
Defines functions matching_score em_winkler_big em_winkler

Documented in em_winkler em_winkler_big matching_score

#'Implementation of Winkler's EM algorithm for Fellegi-Sunter matching method
#'@param data1 either a binary (\code{1} or \code{0} values only) matrix or binary 
#'data frame of dimension \code{n1 x K} whose rownames are the observation identifiers.
#'@param data2 either a binary (\code{1} or \code{0} values only) matrix or a binary
#'data frame of dimension \code{n2 x K} whose rownames are the observation identifiers.
#'@param tol tolerance for the EM algorithm convergence.
#'@param maxit maximum number of iterations for the EM algorithm.
#'@param do_plot a logical flag indicating whether a plot should be drawn for the EM convergence. 
#'Default is \code{TRUE}.
#'@param oneone a logical flag indicating whether 1-1 matching should be enforced. 
#'If \code{TRUE}, then returned \code{matchingScores} are only kept for the maximum 
#'score per column while lower scores are replace by \code{threshold-1}. 
#'Default is \code{FALSE} in which case original \code{matchingScores} are returned.
#'@param verbose a logical flag indicating whether intermediate values from the EM algorithm should 
#'be printed. Useful for debugging. Default is \code{FALSE}. 
#'@return a list containing:
#'\item{\code{matchingScore}} a matrix of size \code{n1 x n2} with the matching score for each \code{n1*n2} pair.
#'\item{\code{threshold_ms}} threshold value for the matching scores above which pairs are considered true matches.
#'\item{\code{estim_nbmatch}} an estimation of the number of true matches (\code{N} pairs 
#'considered multiplied by \code{p} the estimated proportion of true matches from the EM algorithm) 
#'\item{\code{convergence_status}} a logical flag indicating whether the EM algorithm converged
#'Winkler WE. Using the EM Algorithm for Weight Computation in the Fellegi-Sunter Model of Record Linkage. \emph{Proc Sect Surv Res Methods}, Am Stat Assoc 1988: 667-71.
#'Grannis SJ, Overhage JM, Hui S, \emph{et al}. Analysis of a probabilistic record linkage technique without human review. \emph{AMIA 2003 Symp Proc} 2003: 259-63.
#'mat1 <- matrix(round(rnorm(n=1000, sd=1.2)), ncol=10, nrow=100)
#'mat2 <- rbind(mat1[1:10, ],
#'              matrix(round(rnorm(n=900, sd=1.2)), ncol=10, nrow=90)
#'              )
#'rownames(mat1) <- paste0("A", 1:nrow(mat1))
#'rownames(mat1) <- paste0("B", 1:nrow(mat1))
#'mat1 <- 1*(mat1>1)
#'mat2 <- 1*(mat2>1)
#'em_winkler(mat1, mat2)
#'@importFrom Matrix Matrix
#'@importFrom methods is
em_winkler<-function(data1, data2, tol=0.001, maxit=500, do_plot=TRUE, oneone=FALSE, verbose=FALSE){#}, sens_thres=0.99, spec_thres=0.99){
  stopifnot(methods::is(data1, "matrix"))
  stopifnot(methods::is(data2, "matrix"))
  n1 <- nrow(data1)
  rownames_data1 <- rownames(data1)
  n2 <- nrow(data2)
  rownames_data2 <- rownames(data2)
  K <- ncol(data1)
  cat("Computing agreement... ")
  ag_score <- try(agree_C(data1, data2))
  if(inherits(ag_score, "try-error")){
    stop("Data may be to big, try using the 'em_winkler_big' function instead...")
  #rm(data1, data2)
  cat("DONE !\n")
  N <- nrow(ag_score)
  #ag_score <- 1*(ag_score==1)
  #EM algorithm
  p <- 0.5 
  m <- rep(0.9, K)
  u <- rep(0.1, K)
  ag_score_neg <- Matrix::Matrix(1-ag_score, sparse=TRUE)
  for(i in 1:maxit){
    cat("it:", i, "\n")
    p_old <- p
    m_old <- m
    u_old <- u
    # E step
    # temp <- estep_C_vect_sparse(ag_score, p=p, m=m, u=u) # estep_C_vect(ag_score, p=p, m=m, u=u) # estep_vect(ag_score, p=p, m=m, u=u)
    temp <- estep_C_vect(ag_score, p=p, m=m, u=u)
    g_m <- temp[, 1]
    g_u <- temp[, 2]
    # M step
    gm_summed <- sum(g_m)
    p <- gm_summed/N
    m <- (g_m%*%ag_score/gm_summed)[1,]
    u <- (g_u%*%ag_score/sum(g_u))[1,]
      m[which(m>0.99999)] <- 0.99999
      m[which(m<0.00001)] <- 0.00001
      u[which(u>0.99999)] <- 0.99999
      u[which(u<0.00001)] <- 0.00001
      p[which(p>0.99999)] <- 0.99999
      p[which(p<0.00001)] <- 0.00001
      cat("p:", p, "\n")
      cat("m:", m, "\n")
      cat("u:", u, "\n\n")
    conv <- (abs(p_old-p) < tol) && all(abs(m_old-m) < tol) && all(abs(u_old-u) < tol)
      p <- p_old
      m <- m_old
      u <- u_old
      conv_flag <- 1
      conv_flag <- 0
    conv_flag <- 2
  cat("EM finished.\n\n")
  # Final matching score
  ms <- matchingScore_C(ag_score, m, u, nA=n1, nB=n2)   #ms_temp <- apply(ag_score, 1, matching_score, m, u)
  ms_vec <- as.vector(ms)
  o <- order(ms_vec)
  n_truematches <- round(N*p)
  threshold <- ms_vec[rev(o)][n_truematches]
  rownames(ms) <- rownames_data1
  colnames(ms) <- rownames_data2
  # TPR_Grannis <- sapply(ag_score, function(x){prod(m^x*(1-m)^(1-x))})#exp(ag_score%*%log(m) + (1-ag_score)%*%log(1-m))
  # TNR_Grannis <- sapply(ag_score, function(x){prod(u^x*(1-u)^(1-x))})#exp(ag_score%*%log(u) + (1-ag_score)%*%log(1-u))
  # if(do_plot){
  #   plot(y=TPR_Grannis[o], x=ms_vec[o], type="l", col="blue", 
  #        ylab="Estimated rate", xlab="Observed matching score",
  #        ylim=c(0,1))
  #   lines(y=TNR_Grannis[o], x=ms_vec[o], type="l", col="red")
  #   legend("right", c("TPR", "TNR"), col=c("blue", "red"), lty=c(1, 1))
  # }
  # browser()
  # #which(ms>0, arr.ind=TRUE)
  # #ag_score[which(ms_vec>0),]
  # thresholds <- c(ms_vec[o][which(TPR_Grannis[o]>=sens_thres)[1]],
  #                 ms_vec[o][which(TNR_Grannis[o]>=spec_thres)[1]])
    col_max <- apply(ms, 2, max) 
    col_max_mat <- matrix(col_max, nrow=n1, ncol=n2, byrow = TRUE)
    ms <- ms*(ms >= col_max_mat) + (threshold-1)*(ms < col_max_mat) 
  return(list("matchingScore"=ms, "threshold_ms"=threshold, "estim_nbmatch"=n_truematches, "convergence_status"=conv_flag, 
              "m"=m, "u"=u, "p"=p))

