#' Traits x Categories Data Frame
#' @noRd <- function(tr_cat) {
if (! {
stop("Traits x category data must be gathered in a data frame.")
if (ncol(tr_cat) < 2) {
stop("Traits x category data frame must have at least 2 columns.")
if (ncol(tr_cat) == 2) {
valid_names <- c("trait_name", "trait_type")
if (!identical(colnames(tr_cat), valid_names)) {
stop("The 2 columns of the traits x category data frame must be ",
"'trait_name', and 'trait_type' in this exact order.")
# Check for a third column if some traits are fuzzy:
if (ncol(tr_cat) == 3 & any(tr_cat$"trait_type" == "F")) {
valid_names <- c("trait_name", "trait_type", "fuzzy_name")
if (!identical(colnames(tr_cat), valid_names)) {
stop("The 3 first columns of the traits x category data frame must be ",
"'trait_name', 'trait_type', and 'fuzzy_name' in this exact order.
Weight can not be provided if fuzzy traits are used with mFD,
please use gawdis package instead")
# Check for a fourth column if trait weight is needed:
if (ncol(tr_cat) == 3 & (is.element(c("F"), tr_cat$trait_type) == FALSE)) {
valid_names <- c("trait_name", "trait_type","trait_weight")
if (!identical(colnames(tr_cat), valid_names)) {
stop("The 3 first columns of the traits x category data frame must be ",
"'trait_name', 'trait_type', and 'trait_weight' in this exact ",
if (any($"trait_type"))) {
stop("Trait type in traits x category data frame contains NA. Please ",
"check and specify type of all traits.")
valid_traits <- c("N", "O", "C", "Q", "F")
if (any(!(tr_cat$"trait_type" %in% valid_traits))) {
stop("Trait type in traits x category should be among 'N', 'O', 'C', ",
"'Q', 'F'. Please check type of all traits.")
if (any(tr_cat$"trait_type" == "F")) {
if (any([which(tr_cat$"trait_type" == "F"), "fuzzy_name"]))) {
stop("Missing trait names in 'fuzzy_name' for fuzzy traits.")
if (any(table(tr_cat[which(tr_cat$"trait_type" == "F"), "fuzzy_name"]) <
2)) {
stop("Fuzzy traits need to have at least two categories.")
#' Species x Traits Data Frame
#' @noRd <- function(sp_tr, tr_cat = NULL, stop_if_NA = TRUE) {
if (!is.logical(stop_if_NA)) {
stop("Argument 'stop_if_NA' must be a boolean.")
if (! {
stop("Species x traits data must be gathered in a data frame.")
if (any(sort(rownames(sp_tr)) == 1:nrow(sp_tr))) {
stop("No row names provided in the species x traits data frame. Analysis ",
"will not go through. Please add species names as row names.")
if (stop_if_NA) {
if (any( {
stop("Species x traits data frame contains NA. If you want to ",
"continue with missing traits (Be careful: Functional measures ",
"are sensitive to missing traits), set 'stop_if_NA' parameter ",
"to FALSE. Otherwise you can delete species with missing or ",
"extrapolate missing traits (Johnson et al. (2020).")
if (!is.null(tr_cat)) {
if (length(names(sp_tr)) != length(tr_cat$"trait_name")) {
stop("Trait numbers differ between species x traits data frame and ",
"traits x category data frame. Please check.")
if (any(names(sp_tr) != tr_cat$"trait_name")) {
stop("Trait names differ between species x traits data frame and ",
"traits x category data frame or are not in the ame order.
Please check.")
#' Assemblages x Species Matrix
#' @noRd
check.asb.sp.w <- function(asb_sp_w) {
if (!is.matrix(asb_sp_w)) {
stop("The argument 'asb_sp_w' must be a matrix.")
if (!(is.numeric(asb_sp_w))) {
stop("The 'asp_sp_w' matrix must only contain numeric values. Please ",
"convert values.")
if (any(sort(rownames(asb_sp_w)) == 1:nrow(asb_sp_w))) {
stop("No row names provided in 'asb_sp_w' matrix. Analysis will not go ",
"through. Please add assemblages names as row names.")
if (any( {
stop("The 'asb_sp_w' matrix contains NA. Analysis will not go through.")
if (any(asb_sp_w < 0)) {
stop("The species x weight matrix should not contain negative values. ",
"Please check.")
if (min(apply(asb_sp_w, 2, sum)) == 0) {
warning("Some species are absent from all assemblages.")
if (min(apply(asb_sp_w, 1, sum)) == 0) {
warning("Some assemblages do not contain species.")
