#' Plot background of multidimensional plots
#' This function creates a ggplot object with customized axes range
#' (same for both), names and background
#' @param range_faxes a vector with minimum and maximum values of axes. Note
#' that to have a fair representation of position of species in all plots,
#' they should have the same range. Default: `range_faxes = c(NA, NA)` (the
#' range is computed according to the range of values among all axes).
#' @param faxes_nm a vector with axes labels for figure.
#' @param color_bg a R color name or an hexadecimal code used to fill plot
#' background. Default: `color_bg = "grey95"`.
#' @return A ggplot object plotting background of multidimensional graphs.
#' @author Camille Magneville and Sebastien Villeger
#' @export
#' @examples
#' background <- background.plot(range_faxes = c(-1, 2),
#' faxes_nm = c("PC 1", "PC 2"),
#' color_bg = "grey90")
#' background
background.plot <- function(range_faxes, faxes_nm, color_bg) {
ggplot_bg <- ggplot2::ggplot( ) +
ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(limits = range_faxes, expand = c(0, 0)) +
ggplot2::xlab(faxes_nm[1]) +
ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(limits = range_faxes, expand = c(0, 0)) +
ggplot2::ylab(faxes_nm[2]) +
ggplot2::theme(panel.grid.minor = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = color_bg),
axis.line = ggplot2::element_line(colour = "grey50",
size = 1)) +
#' Plot species from the pool
#' Plot all species from the study case and associated convex hull
#' @param ggplot_bg a ggplot object of the plot background retrieved through
#' the \code{\link{background.plot}} function.
#' @param sp_coord2D a list of matrix (ncol = 2) with coordinates of
#' species present in the pool for a given pair of axes
#' @param vertices_nD a list (with names as in sp_coord2D) of vectors with
#' names of species being vertices in n dimensions.
#' @param plot_pool a logical value indicating whether species of each
#' assemblage should be plotted or not. Default: plot_pool = TRUE.
#' @param color_ch a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the
#' border of the convex hull filled by the pool of species. Default:
#' `color_ch = "black"`.
#' @param color_pool a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the
#' color of the pool. This color is also used for FRic convex hull color.
#' Default: `color_pool = "#0072B2"`.
#' @param color_vert a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the
#' color of vertices if plotted. If color_vert = NA, vertices are not plotted
#' (for shapes only defined by color, ie shape inferior to 20. Otherwise fill
#' must also be set to NA). Default: `color_vert = NA`.
#' @param fill_ch a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the
#' filling of the convex hull filled by the pool of species. Default is:
#' `fill_ch = "white"`.
#' @param fill_pool a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the
#' colour to fill species symbol (if \code{shape_sp} > 20) and the assemblage
#' convex hull. Default: `fill_pool = '#0072B2'`.
#' @param fill_vert a character value referring to the color for filling symbol
#' for vertices (if \code{shape_vert} >20). If `fill = NA` and `color = NA`,
#' vertices are not plotted (if \code{shape_vert} superior to 20. Otherwise
#' `color_vert = NULL` is enough). Default is `NA`.
#' @param shape_pool a numeric value referring to the shape used to plot
#' species pool. Default: `shape_pool = 16`(filled circle).
#' @param shape_vert a numeric value referring to the shape used to plot
#' vertices if vertices should be plotted in a different way than other
#' species. If `shape_vert = NA`, no vertices plotted. Default:
#' `shape_vert = NA`.
#' @param size_pool a numeric value referring to the size of species belonging
#' to the global pool. Default: `size_pool = 1`.
#' @param size_vert a numeric value referring to the size of symbol for
#' vertices. Default: `size_vert = 1`.
#' @param alpha_ch a numeric value for transparency of the filling of the
#' convex hull (0 = high transparency, 1 = no transparency). Default:
#' `alpha_ch = 0.3`.
#' @return A ggplot object plotting background of multidimensional graphs and
#' species from the global pool (associated convex hull if asked).
#' @author Camille Magneville and Sebastien Villeger
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Load Species*Traits dataframe:
#' data("fruits_traits", package = "mFD")
#' # Load Assemblages*Species dataframe:
#' data("baskets_fruits_weights", package = "mFD")
#' # Load Traits categories dataframe:
#' data("fruits_traits_cat", package = "mFD")
#' # Compute functional distance
#' sp_dist_fruits <- mFD::funct.dist(sp_tr = fruits_traits,
#' tr_cat = fruits_traits_cat,
#' metric = "gower",
#' scale_euclid = "scale_center",
#' ordinal_var = "classic",
#' weight_type = "equal",
#' stop_if_NA = TRUE)
#' # Compute functional spaces quality to retrieve species coordinates matrix:
#' fspaces_quality_fruits <- mFD::quality.fspaces(sp_dist = sp_dist_fruits,
#' maxdim_pcoa = 10,
#' deviation_weighting = "absolute",
#' fdist_scaling = FALSE,
#' fdendro = "average")
#' # Retrieve species coordinates matrix:
#' sp_faxes_coord_fruits_2D <-
#' fspaces_quality_fruits$details_fspaces$sp_pc_coord[ , c("PC1", "PC2")]
#' # Set faxes limits:
#' # set range of axes if c(NA, NA):
#' range_sp_coord_fruits <- range(sp_faxes_coord_fruits_2D)
#' range_faxes_lim <- range_sp_coord_fruits +
#' c(-1, 1)*(range_sp_coord_fruits[2] -
#' range_sp_coord_fruits[1]) * 0.05
#' # Retrieve the background plot:
#' ggplot_bg_fruits <- mFD::background.plot(
#' range_faxes = range_faxes_lim,
#' faxes_nm = c("PC 1", "PC 2"),
#' color_bg = "grey90")
#' # Retrieve vertices names:
#' vert_nm_fruits <- vertices(sp_faxes_coord_fruits_2D,
#' order_2D = TRUE, check_input = TRUE)
#' # Plot the pool:
#' plot_pool_fruits <- pool.plot(ggplot_bg = ggplot_bg_fruits,
#' sp_coord2D = sp_faxes_coord_fruits_2D,
#' vertices_nD = vert_nm_fruits,
#' plot_pool = TRUE,
#' shape_pool = 3,
#' size_pool = 0.8,
#' color_pool = "grey95",
#' fill_pool = NA,
#' color_ch = NA,
#' fill_ch = "white",
#' alpha_ch = 1,
#' shape_vert = 3,
#' size_vert = 1,
#' color_vert = "black",
#' fill_vert = NA)
#' plot_pool_fruits
pool.plot <- function(ggplot_bg,
plot_pool = TRUE,
shape_pool = 3, size_pool = 0.8, color_pool = "grey95",
fill_pool = NA, color_ch = NA, fill_ch = "white",
alpha_ch = 1, shape_vert = 3, size_vert = 1,
color_vert = "black", fill_vert = NA) {
# prepare data for plotting ####
# dataframe with species coordinates and vertex status in nD:
sp_xyv <- data.frame(x = sp_coord2D[, 1], y = sp_coord2D[, 2], vert = "sp")
# if required vertices and convex hull:
if (! is.null(vertices_nD)) {
sp_xyv$vert <- as.character(sp_xyv$vert)
sp_xyv[vertices_nD, "vert"] <- "vert"
sp_xyv$vert <- as.factor(sp_xyv$vert)
# coordinates of species vertices in nD:
vertnD_xy <- sp_xyv[sp_xyv$vert == "vert", c("x", "y")]
# species being vertices of the convex hull in 2D:
vert2D <- vertices(as.matrix(vertnD_xy), order_2D = TRUE)
} # end of if vertices
# plotting layers ####
# default plot is background:
ggplot_pool <- ggplot_bg
# plotting convex hull if required:
x <- NULL
y <- NULL
if (! is.null(vertices_nD)) {
ggplot_pool <- ggplot_pool +
ggplot2::geom_polygon(data = vertnD_xy[vert2D, ],
ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y) ,
colour = color_ch, fill = fill_ch,
alpha = alpha_ch)
} # end of if vertices
# plotting species if required:
if (plot_pool) {
# plotting species not being vertices
x <- NULL
y <- NULL
ggplot_pool <- ggplot_pool +
ggplot2::geom_point(data = sp_xyv[sp_xyv$vert == "sp", ],
ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y),
size = size_pool, shape = shape_pool,
colour = color_pool, fill = fill_pool)
# plotting species being vertices
if (! is.null(vertices_nD)) {
ggplot_pool <- ggplot_pool +
ggplot2::geom_point(data = sp_xyv[sp_xyv$vert == "vert", ],
ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y),
size = size_vert, shape = shape_vert,
colour = color_vert, fill = fill_vert)
} # end of if vertices
} # end of if plot species
#' Plot species
#' Plot species for one to n assemblages
#' @param ggplot_bg a ggplot object of the plot background retrieved through
#' the \code{\link{background.plot}} function.
#' @param asb_sp_coord2D a list of matrix (ncol = 2) with coordinates of
#' species present in each assemblage for a given pair of axes.
#' @param asb_vertices_nD a list (with names as in asb_sp_coord2D) of vectors
#' with names of species being vertices in n dimensions.
#' @param asb_sp_relatw a list of vector gathering species relative weight in
#' each assemblage. It can be retrieved through the
#' \code{\link{alpha.fd.multidim}}.
#' @param size_sp a numeric value referring to the size of the symbol used for
#' species plotting if one assemblage to plot or a vector numeric values if
#' several assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the
#' vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRsize", asb2 =
#' "secondRsize", ...).
#' @param size_vert a numeric value referring to the size of the symbol used for
#' vertices plotting if one assemblage to plot or a vector numeric values if
#' several assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the
#' vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRsize", asb2 =
#' "secondRsize", ...).
#' @param @param shape_sp a numeric value referring to the shape of the symbol
#' used for
#' species plotting if one assemblage to plot or a vector numeric values if
#' several assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the
#' vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRshape", asb2 =
#' "secondRshape", ...).
#' @param shape_vert a numeric value referring to the shape of the symbol used
#' for vertices plotting if one assemblage to plot or a vector numeric values
#' if several assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the
#' vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRshape", asb2 =
#' "secondRshape", ...).
#' @param color_sp a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the color
#' of species if one assemblage to plot or a vector of R color names or
#' hexadecimal codes if several assemblages to plot. If more than one
#' assemblage to plot, the vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 =
#' "firstRcolorname", asb2 = "secondRcolorname", ...).
#' @param color_vert a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the
#' color of vertices if one assemblage to plot or a vector of R color names or
#' hexadecimal codes if several assemblages to plot. If more than one
#' assemblage to plot, the vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 =
#' "firstRcolorname", asb2 = "secondRcolorname", ...). If color_vert = NA,
#' vertices are not plotted (for shapes only defined by color, ie shape
#' inferior to 20. Otherwise `fill` must also be set to NA).
#' @param fill_sp a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the color
#' of species symbol filling (if \code{shape_sp} > 20) if one assemblage to
#' plot or a vector of R color names or hexadecimal codes if several
#' assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the vector should
#' be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRcolorname", asb2 = "secondRcolorname",
#' ...).
#' @param fill_vert a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the color
#' of vertices symbol filling (if \code{shape_vert} >20) if one assemblage to
#' plot or a vector of R color names or hexadecimal codes if several
#' assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the vector should
#' be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRcolorname", asb2 = "secondRcolorname",
#' ...). If `fill = NA` and `color = NA`, vertices are not plotted (if
#' \code{shape_vert} superior to 20
#' @param limits_relatw a vector of two numbers giving the limits to set for
#' the scale of species relative weights.
#' @param range_size_relatw a vector of two numbers specifying the minimum and
#' the maximum size of the plotting symbol for relative weights.
#' @return A ggplot object with species plotted on the background plot.
#' @author Camille Magneville and Sebastien Villeger
#' @note If \code{asb_vertices_nD = NULL}, all arguments for vertices are
#' ignored and if \code{asb_sp_relatw != NULL}, \code{size_sp} and
#' \code{size_vert} are ignored. And if several assemblages are to be
#' represented, aesthetics inputs should be formatted as c(pool = ..., asb1 =
#' ..., asb2 = ...).
