival probabilities
		for(i in 1:numTables) out=out*pxt(object=tablesList[[i]],x=x[i],t=t,fractional=fractional[i],...)
	} else { #last survivor status
		#calculate first qx the return the difference
		for(i in 1:numTables) temp=temp*qxt(object=tablesList[[i]],x=x[i],t=t,fractional=fractional[i],...)
#the death probability
qxyzt <- function(tablesList,x,t, status="joint",fractional=rep("linear",length(tablesList)),...)
	out=1-pxyzt(tablesList=tablesList,x=x,t=t, status=status,...)

#probability to die between time n and n+t
.qxnt<-function(object, x,n,t=1,...)
	out <- numeric(1)
	out <- pxtold(object=object,x=x,t=n,...)*qxtold(object=object,x=x+n,t=t)

.qxyznt <- function(tablesList,x,n,t=1, status="joint")
		out=pxyzt(tablesList=tablesList,x=x,t=n, status=status)*qxyzt(tablesList=tablesList,x=y,t=t, status=status)
	} else { #last
		out=pxyzt(tablesList=tablesList,x=x,t=n, status=status)-pxyzt(tablesList=tablesList,x=x,t=y, status=status)

#curtate expectation of future lifetime

exyzt <- function(tablesList,x,t=Inf, status="joint",type="Kx",...)
	#initial checkings
	if(length(x)!=numTables) stop("Error! Initial ages vector length does not match with number of lives")
	for(i in 1:numTables) {
	if(!(class(tablesList[[i]]) %in% c("lifetable", "actuarialtable"))) stop("Error! A list of lifetable objects is required")
	type <- testtypelifearg(type)
	status <- teststatusarg(status)
	#get the max omega
	for(i in 1:numTables)
		maxAge=max(maxAge, getOmega(tablesList[[i]]))
	#curtate expectation of future lifetime
	if(missing(t)||is.infinite(t)) term=maxAge-minAge+1 else term=t
	#perform the calculation
	for(j in 1:term) out=out+pxyzt(tablesList=tablesList,x=x,t=j, status=status,...)
	if(type=="Tx") out=out+0.5

#' @name mx2qx
#' @title Mortality rates to Death probabilities
#' @description Function to convert mortality rates to probabilities of death
#' @details Function to convert mortality rates to probabilities of death
#' @param mx mortality rates vector
#' @param ax the average number of years lived between ages x and x +1 by individuals who die in that interval
#' @return A vector of death probabilities
#' @examples 
#' #using some recursion
#' qx2mx(mx2qx(.2))
#' @seealso \code{mxt}, \code{qxt}, \code{qx2mx}

mx2qx <- function(mx, ax = 0.5)
  out <- mx / (1 +  (1 - ax)*mx)

#' @name qx2mx
#' @title Death Probabilities to Mortality Rates
#' @description Function to convert death probabilities to mortality rates
#' @details Function to convert death probabilities to mortality rates
#' @param qx death probabilities
#' @param ax the average number of years lived between ages x and x +1 by individuals who die in that interval
#' @return A vector of mortality rates
#' @examples 
#' data(soa08Act)
#' soa08qx<-as(soa08Act,"numeric")
#' soa08mx<-qx2mx(qx=soa08qx)
#' soa08qx2<-mx2qx(soa08mx)
#' @seealso \code{mxt}, \code{qxt}, \code{mx2qx}

qx2mx <- function(qx, ax=0.5) {
  out <- qx/(1+ax*qx-qx)

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lifecontingencies documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:10 p.m.