
Defines functions glue_symbol_extractor glue_parse_failure_warning unexpected_glue_parse_error extract_glued_symbols strip_names get_token_replacement get_fixed_string is_not_regex

rx_non_active_char <- rex(none_of("^${(.*+?|[\\"))
rx_static_escape <- local({
  rx_char_escape <- rex(or(
    group("\\", none_of(alnum)),
    group("\\x", between(xdigit, 1L, 2L)),
    group("\\", between("0":"7", 1L, 3L)),
    group("\\u{", between(xdigit, 1L, 4L), "}"),
    group("\\u", between(xdigit, 1L, 4L)),
    group("\\U{", between(xdigit, 1L, 8L), "}"),
    group("\\U", between(xdigit, 1L, 8L))
  rx_trivial_char_group <- rex(
      group("\\", none_of("dswDSW")), # character classes, e.g. \d are enabled in [] too if perl = TRUE
    capture(rx_char_escape, name = "char_escape"),
    capture(rx_trivial_char_group, name = "trivial_char_group")

rx_static_token <- local({

rx_unescaped_regex <- paste0("(?s)", rex(start, zero_or_more(rx_non_active_char), end))
rx_static_regex <- paste0("(?s)", rex(start, zero_or_more(rx_static_token), end))
rx_first_static_token <- paste0("(?s)", rex(start, zero_or_more(rx_non_active_char), rx_static_escape))

#' Determine whether a regex pattern actually uses regex patterns
#' Note that is applies to the strings that are found on the XML parse tree,
#'   _not_ plain strings. This is important for backslash escaping, which
#'   happens at different layers of escaping than one might expect. So testing
#'   this function is best done through testing the expected results of a lint
#'   on a given file, rather than passing strings to this function, which can
#'   be confusing.
#' @param str A character vector.
#' @return A logical vector, `TRUE` wherever `str` could be replaced by a
#'   string with `fixed = TRUE`.
#' @noRd
is_not_regex <- function(str, allow_unescaped = FALSE) {
  # need to add single-line option to allow literal newlines
  if (allow_unescaped) {
    !grepl(rx_unescaped_regex, str, perl = TRUE)
  } else {
    grepl(rx_static_regex, str, perl = TRUE)

#' Compute a fixed string equivalent to a static regular expression
#' @param static_regex A regex for which `is_not_regex()` returns `TRUE`
#' @return A string such that `grepl(static_regex, x)` is equivalent to
#' `grepl(get_fixed_string(static_regex), x, fixed = TRUE)`
#' @noRd
get_fixed_string <- function(static_regex) {
  if (length(static_regex) == 0L) {
  } else if (length(static_regex) > 1L) {
    return(vapply(static_regex, get_fixed_string, character(1L)))
  fixed_string <- ""
  current_match <- regexpr(rx_first_static_token, static_regex, perl = TRUE)
  while (current_match != -1L) {
    token_type <- attr(current_match, "capture.names")[attr(current_match, "capture.start") > 0L]
    token_start <- max(attr(current_match, "capture.start"))
    if (token_start > 1L) {
      fixed_string <- paste0(fixed_string, substr(static_regex, 1L, token_start - 1L))
    consume_to <- attr(current_match, "match.length")
    token_content <- substr(static_regex, token_start, consume_to)
    fixed_string <- paste0(fixed_string, get_token_replacement(token_content, token_type))
    static_regex <- substr(static_regex, start = consume_to + 1L, stop = nchar(static_regex))
    current_match <- regexpr(rx_first_static_token, static_regex, perl = TRUE)
  paste0(fixed_string, static_regex)

#' Get a fixed string equivalent to a regular expression token
#' This handles two cases: converting a "trivial" character group like `[$]` to `$`,
#'   and converting an escaped character like `"\\$"` to `$`. Splitting a full expression
#'   into tokens is handled by [get_fixed_string()].
#' @noRd
get_token_replacement <- function(token_content, token_type) {
  if (token_type == "trivial_char_group") {
    token_content <- substr(token_content, start = 2L, stop = nchar(token_content) - 1L)
    if (startsWith(token_content, "\\")) { # escape within trivial char group
      get_token_replacement(token_content, "char_escape")
    } else {
  } else { # char_escape token
    if (re_matches(token_content, rex("\\", one_of("^${}().*+?|[]\\<>=:;/_-!@#%&,~")))) {
      substr(token_content, start = 2L, stop = nchar(token_content))
    } else {
      eval(parse(text = paste0('"', token_content, '"')))

# some metadata about infix operators on the R parse tree.
#   xml_tag gives the XML tag as returned by xmlparsedata::xml_parse_data().
#   r_string gives the operator as you would write it in R code.