#' @noRd
sp.plot <- function(ggplot_bg,
asb_vertices_nD = NULL,
asb_sp_relatw = NULL,
size_sp, shape_sp, color_sp, fill_sp,
size_vert, shape_vert, color_vert, fill_vert,
limits_relatw = c(0, 1),
range_size_relatw = c(1, 10)) {
# names of assemblages:
asb_nm <- names(asb_sp_coord2D)
# dataframe with variables needed for plotting ####
asb_sp_xywv <- NULL
# loop on assemblages:
for (z in asb_nm) {
x <- NULL
y <- NULL
w <- NULL
vert <- NULL
asb <- NULL
# species coordinates and name of assemblage:
data_z <- data.frame(x = asb_sp_coord2D[[z]][, 1],
y = asb_sp_coord2D[[z]][, 2],
w = 0,
vert = "no",
asb = z)
# adding species weight:
if (! is.null (asb_sp_relatw)) {
data_z[, "w"] <- asb_sp_relatw[[z]][row.names(data_z)]
} else {
data_z[, "w"] <- size_sp[[z]]/100
# if needed, adding vertex status and size if fixed
if (! is.null(asb_vertices_nD)) {
data_z[asb_vertices_nD[[z]], "vert"] <- "vert"
if (is.null (asb_sp_relatw)) {
data_z[asb_vertices_nD[[z]], "w"] <- size_vert[[z]]/100
# row binding:
asb_sp_xywv <- rbind(asb_sp_xywv, data_z)
} # end of z
# define aesthetics ####
# add new variable mixing assemblage and vertex status:
asb_vert <- NULL
asb_sp_xywv$asb_vert <- paste(asb_sp_xywv$asb, asb_sp_xywv$vert, sep = "_")
# define aesthetics for species according to asb and vertex status:
lev_asb_vert <- c(paste(asb_nm, "no", sep = "_"),
paste(asb_nm, "vert", sep = "_"))
# if no vertices, setting aesthetics as for species:
if (is.null(asb_vertices_nD)) {
shape_vert <- shape_sp
color_vert <- color_sp
fill_vert <- fill_sp
# 2 cases: if one or more than one asb
# otherwise the filling of aesthetic fills NA for vertices of asb1:
if (length(asb_sp_coord2D) >= 2) {
shape_asb_vert <- c(shape_sp, shape_vert)
names(shape_asb_vert) <- lev_asb_vert
color_asb_vert <- c(color_sp, color_vert)
names(color_asb_vert) <- lev_asb_vert
fill_asb_vert <- c(fill_sp, fill_vert)
names(fill_asb_vert) <- lev_asb_vert
if (length(asb_sp_coord2D) == 1) {
shape_asb_vert <- c(shape_sp[1], shape_vert[1])
names(shape_asb_vert) <- lev_asb_vert
color_asb_vert <- c(color_sp[1], color_vert[1])
names(color_asb_vert) <- lev_asb_vert
fill_asb_vert <- c(fill_sp[1], fill_vert[1])
names(fill_asb_vert) <- lev_asb_vert
# reorder species according to decreasing weight:
asb_sp_xywv <- asb_sp_xywv[order(asb_sp_xywv$w, decreasing = TRUE), ]
## plotting ####
# default plot is background and set size of points:
ggplot_sp <- ggplot_bg +
ggplot2::scale_size(limits = limits_relatw, range = range_size_relatw)
# Reorder the column with vertices information:
# To first plot sp and then vertices (if 2 species same place but one vert
# and the other not vert):
order_vert_levels <- c("no", "vert")
asb_sp_xywv$vert <- factor(as.character(asb_sp_xywv$vert),
levels = order_vert_levels)
asb_sp_xywv <- asb_sp_xywv[order(asb_sp_xywv$vert), ]
# plot species as points with chosen shape, size and colors:
ggplot_sp <- ggplot_sp +
ggplot2::geom_point(data = asb_sp_xywv,
ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y, size = w,
shape = asb_vert,
colour = asb_vert, fill = asb_vert),
show.legend = FALSE) +
ggplot2::scale_shape_manual(name = "asb_vert", values = shape_asb_vert) +
ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(name = "asb_vert", values = color_asb_vert) +
ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(name = "asb_vert", values = fill_asb_vert)
#' Plot individual plots along a pair of functional axes into a unique graph
#' This function gathers panels into a unique \code{patchwork} graph
#' with caption.
#' @param panels a list of ggplot objects illustrating an index on two given
#' functional axes. There must be either one, three or six ggplot objects given
#' the number of studied functional axes.
#' @param plot_caption a ggplot object illustrating the caption of the
#' final patchwork plot.
#' @return A unique ggplot object gathering functional panels and caption.
#' @author Camille Magneville and Sebastien Villeger
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Retrieve FRic plot:
#' # Load Species*Traits dataframe:
#' data("fruits_traits", package = "mFD")
#' # Load Assemblages*Species dataframe:
#' data("baskets_fruits_weights", package = "mFD")
#' # Load Traits categories dataframe:
#' data("fruits_traits_cat", package = "mFD")
#' # Compute functional distance
#' sp_dist_fruits <- mFD::funct.dist(sp_tr = fruits_traits,
#' tr_cat = fruits_traits_cat,
#' metric = "gower",
#' scale_euclid = "scale_center",
#' ordinal_var = "classic",
#' weight_type = "equal",
#' stop_if_NA = TRUE)
#' # Compute functional spaces quality to retrieve species coordinates matrix:
#' fspaces_quality_fruits <- mFD::quality.fspaces(sp_dist = sp_dist_fruits,
#' maxdim_pcoa = 10,
#' deviation_weighting = "absolute",
#' fdist_scaling = FALSE,
#' fdendro = "average")
#' # Retrieve species coordinates matrix:
#' sp_faxes_coord_fruits <-
#' fspaces_quality_fruits$details_fspaces$sp_pc_coord
#' # Retrieve species coordinates matrix for the assemblage "basket_1":
#' sp_filter <- mFD::sp.filter(asb_nm = c("basket_1"),
#' sp_faxes_coord = sp_faxes_coord_fruits,
#' asb_sp_w = baskets_fruits_weights)
#' sp_faxes_coord_fruits_b1 <- sp_filter$`species coordinates`
#' # Reduce it to the two studed axes: PC1 and PC2:
#' sp_faxes_coord_fruits_b1_2D <- sp_faxes_coord_fruits_b1[, c("PC1", "PC2")]
#' # Set faxes limits:
#' # set range of axes if c(NA, NA):
#' range_sp_coord_fruits <- range(sp_faxes_coord_fruits)
#' range_faxes_lim <- range_sp_coord_fruits + c(-1, 1)*(range_sp_coord_fruits[2] -
#' range_sp_coord_fruits[1]) * 0.05
#' # Retrieve the background plot:
#' ggplot_bg_fruits <- mFD::background.plot(
#' range_faxes = range_faxes_lim,
#' faxes_nm = c("PC 1", "PC 2"),
#' color_bg = "grey90")
#' # Retrieve vertices names:
#' vert_nm_fruits <- vertices(sp_faxes_coord_fruits_b1_2D,
#' order_2D = TRUE, check_input = TRUE)
#' # Plot in white the convex hull of all fruits species:
#' ggplot_fric <- mFD::fric.plot(
#' ggplot_bg = ggplot_bg_fruits,
#' asb_sp_coord2D = list(basket_1 = sp_faxes_coord_fruits_b1_2D),
#' asb_vertices_nD = list(basket_1 = vert_nm_fruits),
#' plot_sp = TRUE,
#' color_ch = c("basket_1" = "black"),
#' fill_ch = c("basket_1" = "white"),
#' alpha_ch = c("basket_1" = 0.3),
#' size_sp = c("basket_1" = 1),
#' shape_sp = c("basket_1" = 16),
#' color_sp = c("basket_1" = "red"),
#' fill_sp = c("basket_1" = "red"),
#' size_vert = c("basket_1" = 1),
#' color_vert = c("basket_1" = "red"),
#' fill_vert = c("basket_1" = "red"),
#' shape_vert = c("basket_1" = 16))
#' ggplot_fric
#' ## Create a caption summing up FRic values
#' # retrieve values to plot:
#' top_fric <- c("Functional richness", "basket_1", "")
#' asb_fd_ind <- alpha_fd_indices_fruits <- mFD::alpha.fd.multidim(
#' sp_faxes_coord = sp_faxes_coord_fruits[ , c("PC1", "PC2", "PC3", "PC4")],
#' asb_sp_w = baskets_fruits_weights,
#' ind_vect = c("fric"),
#' scaling = TRUE,
#' check_input = TRUE,
#' details_returned = TRUE)
#' values_fric <- c(round(asb_fd_ind$functional_diversity_indices["basket_1",
#' "fric"], 3), "")
#' # customize position of texts in the plot:
#' spread_faxes <- (range_sp_coord_fruits[2] - range_sp_coord_fruits[1])
#' hh <- c(1, 2.5, 4, 5.5)
#' vv <- 0.3
#' # plot window:
#' x <- NULL
#' y <- NULL
#' plot_caption <- ggplot2::ggplot(data.frame(x = range_sp_coord_fruits,
#' y = range_sp_coord_fruits),
#' ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y)) +
#' ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(limits = range_sp_coord_fruits,
#' expand = c(0, 0)) +
#' ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(limits = range_sp_coord_fruits,
#' expand = c(0, 0)) +
#' ggplot2::theme_void() + ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none") +
#' ggplot2::geom_rect(xmin = range_sp_coord_fruits[1],
#' xmax = range_sp_coord_fruits[2],
#' ymin = range_sp_coord_fruits[1],
#' ymax = range_sp_coord_fruits[2],
#' fill = "white", colour ="black")
#' # plot names of index and of assemblages:
#' h <- NULL
#' v <- NULL
#' top <- NULL
#' x <- NULL
#' y <- NULL
#' plot_caption <- plot_caption +
#' ggplot2::geom_text(data = data.frame(
#' h = range_sp_coord_fruits[1] + spread_faxes * 0.15 * hh[c(1,3:4)],
#' v = range_sp_coord_fruits[2] - spread_faxes * rep(0.2, 3),
#' top = top_fric),
#' ggplot2::aes(x = h, y = v, label = top),
#' size = 3, hjust = 0.5, fontface = "bold")
#' # plot FRic values:
#' values_lab <- NULL
#' data_caption <- data.frame(
#' h = range_sp_coord_fruits[1] + spread_faxes * 0.15 * hh[2:4],
#' v = range_sp_coord_fruits[2] - spread_faxes*rep(vv, 3),
#' values_lab = c("FRic", values_fric))
#' plot_caption <- plot_caption +
#' ggplot2::geom_text(data = data_caption,
#' ggplot2::aes(x = h, y = v, label = values_lab),
#' size = 3, hjust = 0.5, fontface = "plain")
#' ## Create patchwork:
#' patchwork_fric <-, plot_caption)
#' patchwork_fric <- function(panels, plot_caption) {
plot_nb <- length(panels)
# if 2 axes = 1 plot + caption:
if (plot_nb == 1) {
patchwork_plots_all <- panels[[1]] + plot_caption +
patchwork::plot_layout(byrow = TRUE, heights = c(1), widths = c(1, 1),
ncol = 2, nrow = 1, guides = "collect")
# if 3 axes = 3 plots + caption in a 2*2 layout:
if (plot_nb == 3) {
patchwork_plots_all <- (panels[[1]] + plot_caption +
panels[[2]] + panels[[3]]) +
patchwork::plot_layout(byrow = TRUE, heights = c(1, 1), widths = c(1, 1),
ncol = 2, nrow = 2, guides = "collect")
# if 4 axes = 6 plots + caption in a 3*3 layout with 2 empty cases:
if (plot_nb == 6) {
patchwork_plots_all <- (panels[[1]] + patchwork::plot_spacer() +
plot_caption +
panels[[2]] + panels[[4]] +
patchwork::plot_spacer() +
panels[[3]] + panels[[5]] + panels[[6]]) +
patchwork::plot_layout(byrow = TRUE, heights = rep(1, 3),
widths = rep(1, 3), ncol = 3, nrow = 3,
guides = "collect")
#' Plot FRic index
#' This function plots FRic index for a given pair of functional axes and one
#' or several assemblages. It adds convex hull(s), points and vertices of
#' 1:N assemblages on the background plot
#' @param ggplot_bg a ggplot object of the plot background retrieved through
#' the \code{\link{background.plot}} function.
