
Defines functions lr_parse_rfl8 lr_parse_trm

Documented in lr_parse_rfl8 lr_parse_trm

#' Parse Avantes binary file
#' Parse Avantes binary file (TRM, ABS, ROH, DRK, REF, RAW8, RFL8 file
#' extensions). <https://www.avantes.com/products/spectrometers/>
#' @inheritParams lr_parse_generic
#' @inherit lr_parse_generic return
#' @inherit lr_parse_jdx details
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @examples
#' res_trm <- lr_parse_trm(
#'   system.file("testdata", "avantes_trans.TRM", package = "lightr")
#' )
#' head(res_trm$data)
#' res_trm$metadata
#' res_roh <- lr_parse_roh(
#'   system.file("testdata", "avantes_reflect.ROH", package = "lightr")
#' )
#' head(res_roh$data)
#' res_roh$metadata
#' @export
lr_parse_trm <- function(filename) {

  # Modified from a matlab script by:
  # Copyright: (cc-by) Kotya Karapetyan, 2011.
  # kotya.karapetyan@gmail.com

  # Binary files structure provided by Avantes (http://www.avantes.com/)

  # Translation into R by Hugo Gruson

  f <- file(filename, "rb")

  # Header
  versionID <- readBin(f, "numeric", n = 1, size = 4, endian = "little")

  if (!versionID %in% c(60, 70)) {
    stop("parsing for this file type has not yet been implemented. ",
         "Please open an issue with the problematic file.", call. = FALSE)

  if (versionID == 70) {
    specID <- intToUtf8(readBin(f, "numeric", 9, 4, endian = "little"))
    userfriendlyname <- intToUtf8(readBin(f, "numeric", 64, 4, endian = "little"))

  # Coefficients for the polynome controlling wavelength sampling
  WLIntercept <- readBin(f, "numeric", 1, 4, endian = "little")
  WLX1 <- readBin(f, "numeric", 1, 4, endian = "little")
  WLX2 <- readBin(f, "numeric", 1, 4, endian = "little")
  WLX3 <- readBin(f, "numeric", 1, 4, endian = "little")
  WLX4 <- readBin(f, "numeric", 1, 4, endian = "little")

  if (versionID == 60) {
    specID <- intToUtf8(readBin(f, "numeric", 9, 4, endian = "little"))

  ipixfirst <- as.numeric(readBin(f, "numeric", 1, 4, endian = "little"))
  ipixlast <- as.numeric(readBin(f, "numeric", 1, 4, endian = "little"))

  measuremode <- readBin(f, "numeric", 1, 4, endian = "little")
  dummy1 <- readBin(f, "numeric", 1, 4, endian = "little")

  if (versionID == 70) {
    laserwavelength <- readBin(f, "numeric", 1, 4, endian = "little")
    laserdelay <- readBin(f, "numeric", 1, 4, endian = "little")
    laserwidth <- readBin(f, "numeric", 1, 4, endian = "little")
    strobercontrol <- readBin(f, "numeric", 1, 4, endian = "little")
    dummy2 <- readBin(f, "numeric", 2, 4, endian = "little")
    # FIXME: from what I understand, this "timestamp" is arbitrary since it
    # represents the 10*microsecond units since last reset and we don't know
    # when last reset occurred
    timestamp <- readBin(f, "numeric", 1, 4, endian = "little")
    dyndarkcorrection <- readBin(f, "numeric", 1, 4, endian = "little")

    smoothpix <- readBin(f, "numeric", 1, 4, endian = "little")
    dark_boxcar <- white_boxcar <- scope_boxcar <- smoothpix
    smoothmodel <- readBin(f, "numeric", 1, 4, endian = "little")
    triggermode <- readBin(f, "numeric", 1, 4, endian = "little")
    triggersource <- readBin(f, "numeric", 1, 4, endian = "little")
    triggersourcetype <- readBin(f, "numeric", 1, 4, endian = "little")
    # onboard temp in degrees Celsius
    NTC1 <- readBin(f, "numeric", 1, 4, endian = "little")
    # NTC2 in Volt (not connected)
    NTC2 <- readBin(f, "numeric",1, 4, endian = "little")
    # detector temp in degr Celsius (only TEC, NIR)
    Thermistor <- readBin(f, "numeric", 1, 4, endian = "little")
    dummy3 <- readBin(f, "numeric", 1, 4, endian = "little")

