
"pwm.pp" <-
function(x, pp=NULL, A=NULL, B=NULL, a=0, nmom=5, sort=TRUE) {

  n <- length(x)

  if(sort) {
    ix <- sort(x, index.return=TRUE)$ix
     x <-  x[ix]
    if(! is.null(pp)) pp <- pp[ix]

  if(! is.null(a)) {
    if(a < 0 | a > 0.50) {
      warning("Plotting position parameter a is invalid, not in [0,0.5]")
    A <- -a
    B <- 1 - 2*a
  pp.was.null <- FALSE;
  if(is.null(pp)) {
    pp.was.null <- TRUE;
    # To mimic behavior of Hosking's code
    # Default call is to produce unbiased estimates
    if(A == 0 & B == 0) {
      z <- pwm(x, nmom=nmom, sort=sort)
    if(A <= -1 | A >= B) {
      warnings("Plotting position parameters A or B are invalid")
    pp <- ((1:n + A)/(n + B))
  if(length(x) != length(pp)) {
     warnings("Vectors 'x' and plotting positions 'pp' are unequal in length");
  betas <- vector(mode="numeric", length=nmom)
  for(r in seq(0,nmom-1)) {
    tmp <- sapply(1:n, function(j) { return( (pp[j]^r) * x[j]) })
    betas[r+1] <- sum(tmp)/n

  z <- list(betas=betas, source="pwm.pp")
  if(pp.was.null) {
    z$A <- A
    z$B <- B
  } else {
    z$F <- list(F=pp)

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lmomco documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:06 a.m.