# classification...
test_that("predict.all for classification returns numeric matrix of size trees x n", {
rf <- ranger(Species ~ ., iris, num.trees = 5, write.forest = TRUE)
pred <- predict(rf, iris, predict.all = TRUE)
expect_is(pred$predictions, "matrix")
c(nrow(iris), rf$num.trees))
# TODO: need to adjust this to "check that it is actally bagging"
test_that("Majority vote of predict.all for classification is equal to forest prediction", {
rf <- ranger(Species ~ ., iris, num.trees = 5, write.forest = TRUE)
pred_forest <- predict(rf, iris, predict.all = FALSE)
pred_trees <- predict(rf, iris, predict.all = TRUE)
## Majority vote, NA for ties
pred_num <- apply(pred_trees$predictions, 1, function(x) {
res <- which(tabulate(x) == max(tabulate(x)))
if (length(res) == 1) {
} else {
pred <-, rf$forest$levels)
idx <- !
expect_equal(pred[idx], pred_forest$predictions[idx])
# TODO: confusion matrix tests...
test_that("confusion matrix is of right dimension", {
rep(nlevels(iris$Species), 2))
test_that("confusion matrix has right dimnames", {
list(true = levels(iris$Species), predicted = levels(iris$Species)))
test_that("confusion matrix rows are the true classes", {
test_that("confusion matrix rows are the true classes if using case weights", {
rf <- ranger(Species ~ ., data = iris, num.trees = 5,
case.weights = c(rep(100, 5), rep(5, 145)))
# TODO: inbag stuff?
test_that("Number of samples is right sample fraction, replace=FALSE, default", {
rf <- ranger(Species ~ ., iris, num.trees = 5, keep.inbag = TRUE, replace = FALSE)
num.inbag <- sapply(rf$inbag.counts, function(x) {
sum(x > 0)
sample.fraction <- mean(num.inbag/nrow(iris))
expect_gt(sample.fraction, 0.6)
expect_lt(sample.fraction, 0.7)
test_that("Number of samples is right sample fraction, replace=FALSE, 0.3", {
rf <- ranger(Species ~ ., iris, num.trees = 5, keep.inbag = TRUE, replace = FALSE, sample.fraction = 0.3)
num.inbag <- sapply(rf$inbag.counts, function(x) {
sum(x > 0)
sample.fraction <- mean(num.inbag/nrow(iris))
expect_gt(sample.fraction, 0.25)
expect_lt(sample.fraction, 0.35)
test_that("Number of samples is right sample fraction, replace=TRUE, default", {
rf <- ranger(Species ~ ., iris, num.trees = 5, keep.inbag = TRUE, replace = TRUE)
num.inbag <- sapply(rf$inbag.counts, function(x) {
sum(x > 0)
sample.fraction <- mean(num.inbag/nrow(iris))
expected.sample.fraction <- 1-exp(-1)
expect_gt(sample.fraction, expected.sample.fraction-0.05)
expect_lt(sample.fraction, expected.sample.fraction+0.05)
test_that("Number of samples is right sample fraction, replace=TRUE, 0.5", {
rf <- ranger(Species ~ ., iris, num.trees = 5, keep.inbag = TRUE, replace = TRUE, sample.fraction = 0.5)
num.inbag <- sapply(rf$inbag.counts, function(x) {
sum(x > 0)
sample.fraction <- mean(num.inbag/nrow(iris))
expected.sample.fraction <- 1-exp(-0.5)
expect_gt(sample.fraction, expected.sample.fraction-0.05)
expect_lt(sample.fraction, expected.sample.fraction+0.05)
test_that("Number of samples is right sample fraction, replace=FALSE, 0.3, weighted", {
rf <- ranger(Species ~ ., iris, num.trees = 5, keep.inbag = TRUE, replace = FALSE, sample.fraction = 0.3, case.weights = runif(nrow(iris)))
num.inbag <- sapply(rf$inbag.counts, function(x) {
sum(x > 0)
sample.fraction <- mean(num.inbag/nrow(iris))
expect_gt(sample.fraction, 0.25)
expect_lt(sample.fraction, 0.35)
test_that("Number of samples is right sample fraction, replace=TRUE, 0.5, weighted", {
rf <- ranger(Species ~ ., iris, num.trees = 5, keep.inbag = TRUE, replace = TRUE, sample.fraction = 0.5, case.weights = runif(nrow(iris)))
num.inbag <- sapply(rf$inbag.counts, function(x) {
sum(x > 0)
sample.fraction <- mean(num.inbag/nrow(iris))
expected.sample.fraction <- 1-exp(-0.5)
expect_gt(sample.fraction, expected.sample.fraction-0.05)
expect_lt(sample.fraction, expected.sample.fraction+0.05)
