
Defines functions edland.linear.power

Documented in edland.linear.power

#' Linear mixed model sample size calculations.
#' This function performs sample size calculations for the linear mixed model
#' with random intercepts and slopes when used to test for differences in fixed 
#' effects slope between groups. Input parameters are random effect variance 
#' and residual error variance as estimated by a REML fit to representative 
#' pilot data or data from a representative prior clinical trial or cohort
#' study.
#' Default settings perform sample size / power / effect size calculations assuming
#' equal covariance of repeated measures in the 2 groups, equal residual error
#' variance across groups, equal allocation to groups, and assuming no study subject 
#' attrition.  Specifically, variance parameters required for default settings 
#' are `sig2.s`, the variance of random slopes, and `sig2.e`, the residual error
#' variance, both either known or estimated from a mixed model fit by REML
#' to prior data.
#' This function will also provide sample size estimates for linear mixed
#' models with random intercept only by setting `sig2.s = 0`  (although, 
#' this is not generally recommended).
#' This function was generalized April 2020. The function is back compatible,
#' although the order of arguments has changed. The new function accommodates
#' different variance parameters across groups, unequal allocation across groups, and
#' study subject attrition (loss to followup), which may also vary across groups.
#' * Unequal allocation is accommodated by the parameter `lambda`, where
#' `lambda` = (sample size group 1)/(sample size group 2). `lambda` defaults 
#' to one (equal allocation).
#' * Study subject attrition is accommodated by the parameter '`p`', where 
#' `p` is a vector of proportions.  If `i` indexes successive study visits,
#' `p[i]` = the proportion whose last visit is at visit `i`. `p` sums to 1. `p`
#' defaults to the case of no study subject attrition (everyone completes
#' all visits).
#' * differential study subject attrition is accommodated by the parameter `p_2`.
#' `p_2` is analogous to `p`, but for group 2. `p_2` defaults to `p` (equal pattern
#' of study subject attrition across groups).
#' * Note that when there is study subject attrition, sample size / power 
#' calculations are also a function of the variance of random intercepts and
#' the covariance of random intercepts and slopes.  When `p` and/or `p_2` are 
#' specified, `edland.linear.power` requires specification of these parameters.
#' (These are part of the standard output of lmer and other software fitting 
#' REML models.)  These parameters are specified by `sig2.int` and `sig.b0b1` (group 1), 
#' and `sig2.int_2` and `sigb0b1_2` (group 2).  
#' * different variance parameters across groups is accommodated by the variance
#' arguments `sig2.int_2`, `sig.b0b1_2`, `sig2.s`_2 and `sig2.e_2`, analogous to the
#' the corresponding arguments within group 1.  These values default to
#' to the corresponding group 1 variables (equal variance across groups).
#' * The parameter `t` is the design vector. For example, a one year trial with
#' observations every three months would specify `t = c(0, .25, .5, .75, 1)`.
#' @md
#' @name edland.linear.power
#' @param n sample size, group 1
#' @param lambda allocation ratio (sample size group 1 divided by sample size group 2)
#' @param delta group difference in fixed effect slopes
#' @param t the observation times
#' @param sig2.s variance of random slopes, group 1
#' @param sig2.s_2 variance of random slopes, group 2 (defaults to `sig2.s`)
#' @param sig2.int variance of random intercepts, group 1
#' @param sig2.int_2 variance of random intercepts, group 2 (defaults to `sig2.int`)
#' @param sig.b0b1 covariance of random slopes and intercepts,group 1
#' @param sig.b0b1_2 covariance of random slopes and intercepts, group 2 (defaults to `sig.b0b1`)
#' @param sig2.e residual variance, group 1
#' @param sig2.e_2 residual variance, group 2 (defaults to `sig2.e`)
#' @param p proportion vector for group 1, if i indexes visits, `p[i]` = the proportion whose last visit was at visit `i` (`p` sums to `1`)