#' @param asb_sp_coord2D a list of matrix (ncol = 2) with coordinates of
#' species present in each assemblage for a given pair of axes for a given pair
#' of functional axes.
#' @param asb_vertices_nD a list (with names as in asb_sp_coord2D) of vectors
#' with names of species being vertices in n dimensions.
#' @param plot_sp a logical value indicating whether species of each assemblage
#' should be plotted or not. Default: plot_sp = TRUE.
#' @param color_ch a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the color
#' of the border of the convex hull filled by the pool of species if one
#' assemblage to plot or a vector of R color names or hexadecimal codes if
#' several assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the
#' vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRcolorname", asb2 =
#' "secondRcolorname", ...).
#' @param color_sp a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the color
#' of species if one assemblage to plot or a vector of R color names or
#' hexadecimal codes if several assemblages to plot. If more than one
#' assemblage to plot, the vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 =
#' "firstRcolorname", asb2 = "secondRcolorname", ...).
#' @param color_vert a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the
#' color of vertices if one assemblage to plot or a vector of R color names or
#' hexadecimal codes if several assemblages to plot. If more than one
#' assemblage to plot, the vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 =
#' "firstRcolorname", asb2 = "secondRcolorname", ...). If color_vert = NA,
#' vertices are not plotted (for shapes only defined by color, ie shape
#' inferior to 20. Otherwise `fill` must also be set to NA).
#' @param fill_ch a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the color
#' of convex hull filling if one assemblage to plot or a vector of R color
#' names or hexadecimal codes if several assemblages to plot. If more than one
#' assemblage to plot, the vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 =
#' "firstRcolorname", asb2 = "secondRcolorname", ...).
#' @param fill_sp a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the color
#' of species symbol filling (if \code{shape_sp} > 20) if one assemblage to
#' plot or a vector of R color names or hexadecimal codes if several
#' assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the vector should
#' be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRcolorname", asb2 = "secondRcolorname",
#' ...).
#' @param fill_vert a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the color
#' of vertices symbol filling (if \code{shape_vert} >20) if one assemblage to
#' plot or a vector of R color names or hexadecimal codes if several
#' assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the vector should
#' be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRcolorname", asb2 = "secondRcolorname",
#' ...). If `fill = NA` and `color = NA`, vertices are not plotted (if
#' \code{shape_vert} superior to 20
#' @param shape_sp a numeric value referring to the shape of the symbol used for
#' species plotting if one assemblage to plot or a vector numeric values if
#' several assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the
#' vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRshape", asb2 =
#' "secondRshape", ...).
#' @param shape_vert a numeric value referring to the shape of the symbol used
#' for vertices plotting if one assemblage to plot or a vector numeric values
#' if several assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the
#' vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRshape", asb2 =
#' "secondRshape", ...).
#' @param size_sp a numeric value referring to the size of the symbol used for
#' species plotting if one assemblage to plot or a vector numeric values if
#' several assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the
#' vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRsize", asb2 =
#' "secondRsize", ...).
#' @param size_vert a numeric value referring to the size of the symbol used for
#' vertices plotting if one assemblage to plot or a vector numeric values if
#' several assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the
#' vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRsize", asb2 =
#' "secondRsize", ...).
#' @param alpha_ch a numeric value referring to the value of transparency of
#' the convex hull filling (0 = high transparency, 1 = no
#' transparency) if one assemblage to
#' plot or a vector numeric values if several assemblages to plot. If more
#' than one assemblage to plot, the vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 =
#' "firstRtransparency", asb2 = "secondRtransparency", ...).
#' @return A ggplot object plotting background of multidimensional graphs and
#' FRic convex hulls.
#' @author Camille Magneville and Sebastien Villeger
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Load Species*Traits dataframe:
#' data("fruits_traits", package = "mFD")
#' # Load Assemblages*Species dataframe:
#' data("baskets_fruits_weights", package = "mFD")
#' # Load Traits categories dataframe:
#' data("fruits_traits_cat", package = "mFD")
#' # Compute functional distance
#' sp_dist_fruits <- mFD::funct.dist(sp_tr = fruits_traits,
#' tr_cat = fruits_traits_cat,
#' metric = "gower",
#' scale_euclid = "scale_center",
#' ordinal_var = "classic",
#' weight_type = "equal",
#' stop_if_NA = TRUE)
#' # Compute functional spaces quality to retrieve species coordinates matrix:
#' fspaces_quality_fruits <- mFD::quality.fspaces(sp_dist = sp_dist_fruits,
#' maxdim_pcoa = 10,
#' deviation_weighting = "absolute",
#' fdist_scaling = FALSE,
#' fdendro = "average")
#' # Retrieve species coordinates matrix:
#' sp_faxes_coord_fruits <-
#' fspaces_quality_fruits$details_fspaces$sp_pc_coord
#' # Retrieve species coordinates matrix for the assemblage "basket_1":
#' sp_filter <- mFD::sp.filter(asb_nm = c("basket_1"),
#' sp_faxes_coord = sp_faxes_coord_fruits,
#' asb_sp_w = baskets_fruits_weights)
#' sp_faxes_coord_fruits_b1 <- sp_filter$`species coordinates`
#' # Reduce it to the two studid axes: PC1 and PC2:
#' sp_faxes_coord_fruits_b1_2D <- sp_faxes_coord_fruits_b1[, c("PC1", "PC2")]
#' # Set faxes limits:
#' # set range of axes if c(NA, NA):
#' range_sp_coord_fruits <- range(sp_faxes_coord_fruits)
#' range_faxes_lim <- range_sp_coord_fruits + c(-1, 1)*(range_sp_coord_fruits[2] -
#' range_sp_coord_fruits[1]) * 0.05
#' # Retrieve the background plot:
#' ggplot_bg_fruits <- mFD::background.plot(
#' range_faxes = range_faxes_lim,
#' faxes_nm = c("PC 1", "PC 2"),
#' color_bg = "grey90")
#' # Retrieve vertices names:
#' vert_nm_fruits <- vertices(sp_faxes_coord_fruits_b1_2D,
#' order_2D = TRUE, check_input = TRUE)
#' # Plot in white the convex hull of all fruits species:
#' ggplot_fric <- mFD::fric.plot(
#' ggplot_bg = ggplot_bg_fruits,
#' asb_sp_coord2D = list(basket_1 = sp_faxes_coord_fruits_b1_2D),
#' asb_vertices_nD = list(basket_1 = vert_nm_fruits),
#' plot_sp = TRUE,
#' color_ch = c("basket_1" = "black"),
#' fill_ch = c("basket_1" = "white"),
#' alpha_ch = c("basket_1" = 0.3),
#' size_sp = c("basket_1" = 1),
#' shape_sp = c("basket_1" = 16),
#' color_sp = c("basket_1" = "red"),
#' fill_sp = c("basket_1" = "red"),
#' size_vert = c("basket_1" = 1),
#' color_vert = c("basket_1" = "red"),
#' fill_vert = c("basket_1" = "red"),
#' shape_vert = c("basket_1" = 16))
#' ggplot_fric
fric.plot <- function(ggplot_bg,
plot_sp = TRUE,
color_ch, fill_ch, alpha_ch,
shape_sp, size_sp, color_sp, fill_sp,
shape_vert, size_vert, color_vert, fill_vert) {
# names of assemblages
asb_nm <- names(asb_sp_coord2D)
## plotting layers ####
# default plot is background
ggplot_fric <- ggplot_bg
# computing and plotting 2D convex hull(s)
for (k in asb_nm) {
# coordinates of species vertices in nD
k_vertnD_xy <- asb_sp_coord2D[[k]][asb_vertices_nD[[k]], ]
# species being vertices of the convex hull in 2D
k_vert2D <- vertices(k_vertnD_xy, order_2D = TRUE)
# dataframe with coordinates of vertices
x <- NULL
y <- NULL
k_vertnD_xy <- data.frame(x = k_vertnD_xy[k_vert2D, 1],
y = k_vertnD_xy[k_vert2D, 2])
# plotting convex hulls
ggplot_fric <- ggplot_fric +
ggplot2::geom_polygon(data = k_vertnD_xy,
ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y),
colour = color_ch[k],
fill = fill_ch[k],
alpha = alpha_ch[k])
# plotting species if required ----
if(plot_sp) {
ggplot_fric <- sp.plot(ggplot_bg = ggplot_fric,
asb_sp_coord2D = asb_sp_coord2D,
asb_vertices_nD = asb_vertices_nD,
asb_sp_relatw = NULL,
shape_sp = shape_sp,
size_sp = size_sp,
color_sp = color_sp,
fill_sp = fill_sp,
shape_vert = shape_vert,
size_vert = size_vert,
color_vert = color_vert,
fill_vert = fill_vert)
}# end of if plot_sp
#' Plot FDiv indice
#' This plot fDiv indice for a given pair of functional axes and one or several
#' assemblages. This function adds mean distance to center of gravity of
#' vertices, points and vertices of 1:N assemblages on the background plot
#' @param ggplot_bg a ggplot object of the plot background retrieved through
#' the \code{\link{background.plot}} function.
#' @param asb_sp_coord2D a list of matrix (ncol = 2) with coordinates of
#' species present in each assemblage for a given pair of functional axes.
#' @param asb_sp_relatw a list of vector gathering species relative weight in
#' each assemblage. It can be retrieved through the
#' \code{\link{alpha.fd.multidim}}.
#' @param asb_vertices_nD a list (with names as in asb_sp_coord2D) of vectors
#' with names of species being vertices in n dimensions.
#' @param asb_vertG_coord2D a list (with names as in asb_sp_coord2D) containing
#' for each assemblage the coordinates of center of gravity of vertices for a
#' given pair of axes
#' @param plot_sp a logical value indicating whether species of each assemblage
#' should be plotted or not. Default: `plot_sp = TRUE`.
#' @param color_sp a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the color
#' of species if one assemblage to plot or a vector of R color names or
#' hexadecimal codes if several assemblages to plot. If more than one
#' assemblage to plot, the vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 =
#' "firstRcolorname", asb2 = "secondRcolorname", ...).
#' @param color_vert a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the
#' color of vertices if one assemblage to plot or a vector of R color names or
#' hexadecimal codes if several assemblages to plot. If more than one
#' assemblage to plot, the vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 =
#' "firstRcolorname", asb2 = "secondRcolorname", ...). If color_vert = NA,
#' vertices are not plotted (for shapes only defined by color, ie shape
#' inferior to 20. Otherwise `fill` must also be set to NA).
#' @param color_vertG a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the
#' color of the center of gravity of vertices. if one assemblage to plot or a
#' vector of R color names or hexadecimal codes if several assemblages to
#' plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the vector should be formatted
#' as: c(asb1 = "firstRcolorname", asb2 = "secondRcolorname", ...).
#' @param fill_sp a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the color
#' of species symbol filling (if \code{shape_sp} > 20) if one assemblage to
#' plot or a vector of R color names or hexadecimal codes if several
#' assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the vector should
#' be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRcolorname", asb2 = "secondRcolorname",
#' ...).
#' @param fill_vert a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the color
#' of vertices symbol filling (if \code{shape_vert} >20) if one assemblage to
#' plot or a vector of R color names or hexadecimal codes if several
#' assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the vector should
#' be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRcolorname", asb2 = "secondRcolorname",
#' ...). If `fill = NA` and `color = NA`, vertices are not plotted (if
#' \code{shape_vert} superior to 20
#' @param fill_vertG a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the
#' color to fill the center of gravity of vertices (if \code{shape_vert} >20)
#' if one assemblage to plot or a vector of R color names or hexadecimal codes
#' if several assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the
#' vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRcolorname", asb2 =
#' "secondRcolorname", ...).
#' @param shape_sp a numeric value referring to the shape of the symbol used for
#' species plotting if one assemblage to plot or a vector numeric values if
#' several assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the
#' vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRshape", asb2 =
#' "secondRshape", ...).
#' @param shape_vert a numeric value referring to the shape of the symbol used
#' for vertices plotting if one assemblage to plot or a vector numeric values
#' if several assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the
#' vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRshape", asb2 =
#' "secondRshape", ...).