# styler: off
infix_metadata <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, matrix(byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2L, c(
  "OP-PLUS",         "+",
  "OP-MINUS",        "-",
  "OP-TILDE",        "~",
  "GT",              ">",
  "GE",              ">=",
  "LT",              "<",
  "LE",              "<=",
  "EQ",              "==",
  "NE",              "!=",
  "AND",              "&",
  "OR",              "|",
  "AND2",            "&&",
  "OR2",             "||",
  "LEFT_ASSIGN",     "<-",
  "LEFT_ASSIGN",     ":=",
  "LEFT_ASSIGN",     "<<-",
  "RIGHT_ASSIGN",    "->",
  "RIGHT_ASSIGN",    "->>",
  "EQ_ASSIGN",       "=",
  "EQ_SUB",          "=",   # in calls: foo(x = 1)
  "EQ_FORMALS",      "=",   # in definitions: function(x = 1)
  "PIPE",            "|>",
  "SPECIAL",         "%%",
  "OP-SLASH",        "/",
  "OP-STAR",         "*",
  "OP-COMMA",        ",",
  "OP-CARET",        "^",
  "OP-CARET",        "**",
  "OP-AT",           "@",
  "OP-COLON",        ":",
  "NS_GET",          "::",
  "NS_GET_INT",      ":::",
  "OP-LEFT-BRACE",   "{",
  "LBB",             "[[",
  "OP-LEFT-PAREN",   "(",
  "OP-QUESTION",     "?",
  "OP-DOLLAR",       "$",
# styler: on

names(infix_metadata) <- c("xml_tag", "string_value")
# utils::getParseData()'s designation for the tokens wouldn't be valid as XML tags
infix_metadata$parse_tag <- ifelse(
  startsWith(infix_metadata$xml_tag, "OP-"),
  quote_wrap(infix_metadata$string_value, "'"),
# treated separately because spacing rules are different for unary operators
infix_metadata$unary <- infix_metadata$xml_tag %in% c("OP-PLUS", "OP-MINUS", "OP-TILDE")
# high-precedence operators are ignored by this linter; see
#   https://style.tidyverse.org/syntax.html#infix-operators
infix_metadata$low_precedence <- infix_metadata$string_value %in% c(
  "+", "-", "~", ">", ">=", "<", "<=", "==", "!=", "&", "&&", "|", "||",
  "<-", ":=", "<<-", "->", "->>", "=", "%%", "/", "*", "|>"
# comparators come up in several lints
infix_metadata$comparator <- infix_metadata$string_value %in% c("<", "<=", ">", ">=", "==", "!=")

# these XML nodes require checking the text() to disambiguate multiple operators using the same tag
infix_metadata$ambiguous_tag <- infix_metadata$xml_tag %in% infix_metadata$xml_tag[duplicated(infix_metadata$xml_tag)]
infix_metadata$xml_tag_exact <- infix_metadata$xml_tag
infix_metadata$xml_tag_exact[infix_metadata$ambiguous_tag] <- sprintf(
  "%s[text() = '%s']",

