
Defines functions loggle loggle.local loggle.global dataDetrend makeCorr

Documented in loggle

# Graph estimation function for loggle #################################################################################

# Input ###
# X: a p by N data matrix containing observations on a time grid ranging from 0 to 1
# pos: indices of time points where graphs are estimated
# h: bandwidth in kernel smoothed sample covariance/correlation matrix
# d: width of neighborhood centered at each time point specified by pos
# lambda:  tuning parameter of lasso penalty at each time point specified by pos
# fit.type: likelihood: likelihood estimation, 
#           pseudo: pseudo likelihood estimation, 
#           space: sparse partial correlation estimation
# refit: if TRUE, conduct model refitting given learned graph structures
# epi.abs: absolute tolerance in ADMM stopping criterion
# epi.rel: relative tolerance in ADMM stopping criterion
# max.step: maximum steps in ADMM iteration
# detrend: if TRUE, subtract kernel weighted moving average for each variable in data matrix,
#          if FALSE, subtract overall average for each variable in data matrix
# fit.corr: if TRUE, use sample correlation matrix in model fitting,
#           if FALSE, use sample covariance matrix in model fitting
# pos.corr: indices of time points used to generate sample covariance/correlation matrix
# num.thread: number of threads used in parallel computing
# print.detail: if TRUE, print details in model fitting procedure

# Output ###
# Omega: a list of estimated precision matrices at time points specified by pos
# edge.num: a vector of numbers of edges at time points specified by pos
# edge: a list of edges at time points specified by pos

loggle <- function(X, pos = 1:ncol(X), h = 0.8*ncol(X)^(-1/5), d = 0.2, lambda = 0.25, fit.type = "pseudo", 
                   refit = TRUE, epi.abs = 1e-5, epi.rel = 1e-3, max.step = 500, detrend = TRUE, 
                   fit.corr = TRUE, pos.corr = 1:ncol(X), num.thread = 1, print.detail = TRUE) {
  p <- dim(X)[1]
  N <- dim(X)[2]
  K <- length(pos)
  if(fit.type == "likelihood") {
    fit.type <- 0
  } else if(fit.type == "pseudo") {
    fit.type <- 1
  } else if(fit.type == "space") {
    fit.type <- 2
  } else {
    stop("fit.type must be 'likelihood', 'pseudo' or 'space'!")
  if(any(!pos %in% 1:N)) {
    stop("pos must be a subset of 1, 2, ..., N!")
  if(length(h) != 1) {
    stop("h must be a scalar!")
  if(!length(d) %in% c(1, K)) {
    stop("d must be a scalar or a vector of the same length as 'pos'!")
  if(!length(lambda) %in% c(1, K)) {
    stop("lambda must be a scalar or a vector of the same length as 'pos'!")
  cat("Detrending each variable in data matrix...\n")
  X <- dataDetrend(X, detrend)
  if(fit.corr) {
    cat("Generating sample correlation matrices...\n")
  } else {
    cat("Generating sample covariance matrices...\n")
  result.Corr <- makeCorr(X, pos.corr, h, fit.corr)
  Corr <- result.Corr$Corr
  sd.X <- result.Corr$sd.X
  if(length(d) == 1) {
    d <- rep(d, K)
  if(length(lambda) == 1) {
    lambda <- rep(lambda, K)
  ind.local <- which(d < 0.5)
  ind.global <- which(d >= 0.5)
  K.local <- length(ind.local)
  K.global <- length(ind.global)
  cat("Estimating graphs...\n")
  Omega.list <- vector("list", K)
  edge.num.list <- rep(0, K)
  edge.list <- vector("list", K)
  if(K.local > 0) {
    if(num.thread > 1 && K.local > 1) {
      result <- foreach(k=1:K.local, .combine="list", .multicombine=TRUE, .maxcombine=K.local, .export=c("loggle.local")) %dopar%
        loggle.local(pos[ind.local[k]], Corr, sd.X, d[ind.local[k]], lambda[ind.local[k]], fit.type, refit, epi.abs, 
                     epi.rel, max.step, print.detail)
    } else {
      result <- vector("list", K.local)
      for(k in 1:K.local) {
        result[[k]] <- loggle.local(pos[ind.local[k]], Corr, sd.X, d[ind.local[k]], lambda[ind.local[k]], fit.type,
                                    refit, epi.abs, epi.rel, max.step, print.detail)
    for(k in 1:K.local) {
      result.k <- result[[k]]
      Omega.list[[ind.local[k]]] <- result.k$Omega
      edge.num.list[[ind.local[k]]] <- result.k$edge.num
      edge.list[[ind.local[k]]] <- result.k$edge
  if(K.global > 0) {
    lambda.list <- unique(lambda[ind.global])
    K.lambda <- length(lambda.list)
    if(num.thread > 1 && K.lambda > 1) {
      result <- foreach(k=1:K.lambda, .combine="list", .multicombine=TRUE, .maxcombine=K.lambda, .export=c("loggle.global")) %dopar%
        loggle.global(pos[ind.global], Corr, sd.X, lambda.list[k], fit.type, refit, epi.abs, epi.rel, max.step)
    } else {
      result <- vector("list", K.lambda)
      for(k in 1:K.lambda) {
        result[[k]] <- loggle.global(pos[ind.global], Corr, sd.X, lambda.list[k], fit.type, refit, epi.abs, epi.rel, 
      if(print.detail) {
        cat("Complete: t =", round((pos[ind.global[lambda[ind.global] == lambda.list[k]]]-1) / (N-1), 2), "\n")
    for(k in 1:K.lambda) {
      idx <- which(lambda[ind.global] == lambda.list[k])
      for(i in idx) {
        Omega.list[[ind.global[i]]] <- result[[k]]$Omega.list[[i]]
        edge.num.list[ind.global[i]] <- result[[k]]$edge.num.list[i]
        edge.list[[ind.global[i]]] <- result[[k]]$edge.list[[i]]
      if(print.detail && num.thread > 1 && K.lambda > 1) {
        cat("Complete: t =", round((pos[ind.global[idx]]-1) / (N-1), 2), "\n")
  result <- list(Omega = Omega.list, edge.num = edge.num.list, edge = edge.list)