#' @param shape_vertG a numeric value referring to the shape to use to plot the
#' center of gravity of vertices if one assemblage to plot or a vector numeric
#' values if several assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot,
#' the vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRshape", asb2 =
#' "secondRshape", ...).
#' @param size_vertG a numeric value referring to the size of the symbol used
#' for the center of gravity of vertices if one assemblage to plot or a vector
#' numeric values if several assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage
#' to plot, the vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRsize", asb2 =
#' "secondRsize", ...).
#' @return A ggplot object plotting background of multidimensional graphs and
#' FDiv indice.
#' @author Camille Magneville and Sebastien Villeger
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Load Species*Traits dataframe:
#' data("fruits_traits", package = "mFD")
#' # Load Assemblages*Species dataframe:
#' data("baskets_fruits_weights", package = "mFD")
#' # Load Traits categories dataframe:
#' data("fruits_traits_cat", package = "mFD")
#' # Compute functional distance
#' sp_dist_fruits <- mFD::funct.dist(sp_tr = fruits_traits,
#' tr_cat = fruits_traits_cat,
#' metric = "gower",
#' scale_euclid = "scale_center",
#' ordinal_var = "classic",
#' weight_type = "equal",
#' stop_if_NA = TRUE)
#' # Compute functional spaces quality to retrieve species coordinates matrix:
#' fspaces_quality_fruits <- mFD::quality.fspaces(sp_dist = sp_dist_fruits,
#' maxdim_pcoa = 10,
#' deviation_weighting = "absolute",
#' fdist_scaling = FALSE,
#' fdendro = "average")
#' # Retrieve species coordinates matrix:
#' sp_faxes_coord_fruits <- fspaces_quality_fruits$details_fspaces$sp_pc_coord
#' # Set faxes limits:
#' # set range of axes if c(NA, NA):
#' range_sp_coord_fruits <- range(sp_faxes_coord_fruits)
#' range_faxes_lim <- range_sp_coord_fruits +
#' c(-1, 1)*(range_sp_coord_fruits[2] -
#' range_sp_coord_fruits[1]) * 0.05
#' # Retrieve the background plot:
#' ggplot_bg_fruits <- mFD::background.plot(
#' range_faxes = range_faxes_lim,
#' faxes_nm = c("PC 1", "PC 2"),
#' color_bg = "grey90")
#' # Retrieve the matrix of species coordinates for "basket_1" and PC1 and PC2
#' sp_filter <- mFD::sp.filter(asb_nm = "basket_1",
#' sp_faxes_coord = sp_faxes_coord_fruits,
#' asb_sp_w = baskets_fruits_weights)
#' fruits_asb_sp_coord_b1 <- sp_filter$`species coordinates`
#' fruits_asb_sp_coord2D_b1 <- fruits_asb_sp_coord_b1[, c("PC1", "PC2")]
#' # Use alpha.fd.multidim() function to get inputs to plot FDiv:
#' alpha_fd_ind <- mFD::alpha.fd.multidim(
#' sp_faxes_coord = sp_faxes_coord_fruits[ , c("PC1", "PC2", "PC3", "PC4")],
#' asb_sp_w = baskets_fruits_weights,
#' ind_vect = c("fdiv"),
#' scaling = TRUE,
#' check_input = TRUE,
#' details_returned = TRUE)
#' # Retrieve inputs of the fdiv.plot() function for "basket_1" and PC1, PC2
#' # ... through alpha.fd.multidim outputs:
#' fruits_asb_sp_relatw_b1 <-
#' alpha_fd_ind$details$asb_sp_relatw["basket_1", ]
#' fruits_asb_vertices_nD_b1_2D <-
#' alpha_fd_ind$details$asb_vert_nm["basket_1"]
#' fruits_asb_vertG_coord_b1 <-
#' alpha_fd_ind$details$asb_G_coord["basket_1"]
#' fruits_asb_vertG_coord_b1_2D <-
#' fruits_asb_vertG_coord_b1[[1]][c("PC1", "PC2")]
#' # Retrieve FDiv plot:
#' fdiv_plot <- fdiv.plot(
#' ggplot_bg = ggplot_bg_fruits,
#' asb_sp_coord2D = list(basket_1 = fruits_asb_sp_coord2D_b1),
#' asb_sp_relatw = list(basket_1 = fruits_asb_sp_relatw_b1),
#' asb_vertices_nD = fruits_asb_vertices_nD_b1_2D,
#' asb_vertG_coord2D = list(basket_1 = fruits_asb_vertG_coord_b1_2D),
#' plot_sp = TRUE,
#' shape_sp = 16,
#' color_sp = c(basket_1 = "red"),
#' fill_sp = "red",
#' color_vert = "red",
#' fill_vert = "red",
#' shape_vert = 16,
#' shape_vertG = list(basket_1 = 18),
#' size_vertG = list(basket_1 = 2),
#' color_vertG = list(basket_1 = "blue"),
#' fill_vertG = list(basket_1 = "blue"))
#' fdiv_plot
fdiv.plot <- function(ggplot_bg,
plot_sp = TRUE,
shape_sp, color_sp, fill_sp,
shape_vert, color_vert, fill_vert,
shape_vertG, size_vertG,
color_vertG, fill_vertG) {
# get the names of assemblages:
asb_nm <- names(asb_sp_coord2D)
# prepare data for plotting ####
# list of dataframe with coordinates of center of gravity of vertices...
# ... and mean distance to it:
asb_vertG_xy <- list()
x <- NULL
y <- NULL
for (z in asb_nm) {
asb_vertG_xy[[z]] <- data.frame(x = asb_vertG_coord2D[[z]][1],
y = asb_vertG_coord2D[[z]][2])
rownames(asb_vertG_xy[[z]]) <- z
## plotting layers ####
# default plot is background:
ggplot_fdiv <- ggplot_bg
# plotting all species if required:
if (plot_sp) {
ggplot_fdiv <- sp.plot(ggplot_bg = ggplot_fdiv,
asb_sp_coord2D = asb_sp_coord2D,
asb_vertices_nD = asb_vertices_nD,
asb_sp_relatw = asb_sp_relatw,
shape_sp = shape_sp,
color_sp = color_sp,
fill_sp = fill_sp,
shape_vert = shape_vert,
color_vert = color_vert,
fill_vert = fill_vert)
# plotting center of gravity of vertices in nD and mean distance to it:
for (k in asb_nm) {
x <- NULL
y <- NULL
ggplot_fdiv <- ggplot_fdiv +
ggplot2::geom_point(data = asb_vertG_xy[[k]],
ggplot2::aes(x = x , y = y),
colour = color_vertG[[k]], fill = fill_vertG[[k]],
shape = shape_vertG[[k]], size = size_vertG[[k]])
#' Plot FIde index
#' Plot FIde index given a pair of functional axes for one or several
#' assemblages. It adds the centroid of species for each assemblage and
#' segments showing centroid coordinates on functional axes on the background
#' plot.
#' @param ggplot_bg a ggplot object of the plot background retrieved through
#' the \code{\link{background.plot}} function.
#' @param asb_sp_coord2D a list of matrix (ncol = 2) with coordinates of
#' species present in each assemblage for a given pair of functional axes.
#' @param asb_sp_relatw a list of vector gathering species relative weight in
#' each assemblage. It can be retrieved through the
#' \code{\link{alpha.fd.multidim}}.
#' @param asb_fide_coord2D a list (with names as in asb_sp_coord2D) of
#' vectors with coordinates of the centroid of species for each assemblage
#' for a given pair of axes.
#' @param plot_sp a logical value indicating whether species of each assemblage
#' should be plotted or not. Default: `plot_sp = TRUE`
#' @param color_sp a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the color
#' of species if one assemblage to plot or a vector of R color names or
#' hexadecimal codes if several assemblages to plot. If more than one
#' assemblage to plot, the vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 =
#' "firstRcolorname", asb2 = "secondRcolorname", ...).
#' @param color_fide a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the
#' color of species centroid for agiven assemblage if one assemblage to plot
#' or a vector of R color names or hexadecimal codes if several assemblages to
#' plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the vector should be formatted
#' as: c(asb1 = "firstRcolorname", asb2 = "secondRcolorname", ...).
#' @param color_segment a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the
#' color of of the segment linking axes and centroid from the studied
#' assemblage if one assemblage to plot or a vector of R color names or
#' hexadecimal codes if several assemblages to plot. If more than one
#' assemblage to plot, the vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 =
#' "firstRcolorname", asb2 = "secondRcolorname", ...).
#'@param fill_sp a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the color
#' of species symbol filling (if \code{shape_sp} > 20) if one assemblage to
#' plot or a vector of R color names or hexadecimal codes if several
#' assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the vector should
#' be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRcolorname", asb2 = "secondRcolorname",
#' ...).
#' @param fill_fide a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the color
#' to fill assemblage centroid symbol (if \code{shape_sp} > 20) if one
#' assemblage to plot or a vector of R color names or hexadecimal codes if
#' several assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the
#' vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRcolorname", asb2 =
#' "secondRcolorname", ...).
#' @param shape_sp a numeric value referring to the shape of the symbol used for
#' species plotting if one assemblage to plot or a vector numeric values if
#' several assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the
#' vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRshape", asb2 =
#' "secondRshape", ...).
#' @param shape_fide a numeric value referring to the shape of the symbol used
#' for fide centroid plotting if one assemblage to plot or a vector numeric
#' values if several assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot,
#' the vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRshape", asb2 =
#' "secondRshape", ...).
#' @param size_fide a numeric value referring to the size of the symbol used for
#' fide centroid plotting if one assemblage to plot or a vector numeric values
#' if several assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the
#' vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRsize", asb2 = "secondRsize",
#' ...).
#' @param width_segment a numeric value referring to the width of the segment
#' linking fide centroid and functional axes if one assemblage to plot or a
#' vector numeric values if several assemblages to plot. If more than one
#' assemblage to plot, the vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 =
#' "firstRsize", asb2 = "secondRsize", ...).
#' @param linetype_segment a numeric value referring to the linetype of the
#' segment linking fide centroid and functional axes if one assemblage to plot
#' or a vector numeric values if several assemblages to plot. If more than one
#' assemblage to plot, the vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 =
#' "firstRlinetype", asb2 = "secondRlinetype", ...).
#' @return A ggplot object with FIde index, species and background.