# TODO: classification tests (inbag?)
test_that("Inbag counts match sample fraction, classification", {
## With replacement
rf <- ranger(Species ~ ., iris, num.trees = 5, sample.fraction = c(0.2, 0.3, 0.4),
replace = TRUE, keep.inbag = TRUE)
inbag <-, rf$inbag.counts)
expect_equal(unique(colSums(inbag[iris$Species == "setosa", ])), 30)
expect_equal(unique(colSums(inbag[iris$Species == "versicolor", ])), 45)
expect_equal(unique(colSums(inbag[iris$Species == "virginica", ])), 60)
## Without replacement
rf <- ranger(Species ~ ., iris, num.trees = 5, sample.fraction = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3),
replace = FALSE, keep.inbag = TRUE)
inbag <-, rf$inbag.counts)
expect_equal(unique(colSums(inbag[iris$Species == "setosa", ])), 15)
expect_equal(unique(colSums(inbag[iris$Species == "versicolor", ])), 30)
expect_equal(unique(colSums(inbag[iris$Species == "virginica", ])), 45)
## Different order, without replacement
dat <- iris[c(51:100, 101:150, 1:50), ]
rf <- ranger(Species ~ ., dat, num.trees = 5, sample.fraction = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3),
replace = FALSE, keep.inbag = TRUE)
inbag <-, rf$inbag.counts)
expect_equal(unique(colSums(inbag[dat$Species == "setosa", ])), 15)
expect_equal(unique(colSums(inbag[dat$Species == "versicolor", ])), 30)
expect_equal(unique(colSums(inbag[dat$Species == "virginica", ])), 45)
test_that("OOB error is correct for 1 tree, classification", {
n <- 50
dat <- data.frame(y = factor(rbinom(n, 1, .5)), x = rnorm(n))
rf <- ranger(y ~ ., dat, num.trees = 1)
expect_equal(rf$prediction.error, mean(rf$predictions != dat$y, na.rm = TRUE))
test_that("OOB error is correct for 1 tree, regression", {
n <- 50
dat <- data.frame(y = rbinom(n, 1, .5), x = rnorm(n))
rf <- ranger(y ~ ., dat, num.trees = 1)
expect_equal(rf$prediction.error, mean((dat$y - rf$predictions)^2, na.rm = TRUE))
test_that("Split points are at (A+B)/2 for numeric features, regression variance splitting", {
dat <- data.frame(y = rbinom(100, 1, .5), x = rbinom(100, 1, .5))
rf <- ranger(y ~ x, dat, num.trees = 10)
split_points <- sapply(1:rf$num.trees, function(i) {
res <- treeInfo(rf, i)$splitval
expect_equal(split_points, rep(0.5, rf$num.trees))
test_that("Split points are at (A+B)/2 for numeric features, regression maxstat splitting", {
dat <- data.frame(y = rbinom(100, 1, .5), x = rbinom(100, 1, .5))
rf <- ranger(y ~ x, dat, num.trees = 10, splitrule = "maxstat", alpha = 1)
split_points <- sapply(1:rf$num.trees, function(i) {
res <- treeInfo(rf, i)$splitval
expect_equal(split_points, rep(0.5, rf$num.trees))
test_that("Split points are at (A+B)/2 for numeric features, classification", {
dat <- data.frame(y = factor(rbinom(100, 1, .5)), x = rbinom(100, 1, .5))
rf <- ranger(y ~ x, dat, num.trees = 10)
split_points <- sapply(1:rf$num.trees, function(i) {
res <- treeInfo(rf, i)$splitval
expect_equal(split_points, rep(0.5, rf$num.trees))
test_that("Tree depth creates trees of correct size", {
# Recursive function to get tree depth
depth <- function(rf, tree, i) {
left <- rf$forest$child.nodeIDs[[tree]][[1]][i] + 1
right <- rf$forest$child.nodeIDs[[tree]][[2]][i] + 1
if (left <= 1) {
} else {
1 + max(c(depth(rf, tree, left), depth(rf, tree, right)))
forest_depth <- function(rf) {
sapply(1:rf$num.trees, depth, rf = rf, i = 1)
# Depth 1
rf <- ranger(Species ~ ., iris, num.trees = 5, max.depth = 1)
expect_true(all(forest_depth(rf) <= 1))
# Depth 4
rf <- ranger(Species ~ ., iris, num.trees = 5, max.depth = 4)
expect_true(all(forest_depth(rf) <= 4))
# Random depth (deeper trees)
max.depth <- round(runif(1, 1, 20))
dat <- data.frame(y = runif(100, 0, 1), x = runif(100, 0, 1))
rf <- ranger(y ~ ., dat, num.trees = 5, min.node.size = 1, max.depth = max.depth)
expect_true(all(forest_depth(rf) <= max.depth))
test_that("Tree depth 0 equivalent to unlimited", {
rf1 <- ranger(Species ~ ., iris, num.trees = 5, max.depth = 0)
rf2 <- ranger(Species ~ ., iris, num.trees = 5)
expect_equal(sapply(rf1$forest$split.varIDs, length),