# Graph estimation function for local loggle ###########################################################################

# Input ###
# pos: index of time point where graph is estimated
# Corr: list of kernel smoothed sample covariance/correlation matrices
# sd.X: if fit.corr = TRUE: list of standard deviations of variables
#       if fit.corr = FALSE: list of 1's
# d: width of neighborhood
# lambda: tuning parameter of lasso penalty
# fit.type: 0: likelihood estimation, 
#           1: pseudo likelihood estimation, 
#           2: sparse partial correlation estimation
# refit: if TRUE, conduct model refitting given learned graph structures
# epi.abs: absolute tolerance in ADMM stopping criterion
# epi.rel: relative tolerance in ADMM stopping criterion
# max.step: maximum steps in ADMM iteration
# print.detail: if TRUE, print details in model fitting procedure

# Output ###
# Omega: estimated precision matrix
# edge.num: number of graph edges
# edge: graph edges

loggle.local <- function(pos, Corr, sd.X, d, lambda, fit.type, refit, epi.abs, epi.rel, max.step, print.detail) {
  p <- dim(Corr)[1]
  N <- dim(Corr)[3]
  Nd.index <- max(1, ceiling(((pos-1)/(N-1)-d)*(N-1)-1e-5)+1) : min(N, floor(((pos-1)/(N-1)+d)*(N-1)+1e-5)+1)
  Nd <- length(Nd.index)
  Nd.pos <- which(Nd.index == pos)
  Nd.pos.c <- Nd.pos - 1
  Nd.pos.l <- 1
  Corr.sq <- rowSums(Corr[, , Nd.index, drop = FALSE]^2, dims = 2)
  Z.vec <- rep(0, p*p)
  lambda <- sqrt(Nd) * lambda
  rho <- lambda
  #detect block diagonal structure
  adj.mat <- (Corr.sq > lambda^2)
  diag(adj.mat) <- 1
  graph <- graph.adjacency(adj.mat)
  cluster <- clusters(graph)
  member <- cluster$membership
  csize <- cluster$csize
  no <- cluster$no
  member.index <- sort(member, index.return = TRUE)$ix - 1
  csize.index <- c(0, cumsum(csize))
  result <- .C("ADMM_simple",
               as.double(Corr[, , Nd.index]),
               Z.vec = as.double(Z.vec),
  Omega <- Matrix(result$Z.vec, p, p, sparse = TRUE)
  edge <- which(as.matrix(Omega) != 0, arr.ind = TRUE)
  edge <- edge[(edge[, 1] - edge[, 2]) > 0, , drop = FALSE]
  edge.num <- nrow(edge)
  if(refit) {
    edge.zero <- which(as.matrix(Omega) == 0, arr.ind = TRUE)
    edge.zero <- edge.zero[(edge.zero[, 1] - edge.zero[, 2]) > 0, , drop = FALSE]
    if(nrow(edge.zero) == 0) {
      edge.zero = NULL
    Sigma <- diag(sd.X) %*% Corr[, , pos] %*% diag(sd.X)
    Omega <- glasso(s = Sigma, rho = 1e-10, zero = edge.zero)$wi  # set rho = 1e-10 instead of 0 to avoid warning
    if(det(Omega) < 0) {
      Omega <- glasso(s = Sigma, rho = 1e-10, zero = edge.zero, thr = 5*1e-5)$wi
    Omega <- Matrix(Omega, sparse = TRUE)
  if(print.detail) {
    cat("Complete: t =", round((pos-1) / (N-1), 2), "\n")
  result <- list(Omega = Omega, edge.num = edge.num, edge = edge)

# Graph estimation function for global loggle ##########################################################################

# Input ###
# pos: indices of time points where graphs are estimated
# Corr: list of kernel smoothed sample covariance/correlation matrices
# sd.X: if fit.corr = TRUE: list of standard deviations of variables
#       if fit.corr = FALSE: list of 1's
# lambda: tuning parameter of lasso penalty
# fit.type: 0: likelihood estimation, 
#           1: pseudo likelihood estimation, 
#           2: sparse partial correlation estimation
# refit: if TRUE, conduct model refitting given learned graph structures
# epi.abs: absolute tolerance in ADMM stopping criterion
# epi.rel: relative tolerance in ADMM stopping criterion
# max.step: maximum steps in ADMM iteration