#' @author Camille Magneville and Sebastien Villeger
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Load Species*Traits dataframe:
#' data("fruits_traits", package = "mFD")
#' # Load Assemblages*Species dataframe:
#' data("baskets_fruits_weights", package = "mFD")
#' # Load Traits categories dataframe:
#' data("fruits_traits_cat", package = "mFD")
#' # Compute functional distance
#' sp_dist_fruits <- mFD::funct.dist(sp_tr = fruits_traits,
#' tr_cat = fruits_traits_cat,
#' metric = "gower",
#' scale_euclid = "scale_center",
#' ordinal_var = "classic",
#' weight_type = "equal",
#' stop_if_NA = TRUE)
#' # Compute functional spaces quality to retrieve species coordinates matrix:
#' fspaces_quality_fruits <- mFD::quality.fspaces(sp_dist = sp_dist_fruits,
#' maxdim_pcoa = 10,
#' deviation_weighting = "absolute",
#' fdist_scaling = FALSE,
#' fdendro = "average")
#' # Retrieve species coordinates matrix:
#' sp_faxes_coord_fruits <- fspaces_quality_fruits$details_fspaces$sp_pc_coord
#' # Set faxes limits:
#' # set range of axes if c(NA, NA):
#' range_sp_coord_fruits <- range(sp_faxes_coord_fruits)
#' range_faxes_lim <- range_sp_coord_fruits +
#' c(-1, 1)*(range_sp_coord_fruits[2] -
#' range_sp_coord_fruits[1]) * 0.05
#' # Retrieve the background plot:
#' ggplot_bg_fruits <- mFD::background.plot(
#' range_faxes = range_faxes_lim,
#' faxes_nm = c("PC 1", "PC 2"),
#' color_bg = "grey90")
#' # Retrieve the matrix of species coordinates for "basket_1" and PC1 and PC2
#' sp_filter <- mFD::sp.filter(asb_nm = "basket_1",
#' sp_faxes_coord = sp_faxes_coord_fruits,
#' asb_sp_w = baskets_fruits_weights)
#' fruits_asb_sp_coord_b1 <- sp_filter$`species coordinates`
#' fruits_asb_sp_coord2D_b1 <- fruits_asb_sp_coord_b1[, c("PC1", "PC2")]
#' # Use alpha.fd.multidim() function to get inputs to plot FIde:
#' alpha_fd_indices_fruits <- mFD::alpha.fd.multidim(
#' sp_faxes_coord = sp_faxes_coord_fruits[, c("PC1", "PC2", "PC3", "PC4")],
#' asb_sp_w = baskets_fruits_weights,
#' ind_vect = c("fide"),
#' scaling = TRUE,
#' check_input = TRUE,
#' details_returned = TRUE)
#' # Retrieve fide values through alpha.fd.multidim outputs:
#' fruits_asb_fide_coord2D <-
#' alpha_fd_indices_fruits$functional_diversity_indices[c("fide_PC1",
#' "fide_PC2")]
#' fruits_asb_fide_coord2D_b1 <- fruits_asb_fide_coord2D[c("basket_1"), ]
#' fruits_asb_sp_relatw_b1 <-
#' alpha_fd_indices_fruits$details$asb_sp_relatw["basket_1", ]
#' # Retrieve FIde plot:
#' fide_plot <- fide.plot(ggplot_bg = ggplot_bg_fruits,
#' asb_sp_coord2D = list(basket_1 = fruits_asb_sp_coord2D_b1),
#' asb_sp_relatw = list(basket_1 = fruits_asb_sp_relatw_b1),
#' asb_fide_coord2D = list(basket_1 = fruits_asb_fide_coord2D_b1),
#' plot_sp = TRUE,
#' shape_sp = 16,
#' color_sp = "red",
#' fill_sp = "red",
#' shape_fide = list(basket_1 = 18),
#' size_fide = list(basket_1 = 5),
#' color_fide = list(basket_1 = "blue"),
#' fill_fide = list(basket_1 = "blue"),
#' color_segment = list(basket_1 = "red"),
#' width_segment = list(basket_1 = 1),
#' linetype_segment = list(basket_1 = "dashed"))
#' fide_plot
fide.plot <-function(ggplot_bg,
plot_sp = TRUE,
shape_sp, color_sp, fill_sp,
shape_fide, size_fide,
color_fide, fill_fide,
color_segment, width_segment, linetype_segment) {
# names of assemblages:
asb_nm <- names(asb_sp_coord2D)
## prepare data for plotting:
# actual limits of plot:
ggplot_bg_lim <-
# list of dataframe with coordinates of center of gravity and links to axes:
asb_centroid_xy <- list()
asb_centroidtoaxes_xyxy <- list()
for (z in asb_nm){
cent_z <- asb_fide_coord2D[[z]]
x <- NULL
y <- NULL
asb_centroid_xy[[z]] <- data.frame(x = cent_z[1, 1], y = cent_z[1, 2])
asb_centroidtoaxes_xyxy[[z]] <- data.frame(
x = c(ggplot_bg_lim[1], cent_z[1, 1]),
y = c(cent_z[1, 2], ggplot_bg_lim[1]),
xend = rep(cent_z[1, 1], 2),
yend = rep(cent_z[1, 2], 2))
# plotting layers ####
# default plot is background:
ggplot_fide <- ggplot_bg
# plot species if required:
if (plot_sp) {
ggplot_fide <- sp.plot(ggplot_bg = ggplot_fide,
asb_sp_coord2D = asb_sp_coord2D,
asb_vertices_nD = NULL,
asb_sp_relatw = asb_sp_relatw,
shape_sp = shape_sp,
color_sp = color_sp,
fill_sp = fill_sp)
# plotting projection of mean along axes:
for (k in asb_nm) {
xend <- NULL
yend <- NULL
ggplot_fide <- ggplot_fide +
ggplot2::geom_segment(data = asb_centroidtoaxes_xyxy[[k]],
ggplot2::aes(x = x ,
y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend),
colour = color_segment[[k]],
size = width_segment[[k]],
linetype = linetype_segment[[k]])
# plotting center of gravity of species:
for (k in asb_nm) {
ggplot_fide <- ggplot_fide +
ggplot2::geom_point(data = asb_centroid_xy[[k]],
ggplot2::aes(x = x , y = y),
colour = color_fide[[k]], fill = fill_fide[[k]],
shape = shape_fide[[k]], size = size_fide[[k]])
#' Plot FDis index
#' This function plots FDis index for a given pair of functional axes and for
#' one or several assemblages. It adds segments between species relative
#' weights and assemblage cenntroid on the background plot.
#' @param ggplot_bg a ggplot object of the plot background retrieved through
#' the \code{\link{background.plot}} function.
#' @param asb_sp_coord2D a list of matrix (ncol = 2) with coordinates of
#' species present in each assemblage for a given pair of functional axes.
#' @param asb_sp_relatw a list of vector gathering species relative weight in
#' each assemblage. It can be retrieved through the
#' \code{\link{alpha.fd.multidim}}.
#' @param asb_fide_coord2D a list (with names as in `asb_sp_coord2D`) of
#' vectors with coordinates of the fide centroid of species for each assemblage
#' for a given pair of axes.
#' @param plot_sp a logical value indicating whether species of each assemblage
#' should be plotted or not. Default: `plot_sp = TRUE`
#' @param shape_sp a numeric value referring to the shape of the symbol used for
#' species plotting if one assemblage to plot or a vector numeric values if
#' several assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the
#' vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRshape", asb2 =
#' "secondRshape", ...).
#' @param shape_fide a numeric value referring to the shape of the symbol used
#' for fide centroid if one assemblage to plot or a vector numeric values if
#' several assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the
#' vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRshape", asb2 =
#' "secondRshape", ...).
#' @param color_sp a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the color
#' of species if one assemblage to plot or a vector of R color names or
#' hexadecimal codes if several assemblages to plot. If more than one
#' assemblage to plot, the vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 =
#' "firstRcolorname", asb2 = "secondRcolorname", ...).
#' @param color_fide a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the
#' color
#' of fide centroid if one assemblage to plot or a vector of R color names or
#' hexadecimal codes if several assemblages to plot. If more than one
#' assemblage to plot, the vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 =
#' "firstRcolorname", asb2 = "secondRcolorname", ...).
#' @param color_segment a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the
#' color of of the segment linking axes and centroid from the studied
#' assemblage if one assemblage to plot or a vector of R color names or
#' hexadecimal codes if several assemblages to plot. If more than one
#' assemblage to plot, the vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 =
#' "firstRcolorname", asb2 = "secondRcolorname", ...).
#' @param fill_sp a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the color
#' of species symbol filling (if \code{shape_sp} > 20) if one assemblage to
#' plot or a vector of R color names or hexadecimal codes if several
#' assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the vector should
#' be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRcolorname", asb2 = "secondRcolorname",
#' ...).
#' @param fill_fide a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the color
#' to fill assemblage centroid symbol (if \code{shape_sp} > 20) if one
#' assemblage to plot or a vector of R color names or hexadecimal codes if
#' several assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the
#' vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRcolorname", asb2 =
#' "secondRcolorname", ...).
#' @param size_fide a numeric value referring to the size of the symbol used for
#' fide centroid plotting if one assemblage to plot or a vector numeric values
#' if several assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the
#' vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRsize", asb2 = "secondRsize",
#' ...).
#' @param width_segment a numeric value referring to the width of the segment
#' linking fide centroid and functional axes if one assemblage to plot or a
#' vector numeric values if several assemblages to plot. If more than one
#' assemblage to plot, the vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 =
#' "firstRsize", asb2 = "secondRsize", ...).
#' @param linetype_segment a numeric value referring to the linetype of the
#' segment linking fide centroid and functional axes if one assemblage to plot
#' or a vector numeric values if several assemblages to plot. If more than one
#' assemblage to plot, the vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 =
#' "firstRlinetype", asb2 = "secondRlinetype", ...).
#' @return A ggplot object showing FDis index for one or several assemblage(s)
#' and a given pair of functional axes.
#' @author Camille Magneville and Sebastien Villeger
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Load Species*Traits dataframe:
#' data("fruits_traits", package = "mFD")
#' # Load Assemblages*Species dataframe:
#' data("baskets_fruits_weights", package = "mFD")
#' # Load Traits categories dataframe:
#' data("fruits_traits_cat", package = "mFD")
#' # Compute functional distance
#' sp_dist_fruits <- mFD::funct.dist(sp_tr = fruits_traits,
#' tr_cat = fruits_traits_cat,
#' metric = "gower",
#' scale_euclid = "scale_center",
#' ordinal_var = "classic",
#' weight_type = "equal",
#' stop_if_NA = TRUE)
#' # Compute functional spaces quality to retrieve species coordinates matrix:
#' fspaces_quality_fruits <- mFD::quality.fspaces(sp_dist = sp_dist_fruits,
#' maxdim_pcoa = 10,
#' deviation_weighting = "absolute",
#' fdist_scaling = FALSE,
#' fdendro = "average")
#' # Retrieve species coordinates matrix:
#' sp_faxes_coord_fruits <- fspaces_quality_fruits$details_fspaces$sp_pc_coord
#' # Set faxes limits:
#' # set range of axes if c(NA, NA):
#' range_sp_coord_fruits <- range(sp_faxes_coord_fruits)
#' range_faxes_lim <- range_sp_coord_fruits +
#' c(-1, 1)*(range_sp_coord_fruits[2] -
#' range_sp_coord_fruits[1]) * 0.05
#' # Retrieve the background plot:
#' ggplot_bg_fruits <- mFD::background.plot(
#' range_faxes = range_faxes_lim,
#' faxes_nm = c("PC 1", "PC 2"),
#' color_bg = "grey90")
#' # Retrieve the matrix of species coordinates for "basket_1" and PC1 and PC2
#' sp_filter <- mFD::sp.filter(asb_nm = "basket_1",
#' sp_faxes_coord = sp_faxes_coord_fruits,
#' asb_sp_w = baskets_fruits_weights)
#' fruits_asb_sp_coord_b1 <- sp_filter$`species coordinates`
#' fruits_asb_sp_coord2D_b1 <- fruits_asb_sp_coord_b1[, c("PC1", "PC2")]
#' # Use alpha.fd.multidim() function to get inputs to plot FIde:
#' alpha_fd_indices_fruits <- mFD::alpha.fd.multidim(
#' sp_faxes_coord = sp_faxes_coord_fruits[, c("PC1", "PC2", "PC3", "PC4")],
#' asb_sp_w = baskets_fruits_weights,
#' ind_vect = c("fdis"),
#' scaling = TRUE,
#' check_input = TRUE,
#' details_returned = TRUE)
#' # Retrieve fide values through alpha.fd.multidim outputs:
#' fruits_asb_fide_coord2D <-
#' alpha_fd_indices_fruits$functional_diversity_indices[c("fide_PC1",
#' "fide_PC2")]
#' fruits_asb_fide_coord2D_b1 <- fruits_asb_fide_coord2D[c("basket_1"), ]
#' fruits_asb_sp_relatw_b1 <-
#' alpha_fd_indices_fruits$details$asb_sp_relatw["basket_1", ]
#' # Retrieve FDis plot:
#' fdis_plot <- fdis.plot(ggplot_bg = ggplot_bg_fruits,
#' asb_sp_coord2D = list(basket_1 = fruits_asb_sp_coord2D_b1),
#' asb_sp_relatw = list(basket_1 = fruits_asb_sp_relatw_b1),
#' asb_fide_coord2D = list(basket_1 = fruits_asb_fide_coord2D_b1),
#' plot_sp = TRUE,
#' shape_sp = 16,
#' color_sp = "red",
#' fill_sp = "red",
#' shape_fide = list(basket_1 = 18),
#' size_fide = list(basket_1 = 5),
#' color_fide = list(basket_1 = "blue"),
#' fill_fide = list(basket_1 = "blue"),
#' color_segment = list(basket_1 = "red"),
#' width_segment = list(basket_1 = 1),
#' linetype_segment = list(basket_1 = "dashed"))
#' fdis_plot
fdis.plot <- function(ggplot_bg,
plot_sp = TRUE,
shape_sp, color_sp, fill_sp,
shape_fide, size_fide,
color_fide, fill_fide,
color_segment, width_segment, linetype_segment) {
# get names of assemblages:
asb_nm <- names(asb_sp_coord2D)