# functions equivalent to base::ifelse() for linting purposes
ifelse_funs <- c("ifelse", "if_else", "fifelse")

object_name_xpath <- local({
  # search ancestor:: axis for assignments of symbols for
  #   cases like a$b$c. We only try to lint 'a' since 'b'
  #   and 'c' might be beyond the user's control to name.
  #   the tree structure for 'a$b$c <- 1' has 'a'
  #   at the 'bottom' of the <expr> list; it is distinguished
  #   from 'b' and 'c' by not having '$' as a sibling.
  # search parent:: axis for assignments of strings because
  #   the complicated nested assignment available for symbols
  #   is not possible for strings, though we do still have to
  #   be aware of cases like 'a$"b" <- 1'.
  xp_assignment_target_fmt <- paste0(
    "not(parent::expr[OP-DOLLAR or OP-AT])",
    "and %1$s::expr[",
    " following-sibling::LEFT_ASSIGN",
    " or preceding-sibling::RIGHT_ASSIGN",
    " or following-sibling::EQ_ASSIGN",
    "and not(%1$s::expr[",
    " preceding-sibling::OP-LEFT-BRACKET",
    " or preceding-sibling::LBB",

  //SYMBOL[ {sprintf(xp_assignment_target_fmt, 'ancestor')} ]
  |  //STR_CONST[ {sprintf(xp_assignment_target_fmt, 'parent')} ]

# Remove quotes or other things from names
strip_names <- function(x) {
  x <- re_substitutes(x, rex(start, some_of(quote, "`", "%")), "")
  x <- re_substitutes(x, rex(some_of(quote, "`", "<", "-", "%"), end), "")

#' Pull out symbols used in glue strings under the current sub-tree
#' Required by any linter (e.g. [object_usage_linter()] / [unused_imports_linter()])
#'   that lints based on whether certain symbols are present, to ensure any
#'   symbols only used inside glue strings are also visible to the linter.
#' @param expr An XML AST
#' @param interpret_glue Logical, if `FALSE` return nothing.
#' @return A character vector of symbols (variables, infix operators, and
#'   function calls) found in glue calls under `expr`.
#' @noRd
extract_glued_symbols <- function(expr, interpret_glue) {
  if (!isTRUE(interpret_glue)) {
  # TODO support more glue functions
  # Package glue:
  #  - glue_sql
  #  - glue_safe
  #  - glue_col
  #  - glue_data
  #  - glue_data_sql
  #  - glue_data_safe
  #  - glue_data_col
  # Package stringr:
  #  - str_interp
  # NB: position() > 1 because position=1 is <expr><SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL>
  glue_call_xpath <- "
    descendant::SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL[text() = 'glue']
        not(SYMBOL_SUB[text() = '.envir' or text() = '.transform'])
        and not(expr[position() > 1 and not(STR_CONST)])
  glue_calls <- xml_find_all(expr, glue_call_xpath)

  glued_symbols <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
  for (glue_call in glue_calls) {
    # TODO(michaelchirico): consider dropping tryCatch() here if we're more confident in our logic
    parsed_call <-
      tryCatch(xml2lang(glue_call), error = unexpected_glue_parse_error, warning = unexpected_glue_parse_error)
    parsed_call[[".envir"]] <- glued_symbols
    parsed_call[[".transformer"]] <- glue_symbol_extractor
    # #1459: syntax errors in glue'd code are ignored with warning, rather than crashing lint
    tryCatch(eval(parsed_call), error = glue_parse_failure_warning)

unexpected_glue_parse_error <- function(cond) {
  stop("Unexpected failure to parse glue call, please report: ", conditionMessage(cond)) # nocov
glue_parse_failure_warning <- function(cond) {
    "Evaluating glue expression while testing for local variable usage failed: ", conditionMessage(cond),
    "\nPlease ensure correct glue syntax, e.g., matched delimiters.",
    call. = FALSE
glue_symbol_extractor <- function(text, envir, data) {
  symbols <- tryCatch(
    all.vars(parse(text = text), functions = TRUE),
    error = function(...) NULL,
    warning = function(...) NULL
  for (sym in symbols) {
    assign(sym, NULL, envir = envir)

magrittr_pipes <- c("%>%", "%!>%", "%T>%", "%$%", "%<>%")

purrr_mappers <- c(
  "map", "walk",
  "map_raw", "map_lgl", "map_int", "map_dbl", "map_chr", "map_vec",
  "map_df", "map_dfr", "map_dfc"

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lintr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:31 a.m.