# Output ###
# Omega.list: a list of estimated precision matrices at time points specified by pos
# edge.num.list: a vector of numbers of edges at time points specified by pos
# edge.list: a list of edges at time points specified by pos

loggle.global <- function(pos, Corr, sd.X, lambda, fit.type, refit, epi.abs, epi.rel, max.step) {
  p <- dim(Corr)[1]
  N <- dim(Corr)[3]
  K <- length(pos)
  N.index.c <- 0:(N-1)
  pos.c <- pos - 1
  Corr.sq <- rowSums(Corr^2, dims = 2)
  Z.vec <- rep(0, p*p*K)
  lambda <- sqrt(N) * lambda
  rho <- lambda
  #detect block diagonal structure
  adj.mat <- (Corr.sq > lambda^2)
  diag(adj.mat) <- 1
  graph <- graph.adjacency(adj.mat)
  cluster <- clusters(graph)
  member <- cluster$membership
  csize <- cluster$csize
  no <- cluster$no
  member.index <- sort(member, index.return = TRUE)$ix - 1
  csize.index <- c(0, cumsum(csize))
  result <- .C("ADMM_simple",
               Z.vec = as.double(Z.vec),
  Omega.list <- sapply(1:K, function(k) Matrix(result$Z.vec[(p*p*(k-1) + 1) : (p*p*k)], p, p, sparse = TRUE))
  edge <- which(as.matrix(Omega.list[[1]]) != 0, arr.ind = TRUE)
  edge <- edge[(edge[, 1] - edge[, 2]) > 0, , drop = FALSE]
  edge.list <- rep(list(edge), K)
  edge.num.list <- rep(nrow(edge), K)
  if(refit) {
    edge.zero <- which(as.matrix(Omega.list[[1]]) == 0, arr.ind = TRUE)
    edge.zero <- edge.zero[(edge.zero[, 1] - edge.zero[, 2]) > 0, , drop = FALSE]
    if(nrow(edge.zero) == 0) {
      edge.zero = NULL
    Omega.list <- vector("list", K)
    for(k in 1:K) {
      Sigma <- diag(sd.X) %*% Corr[, , pos[k]] %*% diag(sd.X)
      Omega.list[[k]] <- glasso(s = Sigma, rho = 1e-10, zero = edge.zero)$wi
      if(det(Omega.list[[k]]) < 0) {
        Omega.list[[k]] <- glasso(s = Sigma, rho = 1e-10, zero = edge.zero, thr = 5*1e-5)$wi
      Omega.list[[k]] <- Matrix(Omega.list[[k]], sparse = TRUE)
  result <- list(Omega.list = Omega.list, edge.num.list = edge.num.list, edge.list = edge.list)

# Data detrending function #############################################################################################

# Input ###
# X: a p by N data matrix containing observations on a time grid ranging from 0 to 1
# detrend: if TRUE, subtract kernel weighted moving average for each variable in data matrix,
#          if FALSE, subtract overall average for each variable in data matrix

# Output ###
# X: a p by N data matrix containing observations on a time grid ranging from 0 to 1 after detrending

dataDetrend <- function(X, detrend) {
  p <- nrow(X)
  N <- ncol(X)
  for(i in 1:p) {
    if(detrend) {
      X[i, ] <- X[i, ] - sm.regression(1:N, X[i, ], ngrid = N, display = "none")$estimate
    } else {
      X[i, ] <- X[i, ] - mean(X[i, ])

# Sample covariance/correlation matrix generation function #############################################################

# Input ###
# X: a p by N data matrix containing observations on a time grid ranging from 0 to 1
# pos: indices of time points used to generate sample covariance/correlation matrix
# h: bandwidth in kernel smoothed sample covariance/correlation matrix
# fit.corr: if TRUE, use sample correlation matrix in model fitting,
#           if FALSE, use sample covariance matrix in model fitting

# Output ###
# Corr: list of kernel smoothed sample covariance/correlation matrices
# sd.X: if fit.corr = TRUE: list of standard deviations of variables
#       if fit.corr = FALSE: list of 1's

makeCorr <- function(X, pos, h, fit.corr) {
  p <- nrow(X)
  N <- ncol(X)
  L <- length(pos)
  sd.X <- rep(1, p)
  if(fit.corr) {
    for(i in 1:p) {
      sd.X[i] <- sd(X[i, ])
      X[i, ] <- X[i, ] / sd(X[i, ])
  Corr <- array(0, c(p, p, N))
  for(i in 1:N) {
    Kh <- pmax(3/4 * (1 - ((pos - i) / ((N - 1) * h))^2), 0)
    omega <- Kh / sum(Kh)
    index <- which(omega != 0)
    X_pos <- X[, pos[index]]
    Corr[, , i] <- (X_pos * rep(omega[index], rep(p, length(index)))) %*% t(X_pos)
  result <- list(Corr = Corr, sd.X = sd.X)

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