#' @param p_2 proportion vector for group 2 (defaults to `p`)
#' @param sig.level type one error
#' @param power power
#' @param alternative one- or two-sided test
#' @param tol	not used (no root finding used in this implementation).
#' @return One of the number of subject required per arm, the `power`, or detectable effect size 
#' given `sig.level` and the other parameter estimates.
#' @author Michael C. Donohue, Steven D. Edland
#' @seealso [`lmmpower`], [`diggle.linear.power`], [`liu.liang.linear.power`], [`hu.mackey.thomas.linear.power`]
#' @references Ard and Edland, S.D. (2011) Power calculations for clinical trials in Alzheimer's disease.
#'  \emph{Journal of Alzheimer's Disease.} 21:369-377. 
#' @keywords power sample size mixed effects random effects
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' browseVignettes(package = "longpower")
#' }
#' # An Alzheimer's Disease example using ADAS-cog pilot estimates
#' t <- seq(0,1.5,0.25)
#' edland.linear.power(delta=1.5, t=t, sig2.s = 24, sig2.e = 10, sig.level=0.05, power = 0.80)
#' @export edland.linear.power
edland.linear.power<-function(n = NULL, delta = NULL, power = NULL, t = NULL, lambda = 1,
  sig2.int   = 0,    sig2.s   = NULL, sig.b0b1   = 0,    sig2.e   = NULL, 
  sig2.int_2 = NULL, sig2.s_2 = NULL, sig.b0b1_2 = NULL, sig2.e_2 = NULL, 
  sig.level=0.05, p=NULL ,p_2=NULL,
  alternative = c("two.sided", "one.sided"), tol=NULL)
  if (sum(sapply(list(n, delta,  power), is.null)) != 1) 
    stop("exactly one of 'n', 'delta', and 'power' must be NULL")
  if (!is.null(sig.level) && !is.numeric(sig.level) || any(0 > 
      sig.level | sig.level > 1)) 
    stop("'sig.level' must be numeric in [0, 1]")
  if (is.null(sig2.s) | is.null(sig2.e)) 
    stop("input values are required for each of sig2.s and sig2.e")
  if (is.null(p)) p=rep(c(0,1),c(length(t)-1,1))
  if (is.null(p_2)) p_2=p
  if (length(t) != length(p) | length(p) != length(p_2))
    stop("t, p, and p_2 must be the same length")
  if (sum(p) != 1 | sum(p_2) != 1)
    stop("p and p_2 must sum to 1")
  if ( (p[length(p)] !=1 | p_2[length(p)] !=1) & (is.null(sig2.int) | is.null(sig.b0b1)) ) 
    stop("input values are required for each of sig2.int and sig.b0b1 when study subject attrition is specified using p or p_2")
  alternative <- match.arg(alternative,c('two.sided','one.sided')) #defaults to 'two.sided'
  if (is.null(sig2.int_2)) sig2.int_2 =sig2.int
  if (is.null(sig2.s_2))   sig2.s_2   =sig2.s
  if (is.null(sig.b0b1_2)) sig.b0b1_2 =sig.b0b1
  if (is.null(sig2.e_2))   sig2.e_2   =sig2.e
  # function to calculate 'term' = variance terms for formulas (13) and (14)
  # in Zhao et al. (2020)
    for(i in 1:length(t)){
      for(j in 1:length(t)){
    for(k in 2:k.max){
      term=term + p[k]*t(X.k)%*%solve(V.k)%*%X.k
  term1=getTerm(sig2.int  ,sig.b0b1  ,sig2.s  ,sig2.e  ,p)
  if(!is.null(n)) n_2=n/lambda
  n.body <- quote({
    (qnorm(ifelse(alternative=="two.sided", sig.level/2, sig.level)) + 
        qnorm(1-power))^2 * (term1+lambda*term2) / delta^2
  if (is.null(sig.level) | is.null(sig2.s) | is.null(sig2.e))
    stop("solving for sig.level, sig2.s, or sig2.e is no longer supported")
  else if(is.null(n)){
    n   <- eval(n.body)
    n_2 <- n/lambda
  else if (is.null(power))
    power <- pnorm(sqrt(n*delta^2/(term1+term2*lambda))+qnorm(ifelse(alternative=="two.sided", sig.level/2, sig.level)))
  else if (is.null(delta))
    delta <- sqrt((qnorm(ifelse(alternative=="two.sided", sig.level/2, sig.level)) +
        qnorm(1-power))^2 * (term1+term2*lambda)/n)
  else # (Shouldn't happen)
    stop("internal error", domain = NA)
  METHOD <- "Zhao and Edland, in process"
  structure(list(N = n+n_2, n = c(n, n_2), delta = delta, t=t, p=p, p_2=p_2,
    sig2.int  =sig2.int  ,sig.b0b1  =sig.b0b1  ,sig2.s  =sig2.s  ,sig2.e   = sig2.e, 
    sig2.int_2=sig2.int_2,sig.b0b1_2=sig.b0b1_2,sig2.s_2=sig2.s_2,sig2.e_2 = sig2.e_2, 
    sig.level = sig.level, power = power, alternative = alternative, 
    note = "N is *total* sample size and n is sample size in *each* group",
    method = METHOD), class = "power.longtest")

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longpower documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:32 p.m.