
Defines functions .roll rollforward rollbackward .quick_month_add add_with_rollback

Documented in add_with_rollback rollbackward rollforward

#' @include timespans.r
#' @include durations.r
#' @include intervals.r
#' @include periods.r
#' @include Dates.r
#' @include difftimes.r
#' @include numeric.r
#' @include POSIXt.r
#' @include ops-addition.r

#' Add and subtract months to a date without exceeding the last day of the new month
#' Adding months frustrates basic arithmetic because consecutive months have
#' different lengths. With other elements, it is helpful for arithmetic to
#' perform automatic roll over. For example, 12:00:00 + 61 seconds becomes
#' 12:01:01. However, people often prefer that this behavior NOT occur with
#' months. For example, we sometimes want January 31 + 1 month = February 28 and
#' not March 3. \code{\%m+\%} performs this type of arithmetic. Date \code{\%m+\%} months(n)
#' always returns a date in the nth month after Date. If the new date would
#' usually spill over into the n + 1th month, \code{\%m+\%} will return the last day of
#' the nth month ([rollback()]). Date \code{\%m-\%} months(n) always returns a
#' date in the nth month before Date.
#' \code{\%m+\%} and \code{\%m-\%} handle periods with components less than a month by first
#' adding/subtracting months and then performing usual arithmetics with smaller
#' units.
#' \code{\%m+\%} and \code{\%m-\%} should be used with caution as they are not one-to-one
#' operations and results for either will be sensitive to the order of
#' operations.
#' @rdname mplus
#' @usage e1 \%m+\% e2
#' @aliases m+ %m+% m- %m-% %m+%,ANY,ANY-method %m-%,ANY,ANY-method %m+%,Period,ANY-method %m+%,ANY,Period-method %m-%,Period,ANY-method %m-%,ANY,Period-method %m+%,Duration,ANY-method %m+%,ANY,Duration-method %m-%,Duration,ANY-method %m-%,ANY,Duration-method %m+%,Interval,ANY-method %m+%,ANY,Interval-method %m-%,Interval,ANY-method %m-%,ANY,Interval-method
#' @param e1 A period or a date-time object of class [POSIXlt], [POSIXct]
#' or [Date].
#' @param e2 A period or a date-time object of class [POSIXlt], [POSIXct]
#' or [Date]. Note that one of e1 and e2 must be a period and the other a
#' date-time object.
#' @return A date-time object of class POSIXlt, POSIXct or Date
#' @examples
#' jan <- ymd_hms("2010-01-31 03:04:05")
#' jan + months(1:3) # Feb 31 and April 31 returned as NA
#' # NA "2010-03-31 03:04:05 UTC" NA
#' jan %m+% months(1:3) # No rollover
#' leap <- ymd("2012-02-29")
#' "2012-02-29 UTC"
#' leap %m+% years(1)
#' leap %m+% years(-1)
#' leap %m-% years(1)
#' @export
"%m+%" <- function(e1, e2) standardGeneric("%m+%")

#' @export

#' @export
  "%m+%", signature(e2 = "Period"),
  function(e1, e2) add_with_rollback(e1, e2)

#' @export
  "%m+%", signature(e1 = "Period"),
  function(e1, e2) add_with_rollback(e2, e1)

#' @export
  "%m+%", signature(e2 = "ANY"),
  function(e1, e2) {
    stop("%m+% handles only Period objects as second argument")

#' @export
"%m-%" <- function(e1, e2) standardGeneric("%m-%")

#' @export

#' @export
  "%m-%", signature(e2 = "Period"),
  function(e1, e2) add_with_rollback(e1, -e2)

#' @export
  "%m-%", signature(e1 = "Period"),
  function(e1, e2) add_with_rollback(e2, -e1)

#' @export
  "%m-%", signature(e2 = "ANY"),
  function(e1, e2) {
    stop("%m-% handles only Period objects as second argument")

