
Defines functions l_create_handle

Documented in l_create_handle

#' @title Create a loon object handle
#' @description This function can be used to create the loon object handles from
#'   a vector of the widget path name and the object ids (in the order of the
#'   parent-child relationships).
#' @details loon's plot handles are useful to query and modify plot states
#'   via the command line.
#' @templateVar page learn_R_intro
#' @templateVar section re-creating-object-handles
#' @template see_l_help
#' @param target loon object specification (e.g. \code{".l0.plot"})
#' @seealso \code{\link{l_getFromPath}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' # plot handle
#' p <- l_plot(x=1:3, y=1:3)
#' p_new <- l_create_handle(unclass(p))
#' p_new['showScales']
#' # glyph handle
#' gl <- l_glyph_add_text(p, text=LETTERS[1:3])
#' gl_new <- l_create_handle(c(as.vector(p), as.vector(gl)))
#' gl_new['text']
#' # layer handle
#' l <- l_layer_rectangle(p, x=c(1,3), y=c(1,3), color='yellow', index='end')
#' l_new <- l_create_handle(c(as.vector(p), as.vector(l)))
#' l_new['color']
#' # navigator handle
#' g <- l_graph(linegraph(completegraph(LETTERS[1:3])))
#' nav <- l_navigator_add(g)
#' nav_new <- l_create_handle(c(as.vector(g), as.vector(nav)))
#' nav_new['from']
#' # context handle
#' con <- l_context_add_context2d(nav)
#' con_new <- l_create_handle(c(as.vector(g), as.vector(nav), as.vector(con)))
#' con_new['separator']
l_create_handle <- function(target) {

    ## first check for loon objects
    if (is(target,'loon')) {
        loon_obj <- target
        hasRecognized <- TRUE
    } else {
        ## strip attributes
        specifier <- vapply(target, as.vector, character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE)

        widget <- specifier[1]

        if (!l_isLoonWidget(widget)) stop(widget, " is not a valid loon widget")

        loon_obj <- if (length(specifier) == 1) {

            cl <- as.character(tcl("info", "object", "class", widget))

            wcl <- switch(
                "::loon::classes::Scatterplot_Widget" = "l_plot",
                "::loon::classes::Histogram_Widget" = "l_hist",
                "::loon::classes::Serialaxes_Widget" = "l_serialaxes",
                "::loon::classes::Graph_Widget" = "l_graph",
                "::loon::classes::Scatterplot3D_Widget" = c("l_plot3D", "l_plot"),
            structure(widget, class = c(wcl, "loon"))
        } else if (length(specifier) == 2) {

            spec_2 <- specifier[2]
            spec_2_short <- substr(spec_2, 1, 5)
            if ( spec_2_short == "layer" || spec_2 == "model") {
                          widget = widget,
                          class = c(paste0("l_layer_", l_layer_getType(widget, specifier[2])), 'l_layer', 'loon'))
            } else if (spec_2 == "root") {
                structure("root", widget=as.vector(widget), class=c("l_layer_group", "l_layer", "loon"))
            } else if (spec_2_short == "glyph") {
                          widget= widget,
                          class=c(paste0("l_glyph_", l_glyph_getType(widget, spec_2)), 'l_glyph', 'loon'))

            } else if (spec_2_short == "navig") {
                          class=c('l_navigator', 'loon'))
            } else {
                stop(paste0("Invalid target specifier: ", target))
        } else if (length(specifier) == 3) {
            if(substr(specifier[2], 1, 5) != "navig" ||
               substr(specifier[3], 1, 5) != "conte") {
                stop(paste0("Invalid target specifier: ", target))
            } else {
                navigator <- structure(as.vector(specifier[2]),
                                       class=c('l_navigator', 'loon'))
                          class=c('l_context', 'loon'))
        } else {
            stop(paste0("Invalid target specifier: ", target))


Try the loon package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

loon documentation built on July 9, 2023, 5:48 p.m.