
Defines functions log_failure log_tictoc log_with_separator log_separator log_eval

Documented in log_eval log_failure log_separator log_tictoc log_with_separator

#' Evaluate an expression and log results
#' @param expr R expression to be evaluated while logging the expression itself along with the result
#' @param level \code{\link{log_levels}}
#' @param multiline setting to \code{FALSE} will print both the expression (enforced to be on one line by removing line-breaks if any) and its result on a single line separated by \code{=>}, while setting to \code{TRUE} will log the expression and the result in separate sections reserving line-breaks and rendering the printed results
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' log_eval(pi * 2, level = INFO)
#' ## lowering the log level threshold so that we don't have to set a higher level in log_eval
#' log_threshold(TRACE)
#' log_eval(x <- 4)
#' log_eval(sqrt(x))
#' ## log_eval can be called in-line as well as returning the return value of the expression
#' x <- log_eval(mean(runif(1e3)))
#' x
#' ## https://twitter.com/krlmlr/status/1067864829547999232
#' f <- sqrt
#' g <- mean
#' x <- 1:31
#' log_eval(f(g(x)), level = INFO)
#' log_eval(y <- f(g(x)), level = INFO)
#' ## returning a function
#' log_eval(f <- sqrt)
#' log_eval(f)
#' ## evaluating something returning a wall of "text"
#' log_eval(f <- log_eval)
#' log_eval(f <- log_eval, multiline = TRUE)
#' ## doing something computationally intensive
#' log_eval(system.time(for(i in 1:100) mad(runif(1000))), multiline = TRUE)
#' }
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @export
log_eval <- function(expr, level = TRACE, multiline = FALSE) {

    ## capture call
    expr  <- substitute(expr)
    exprs <- gsub('\n', ' ', deparse(expr), fixed = TRUE)

    ## evaluate call and store results
    timer <- Sys.time()
    res   <- withVisible(eval.parent(expr))

    ## log expression and results
    if (multiline == FALSE) {

        log_level(level, skip_formatter(
                shQuote(paste(exprs, collapse = ' ')),
                shQuote(paste(gsub('\n', ' ', deparse(res$value)), collapse = ' ')))))

    } else {

        log_level(level, 'Running expression: ====================')
        log_level(level, skip_formatter(exprs))
        log_level(level, 'Results: ===============================')
        log_level(level, skip_formatter(capture.output(res$value)))
        log_level(level, paste(
            'Elapsed time:',
            round(difftime(Sys.time(), timer, units = 'secs'), 2),


    ## return the results of the call
    if (res$visible == TRUE) {
    } else {


#' Logs a long line to stand out from the console
#' @inheritParams log_level
#' @param separator character to be used as a separator
#' @param width max width of message -- longer text will be wrapped into multiple lines
#' @export
#' @examples
#' log_separator()
#' log_separator(ERROR, separator = '!', width = 60)
#' log_separator(ERROR, separator = '!', width = 100)
#' logger <- layout_glue_generator(format = '{node}/{pid}/{namespace}/{fn} {time} {level}: {msg}')
#' log_layout(logger)
#' log_separator(ERROR, separator = '!', width = 100)
#' log_layout(layout_blank)
#' log_separator(ERROR, separator = '!', width = 80)
#' @seealso \code{\link{log_with_separator}}
log_separator <- function(level = INFO, 
                          namespace = NA_character_,
                          separator = '=',
                          width = 80,
                          .topcall = sys.call()) {

    stopifnot(length(separator) == 1, nchar(separator) == 1)

    base_info_chars <- nchar(catch_base_log(level, namespace, .topcall = .topcall))

        paste(rep(separator, max(0, width - base_info_chars)), collapse = ''),
        level = level,
        namespace = namespace)

#' Logs a message in a very visible way
#' @inheritParams log_level
#' @inheritParams log_separator
#' @export
#' @examples
#' log_with_separator('An important message')
#' log_with_separator('Some critical KPI down!!!', separator = '$')
#' log_with_separator('This message is worth a {1e3} words')
#' log_with_separator(paste(
#'   'A very important message with a bunch of extra words that will',
#'   'eventually wrap into a multi-line message for our quite nice demo :wow:'))
#' log_with_separator(paste(
#'   'A very important message with a bunch of extra words that will',
#'   'eventually wrap into a multi-line message for our quite nice demo :wow:'),
#'   width = 60)
#' log_with_separator('Boo!', level = FATAL)
#' log_layout(layout_blank)
#' log_with_separator('Boo!', level = FATAL)
#' logger <- layout_glue_generator(format = '{node}/{pid}/{namespace}/{fn} {time} {level}: {msg}')
#' log_layout(logger)
#' log_with_separator('Boo!', level = FATAL, width = 120)
#' @seealso \code{\link{log_separator}}
log_with_separator <- function(..., level = INFO, namespace = NA_character_, separator = '=', width = 80) {

    base_info_chars <- nchar(catch_base_log(level, namespace, .topcall = sys.call()))

      level = level, 
      separator = separator,
      width = width, 
      namespace = namespace,
      .topcall = call('log_separator')

    message <- do.call(eval(log_formatter()), list(...))
    message <- strwrap(message, max(0, width - base_info_chars - 4))
    message <- sapply(message, function(m) {
            separator, ' ', m,
            paste(rep(' ', max(0, width - base_info_chars - 4 - nchar(m))), collapse = ''),
            ' ', separator)

    log_level(skip_formatter(message), level = level, namespace = namespace)

      level = level, 
      separator = separator,
      width = width, 
      namespace = namespace,
      .topcall = call('log_separator')

#' Tic-toc logging
#' @param ... passed to \code{log_level}
#' @param level see \code{\link{log_levels}}
#' @param namespace x
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' log_tictoc('warming up')
#' Sys.sleep(0.1)
#' log_tictoc('running')
#' Sys.sleep(0.1)
#' log_tictoc('running')
#' Sys.sleep(runif(1))
#' log_tictoc('and running')
#' }
#' @author Thanks to Neal Fultz for the idea and original implementation!
log_tictoc <- function(..., level = INFO, namespace = NA_character_) {

    ns <- fallback_namespace(namespace)

        assign(ns, toc, envir = tictocs)

    nsenv <- get(fallback_namespace(namespace), envir = namespaces)
    tic <- get0(ns, envir = tictocs, ifnotfound = Sys.time())
    toc <- Sys.time()
    tictoc <- difftime(toc, tic)

    log_level(paste(ns, 'timer',
                    ifelse(round(tictoc, 2) == 0, 'tic', 'toc'),
                    round(tictoc, 2), attr(tictoc, 'units') , '-- '),
              ..., level = level, namespace = namespace)

tictocs <- new.env()

#' Logs the error message to console before failing
#' @param expression call
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' log_failure('foobar')
#' log_failure(foobar)
#' }
log_failure <- function(expression) {
  tryCatch(expression, error = function(e) {

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logger documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:46 a.m.