## retrieve data for plotting:
# list of dataframe with coordinates of center of gravity and links...
# ... to species:
asb_centroid_xy <- list()
asb_sptocentroid_xyxy <- list()
for (z in asb_nm) {
sp_z <- asb_sp_coord2D[[z]]
cent_z <- asb_fide_coord2D[[z]]
x <- NULL
y <- NULL
xend <- NULL
yend <- NULL
asb_centroid_xy[[z]] <- data.frame(x = cent_z[1, 1], y = cent_z[1, 2])
asb_sptocentroid_xyxy[[z]] <- data.frame(x = sp_z[, 1],
y = sp_z[, 2],
xend = cent_z[1, 1],
yend = cent_z[1, 2])
## plotting layers ####
# default plot is background:
ggplot_fdis <- ggplot_bg
# plotting species if required:
if(plot_sp) {
ggplot_fdis <- sp.plot(ggplot_bg = ggplot_fdis,
asb_sp_coord2D = asb_sp_coord2D,
asb_vertices_nD = NULL,
asb_sp_relatw = asb_sp_relatw,
shape_sp = shape_sp,
color_sp = color_sp,
fill_sp = fill_sp)
# plotting distance to center of gravity of species:
for (k in asb_nm) {
ggplot_fdis <- ggplot_fdis +
ggplot2::geom_segment(data = asb_sptocentroid_xyxy[[k]],
ggplot2::aes(x = x , y = y, xend= xend,
yend = yend),
colour = color_segment[[k]],
size = width_segment[[k]],
linetype = linetype_segment[[k]])
# plotting center of gravity of species ----
for (k in asb_nm) {
ggplot_fdis <- ggplot_fdis +
ggplot2::geom_point(data = asb_centroid_xy[[k]],
ggplot2::aes(x = x , y = y),
colour = color_fide[[k]], fill = fill_fide[[k]],
shape = shape_fide[[k]], size = size_fide[[k]])
#' Plot FEve index
#' This function plots FEve index for a given pair of functional axes and one
#' or several assemblages. It adds Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) of a given
#' assemblage on the background plot.
#' @param ggplot_bg a ggplot object of the plot background retrieved through
#' the \code{\link{background.plot}} function.
#' @param asb_sp_coord2D a list of matrix (ncol = 2) with coordinates of
#' species present in each assemblage for a given pair of functional axes.
#' @param asb_sp_relatw a list of vector gathering species relative weight in
#' each assemblage. It can be retrieved through the
#' \code{\link{alpha.fd.multidim}}.
#' @param asb_mst a list (with names as in `asb_sp_coord2D`) of
#' vectors with names of species linked in the MST of the
#' studied assemblage.
#' @param plot_sp a logical value indicating whether species of each assemblage
#' should be plotted or not. Default: `plot_sp = TRUE`
#' @param shape_sp a numeric value referring to the shape of the symbol used for
#' species plotting if one assemblage to plot or a vector numeric values if
#' several assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the
#' vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRshape", asb2 =
#' "secondRshape", ...).
#' @param color_sp a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the color
#' of species if one assemblage to plot or a vector of R color names or
#' hexadecimal codes if several assemblages to plot. If more than one
#' assemblage to plot, the vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 =
#' "firstRcolorname", asb2 = "secondRcolorname", ...).
#' @param color_mst a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the color
#' the MST if one assemblage to plot or a vector of R color names or
#' hexadecimal codes if several assemblages to plot. If more than one
#' assemblage to plot, the vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 =
#' "firstRcolorname", asb2 = "secondRcolorname", ...).
#' @param fill_sp a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the color
#' of species symbol filling (if \code{shape_sp} > 20) if one assemblage to
#' plot or a vector of R color names or hexadecimal codes if several
#' assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the vector should
#' be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRcolorname", asb2 = "secondRcolorname",
#' ...).
#' @param width_mst a numeric value referring to the width of segments of the
#' MST if one assemblage to plot or a vector numeric values if several
#' assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the vector should
#' be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRsize", asb2 = "secondRsize", ...).
#' @param linetype_mst a numeric value referring to the linetype of the segments
#' representing the MST if one assemblage to plot or a vector numeric values
#' if several assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the
#' vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRlinetype", asb2 =
#' "secondRlinetype", ...).
#' @return A ggplot object showing FEve index on the background plot.
#' @author Camille Magneville and Sebastien Villeger
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Load Species*Traits dataframe:
#' data("fruits_traits", package = "mFD")
#' # Load Assemblages*Species dataframe:
#' data("baskets_fruits_weights", package = "mFD")
#' # Load Traits categories dataframe:
#' data("fruits_traits_cat", package = "mFD")
#' # Compute functional distance
#' sp_dist_fruits <- mFD::funct.dist(sp_tr = fruits_traits,
#' tr_cat = fruits_traits_cat,
#' metric = "gower",
#' scale_euclid = "scale_center",
#' ordinal_var = "classic",
#' weight_type = "equal",
#' stop_if_NA = TRUE)
#' # Compute functional spaces quality to retrieve species coordinates matrix:
#' fspaces_quality_fruits <- mFD::quality.fspaces(sp_dist = sp_dist_fruits,
#' maxdim_pcoa = 10,
#' deviation_weighting = "absolute",
#' fdist_scaling = FALSE,
#' fdendro = "average")
#' # Retrieve species coordinates matrix:
#' sp_faxes_coord_fruits <- fspaces_quality_fruits$details_fspaces$sp_pc_coord
#' # Set faxes limits:
#' # set range of axes if c(NA, NA):
#' range_sp_coord_fruits <- range(sp_faxes_coord_fruits)
#' range_faxes_lim <- range_sp_coord_fruits +
#' c(-1, 1)*(range_sp_coord_fruits[2] -
#' range_sp_coord_fruits[1]) * 0.05
#' # Retrieve the background plot:
#' ggplot_bg_fruits <- mFD::background.plot(
#' range_faxes = range_faxes_lim,
#' faxes_nm = c("PC 1", "PC 2"),
#' color_bg = "grey90")
#' # Retrieve the matrix of species coordinates for "basket_1" and PC1 and PC2
#' sp_filter <- mFD::sp.filter(asb_nm = "basket_1",
#' sp_faxes_coord = sp_faxes_coord_fruits,
#' asb_sp_w = baskets_fruits_weights)
#' fruits_asb_sp_coord_b1 <- sp_filter$`species coordinates`
#' fruits_asb_sp_coord2D_b1 <- fruits_asb_sp_coord_b1[, c("PC1", "PC2")]
#' # Use alpha.fd.multidim() function to get inputs to plot FIde:
#' alpha_fd_indices_fruits <- mFD::alpha.fd.multidim(
#' sp_faxes_coord = sp_faxes_coord_fruits[, c("PC1", "PC2", "PC3", "PC4")],
#' asb_sp_w = baskets_fruits_weights,
#' ind_vect = c("feve"),
#' scaling = TRUE,
#' check_input = TRUE,
#' details_returned = TRUE)
#' # Retrieve fide values through alpha.fd.multidim outputs:
#' fruits_asb_mst_b1 <-
#' alpha_fd_indices_fruits$details$asb_mst["basket_1"]
#' fruits_asb_sp_coord_b1 <- sp_filter$`species coordinates`
#' fruits_asb_sp_coord2D_b1 <- fruits_asb_sp_coord_b1[, c("PC1", "PC2")]
#' fruits_asb_sp_relatw_b1 <-
#' alpha_fd_indices_fruits$details$asb_sp_relatw["basket_1", ]
#' # Retrieve FEve plot:
#' feve_plot <- feve.plot(ggplot_bg = ggplot_bg_fruits,
#' asb_sp_coord2D = list(basket_1 = fruits_asb_sp_coord2D_b1),
#' asb_sp_relatw = list(basket_1 = fruits_asb_sp_relatw_b1),
#' asb_mst = fruits_asb_mst_b1,
#' plot_sp = TRUE,
#' shape_sp = 16,
#' color_sp = "red",
#' fill_sp = "red",
#' color_mst = list(basket_1 = "blue"),
#' width_mst = list(basket_1 = 1),
#' linetype_mst = list(basket_1 = "solid"))
#' feve_plot
feve.plot <- function(ggplot_bg,
plot_sp = TRUE,
shape_sp, color_sp, fill_sp,
color_mst, width_mst, linetype_mst) {
# get names of assemblages:
asb_nm <- names(asb_sp_coord2D)
## plotting layers ####
# default plot is background:
ggplot_feve <- ggplot_bg
# plotting species if required:
if (plot_sp) {
ggplot_feve <- sp.plot(ggplot_bg = ggplot_feve,
asb_sp_coord2D = asb_sp_coord2D,
asb_vertices_nD = NULL,
asb_sp_relatw = asb_sp_relatw,
shape_sp = shape_sp,
color_sp = color_sp,
fill_sp = fill_sp)
# plotting minimum spanning tree:
for (k in asb_nm) {
# branches of MST in 2D:
mst_k <- dendextend::dist_long(asb_mst[[k]])
k_branches <- mst_k[which(mst_k$distance == 1), ]
x <- NULL
y <- NULL
xend <- NULL
yend <- NULL
k_branches_xyxy <- data.frame(k_branches,
x = asb_sp_coord2D[[k]][k_branches$rows, 1],
y = asb_sp_coord2D[[k]][k_branches$rows, 2],
xend = asb_sp_coord2D[[k]][k_branches$cols, 1],
yend = asb_sp_coord2D[[k]][k_branches$cols, 2])
ggplot_feve <- ggplot_feve +
ggplot2::geom_segment(data = k_branches_xyxy,
ggplot2::aes(x = x , y = y, xend = xend,
yend = yend),
colour = color_mst[[k]],
size = width_mst[[k]],
linetype = linetype_mst[[k]])
}# end of function
#' Plot FNND index
#' This function plots FNND index for a given pair of functional axes and for
#' one or several assemblages
#' @param ggplot_bg a ggplot object of the plot background retrieved through
#' the \code{\link{background.plot}} function.
#' @param asb_sp_coord2D a list of matrix (ncol = 2) with coordinates of
#' species present in each assemblage for a given pair of functional axes
#' @param asb_sp_relatw a list of vector gathering species relative weight in
#' each assemblage. It can be retrieved through the
#' \code{\link{alpha.fd.multidim}}.
#' @param asb_nn_asb a list gathering for each species of a studied assemblage
#' its nearest neighbour(s) in the assemblage.
#' @param plot_sp a logical value indicating whether species of each assemblage
#' should be plotted or not. Default: `plot_sp = TRUE`
#' @param shape_sp a numeric value referring to the shape used to plot species
#' belonging to the studied assemblage.
#' @param color_sp a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the color
#' of species if one assemblage to plot or a vector of R color names or
#' hexadecimal codes if several assemblages to plot. If more than one
#' assemblage to plot, the vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 =
#' "firstRcolorname", asb2 = "secondRcolorname", ...).
#' @param fill_sp a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the color
#' of species symbol filling (if \code{shape_sp} > 20) if one assemblage to
#' plot or a vector of R color names or hexadecimal codes if several
#' assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the vector should
#' be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRcolorname", asb2 = "secondRcolorname",
#' ...).
#' @param color_segment a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the
#' color of of the segment linking nearest neighbors in a given assemblage or
#' a vector of R color names or hexadecimal codes if several assemblages to
#' plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the vector should be formatted
#' as: c(asb1 = "firstRcolorname", asb2 = "secondRcolorname", ...).
#' @param width_segment a numeric value referring to the size of the segment
#' linking nearest neighbors in a given assemblage or a vector of numeric
#' values if several assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot,
#' the vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRwidth", asb2 =
#' "secondRwidth", ...).
#' @param linetype_segment a character string referring to the linetype used to
#' link nearest neighbors in the studied assemblages or a vector of character
#' strings if several assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to
#' plot, the vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRlinetype", asb2 =
#' "secondRlinetype", ...).
#' @return A ggplot object with FNND index.
