
Defines functions liu.liang.linear.power

Documented in liu.liang.linear.power

#' Linear mixed model sample size calculations from Liu & Liang (1997).
#' This function performs the sample size calculation for a linear mixed model.
#' See Liu and Liang (1997) for parameter definitions and other details.
#' The parameters \code{u}, \code{v}, and \code{Pi} are expected to be the same
#' length and sorted with respect to each other. See Liu and Liang (1997) and
#' package vignette for more details.
#' @param N The total sample size. This formula can accommodate unbalanced
#' group allocation via \code{Pi}. See Liu and Liang (1997) for more details
#' @param delta group difference (possibly a vector of differences)
#' @param u a list of covariate vectors or matrices associated with the
#' parameter of interest
#' @param v a respective list of covariate vectors or matrices associated with
#' the nuisance parameter
#' @param sigma2 the error variance
#' @param R the variance-covariance matrix for the repeated measures
#' @param R.list a list of variance-covariance matrices for the repeated
#' measures, if assumed different in two groups
#' @param sig.level type one error
#' @param power power
#' @param Pi the proportion of covariates of each type
#' @param alternative one- or two-sided test
#' @param tol	numerical tolerance used in root finding.
#' @seealso \code{\link{lmmpower}}
#' @references Liu, G. and Liang, K. Y. (1997) Sample size calculations for
#' studies with correlated observations. \emph{Biometrics}, 53(3), 937-47.
#' @keywords power sample size mixed effects random effects
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' browseVignettes(package = "longpower")
#' }
#' # Reproduces the table on page 29 of Diggle et al for
#' # difference in slopes between groups
#' n <- 3
#' t <- c(0,2,5)
#' u <- list(u1 = t, u2 = rep(0,n))
#' v <- list(v1 = cbind(1,1,t),
#'          v2 = cbind(1,0,t))         
#' rho <- c(0.2, 0.5, 0.8)
#' sigma2 <- c(100, 200, 300)
#' tab <- outer(rho, sigma2, 
#'       Vectorize(function(rho, sigma2){
#'         ceiling(liu.liang.linear.power(
#'           delta=0.5, u=u, v=v,
#'           sigma2=sigma2,
#'           R=rho, alternative="one.sided",
#'           power=0.80)$N/2)}))
#' colnames(tab) <- paste("sigma2 =", sigma2)
#' rownames(tab) <- paste("rho =", rho)
#' tab
#' # Reproduces the table on page 30 of Diggle et al for 
#' # difference in average response between groups.
#' n <- 3
#' u <- list(u1 = rep(1,n), u2 = rep(0,n))
#' v <- list(v1 = rep(1,n),
#'          v2 = rep(1,n))
#' rho <- c(0.2, 0.5, 0.8)
#' delta <- c(20, 30, 40, 50)/100
#' tab <- outer(rho, delta, 
#'      Vectorize(function(rho, delta){
#'        ceiling(liu.liang.linear.power(
#'          delta=delta, u=u, v=v,
#'          sigma2=1,
#'          R=rho, alternative="one.sided",
#'          power=0.80)$n[1])}))
#' colnames(tab) <- paste("delta =", delta)
#' rownames(tab) <- paste("rho =", rho)
#' tab
#' # An Alzheimer's Disease example using ADAS-cog pilot estimates
#' # var of random intercept
#' sig2.i <- 55
#' # var of random slope
#' sig2.s <- 24
#' # residual var
#' sig2.e <- 10
#' # covariance of slope and intercep
#' cov.s.i <- 0.8*sqrt(sig2.i)*sqrt(sig2.s)
#' cov.t <- function(t1, t2, sig2.i, sig2.s, cov.s.i){
#'         sig2.i + t1*t2*sig2.s + (t1+t2)*cov.s.i 
#' }
#' t <- seq(0,1.5,0.25)
#' n <- length(t)
#' R <- outer(t, t, function(x,y){cov.t(x,y, sig2.i, sig2.s, cov.s.i)})
#' R <- R + diag(sig2.e, n, n)
#' u <- list(u1 = t, u2 = rep(0,n))
#' v <- list(v1 = cbind(1,1,t),
#'          v2 = cbind(1,0,t))         
#' liu.liang.linear.power(delta=1.5, u=u, v=v, R=R, sig.level=0.05, power=0.80)
#' liu.liang.linear.power(N=416, u=u, v=v, R=R, sig.level=0.05, power=0.80)
#' liu.liang.linear.power(N=416, delta = 1.5, u=u, v=v, R=R, sig.level=0.05)
#' liu.liang.linear.power(N=416, delta = 1.5, u=u, v=v, R=R, power=0.80, sig.level = NULL)
#' # Reproduces total sample sizes, m, of Table 1 of Liu and Liang 1997
#' tab1 <- data.frame(cbind(
#'   n = c(rep(4, 4), rep(2, 4), 1),
#'   rho = c(0.0, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8)))
#' m <- c()
#' for(i in 1:nrow(tab1)){
#'   R <- matrix(tab1$rho[i], nrow = tab1$n[i], ncol = tab1$n[i])
#'   diag(R) <- 1
#'   m <- c(m, ceiling(liu.liang.linear.power(
#'     delta=0.5,
#'     u = list(u1 = rep(1, tab1$n[i]), # treatment
#'              u2 = rep(0, tab1$n[i])), # control       
#'     v = list(v1 = rep(1, tab1$n[i]), v2 = rep(1, tab1$n[i])), # intercept
#'     sigma2=1,
#'     R=R, alternative="two.sided",
#'     power=0.90)$N))
#' }
#' cbind(tab1, m)
#' # Reproduces total sample sizes, m, of Table 3.a. of Liu and Liang 1997
#' # with unbalanced design
#' tab3 <- data.frame(cbind(
#'   rho = rep(c(0.0, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8), 2),
#'   pi1 = c(rep(0.8, 4), rep(0.2, 4))))
#' m <- c()
#' for(i in 1:nrow(tab3)){
#'   R <- matrix(tab3$rho[i], nrow = 4, ncol = 4)
#'   diag(R) <- 1
#'   m <- c(m, ceiling(liu.liang.linear.power(
#'     delta=0.5,
#'     u = list(u1 = rep(1, 4), # treatment
#'              u2 = rep(0, 4)), # control       
#'     v = list(v1 = rep(1, 4), v2 = rep(1, 4)), # intercept
#'     sigma2=1,
#'     Pi = c(tab3$pi1[i], 1-tab3$pi1[i]),
#'     R=R, alternative="two.sided",
#'     power=0.90)$N))
#' }
#' cbind(tab3, m)
#' @export liu.liang.linear.power
liu.liang.linear.power <- function(N=NULL, delta=NULL, u=NULL, v=NULL, sigma2=1, R=NULL, R.list=NULL,
  sig.level=0.05, power=NULL, 
  Pi = rep(1/length(u),length(u)),
  alternative = c("two.sided", "one.sided"),
  tol = .Machine$double.eps^2)
  if (sum(sapply(list(N, delta, sigma2, power, sig.level), is.null)) != 1) 
      stop("exactly one of 'N', 'sigma2', 'delta', 'power', and 'sig.level' must be NULL")
  if (!is.null(sig.level) && !is.numeric(sig.level) || any(0 > 
      sig.level | sig.level > 1)) 
      stop("'sig.level' must be numeric in [0, 1]")
  alternative <- match.arg(alternative)

