
Defines functions l_loonWidgets l_path2class l_compoundPaths l_basePaths

Documented in l_basePaths l_compoundPaths l_loonWidgets

#' @title Get the set of basic path types for loon plots.
#' @description Loon's plots are constructed in TCL and identified with
#' a path string appearing in the window containing the plot.
#' The path string begins with a unique identifier for the plot
#' and ends with a suffix describing the type of loon plot being displayed.
#' The path identifying the plot is the string concatenation of both the
#' identifier and the type.
#' This function returns the set of the base (non-compound) loon
#' path types.
#' @return character vector of the base path types.
#' @seealso \code{\link{l_compoundPaths}} \code{\link{l_getFromPath}} \code{\link{l_loonWidgets}}
#' @export
l_basePaths <- function(){
    c("plot", "hist", "plot3D", "serialaxes", "graph")
    # Does not appear in window title ->, "navgraph")

#' @title Get the set of basic path types for loon plots.
#' @description Loon's plots are constructed in TCL and identified with
#' a path string appearing in the window containing the plot.
#' The path string begins with a unique identifier for the plot
#' and ends with a suffix describing the type of loon plot being displayed.
#' The path identifying the plot is the string concatenation of both the
#' identifier and the type.
#' This function returns the set of the loon
#' path types for compound loon plots.
#' @return character vector of the compound path types.
#' @seealso \code{\link{l_basePaths}}\code{\link{l_loonWidgets}} \code{\link{l_getFromPath}}
#' @export
l_compoundPaths <- function(){
    c("facet", "pairs", "ts")

l_path2class <- function(path) {

    if (path %in% l_basePaths()) {
        class <- c(paste0("l_", path), "loon")

    } else if (path %in% l_compoundPaths()) {
        class <- c(paste0("l_", path),

    } else class <- c()
    # return
#' @title Get all active top level loon plots.
#' @description Loon's plots are constructed in TCL and identified with
#' a path string appearing in the window containing the plot.
#' If the plots were not saved on a variable, this function will
#' look for all loon plots displayed and return their values in a list whose
#' elements may then be assigned to R variables.
#' @param pathTypes an optional argument identifying the collection of path types that
#' are to be returned (if displayed).
#' @param inspector whether to return the loon inspector widget or not
#' This must be a subset of the union of
#' \code{\link{l_basePaths}()} and \code{\link{l_compoundPaths}()}.
#' If it is missing,
#' all \code{\link{l_basePaths}()} and \code{\link{l_compoundPaths}()} will be returned.
#' @return list whose elements are named by, and contain the values of, the
#' loon plot widgets.  The list can be nested when loon plots (like \code{\link{l_pairs}})
#' are compound in that they consist of more than one base loon plot.
#' @seealso \code{\link{l_basePaths}}\code{\link{l_compoundPaths}} \code{\link{l_getFromPath}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' l_plot(iris)
#' l_hist(iris)
#' l_hist(mtcars)
#' l_pairs(iris)
#' # The following will not be loonWidgets (neither is the inspector)
#' tt <- tktoplevel()
#' tkpack(l1 <- tklabel(tt, text = "Heave"), l2<- tklabel(tt, text = "Ho"))
#' #
#' # This will return loon widgets corresponding to plots
#' loonPlots <- l_loonWidgets()
#' names(loonPlots)
#' firstPlot <- loonPlots[[1]]
#' firstPlot["color"] <- "red"
#' histograms <- l_loonWidgets("hist")
#' lapply(histograms,
#'        FUN  = function(hist) {
#'                 hist["binwidth"] <- hist["binwidth"]/2
#'                 l_scaleto_world(hist)
#'              }
#'              )
#' }
l_loonWidgets <- function(pathTypes, inspector = FALSE) {

    widgets <- as.character(tkwinfo("child", "."))
    len <- length(widgets)
    names <- rep(NA, len)

    loonPlots <- lapply(seq(len),
                        function(i) {
                            w <- widgets[i]
                            child <- tryCatch(
                                expr = {
                                    as.character(tkwinfo("child", w))
                                error = function(e) NULL
                            if(is.null(child)) return(NULL)
                            if(l_isLoonWidget(child)) {

                                if(!inspector) {
                                    if(grepl("looninspector", child))

                                names[i] <<- child

                            compound <- l_getFromPath(child)

                            if(length(compound) == 0)

                            names[i] <<- child

    loonPlots <- Filter(Negate(is.null), loonPlots)
    names <- na.omit(names)
    names(loonPlots) <- names

    if(!missing(pathTypes)) {

        pnames <- unlist(
                   function(type) {
                       names[grepl(type, names)]

        loonPlots <- loonPlots[pnames]


# l_loonWidgets <- function(pathTypes) {
#     #
#     # Internal helper function
#     #
#     create_handles <- function(target, plots, type) {
#         i <- 0
#         hasRecognized <- TRUE
#         while(hasRecognized) {
#             path <- compound_path(target = target, type = type, index = i)
#             hasRecognized <- l_isLoonWidget(path)
#             i <- i + 1
#             if(hasRecognized) {
#                 plots[[length(plots) + 1]] <- l_create_handle(path)
#             }
#         }
#         return(plots)
#     }
#     loonBasePaths <- l_basePaths()
#     loonCompoundPaths <- l_compoundPaths()
#     #
#     # Make sure pathTypes are legit
#     #
#     if (!missing(pathTypes)) {
#         loonBasePaths <- intersect(loonBasePaths, pathTypes)
#         loonCompoundPaths <- intersect(loonCompoundPaths, pathTypes)
#         nonLoonPaths <- setdiff(pathTypes, c(loonBasePaths, loonCompoundPaths))
#         #
#         # Warn user about unknown path types
#         #
#         if (length(nonLoonPaths) > 0) {
#             warning(paste0(nonLoonPaths,
#                            " is not a path extension in loonPaths(). \n"))
#         }
#     }
#     #
#     # Get all the top most widgets from tcl
#     #
#     widgets <-  as.character(tcl("loon::listTopWidgets"))
#     #
#     # Collect up the loon plots
#     #
#     loonPlots <- c()
#     #
#     # Easy ones
#     #
#     for (path in loonBasePaths) {
#         for (w in widgets) {
#             w_loon <- paste0(w, ".", path)
#             if (l_isLoonWidget(w_loon)) {
#                 class(w_loon)  <- l_path2class(path)
#                 loonPlots[[w_loon]] <- w_loon
#             }
#         }
#     }
#     #
#     # Compound ones are more complicated since they
#     # are really a list of a lot of separate base plots
#     #
#     # Haven't really considered the case where
#     # one of the list might itself be a compound plot.
#     #
#     for (c_path in loonCompoundPaths) {
#         for (w in widgets) {
#             root_path <- paste0(w, ".", c_path)
#             plotList <- list()
#             for (plot_path in loonBasePaths) {
#                 plotList <- create_handles(target = root_path,
#                                            plots = plotList,
#                                            type = plot_path)
#             }
#             #
#             # Compound widgets contain lots of plots
#             #
#             nPlots <- length(plotList)
#             #
#             if (nPlots > 0){
#                 if (nPlots == 1) {
#                     loonPlot <- plotList[[1]]
#                 } else {
#                     loonPlot <- plotList
#                     class(loonPlot)  <- l_path2class(c_path)
#                 }
#                 loonPlots[[root_path]] <- loonPlot
#             }
#         }
#     }
#     loonPlots
# }

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loon documentation built on July 9, 2023, 5:48 p.m.