#' @author Camille Magneville and Sebastien Villeger
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Load Species*Traits dataframe:
#' data("fruits_traits", package = "mFD")
#' # Load Assemblages*Species dataframe:
#' data("baskets_fruits_weights", package = "mFD")
#' # Load Traits categories dataframe:
#' data("fruits_traits_cat", package = "mFD")
#' # Compute functional distance
#' sp_dist_fruits <- mFD::funct.dist(sp_tr = fruits_traits,
#' tr_cat = fruits_traits_cat,
#' metric = "gower",
#' scale_euclid = "scale_center",
#' ordinal_var = "classic",
#' weight_type = "equal",
#' stop_if_NA = TRUE)
#' # Compute functional spaces quality to retrieve species coordinates matrix:
#' fspaces_quality_fruits <- mFD::quality.fspaces(sp_dist = sp_dist_fruits,
#' maxdim_pcoa = 10,
#' deviation_weighting = "absolute",
#' fdist_scaling = FALSE,
#' fdendro = "average")
#' # Retrieve species coordinates matrix:
#' sp_faxes_coord_fruits <- fspaces_quality_fruits$details_fspaces$sp_pc_coord
#' # Set faxes limits:
#' # set range of axes if c(NA, NA):
#' range_sp_coord_fruits <- range(sp_faxes_coord_fruits)
#' range_faxes_lim <- range_sp_coord_fruits +
#' c(-1, 1)*(range_sp_coord_fruits[2] -
#' range_sp_coord_fruits[1]) * 0.05
#' # Retrieve the background plot:
#' ggplot_bg_fruits <- mFD::background.plot(
#' range_faxes = range_faxes_lim,
#' faxes_nm = c("PC 1", "PC 2"),
#' color_bg = "grey90")
#' # Retrieve the matrix of species coordinates for "basket_1" and PC1 and PC2
#' sp_filter <- mFD::sp.filter(asb_nm = "basket_1",
#' sp_faxes_coord = sp_faxes_coord_fruits,
#' asb_sp_w = baskets_fruits_weights)
#' fruits_asb_sp_coord_b1 <- sp_filter$`species coordinates`
#' fruits_asb_sp_coord2D_b1 <- fruits_asb_sp_coord_b1[, c("PC1", "PC2")]
#' # Use alpha.fd.multidim() function to get inputs to plot FIde:
#' alpha_fd_indices_fruits <- mFD::alpha.fd.multidim(
#' sp_faxes_coord = sp_faxes_coord_fruits[, c("PC1", "PC2", "PC3", "PC4")],
#' asb_sp_w = baskets_fruits_weights,
#' ind_vect = c("fnnd"),
#' scaling = TRUE,
#' check_input = TRUE,
#' details_returned = TRUE)
#' # Retrieve nearest neighbor(s) names and relative weights ...
#' # ... through alpha.fd.multidim outputs:
#' fruits_asb_nn_asb_b1 <-
#' alpha_fd_indices_fruits$details$asb_nm_nn_asb["basket_1"]
#' fruits_asb_sp_relatw_b1 <-
#' alpha_fd_indices_fruits$details$asb_sp_relatw["basket_1", ]
#' # Retrieve FNND plot:
#' fnnd_plot <- fnnd.plot(ggplot_bg = ggplot_bg_fruits,
#' asb_sp_coord2D = list(basket_1 = fruits_asb_sp_coord2D_b1),
#' asb_sp_relatw = list(basket_1 = fruits_asb_sp_relatw_b1),
#' asb_nn_asb = fruits_asb_nn_asb_b1 ,
#' plot_sp = TRUE,
#' shape_sp = 16,
#' color_sp = "red",
#' fill_sp = "red",
#' color_segment = list(basket_1 = "blue"),
#' width_segment = list(basket_1 = 1),
#' linetype_segment = list(basket_1 = "solid"))
#' fnnd_plot
fnnd.plot <- function(ggplot_bg,
plot_sp = TRUE,
shape_sp, color_sp, fill_sp,
color_segment, width_segment, linetype_segment) {
# names of assemblages:
asb_nm <- names(asb_sp_coord2D)
## plotting layers ####
# default plot is background:
ggplot_fnnd <- ggplot_bg
# plotting species if required:
if (plot_sp) {
ggplot_fnnd <- sp.plot(ggplot_bg = ggplot_fnnd,
asb_sp_coord2D = asb_sp_coord2D,
asb_vertices_nD = NULL,
asb_sp_relatw = asb_sp_relatw,
shape_sp = shape_sp,
color_sp = color_sp,
fill_sp = fill_sp)
# plotting nearest neighbours:
for (k in asb_nm) {
# nearest neighbours (could be > 1 per species)
k_sp_xy <- asb_sp_coord2D[[k]]
k_nn <- asb_nn_asb[[k]]
k_segments_xyxy <- data.frame(sp_f = NULL, sp_nn = NULL, x = NULL,
y = NULL, xend = NULL, yend = NULL)
for (i in names(k_nn)) {
i_nn <- k_nn[[i]]
k_segments_xyxy <- rbind(k_segments_xyxy,
data.frame(sp_f = rep(i, length(i_nn)),
sp_nn = i_nn,
x = k_sp_xy[i, 1],
y = k_sp_xy[i, 2],
xend = k_sp_xy[i_nn, 1],
yend = k_sp_xy[i_nn, 2]))
x <- NULL
y <- NULL
xend <- NULL
yend <- NULL
ggplot_fnnd <- ggplot_fnnd +
ggplot2::geom_segment(data = k_segments_xyxy,
ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend,
yend = yend),
colour = color_segment[[k]],
size = width_segment[[k]],
linetype = linetype_segment[[k]],
arrow = grid::arrow(length = grid::unit(0.10,
ends = "last",
type = "open"))
#' Plot FOri
#' This function plots FOri index for a given pair of functional axes and for
#' one or several assemblages. It adds the distance of species from the studied
#' to their nearest neighbour(s) from the global pool.
#' @param ggplot_bg a ggplot object of the plot background retrieved through
#' the \code{\link{background.plot}} function.
#' @param asb_sp_coord2D a list of matrix (ncol = 2) with coordinates of
#' species present in each assemblage for a given pair of functional axes.
#' @param asb_sp_relatw a list of vector gathering species relative weight in
#' each assemblage. It can be retrieved through the
#' \code{\link{alpha.fd.multidim}}.
#' @param asb_nn_pool a list gathering for each species of a studied assemblage
#' its nearest neighbour(s) in the global pool.
#' @param pool_coord2D a matrix (ncol = 2) with coordinates of
#' species present in the global pool for a given pair of functional axes.
#' @param plot_pool a logical value indicating whether species of each
#' assemblage should be plotted or not. Default: `plot_pool = TRUE`.
#' @param plot_sp a logical value indicating whether species of each assemblage
#' should be plotted or not. Default: `plot_sp = TRUE`
#' @param color_pool a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the
#' color of the pool. This color is also used for FRic convex hull color.
#' @param color_sp a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the color
#' of species if one assemblage to plot or a vector of R color names or
#' hexadecimal codes if several assemblages to plot. If more than one
#' assemblage to plot, the vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 =
#' "firstRcolorname", asb2 = "secondRcolorname", ...).
#' @param fill_pool a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the
#' colour to fill species symbol (if \code{shape_sp} > 20) and the assemblage
#' convex hull.
#' @param fill_sp a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the color
#' of species symbol filling (if \code{shape_sp} > 20) if one assemblage to
#' plot or a vector of R color names or hexadecimal codes if several
#' assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the vector should
#' be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRcolorname", asb2 = "secondRcolorname",
#' ...).
#' @param shape_pool a numeric value referring to the shape used to plot species
#' pool.
#' @param shape_sp a numeric value referring to the shape of the symbol used for
#' species plotting if one assemblage to plot or a vector numeric values if
#' several assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the
#' vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRshape", asb2 =
#' "secondRshape", ...).
#' @param size_pool a numeric value referring to the size of species belonging
#' to the global pool.
#' @param color_segment color_segment a R color name or an hexadecimal code
#' referring to the color of of the segment linking nearest neighbors in the
#' global pool or a vector of R color names or hexadecimal codes if several
#' assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the vector should
#' be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRcolorname", asb2 = "secondRcolorname",
#' ...).
#' @param width_segment a numeric value referring to the size of the segment
#' linking nearest neighbors in the global pool or a vector of numeric
#' values if several assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot,
#' the vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRwidth", asb2 =
#' "secondRwidth", ...).
#' @param linetype_segment a character string referring to the linetype used to
#' link nearest neighbors in the global pool or a vector of character
#' strings if several assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to
#' plot, the vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRlinetype", asb2 =
#' "secondRlinetype", ...).
#' @return A ggplot object with FOri index.
#' @author Camille Magneville and Sebastien Villeger
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Load Species*Traits dataframe:
#' data("fruits_traits", package = "mFD")
#' # Load Assemblages*Species dataframe:
#' data("baskets_fruits_weights", package = "mFD")
#' # Load Traits categories dataframe:
#' data("fruits_traits_cat", package = "mFD")
#' # Compute functional distance
#' sp_dist_fruits <- mFD::funct.dist(sp_tr = fruits_traits,
#' tr_cat = fruits_traits_cat,
#' metric = "gower",
#' scale_euclid = "scale_center",
#' ordinal_var = "classic",
#' weight_type = "equal",
#' stop_if_NA = TRUE)
#' # Compute functional spaces quality to retrieve species coordinates matrix:
#' fspaces_quality_fruits <- mFD::quality.fspaces(sp_dist = sp_dist_fruits,
#' maxdim_pcoa = 10,
#' deviation_weighting = "absolute",
#' fdist_scaling = FALSE,
#' fdendro = "average")
#' # Retrieve species coordinates matrix:
#' sp_faxes_coord_fruits <- fspaces_quality_fruits$details_fspaces$sp_pc_coord
#' # Set faxes limits:
#' # set range of axes if c(NA, NA):
#' range_sp_coord_fruits <- range(sp_faxes_coord_fruits)
#' range_faxes_lim <- range_sp_coord_fruits +
#' c(-1, 1)*(range_sp_coord_fruits[2] -
#' range_sp_coord_fruits[1]) * 0.05
#' # Retrieve the background plot:
#' ggplot_bg_fruits <- mFD::background.plot(
#' range_faxes = range_faxes_lim,
#' faxes_nm = c("PC 1", "PC 2"),
#' color_bg = "grey90")
#' # Retrieve the matrix of species coordinates for "basket_1" and PC1 and PC2
#' sp_filter <- mFD::sp.filter(asb_nm = "basket_1",
#' sp_faxes_coord = sp_faxes_coord_fruits,
#' asb_sp_w = baskets_fruits_weights)
#' fruits_asb_sp_coord_b1 <- sp_filter$`species coordinates`
#' fruits_asb_sp_coord2D_b1 <- fruits_asb_sp_coord_b1[, c("PC1", "PC2")]
#' # Use alpha.fd.multidim() function to get inputs to plot FIde:
#' alpha_fd_indices_fruits <- mFD::alpha.fd.multidim(
#' sp_faxes_coord = sp_faxes_coord_fruits[, c("PC1", "PC2", "PC3", "PC4")],
#' asb_sp_w = baskets_fruits_weights,
#' ind_vect = c("fori"),
#' scaling = TRUE,
#' check_input = TRUE,
#' details_returned = TRUE)
#' # Retrieve nearest neighbor(s) names through alpha.fd.multidim outputs:
#' fruits_asb_nn_pool_b1 <-
#' alpha_fd_indices_fruits$details$asb_nm_nn_pool["basket_1"]
#' # Retrieve FNND plot:
#' fori_plot <- fori.plot(ggplot_bg = ggplot_bg_fruits,
#' asb_sp_coord2D = list(basket_1 = fruits_asb_sp_coord2D_b1),
#' asb_sp_relatw = list(basket_1 = fruits_asb_sp_relatw_b1),
#' asb_nn_pool = fruits_asb_nn_pool_b1,
#' pool_coord2D = sp_faxes_coord_fruits[, c("PC1", "PC2")],
#' plot_pool = TRUE,
#' plot_sp = TRUE,
#' shape_sp = 16,
#' color_sp = "red",
#' fill_sp = "red",
#' shape_pool = 4,
#' size_pool = 2,
#' color_pool = "grey",
#' fill_pool = "grey",
#' color_segment = list(basket_1 = "red"),
#' width_segment = list(basket_1 = 1),
#' linetype_segment = list(basket_1 = "solid"))
#' fori_plot
#' }
fori.plot <- function(ggplot_bg,
plot_pool = TRUE,
plot_sp = TRUE,
shape_pool, size_pool, color_pool, fill_pool,
shape_sp, color_sp, fill_sp,
color_segment, width_segment, linetype_segment) {
# names of assemblages:
asb_nm <- names(asb_sp_coord2D)
## plotting layers ####
# default plot is background:
ggplot_fori <- ggplot_bg
# plotting species of the pool if required:
if (plot_pool) {
ggplot_fori <- pool.plot(ggplot_bg = ggplot_fori,
sp_coord2D = pool_coord2D,
vertices_nD = NULL,
shape_pool = shape_pool, size_pool = size_pool,
color_pool = color_pool, fill_pool = fill_pool)
# plotting species if required:
if (plot_sp) {
ggplot_fori <- sp.plot(ggplot_bg = ggplot_fori,
asb_sp_coord2D = asb_sp_coord2D,
asb_vertices_nD = NULL,
asb_sp_relatw = asb_sp_relatw,
shape_sp = shape_sp,
color_sp = color_sp,
fill_sp = fill_sp)
# plotting nearest neighbour(s) from the pool (could be >1 per species):
for (k in asb_nm) {
k_nn <- asb_nn_pool[[k]]
k_segments_xyxy <- data.frame(sp_f = NULL, sp_nn = NULL, x = NULL,
y = NULL, xend = NULL, yend = NULL)
for (i in names(k_nn)) {
i_nn <- k_nn[[i]]
k_segments_xyxy <- rbind(k_segments_xyxy,
data.frame(sp_f = rep(i, length(i_nn)),
sp_nn = i_nn,
x = pool_coord2D[i, 1],
y = pool_coord2D[i, 2],
xend = pool_coord2D[i_nn, 1],
yend = pool_coord2D[i_nn, 2]))
x <- NULL
y <- NULL
xend <- NULL
yend <- NULL
ggplot_fori <- ggplot_fori +
ggplot2::geom_segment(data = k_segments_xyxy,
ggplot2::aes(x = x , y = y, xend = xend,
yend = yend),
colour = color_segment[[k]],
size = width_segment[[k]],
linetype = linetype_segment[[k]],
arrow = grid::arrow(length = grid::unit(0.10,
ends = "last",
type = "open"))
#' Plot FSpe
#' This function plots FSpe index for a given pair of functional axes and for
#' one or several assemblages. It adds the mean position of species from the
#' global pool and the distance of each species from the studied assemblage(s)
#' on the background plot
#' @param ggplot_bg a ggplot object of the plot background retrieved through
#' the \code{\link{background.plot}} function.
