
#' Wrapper of \code{knitr::include_graphics} to Deal with URLs and Invalid File Types
#' Deals with URL paths and invalid file types passed to \code{path}
#' of \code{\link[knitr]{include_graphics}}. When the output format
#' of the R Markdown is \code{PDF}, and an URL is passed to
#' \code{path}, the figure is automatically downloaded from the URL
#' and included using the local relative path.
#' If a figure has an invalid file extension for PDF output
#' (e.g. \code{.gif}, \code{.svg}), the function passed to
#' \code{handler} is used to override the default behavior:
#' inserting figures with \code{knitr::include_graphics}.
#' @details Read more about using the function at
#'   \url{http://bit.ly/include_graphics2}.
#' @param path String. Path to a figure to be included. Can be either
#'   an URL or a local path.
#' @param alt_path String. An alternative figure path for \code{path}
#'   with invalid extensions. In the case of PDF ('LaTeX') output,
#'   invalid extensions are \code{.gif}, \code{.svg}.
#' @param handler Function. A function with a single argument \code{path}.
#'   Used to insert alternative contents, such as a piece of text,
#'   when the figure cannot be inserted.
#' @param ... Other arguments to pass to
#'   \code{\link[knitr]{include_graphics}}.
#' @examples
#' png_url <- 'https://commonmark.org/images/markdown-mark.png'
#' gif_url <- 'https://media.giphy.com/media/k3dcUPvxuNpK/giphy.gif'
#' \dontrun{
#' include_graphics2(gif_url, alt_path = png_url)
#' }
#' @export
include_graphics2 <- function(path, alt_path = NULL, handler = function(path) knitr::asis_output(paste('View', tools::file_ext(path), 'at', path)), ...) {
  if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
    return(include_graphics_latex(path, alt_path, handler, ...))
  } else {
    return(knitr::include_graphics(path, ...))

#' Wrapper of \code{knitr::include_graphics} for PDF Output
#' Deals with URL and GIFs. If an url is passed to
#' \code{path} of \code{\link[knitr]{include_graphics}},
#' the figure is automatically downloaded and included
#' using local relative path. If a figure with \code{.gif}
#' extension is included, a piece of text, rather than the
#' figure, is inserted.
#' @importFrom tools file_ext file_path_sans_ext
#' @importFrom utils download.file
#' @importFrom knitr current_input
#' @keywords internal
include_graphics_latex <- function(path, alt_path = NULL, handler = function(path) knitr::asis_output(paste('View', tools::file_ext(path), 'at', path)), ...) {
  # URL
  if (grepl('^https?://', path)) {
     ifelse(use_alt_path(path, alt_path),
            path <- alt_path,

    ## Download Figure
    dir_path <- paste0('downloadFigs4latex_',
    if (!dir.exists(dir_path)) dir.create(dir_path)
    file_path <- paste0(dir_path, '/',
                        knitr::opts_current$get()$label, '.',
    download.file(path, destfile = file_path)
    path <- file_path

  # Local files
  else {
     ifelse(use_alt_path(path, alt_path),
            path <- alt_path,

  # Insert Figure
  return(knitr::include_graphics(path, ...))

use_alt_path <- function(path, alt_path) {
  # Invalid img ext & no alt provided: Don't include in File
  if (inval_latex_img(path) && is.null(alt_path)) return(FALSE)
  # Invalid img ext with alt provided: insert alt-figure
  if (inval_latex_img(path) && !is.null(alt_path)) {

inval_latex_img <- function(path) {
  invalid_ext <- c('svg', 'SVG', 'GIF', 'gif')
  return(tools::file_ext(path) %in% invalid_ext)

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linguisticsdown documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:26 p.m.