  # Data
  if (grepl("\\.(abs|trm)$", filename, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
    data <- readBin(f, "numeric", 3*(ipixlast - ipixfirst + 1), 4, endian = "little")
    data <- setNames(as.data.frame(matrix(data, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)),
                     c("scope", "white", "dark"))
  } else {# scope mode
    data <- data.frame(
      "scope" = readBin(f, "numeric", ipixlast - ipixfirst + 1, 4, endian = "little"),
      "white" = NA_real_,
      "dark"  = NA_real_

  # integration time [ms] during file-save
  dark_inttime <- white_inttime <- scope_inttime <- readBin(f, "numeric", 1, 4, endian = "little")

  # nr of average during file-save
  dark_average <- white_average <- scope_average <- readBin(f, "numeric", 1, 4, endian = "little")

  if (versionID == 70) {
    integrationdelay <- readBin(f, "numeric", 1, 4, endian = "little")
  if (versionID == 60) {
    dark_boxcar <- white_boxcar <- scope_boxcar <- readBin(f, "numeric", 1, 4, endian = "little")
  savetime <- NA_character_

  len <- nrow(data)

  data$wl <- rep_len(WLIntercept, len) +
    WLX1 * seq(ipixfirst, ipixlast) +
    WLX2 * seq(ipixfirst, ipixlast)^2 +
    WLX3 * seq(ipixfirst, ipixlast)^3 +
    WLX4 * seq(ipixfirst, ipixlast)^4

  # Reorder columns
  data <- data[, c("wl", "dark", "white", "scope")]
  data$processed <- lr_compute_processed(data)

  author <- NA_character_
  specmodel <- NA_character_
  metadata <- c(author, savetime, specmodel, specID,
                dark_inttime, white_inttime, scope_inttime,
                dark_average, white_average, scope_average,
                dark_boxcar, white_boxcar, scope_boxcar)

  return(list("data" = data, "metadata" = metadata))

#' @rdname lr_parse_trm
#' @export
lr_parse_abs <- lr_parse_trm

#' @rdname lr_parse_trm
#' @export
lr_parse_roh <- lr_parse_trm

#' @rdname lr_parse_trm
#' @param specnum Integer representing the position of the spectrum to read in
#'   the file. This option only makes sense for AvaSoft8 files and is ignored
#'   in the other cases.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # This parser has a unique `specnum` argument
#' res_rfl8_1 <- lr_parse_rfl8(
#'   system.file("testdata", "compare", "Avantes", "feather.RFL8", package = "lightr"),
#'   specnum = 1
#' )
#' head(res_rfl8_1$data)
#' res_rfl8_1$metadata
#' res_rfl8_2 <- lr_parse_rfl8(
#'   system.file("testdata", "compare", "Avantes", "feather.RFL8", package = "lightr"),
#'   specnum = 2
#' )
#' head(res_rfl8_2$data)
#' res_rfl8_2$metadata
lr_parse_rfl8 <- function(filename, specnum = 1L) {

  # File structure information provided courtesy of Avantes

  f <- file(filename, "rb")

  # always 'AVS82'
  marker <- rawToChar(readBin(f, "raw", n = 5, endian = "little"))

  # number of spectra in file
  numspectra <- readBin(f, "integer", size = 1, signed = FALSE, endian = "little")

  if (numspectra > 1 && missing(specnum)) {
      "This file contains ", numspectra, " spectra and 'specnum' argument is ",
      "missing. Returning the first spectrum by default.",
      call. = FALSE
  if (specnum > numspectra) {
    stop("'specnum' is larger than the number of spectra in the input file",
         call. = FALSE)

  for (i in seq_len(numspectra)) {
    # total length of the subfile
    length <- int32_to_uint32(
      readBin(f, "integer", size = 4, n = 1, endian = "little")

    seqnum <- readBin(f, "integer", size = 1, signed = FALSE, endian = "little")

    measmode <- readBin(f, "integer", size = 1, signed = FALSE, endian = "little")

    bitness <- readBin(f, "integer", size = 1, signed = FALSE, endian = "little")

    SDmarker <- readBin(f, "integer", size = 1, signed = FALSE, endian = "little")

