
Defines functions logbin.smooth.design

logbin.smooth.design <- function(interpret, type = c("cem","em"), allref, design.knots, design.param) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  p.env <- environment(interpret$full.formula)
  formula.lhs <- Reduce(paste, deparse(interpret$full.formula[[2L]]))
  formula.rhs <- Reduce(paste, deparse(interpret$full.formula[[3L]]))
  monotonic.new <- allref$monotonic
  data.new <- allref$data
  nobs <- nrow(data.new)
  smoothterms <- names(interpret$smooth.spec)
  knots <- list()
  for (smth in smoothterms) {
    smthlabel <- interpret$smooth.spec[[smth]]$termlabel
    smthtype <- class(interpret$smooth.spec[[smth]])
    if (attr(allref$terms,"dataClasses")[smth] != "numeric")
      stop(gettextf("error in %s: variable %s must be numeric",
                    smthlabel, smth), domain = NA)
    x <- allref$data[[smth]]
    if (smthtype == "Iso.smooth") {
      unique.x <- sort(unique(x[!is.na(x)]))
      knots[[smth]] <- unique.x
      x.new <- matrix(0, nrow = nobs, ncol = length(unique.x)-1)
      for (i in 2:length(unique.x))
        x.new[, i-1] <- as.numeric(x < unique.x[i])
      colnames(x.new) <- paste0(smthlabel, 2L:length(unique.x))
    } else if (smthtype == "B.smooth") {
      min.x <- min(x, na.rm = TRUE)
      max.x <- max(x, na.rm = TRUE)
      knots.in <- interpret$smooth.spec[[smth]]$knots
      if (!is.null(knots.in)) {
        if (any(knots.in <= min.x) || any(knots.in >= max.x))
          stop(gettextf("error in %s: specified knots must be in the interior of the range of %s",
                        smthlabel, smth), domain = NA)
        knots[[smth]] <- c(rep(min.x,3), knots.in, rep(max.x,3))
      } else {
        num.knots <- as.numeric(design.knots[smth])
        unique.x <- sort(unique(x))
        if(num.knots > length(unique.x)-2)
          stop(gettextf("error in %s: number of knots greater than number of unique values of %s",
                        smthlabel, smth), domain = NA)
        knots.int <- quantile(unique.x, probs = seq(0, 1, len = num.knots + 2), names = FALSE)
        knots[[smth]] <- c(rep(min.x,2), knots.int, rep(max.x, 2))
      B <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobs, ncol = length(knots[[smth]]) - 3)
      B[!is.na(x),] <- splines::splineDesign(knots[[smth]], x, ord = 3)
      colnames(B) <- paste0(smthlabel, seq_len(ncol(B)))
      ref <- allref$allref[[smth]][[as.numeric(design.param[smth])]]
      if (length(ref) == 1) {
        if (type == "cem") x.new <- B[, -ref, drop=FALSE]
        else x.new <- B
      } else {
        x.temp <- B[, ref][, -ncol(B), drop=FALSE]
        x.new <- x.temp
        for (j in 2L:ncol(x.temp)) 
          x.new[,j] <- rowSums(x.temp[, 1L:j])
    nvar.new <- NCOL(x.new)
    varnames.new <- colnames(x.new)
    data.new <- cbind(data.new, -x.new)
    formula.rhs <- gsub(smthlabel, paste(paste0("`", varnames.new, "`"), 
                        collapse=" + "), formula.rhs, fixed = TRUE)
    pos <- which(names(monotonic.new) == smth)
    mono.add <- rep(TRUE, nvar.new)
    names(mono.add) <- varnames.new
    monotonic.new <- append(monotonic.new[-pos], mono.add, after = pos-1)
  formula.new <- as.formula(paste(formula.lhs,"~",formula.rhs), env = p.env)
  list(formula = formula.new, data = data.new, monotonic = monotonic.new, knots = knots)

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logbin documentation built on Aug. 10, 2021, 1:06 a.m.