#' @param asb_sp_coord2D a list of matrix (ncol = 2) with coordinates of
#' species present in each assemblage for a given pair of functional axes.
#' @param asb_sp_relatw a list of vector gathering species relative weight in
#' each assemblage. It can be retrieved through the
#' \code{\link{alpha.fd.multidim}}.
#' @param center_coord2D a list containing the coordinates of the center of the
#' global pool for two given functional axes
#' @param pool_coord2D a list of matrix (ncol = 2) with coordinates of
#' species present in the global pool for a given pair of functional axes.
#' @param plot_pool a logical value indicating whether species of each
#' assemblage should be plotted or not. Default: `plot_pool = TRUE`.
#' @param plot_sp a logical value indicating whether species of each assemblage
#' should be plotted or not. Default: `plot_sp = TRUE`
#' @param color_pool a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the
#' color of the pool. This color is also used for FRic convex hull color.
#' Default: `color_pool = "#0072B2"`.
#' @param color_sp a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the color
#' of species if one assemblage to plot or a vector of R color names or
#' hexadecimal codes if several assemblages to plot. If more than one
#' assemblage to plot, the vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 =
#' "firstRcolorname", asb2 = "secondRcolorname", ...).
#' @param color_center a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the
#' color of the center of the global pool.
#' @param color_segment a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the
#' color of the segments linking each species of a given assemblage to the
#' center of functional space if one assemblage to plot or a vector of R color
#' names or hexadecimal codes if several assemblages to plot. If more than one
#' assemblage to plot, the vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 =
#' "firstRcolorname", asb2 = "secondRcolorname", ...).
#' @param fill_pool a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the
#' colour to fill species symbol (if \code{shape_sp} > 20) and the assemblage
#' convex hull.
#' @param fill_sp a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the color
#' of species symbol filling (if \code{shape_sp} > 20) if one assemblage to
#' plot or a vector of R color names or hexadecimal codes if several
#' assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the vector should
#' be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRcolorname", asb2 = "secondRcolorname",
#' ...).
#' @param fill_center a R color name or an hexadecimal code referring to the
#' colour to fill the center of the global pool (if \code{shape_sp} > 20).
#' @param shape_pool a numeric value referring to the shape used to plot
#' species pool.
#' @param shape_sp a numeric value referring to the shape of the symbol used for
#' species plotting if one assemblage to plot or a vector numeric values if
#' several assemblages to plot. If more than one assemblage to plot, the
#' vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 = "firstRshape", asb2 =
#' "secondRshape", ...).
#' @param shape_center a numeric value referring to the shape used to plot the
#' center of the global pool.
#' @param size_pool a numeric value referring to the size of species belonging
#' to the global pool.
#' @param size_center a numeric value referring to the size of the center of
#' the global pool.
#' @param width_segment a numeric value referring to the
#' width of the segments linking each species of a given assemblage to the
#' center of functional space if one assemblage to plot or a vector of R color
#' names or hexadecimal codes if several assemblages to plot. If more than one
#' assemblage to plot, the vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 =
#' "firstRwidth", asb2 = "secondRwidth", ...).
#' @param linetype_segment a character string referring to the
#' linetype of the segment linking each species of a given assemblage to the
#' center of functional space if one assemblage to plot or a vector of R color
#' names or hexadecimal codes if several assemblages to plot. If more than one
#' assemblage to plot, the vector should be formatted as: c(asb1 =
#' "firstRlinetype", asb2 = "secondRlinetype", ...).
#' @return A ggplot object with FSpe index on the background plot.
#' @author Camille Magneville and Sebastien Villeger
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Load Species*Traits dataframe:
#' data("fruits_traits", package = "mFD")
#' # Load Assemblages*Species dataframe:
#' data("baskets_fruits_weights", package = "mFD")
#' # Load Traits categories dataframe:
#' data("fruits_traits_cat", package = "mFD")
#' # Compute functional distance
#' sp_dist_fruits <- mFD::funct.dist(sp_tr = fruits_traits,
#' tr_cat = fruits_traits_cat,
#' metric = "gower",
#' scale_euclid = "scale_center",
#' ordinal_var = "classic",
#' weight_type = "equal",
#' stop_if_NA = TRUE)
#' # Compute functional spaces quality to retrieve species coordinates matrix:
#' fspaces_quality_fruits <- mFD::quality.fspaces(sp_dist = sp_dist_fruits,
#' maxdim_pcoa = 10,
#' deviation_weighting = "absolute",
#' fdist_scaling = FALSE,
#' fdendro = "average")
#' # Retrieve species coordinates matrix:
#' sp_faxes_coord_fruits <- fspaces_quality_fruits$details_fspaces$sp_pc_coord
#' # Set faxes limits:
#' # set range of axes if c(NA, NA):
#' range_sp_coord_fruits <- range(sp_faxes_coord_fruits)
#' range_faxes_lim <- range_sp_coord_fruits +
#' c(-1, 1)*(range_sp_coord_fruits[2] -
#' range_sp_coord_fruits[1]) * 0.05
#' # Retrieve the background plot:
#' ggplot_bg_fruits <- mFD::background.plot(
#' range_faxes = range_faxes_lim,
#' faxes_nm = c("PC 1", "PC 2"),
#' color_bg = "grey90")
#' # Retrieve the matrix of species coordinates for "basket_1" and PC1 and PC2
#' sp_filter <- mFD::sp.filter(asb_nm = "basket_1",
#' sp_faxes_coord = sp_faxes_coord_fruits,
#' asb_sp_w = baskets_fruits_weights)
#' fruits_asb_sp_coord_b1 <- sp_filter$`species coordinates`
#' fruits_asb_sp_coord2D_b1 <- fruits_asb_sp_coord_b1[, c("PC1", "PC2")]
#' # Use alpha.fd.multidim() function to get inputs to plot FIde:
#' alpha_fd_indices_fruits <- mFD::alpha.fd.multidim(
#' sp_faxes_coord = sp_faxes_coord_fruits[, c("PC1", "PC2", "PC3", "PC4")],
#' asb_sp_w = baskets_fruits_weights,
#' ind_vect = c("fspe"),
#' scaling = TRUE,
#' check_input = TRUE,
#' details_returned = TRUE)
#' # Retrieve nearest neighbor(s) names through alpha.fd.multidim outputs:
#' fruits_center_coord2D <-
#' alpha_fd_indices_fruits$details$pool_O_coord[c("PC1", "PC2")]
#' # Retrieve FNND plot:
#' fspe_plot <- fspe.plot(ggplot_bg = ggplot_bg_fruits,
#' asb_sp_coord2D = list(basket_1 = fruits_asb_sp_coord2D_b1),
#' asb_sp_relatw = list(basket_1 = fruits_asb_sp_relatw_b1),
#' center_coord2D = fruits_center_coord2D,
#' pool_coord2D = sp_faxes_coord_fruits[, c("PC1", "PC2")],
#' plot_pool = TRUE,
#' plot_sp = TRUE,
#' shape_sp = 16,
#' color_sp = "red",
#' fill_sp = "red",
#' shape_pool = 4,
#' size_pool = 2,
#' color_pool = "grey",
#' fill_pool = "grey",
#' color_center = "blue",
#' fill_center = "blue",
#' shape_center = 18,
#' size_center = 3,
#' color_segment = list(basket_1 = "red"),
#' width_segment = list(basket_1 = 1),
#' linetype_segment = list(basket_1 = "solid"))
#' fspe_plot
#' }
fspe.plot <- function(ggplot_bg,
plot_pool = TRUE,
plot_sp = TRUE,
shape_pool, size_pool, color_pool, fill_pool,
shape_sp, color_sp, fill_sp,
color_center, fill_center,
shape_center, size_center,
color_segment, width_segment, linetype_segment) {
# names of assemblages:
asb_nm <- names(asb_sp_coord2D)
## plotting layers ####
# default plot is background:
ggplot_fspe <- ggplot_bg
# plotting species of the pool if required:
if (plot_pool) {
ggplot_fspe <- pool.plot(ggplot_bg = ggplot_fspe,
sp_coord2D = pool_coord2D,
vertices_nD = NULL,
shape_pool = shape_pool, size_pool = size_pool,
color_pool = color_pool, fill_pool = fill_pool)
# plotting species if required:
if(plot_sp) {
ggplot_fspe <- sp.plot(ggplot_bg = ggplot_fspe,
asb_sp_coord2D = asb_sp_coord2D,
asb_vertices_nD = NULL,
asb_sp_relatw = asb_sp_relatw,
shape_sp = shape_sp,
color_sp = color_sp,
fill_sp = fill_sp)
# coordinates of center of functional space:
center_xy <- data.frame(x = center_coord2D[1], y = center_coord2D[2],
row.names = NULL )
# plotting distance to center of space:
for (k in asb_nm) {
# coordinates of segments to center of functional space:
k_sptocenter_xyxy <- data.frame(x = asb_sp_coord2D[[k]][, 1],
y = asb_sp_coord2D[[k]][, 2],
xend = center_xy[1, 1],
yend = center_xy[1, 2])
# plotting segments:
x <- NULL
y <- NULL
xend <- NULL
yend <- NULL
ggplot_fspe <- ggplot_fspe +
ggplot2::geom_segment(data = k_sptocenter_xyxy,
ggplot2::aes(x = x , y = y, xend = xend,
yend = yend),
colour = color_segment[[k]],
size = width_segment[[k]],
linetype = linetype_segment[[k]])
# plotting center of space:
ggplot_fspe <- ggplot_fspe +
ggplot2::geom_point(data = center_xy, ggplot2::aes(x = x , y = y),
colour = color_center, fill = fill_center,
shape = shape_center, size = size_center)
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