    # AvsIdentityType (75 bytes)
    specID <- rawToChar(readBin(f, "raw", n = 10, endian = "little"))
    userfriendlyname <- readBin(f, "raw", n = 64, endian = "little")
    status <- readBin(f, "integer", size = 1, signed = FALSE, endian = "little")

    # MeasConfigType (41 bytes)
    m_startpixel <- readBin(f, "integer", size = 2, signed = FALSE, endian = "little")
    m_stoppixel <- readBin(f, "integer", size = 2, signed = FALSE, endian = "little")
    dark_inttime <- white_inttime <- scope_inttime <- readBin(f, "numeric", size = 4, endian = "little")
    m_integrationdelay <- int32_to_uint32(
      readBin(f, "integer", size = 4, endian = "little")
    dark_average <- white_average <- scope_average <- int32_to_uint32(
      readBin(f, "integer", size = 4, endian = "little")

    ## DarkCorrectionType
    m_enable <- readBin(f, "integer", size = 1, signed = FALSE, endian = "little")
    m_forgetpercentage <- readBin(f, "integer", size = 1, signed = FALSE, endian = "little")

    ## SmoothingType
    dark_boxcar <- white_boxcar <- scope_boxcar <- readBin(f, "integer", size = 2, signed = FALSE, endian = "little")
    m_smoothmodel <- readBin(f, "integer", size = 1, signed = FALSE, endian = "little")

    m_saturationdetection <- readBin(f, "integer", size = 1, signed = FALSE, endian = "little")

    ## TriggerType
    m_mode <- readBin(f, "integer", size = 1, signed = FALSE, endian = "little")
    m_source <- readBin(f, "integer", size = 1, signed = FALSE, endian = "little")
    m_sourcetype <- readBin(f, "integer", size = 1, signed = FALSE, endian = "little")

    ## ControlSettingsType
    m_strobecontrol <- readBin(f, "integer", size = 2, signed = FALSE, endian = "little")
    m_laserdelay <- int32_to_uint32(
      readBin(f, "integer", size = 4, endian = "little")
    m_laserwidth <- int32_to_uint32(
      readBin(f, "integer", size = 4, endian = "little")
    m_laserwavelength <- readBin(f, "numeric", size = 4, endian = "little")
    m_storetoram <- readBin(f, "integer", size = 2, signed = FALSE, endian = "little")

    timestamp <- readBin(f, "raw", n = 4, endian = "little")
    SPCfiledate <- readBin(f, "raw", n = 4, endian = "little")

    detectortemp <- readBin(f, "numeric", size = 4, endian = "little")
    boardtemp <- readBin(f, "numeric", size = 4, endian = "little")

    NTC2volt <- readBin(f, "numeric", size = 4, endian = "little")
    ColorTemp <- readBin(f, "numeric", size = 4, endian = "little")
    CalIntTime <- readBin(f, "numeric", size = 4, endian = "little")

    fitdata <- readBin(f, "double", size = 8, n = 5, endian = "little")

    comment <- intToUtf8(readBin(f, "raw", n = 130, endian = "little"))

    len <- m_stoppixel - m_startpixel + 1

    xcoord <- readBin(f, "numeric", 4, n = len, endian = "little")
    scope <- readBin(f, "numeric", 4, n = len, endian = "little")
    dark <- readBin(f, "numeric", 4, n = len, endian = "little")
    reference <- readBin(f, "numeric", 4, n = len, endian = "little")

    mergegroup <- intToUtf8(readBin(f, "raw", n = 10, endian = "little"))

    data <- as.data.frame(cbind("wl" = xcoord,
                                "white" = reference,
    data$processed <- lr_compute_processed(data)

    author <- NA_character_
    savetime <- NA_character_ # FIXME: extract this from SPCfiledate
    specmodel <- NA_character_

    metadata <-  metadata <- c(author, savetime, specmodel, specID,
                               dark_inttime, white_inttime, scope_inttime,
                               dark_average, white_average, scope_average,
                               dark_boxcar, white_boxcar, scope_boxcar)

    if (specnum == i) {
      return(list("data" = data, "metadata" = metadata))


#' @rdname lr_parse_trm
#' @export
lr_parse_raw8 <- lr_parse_rfl8

#' @rdname lr_parse_trm
#' @export
lr_parse_irr8 <- lr_parse_rfl8

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lightr documentation built on May 14, 2022, 5:05 p.m.