#' Species Coordinates on Axes
#' @noRd
check.sp.faxes.coord <- function(sp_faxes_coord) {
if (!is.matrix(sp_faxes_coord)) {
stop("The species x coordinates data must be a matrix.")
if (any( {
stop("The species x coordinates matrix contains NA. Please check.")
if (any(sort(rownames(sp_faxes_coord)) == 1:nrow(sp_faxes_coord))) {
stop("No row names provided in the species x coordinates matrix. Please ",
"add species names as row names.")
if (is.null(colnames(sp_faxes_coord))) {
stop("No column names provided in species*coordinates matrix. Please add ",
"axes names as column names.")
#' Nominal Traits
#' @noRd
check.nominal <- function(tr_cat, sp_tr) {
if ("N" %in% tr_cat$"trait_type") {
for (k in tr_cat$"trait_name"[which(tr_cat$"trait_type" == "N")]) {
if (!is.factor(sp_tr[ , k])) {
stop("Trait '", k, "' is supposed to be nominal but is not described ",
"with a 'factor' variable.")
#' Ordinal Traits
#' @noRd
check.ordinal <- function(tr_cat, sp_tr) {
if ("O" %in% tr_cat$"trait_type") {
for (k in tr_cat$"trait_name"[which(tr_cat$"trait_type" == "O")]) {
if (!is.ordered(sp_tr[ , k])) {
stop("Trait '", k, "' is supposed to be ordinal but is not described ",
"with an 'ordered' variable.")
#' Circular Traits
#' @noRd
check.circular <- function(tr_cat, sp_tr) {
if ("C" %in% tr_cat$"trait_type") {
for (k in tr_cat$"trait_name"[which(tr_cat$"trait_type" == "C")]) {
if (!is.integer(sp_tr[ , k])) {
stop("Trait '", k, "' is supposed to be circular but is not ",
"described with an 'integer' variable.")
#' Continuous Traits
#' @noRd
check.continuous <- function(tr_cat, sp_tr) {
if ("Q" %in% tr_cat$"trait_type") {
for (k in tr_cat$"trait_name"[which(tr_cat$"trait_type" == "Q")]) {
if (!is.numeric(sp_tr[ , k])) {
stop("Trait '", k, "' is supposed to be continuous but is not ",
"described with a 'numeric' variable.")
#' Fuzzy Traits
#' @noRd
check.fuzzy <- function(tr_cat, sp_tr) {
if ("F" %in% tr_cat$"trait_type") {
nm_fuzzy <- unique(stats::na.omit(tr_cat$"fuzzy_name"))
for (k in nm_fuzzy) {
var_k <- tr_cat$"trait_name"[which(tr_cat$"fuzzy_name" == k)]
if (length(as.character(var_k)) < 2) {
stop("Fuzzy-coded trait '", k, "' is described with a single ",
"variable. Consider changing its type to 'nominal'.")
if (!any(apply(sp_tr[ , as.character(var_k)], 2, is.numeric))) {
stop("Fuzzy-coded trait '", k, "' is not described with 'numeric' ",
#' ...
#' @noRd
check.asb.sp.w.occ <- function(asb_sp_occ) {
if (is.null(rownames(asb_sp_occ))) {
stop("No row names provided in the species occurence matrix. Please add ",
"assemblages names as row names.")
if (is.null(colnames(asb_sp_occ))) {
stop("No column names provided in the species occurence matrix. Please ",
"add species names as column names.")
if (any( {
stop("The species occurence matrix contains NA. Please check.")
if (any(asb_sp_occ != 0 & asb_sp_occ != 1)) {
stop("The species occurence matrix should contain only 0 and 1. Please ",
# Add a stop if some species do not belong to any
# assemblage:
if (min(apply(asb_sp_occ, 2, sum)) == 0) {
stop("Some species are absent from all assemblages.")
# Add a stop if some asb do not contain species:
if (min(apply(asb_sp_occ, 1, sum)) == 0) {
stop("Some assemblages do not contain species.")
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