
Defines functions expect_lint_free expect_lint

Documented in expect_lint expect_lint_free

#' Lint expectation
#' This is an expectation function to test that the lints produced by `lint` satisfy a number of checks.
#' @param content a character vector for the file content to be linted, each vector element representing a line of
#' text.
#' @param checks checks to be performed:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{NULL}{check that no lints are returned.}
#'   \item{single string or regex object}{check that the single lint returned has a matching message.}
#'   \item{named list}{check that the single lint returned has fields that match. Accepted fields are the same as those
#'     taken by [Lint()].}
#'   \item{list of named lists}{for each of the multiple lints returned, check that it matches the checks in the
#'     corresponding named list (as described in the point above).}
#' }
#' Named vectors are also accepted instead of named lists, but this is a compatibility feature that
#' is not recommended for new code.
#' @param ... arguments passed to [lint()], e.g. the linters or cache to use.
#' @param file if not `NULL`, read content from the specified file rather than from `content`.
#' @param language temporarily override Rs `LANGUAGE` envvar, controlling localization of base R error messages.
#' This makes testing them reproducible on all systems irrespective of their native R language setting.
#' @return `NULL`, invisibly.
#' @examples
#' # no expected lint
#' expect_lint("a", NULL, trailing_blank_lines_linter())
#' # one expected lint
#' expect_lint("a\n", "superfluous", trailing_blank_lines_linter())
#' expect_lint("a\n", list(message = "superfluous", line_number = 2), trailing_blank_lines_linter())
#' # several expected lints
#' expect_lint("a\n\n", list("superfluous", "superfluous"), trailing_blank_lines_linter())
#' expect_lint(
#'   "a\n\n",
#'   list(
#'     list(message = "superfluous", line_number = 2),
#'     list(message = "superfluous", line_number = 3)
#'   ),
#'   trailing_blank_lines_linter()
#' )
#' @export
expect_lint <- function(content, checks, ..., file = NULL, language = "en") {
  if (!requireNamespace("testthat", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop( # nocov start
      "'expect_lint' is designed to work within the 'testthat' testing framework, but 'testthat' is not installed."
    ) # nocov end
  old_lang <- set_lang(language)

  if (is.null(file)) {
    file <- tempfile()
    on.exit(unlink(file), add = TRUE)
      con <- base::file(file, encoding = "UTF-8")
      writeLines(content, con = con, sep = "\n")

  lints <- lint(file, ...)
  n_lints <- length(lints)
  lint_str <- if (n_lints) paste0(c("", lints), collapse = "\n") else ""

  wrong_number_fmt <- "got %d lints instead of %d%s"
  if (is.null(checks)) {
    msg <- sprintf(wrong_number_fmt, n_lints, length(checks), lint_str)
    return(testthat::expect(n_lints %==% 0L, msg))

  if (!is.list(checks) || !is.null(names(checks))) { # vector or named list
    checks <- list(checks)
  checks[] <- lapply(checks, fix_names, "message")

  if (n_lints != length(checks)) {
    msg <- sprintf(wrong_number_fmt, n_lints, length(checks), lint_str)
    return(testthat::expect(FALSE, msg))

    itr <- 0L
    # keep 'linter' as a field even if we remove the deprecated argument from Lint() in the future
    lint_fields <- unique(c(names(formals(Lint)), "linter"))
      function(lint, check) {
        itr <<- itr + 1L
        lapply(names(check), function(field) {
          if (!field %in% lint_fields) {
              "check #%d had an invalid field: \"%s\"\nValid fields are: %s\n",
              itr, field, toString(lint_fields)
          check <- check[[field]]
          value <- lint[[field]]
          msg <- sprintf(
            "check #%d: %s %s did not match %s",
            itr, field, deparse(value), deparse(check)
          # deparse ensures that NULL, list(), etc are handled gracefully
          exp <- if (field == "message") {
            re_matches(value, check)
          } else {
            isTRUE(all.equal(value, check))
          if (!is.logical(exp)) {
              "Invalid regex result, did you mistakenly have a capture group in the regex? ",
              "Be sure to escape parenthesis with `[]`",
              call. = FALSE
          testthat::expect(exp, msg)


#' Test that the package is lint free
#' This function is a thin wrapper around lint_package that simply tests there are no
#' lints in the package.  It can be used to ensure that your tests fail if the package
#' contains lints.
#' @param ... arguments passed to [lint_package()]
#' @export
expect_lint_free <- function(...) {

  lints <- lint_package(...)
  has_lints <- length(lints) > 0L

  lint_output <- NULL
  if (has_lints) {
    lint_output <- format(lints)
  result <- testthat::expect(
    paste0("Not lint free\n", lint_output)


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lintr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:31 a.m.