  if(sum(c(!is.null(R), !is.null(R.list))) != 1) 
    stop("Exactly one of R or R.list must be specified.")
  if(sum(Pi) != 1) 
    stop("Pi must sum to 1.")

  if(!is.null(R)){ # make list of Rs
    R.list <- lapply(1:length(u), function(i) R)

  # invert R.list
  Rinv <- lapply(1:length(R.list), 
      R <- R.list[[i]]
      # if R is not a matrix, we assume exchangeable correlation structure
      if(is.null(dim(R)) & length(R) == 1 & length(u[[i]]) > 1){
        R <- matrix(R, length(u[[i]]), length(u[[i]])) + diag(1-R,length(u[[i]]))
      }else if(is.null(dim(R)) & length(R) == 1 & length(u[[i]]) == 1){
        R <- matrix(R, length(u[[i]]), length(u[[i]]))

  n.body <- quote({
    Ipl <- 0
    for(i in 1:length(u)) 
    Ipl <- Ipl + Pi[i]*t(u[[i]])%*%Rinv[[i]]%*%v[[i]]
    Ipl <- Ipl/sigma2   

    Ill <- 0
    for(i in 1:length(u)) 
    Ill <- Ill + Pi[i]*t(v[[i]])%*%Rinv[[i]]%*%v[[i]]
    Illinv <- solve(Ill/sigma2)

    Sigma1 <- 0
    for(i in 1:length(u)) 
      Sigma1 <- Sigma1 + Pi[i]*(t(u[[i]])-Ipl%*%Illinv%*%t(v[[i]]))%*%Rinv[[i]]%*%
    Sigma1 <- Sigma1/sigma2

    (qnorm(1-ifelse(alternative=="two.sided", sig.level/2, sig.level)) + 
    N <- eval(n.body)
  else if (is.null(sig.level)) 
    sig.level <- uniroot(function(sig.level) eval(n.body) - N, 
      c(1e-10, 1-1e-10), tol=tol, extendInt = "yes")$root
  else if (is.null(power)) 
    power <- uniroot(function(power) eval(n.body) - N, 
      c(1e-3, 1-1e-10), tol=tol, extendInt = "yes")$root
  else if (is.null(delta)) 
    delta <- uniroot(function(delta) eval(n.body) - N, 
      sqrt(sigma2) * c(1e-7, 1e+7), tol=tol, extendInt = "downX")$root
  else if (is.null(sigma2)) 
    sigma2 <- uniroot(function(sigma2) eval(n.body) - N, 
      delta * c(1e-7, 1e+7), tol=tol, extendInt = "yes")$root
  else # Shouldn't happen
    stop("internal error", domain = NA)
  METHOD <- "Longitudinal linear model power calculation (Liu & Liang, 1997)"
  structure(list(N = N, n = N*Pi, delta = delta, sigma2 = sigma2, 
    sig.level = sig.level, power = power, alternative = alternative,
    R = R,
    note = "N is *total* sample size and n is sample size in *each* group",
    method = METHOD), class = "power.longtest")

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