#' `add_with_rollback()` is like \code{\%m+\%} and \code{\%m-\%} with more
#' control over the rollback process. It allows the rollback to first day of the
#' month instead of the last day of the previous month and controls whether HMS
#' component of the end date is preserved or not. Please note that the rollback
#' kicks in only when the resulting date lands on the non-existing date.
#' @rdname mplus
#' @param roll_to_first rollback to the first day of the month instead of the
#'   last day of the previous month (passed to [rollback()])
#' @param preserve_hms retains the same hour, minute, and second information? If
#'   FALSE, the new date will be at 00:00:00 (passed to [rollback()])
#' @examples
#' x <- ymd_hms("2019-01-29 01:02:03")
#' add_with_rollback(x, months(1))
#' add_with_rollback(x, months(1), preserve_hms = FALSE)
#' add_with_rollback(x, months(1), roll_to_first = TRUE)
#' add_with_rollback(x, months(1), roll_to_first = TRUE, preserve_hms = FALSE)
#' @export
add_with_rollback <- function(e1, e2, roll_to_first = FALSE, preserve_hms = TRUE) {
  any_HMS <- any(e2@.Data != 0) || any(e2@minute != 0) || any(e2@hour != 0) || any(e2@day != 0)
  any_year <- any(e2@year != 0)
  if (!is.na(any_year) && any_year) {
    e2$month <- 12 * e2@year + e2@month
    e2$year <- 0L

  new <- .quick_month_add(e1, e2@month)
  roll <- day(new) < day(e1)
  roll <- !is.na(roll) & roll
  new[roll] <- rollbackward(new[roll], roll_to_first = roll_to_first, preserve_hms = preserve_hms)

  if (!is.na(any_HMS) && any_HMS) {
    e2$month <- 0L
    new + e2
  } else {

.quick_month_add <- function(object, mval) {
  tzs <- tz(object)
  utc <- as.POSIXlt(force_tz(object, tzone = "UTC"))
  utc$mon <- utc$mon + mval
  utc <- as.POSIXct(utc)
  new <- force_tz(utc, tzone = tzs, roll_dst = c("boundary", "post"))
  reclass_date(new, object)

#' Roll backward or forward a date the previous, current or next month
#' `rollbackward()` changes a date to the last day of the previous month or to
#' the first day of the month. `rollforward()` rolls to the last day of the
#' current month or to the first day of the next month. Optionally, the new date
#' can retain the same hour, minute, and second information. `rollback()` is a
#' synonym for `rollbackward()`.
#' @export
#' @param dates A POSIXct, POSIXlt or Date class object.
#' @param roll_to_first Rollback to the first day of the month instead of the
#' last day of the month
#' @param preserve_hms Retains the same hour, minute, and second information? If
#' FALSE, the new date will be at 00:00:00.
#' @return A date-time object of class POSIXlt, POSIXct or Date, whose day has
#' been adjusted to the last day of the previous month, or to the first day of
#' the month.
#' @examples
#' date <- ymd("2010-03-03")
#' rollbackward(date)
#' dates <- date + months(0:2)
#' rollbackward(dates)
#' date <- ymd_hms("2010-03-03 12:44:22")
#' rollbackward(date)
#' rollbackward(date, roll_to_first = TRUE)
#' rollbackward(date, preserve_hms = FALSE)
#' rollbackward(date, roll_to_first = TRUE, preserve_hms = FALSE)
rollbackward <- function(dates, roll_to_first = FALSE, preserve_hms = TRUE) {
  .roll(dates, roll_to_first, preserve_hms)

#' @rdname rollbackward
#' @export
rollback <- rollbackward

#' @rdname rollbackward
#' @export
rollforward <- function(dates, roll_to_first = FALSE, preserve_hms = TRUE) {
  .roll(dates, roll_to_first, preserve_hms, forward = TRUE)

.roll <- function(dates, roll_to_first, preserve_hms, forward = FALSE) {
  if (length(dates) == 0) {
  day(dates) <- 1
  if (!preserve_hms) {
    hour(dates) <- 0
    minute(dates) <- 0
    second(dates) <- 0
  if (forward) {
    dates <- dates + months(1)
  if (roll_to_first) {
  } else {
    dates - days(1)

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