#'@description \code{em_winkler_big} implements the same method when the data are too big to compute 
#'the agreement matrix. Agreement is then recomputed on the fly each time it is needed. The EM steps 
#'are completely done in C++. This decreases the RAM usage (still important though), at the cost of 
#'increasing computational time.
#'@importFrom methods is
#'@rdname em_winkler
em_winkler_big<-function(data1, data2, tol=0.001, maxit=500, do_plot=TRUE, oneone=FALSE, verbose=FALSE){#}, sens_thres=0.99, spec_thres=0.99){
  stopifnot(methods::is(data1, "matrix"))
  stopifnot(methods::is(data2, "matrix"))
  cat("\n**********\nATTENTION: this is the version of Winkler's EM algorithm implemented for 'large' datasets, when the agreement matrix cannot be stored in memory (matrix of size n1*n2 x K)...\n*********\n")
  n1 <- nrow(data1)
  rownames_data1 <- rownames(data1)
  n2 <- nrow(data2)
  rownames_data2 <- rownames(data2)
  K <- ncol(data1)
  N <- n1*n2
  #EM algorithm
  p <- 0.5 
  m <- rep(0.9, K)
  u <- rep(0.1, K)
  for(i in 1:maxit){
    cat("it:", i, "\n")
    p_old <- p
    m_old <- m
    u_old <- u
    # EM steps in C
    EM_res <- EMstep_C_sparse_big(data1, data2, p=p, m=m, u=u)
    # E_res <- Estep_C_sparse_big(data1, data2, p=p, m=m, u=u)
    # M_res <- Mstep_C_sparse_big(data1, data2, g_m=E_res[, 1], g_u=E_res[, 2])
    p <- EM_res[["p"]]
    m <- EM_res[["m"]]
    u <- EM_res[["u"]]

      m[which(m>0.99999)] <- 0.99999
      m[which(m<0.00001)] <- 0.00001
      u[which(u>0.99999)] <- 0.99999
      u[which(u<0.00001)] <- 0.00001
      p[which(p>0.99999)] <- 0.99999
      p[which(p<0.00001)] <- 0.00001
      cat("p:", p, "\n")
      cat("m:", m, "\n")
      cat("u:", u, "\n\n")
    conv <- (abs(p_old-p) < tol) && all(abs(m_old-m) < tol) && all(abs(u_old-u) < tol)
      p <- p_old
      m <- m_old
      u <- u_old
      conv_flag <- 1
      conv_flag <- 0
    conv_flag <- 2
  cat("EM finished.\n\n")
  # Final matching score
  ms <- matchingScore_C_sparse_big(data1, data2, m, u)   #ms_temp <- apply(ag_score, 1, matching_score, m, u)
  ms_vec <- as.vector(ms)
  o <- order(ms_vec)
  n_truematches <- round(N*p)
  threshold <- ms_vec[rev(o)][n_truematches]
  rownames(ms) <- rownames_data1
  colnames(ms) <- rownames_data2
    col_max <- apply(ms, 2, max) 
    col_max_mat <- matrix(col_max, nrow=n1, ncol=n2, byrow = TRUE)
    ms <- ms*(ms >= col_max_mat) + (threshold-1)*(ms < col_max_mat) 
  return(list("matchingScore"=ms, "threshold_ms"=threshold, "estim_nbmatch"=n_truematches, "convergence_status"=conv_flag, 
              "m"=m, "u"=u, "p"=p))

#'Computes a matching score from agreement vectors and weights
#'@keywords internal
#' estep_vect <- function(ag_score, p, m, u){
#'   a <-exp(log(p) + ag_score%*%log(m) + (1-ag_score)%*%log(1-m))
#'   b <- exp(log(1-p) + ag_score%*%log(u) + (1-ag_score)%*%log(1-u))
#'   return(cbind(a/(a+b), b/(a+b)))
#' }
matching_score <- function(agree, m, u){

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