sapply(rf2$forest$split.varIDs, length))
# TODO: prediction num tress
test_that("If num.trees set, these number is used for predictions", {
rf <- ranger(Species ~ ., iris, num.trees = 5, write.forest = TRUE)
pred <- predict(rf, iris, predict.all = TRUE, num.trees = 3)
expect_equal(pred$num.trees, 3)
expect_equal(dim(pred$predictions), c(nrow(iris), 3))
test_that("If num.trees not set, all trees are used for prediction", {
rf <- ranger(Species ~ ., iris, num.trees = 5, write.forest = TRUE)
pred <- predict(rf, iris, predict.all = TRUE)
expect_equal(pred$num.trees, 5)
expect_equal(dim(pred$predictions), c(nrow(iris), 5))
test_that("Warning if predicting with corrected impurity importance", {
rf <- ranger(Species ~ ., iris, num.trees = 5, importance = "impurity_corrected")
expect_warning(predict(rf, iris))
test_that("results using extratrees split-rule differ from variance", {
rf1 <- train(data=iris, response_name="Sepal.Length",
rf2 <- train(data=iris, response_name="Sepal.Length",
expect_equal(rf1$split_rule, "extratrees")
expect_equal(rf2$split_rule, "variance")
expect_false(rf1$oob_error == rf2$oob_error)
test_that("results using maxstat split-rule differ from variance", {
rf1 <- train(data=iris, response_name="Sepal.Length", split_rule="maxstat")
rf2 <- train(data=iris, response_name="Sepal.Length",
expect_equal(rf1$split_rule, "maxstat")
expect_equal(rf2$split_rule, "variance")
expect_false(rf1$oob_error == rf2$oob_error)
test_that("results using extratrees split-rule differ from gini", {
rf1 <- train(data=iris, response_name="Species", split_rule="extratrees")
rf2 <- train(data=iris, response_name="Species", split_rule="gini")
expect_equal(rf1$split_rule, "extratrees")
expect_equal(rf2$split_rule, "gini")
expect_false(rf1$oob_error == rf2$oob_error)
# TODO: variable importance (one day)
test_that("maxstat impurity importance is positive", {
rf <- ranger(Surv(time, status) ~ ., veteran, num.trees = 5,
splitrule = "maxstat", importance = "impurity")
expect_gt(mean(rf$variable.importance), 0)
rf <- ranger(Sepal.Length ~ ., iris, num.trees = 5,
splitrule = "maxstat", importance = "impurity")
expect_gt(mean(rf$variable.importance), 0)
test_that("maxstat corrected impurity importance is positive (on average)", {
rf <- ranger(Surv(time, status) ~ ., veteran, num.trees = 50,
splitrule = "maxstat", importance = "impurity_corrected")
expect_gt(mean(rf$variable.importance), 0)
rf <- ranger(Sepal.Length ~ ., iris, num.trees = 5,
splitrule = "maxstat", importance = "impurity_corrected")
expect_gt(mean(rf$variable.importance), 0)
test_that("Corrected importance working for sparse data", {
rf <- ranger(data = dat_sparse, = "y", classification = TRUE,
num.trees = 5, importance = "impurity_corrected")
expect_equal(names(rf$variable.importance), colnames(dat_sparse)[-1])
# TODO: some tests for regression output
test_that("Mean of predict.all for regression is equal to forest prediction", {
rf <- ranger(Petal.Width ~ ., iris, num.trees = 5, write.forest = TRUE)
pred_forest <- predict(rf, iris, predict.all = FALSE)
pred_trees <- predict(rf, iris, predict.all = TRUE)
expect_equal(rowMeans(pred_trees$predictions), pred_forest$predictions)
####### Split weights
test_that("draw predictor weights can be zero or one", {
weights <- replicate(formals(ranger)$n_tree,
sample(c(0, 0, 1, 1)), simplify=F)
rf <- ranger(data=iris, response_name="Species",
# selected_correctly <- sapply(1:rf$num.trees, function(i) {
# all(treeInfo(rf, i)[,"splitvarID"] %in% c(which(weights[[i]] > 0) - 1, NA))
# })
# expect_true(all(selected_correctly))
test_that("Tree-wise split select weights work with 0s", {
num.trees <- 5
weights <- replicate(num.trees, sample(c(0, 0, 0.5, 0.5)), simplify = FALSE)
rf <- ranger(Species ~ ., iris, mtry = 2, num.trees = num.trees, = weights)
selected_correctly <- sapply(1:num.trees, function(i) {
all(treeInfo(rf, i)[,"splitvarID"] %in% c(which(weights[[i]] > 0) - 1, NA))
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